How to reduce appetite to lose weight? 10 tips

Today, so many diets have been invented that those who are losing weight have only one thing left to do: choose the most suitable weight loss program for them and simply follow its rules. Easy to say, right? But for some reason, the last thing the creators of various diets think about is what to do with the treacherous feeling of hunger. And we thought! And we present to you an article on how to reduce appetite and lose weight. Now you won’t break down due to an uncontrollable desire to snack on something forbidden and will achieve your goal of saying goodbye to those hated kilograms.

We will not force you to go on a hunger strike or refuse to eat. We are human too and we understand perfectly well how difficult it can be to control your appetite during a strict diet. But reducing the desire to eat something “not according to the script” will not hurt anyone losing weight. It will be especially important for many to learn how to reduce appetite in the evening. The reason is known to everyone - many diets call for giving up dinner, while hiding where to put the desire to eat along with the evening meal.

Traditional medicine on guard against hunger

One of the most popular questions among those who decide to lose weight is how to reduce appetite using folk remedies. Why is this so relevant? Firstly, almost any diet makes you sigh sadly at the thought of your favorite dishes and satiety. And secondly, it is traditional medicine that, even in the age of modern technology, is extremely popular.

This is understandable, because various herbs are time-tested, effective and accessible. This means they can be safely used to fight against hunger, which prevents you from losing weight. So what herbs reduce appetite and how to use them correctly? We offer you the most popular and effective means to reduce your appetite without harming your body.

  • A mixture of 5 herbs that can be found in any pharmacy has gained great popularity. To prepare this remedy, you will need 50 g of all these herbs, taken in equal quantities. They need to be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water and left in a thermos for 3 hours. It is recommended to drink this infusion in 150 ml doses. a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • Another effective infusion will help reduce appetite at home. The cooking technology is similar to the previous recipe, only the composition will be different. You will need 50 g of a mixture of St. John's wort, rose hips, strawberry leaves and thorn flowers. They also need to be filled with 1.5 cups of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. When the time is up, all that remains is to strain the product and take 100 ml before meals.
  • Regular parsley is widely used for weight loss and appetite suppression. If you are reading our article during the summer, then you are doubly lucky, because you can use fresh greens in your fight against appetite. Although the dried plant will also be effective. The recipe for the product is very simple: you need to brew 2 tsp in a glass of boiling water. parsley for 15 minutes. After cooling and straining, divide the broth into two parts - to take it in the morning and in the evening. It is not difficult to reduce your appetite in order to lose weight with the help of parsley - this will require regular use of a decoction based on it for 2 weeks.
  • Often, herbs that reduce appetite and suppress a nagging feeling of hunger are used as tea. For example, this is how corn silk is used. Boil 4 pieces in 500 ml. water and leave the prepared tea in a cool place for a day. This drink is filtered and used half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. By the way, such tea acts not only as a folk remedy, but also as a pharmaceutical preparation.
  • An infusion of sage is also quick to prepare and promotes weight loss by satisfying hunger without harming your figure. Just pour 1 tbsp. l. sage with a glass of boiling water and leave the product for 20 minutes. In order to reduce appetite, you need to drink 2 tbsp. l. before eating.
  • If you are wondering which herb effectively reduces appetite, the answer is the familiar nettle. To prepare a plant-based product, brew it with 1 tbsp. l. 250 ml. boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After this, strain the drink and drink it in a dosage of 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. This remedy will not only help reduce appetite, but also have a beneficial effect on digestion.

How to suppress your appetite

Follow the principles of proper nutrition: eat little but often, even if you are not hungry. “Playing ahead” is one of the best ways to control your appetite. The main thing is that the food is healthy.


Some plants help fight compulsive overeating. True, they should not be abused: most of these herbs have a laxative effect, which means they can remove not only harmful substances from the body, but also beneficial vitamins and minerals. So, what to drink to reduce appetite:

  • Milk thistle:
    5 grams of dry herb per glass of water. This plant works in several directions at once: improves metabolism, has a laxative effect, and restores the liver.
  • Flaxseed oil (can be replaced with flaxseed). It contains a lot of so-called mucus, which envelops the walls of the stomach, suppressing appetite. In addition, flaxseed oil and seeds cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. How to curb your appetite with flaxseed oil? It’s very simple - take one tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • Parsley. Chop the greens and place them in boiling water. The proportions are as follows: 2 teaspoons of herb per glass of liquid. Boil the parsley for 15 minutes, then cool the broth. Take the resulting infusion half a glass half an hour before meals.
  • Celery. The roots are usually used in salads, and the leaves are needed for an appetite-reducing decoction. They need to be finely chopped and placed in boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water. After boiling for five minutes, strain, and then add more water to replenish the volume. An hour before meals, drink 125 ml of decoction. The result will not be long in coming, because celery is exactly what reduces appetite and helps you lose weight. And it is also very tasty!
  • Wheat bran.
    This, of course, is not a herb, but we will prepare an infusion from them. For two hundred grams of dry matter, take a liter of water; after boiling, the infusion must be boiled for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink ⅛ liter an hour before each meal.
  • Propolis.
    How to reduce appetite at home with its help? There is nothing simpler: you need to pour a little grass with alcohol and leave it for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take only 5 milliliters half an hour before meals. The advantage of this method is that the alcohol tincture of propolis envelops and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Disadvantages - sometimes there is a laxative effect. If you encounter such a side effect, stop taking the tincture.


We have already mentioned that fruits and vegetables help fight overeating. But some of them are worth paying special attention to. At the same time, you can learn how to quit smoking and not gain weight.

The group of the lowest-calorie vegetables and fruits that cleanse the body of toxins and normalize metabolism includes pineapples, oranges, grapes, cherries, grapefruit, figs, lemon, and blueberries. And also cabbage, zucchini and potatoes. All of these are natural helpers in the fight against appetite.


Sport can control your appetite. Here is a list of exercises that help you distract yourself, relax and prevent overeating:

  • Wave.
    Sit on a high-backed chair, put your legs together, relax. As you inhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible, hold this position for three seconds, and then exhale slowly. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles. Repeat the exercise 50 times.
  • Frog. While sitting on the same chair, lean forward a little. The body is relaxed, elbows rest on knees, palms are joined and extended forward. Tilt your head to the right and left - 30 times in both directions.
  • Lotus. Remain on the chair in the same position, only now your hands are not on your knees, but are extended in front of you, palms down. Don't move, think about pleasant things. Five minutes and your breathing will become smoother, your body will become relaxed, and your hunger will become almost unnoticeable.
This is interesting: Foods with negative calories will help you burn excess fat. And our signature diet will consolidate the results!

How to reduce your appetite at night

During the day, digestion is more active than at other times of the day. Therefore, it is optimal to always have breakfast and lunch. otherwise, hunger will simply drive you to the refrigerator in the evening in search of something nutritious. It’s good if it’s an apple or a cucumber, but a cutlet or sausage definitely won’t lead to anything good. There are other tips on how to properly protect yourself from overeating before bed.

  • Go for walks in the evenings. Fresh air will relax you, and a change of activities will take your mind off thoughts of treats.
  • It is permissible to enjoy only dark chocolate. Everything else is strictly prohibited. After all, the more sugar in a product, the more it whets your appetite.
  • To distract yourself from the urge to eat, take a relaxing bath with sea salt and essential oils.
  • Essential oils themselves are a powerful remedy for eliminating increased appetite. You can simply smell or inhale them, you can warm them in an aroma lamp, you can moisten parts of your clothes with them. By placing a container of oil near your bed, you will definitely make your sleep peaceful and deep. The best for weight loss are juniper, apple, chocolate, coffee, mint and peach oils.
  • For dinner before bed, it is better to enjoy a salad of seasonal vegetables, adding sprouted grains to it. Now they can be purchased in almost every supermarket.
  • To reduce your appetite before bed, you can drink green tea. The main thing is that it does not contain any aromatic or flavoring additives. If you really can’t bear to drink unsweetened tea, you can sweeten it slightly with stevia.
  • The hormones arginine and lysine are responsible for the breakdown of fats during sleep; they begin to work an hour after you enter the deep sleep phase. However, you can speed up the process if you consume food rich in these substances in the evening. For example, milk is full of lysine. Therefore, by drinking a glass of this product, only low-fat, you will get rid of the feeling of hunger, and also start the process of losing weight earlier.

Now that you have learned how to reduce your appetite, losing weight will become much easier. The main thing is not to reproach yourself for failures. Next time everything will definitely work out!

Slimming scents

In the list of folk remedies for quickly reducing appetite, essential oils are also popular. How do they work? Some aromas have the unique property of reducing the production of gastric juice and also affecting the part of the brain responsible for satiety. Due to this, a decrease in appetite occurs. Perhaps this list contains your favorite scents:

  • citrus;
  • ginger;
  • marjoram;
  • cinnamon;
  • caraway;
  • celery;
  • almond.

These appetite-reducing aromas add optimism to any diet - it's great when such simple methods help you lose weight.

How to reduce your appetite with water

Drinking water before meals is a good way to trick your body into reducing your appetite. We drink a glass of water (it has zero calories) before each meal, this will help us eat less, because the stomach will already be partially full. After this little trick, overeating is less likely.

You can start your meal with a serving of vegetable salad , which will also help us not overeat and is low in calories.

Read: How to drink water throughout the day to lose weight

Another trick to reduce your appetite to lose weight at home is chewing your food thoroughly . Our body is designed in such a way that the signal that we have eaten reaches the brain within 15 minutes. Therefore, if a person eats quickly enough, he does not have time to feel full in time, which is fraught with overeating.

Chewing your food thoroughly gives you a chance to eat less and be full. In addition, it will be easier for the stomach to digest well-chewed food and this will have a positive effect on its functioning.

Let's look in the refrigerator to reduce your appetite

What could you eat to reduce your desire to eat? Sounds absurd? By the way, many products can suppress appetite without harming your figure. The principle of this technique is based on the fact that you consume foods that reduce appetite and quickly suppress hunger, while getting a minimum number of calories. This way, you will not eat anything harmful, because hunger will not bother you.

Here is a treasured list of products that promote weight loss by reducing appetite:

  • seafood and fish;
  • spices and herbs;
  • apples, pears, pineapples, grapes and oranges;
  • strawberries, blueberries and cherries;
  • figs;
  • lemon;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • light low-calorie soup;
  • lean meat treats;
  • fresh red and green vegetables;

But among drinks that reduce appetite, low-fat kefir occupies a leading position. Green tea and plain water drunk half an hour before meals will also be effective.

Herbs and folk recipes that help reduce appetite.


Tea from this plant eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time. In addition, nettle has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from tissues. This helps reduce excess weight.


A decoction from the plant will help you cope more easily with the bad habit of unscheduled snacking. It is also useful to add fresh parsley to various dishes. It perfectly normalizes metabolism.

Celery . This plant inhibits hunger well and improves metabolic processes in the body. It is useful to add it fresh to various dishes and use it in decoctions before meals.

Buzulnik . Decoctions are prepared from this plant. They effectively reduce hunger and reduce excessive cravings for food.

Milk thistle.

The dried and powdered seeds of the plant are used to reduce excess weight. The biologically active substances contained in milk thistle prevent the deposition of fats in the body. Take it before meals (1-2 teaspoons) with water.

Althea . The dried root is crushed and an infusion is prepared. (For one tablespoon of raw material, take 300 ml of boiling water). Leave in a water bath for at least 20 minutes. Take the infusion before meals. It prevents the penetration of fats into the intestinal walls and eliminates hunger.

Angelica officinalis . To reduce appetite and lose weight, use an alcohol or aqueous solution of crushed root. This product coats the stomach, prevents the formation of fat and creates a feeling of fullness. As a result, a person eats less food and loses weight.

What whets your appetite

Then the opposite question arises: what foods, on the contrary, stimulate the feeling of hunger and insidiously force you to eat more food than this or that diet allows?

Here are the worst enemies of proper nutrition and weight loss:

  • salo;
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • cream;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • flour products;
  • sweets.

It’s natural to want to eat, but you can cheat a little and reduce this desire during a diet. The best part is that you don’t starve, but eat a balanced and healthy diet, and at the same time control your appetite and weight.

About medications: how to reduce your appetite and whether you need to do it

Let's not hide: there are many drugs that help control appetite and reduce weight. Among them are both harmless dietary supplements and quite serious medications. But we do not recommend getting carried away with such chemistry. You'll lose your appetite and you'll only create a lot of other problems.

  • " Turboslim ". This drug is not a complete medicine. This is a millet biological supplement that helps you feel less hungry. It is not physically addictive, so it is fashionable to take it for quite a long time. There are day and night versions of the tablets. In addition, they even out the emotional state, improve mood, and eliminate sensitivity to stress.
  • " Xenical ". This remedy is called one of the best for weight loss. It speeds up digestion, but at the same time prevents fat from being completely broken down. Therefore, they are excreted in feces mainly unchanged.
  • " Porziola ". These capsules are quite popular, but they have clear side effects. When taken for a long time, they can cause stagnation in the intestines.
  • " Rimonabant ". The tablets have a direct, complex effect on the body. Firstly, they powerfully suppress the feeling of hunger, and secondly, they stimulate metabolic processes as much as possible. This will require constant monitoring of hormonal levels, as the side effects can be really serious.

Increased blood pressure, nervous and mental disorders, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing - this is not a complete list of side effects that occur when taking these drugs. Therefore, to the question “How to suppress your appetite in order to lose weight?” We answer unequivocally: only with natural means!

We ask the pharmacist for help

Today, a variety of methods are aimed at combating appetite, and one of the most popular is pharmaceutical medications. It would seem that it could be simpler: I took a pill and forgot about hunger. But are they all safe?

Some reviews say that dietary supplements and vitamin complexes may have side effects. Such undesirable symptoms in adults include headache, hypertension and nervous disorder.

You need to take a responsible approach to choosing appetite suppressant pills: consultation with a specialist will be necessary. Only a doctor can tell you from a professional point of view which pills are right for you in order to curb your appetite without harmful effects on the body.

We only provide a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs that have proven themselves to be effective and safe in helping reduce appetite:

  • The list of drugs that reduce appetite includes Dietrin. It not only reduces hunger, but also contains fat-burning components. The use of this product requires a complete abstinence from coffee. But even for avid coffee drinkers, this sacrifice is easy, if you don’t forget that it is for the benefit of a slim figure.
  • A popular drug is Evalar, which you have probably heard about. This tea effectively reduces appetite and thereby provides you with a gentle weight loss process. It is recommended to use this remedy 2-4 times a day to dull the feeling of hunger. However, Evalar tea is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Citrimax helps burn excess fat. Its effect is based on the fact that metabolism is normalized and a laxative and choleretic effect is provided. The dosage of the drug is 1 tablet twice a day. This remedy reduces appetite and is most often prescribed to people with obesity and cellulite.
  • Medicines such as Sibutramine, Lorcaserin and Fluoxetine affect the hunger center in the brain. The principle of their action is simple - under their influence, the level of the hormone serotonin increases and a feeling of satiety is imitated. Reviews of people losing weight on this group of drugs indicate that this deception of the brain works.
  • Popular fat burning drugs are thermogenics. They are widespread among athletes, as, together with appetite suppression, they increase endurance and motivate physical activity. These drugs include Dinitrophenol, Caffeine and Ephedrine.
  • If you ask your doctor what reduces appetite by controlling insulin in the blood, the wise doctor will tell you about glucagon inhibitors. As a rule, they are used for obesity or diabetes. Such drugs include Pramlintide, Liraglutide and Exenatide.

Self-medication in the matter of how to reduce appetite can result in negative consequences. Therefore, if you decide to resort to pharmaceutical drugs, be sure to consult your doctor. A visit to a specialist will also be useful if you are constantly hungry - a professional will figure out the reason for the feeling of hunger.

Foods that reduce appetite

Nutritionists warn that active consumption of fruits and vegetables helps reduce appetite. At the same time, the fruits have a positive effect on the entire body - the high content of vitamins, microelements, and plant fiber promotes the active functioning of all organs.

Before you get rid of your appetite in order to lose weight, you should carefully understand the main qualities recommended by nutritionists for correcting the figure of fruits:

  • Grapefruits. Promote the saturation of cells with oxygen, replenish the deficiency of vitamins and mineral elements.
  • Figs Saturates the body with slow-acting carbohydrates that provide long-lasting satiety, is easily digested, and prevents you from gaining extra pounds.
  • A pineapple. The pineapple fruit is a source of vitamin B, which activates the digestive process and accelerates metabolism.
  • Cherry. It eliminates the accumulation of toxic elements that cause obesity and actively cleanses the body of harmful compounds.
  • Lemon. It starts the process of burning fat deposits and has a positive effect on the metabolism of protein elements.
  • Banana. It is considered a source of minerals, effectively maintains blood sugar at the proper level, dulls appetite for a long time, and prevents the accumulation of fatty tissue.
  • Orange. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of obesity. Before you reduce your appetite to lose weight with oranges, you should remember that citrus is not recommended for use if you have stomach diseases - the fruits contain elements that can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and unpleasant discomfort in the abdominal area.
  • Apples. They have a low glycemic index, thanks to which they actively deal with fat deposits, prevent excess weight gain, and relieve hunger and insatiable appetite.
  • Grape. The elements that berries abound in activate the process of removing excess fluid from the body, prevent the formation of swelling, and normalize stool.

It is not necessary to give preference only to fruits - some vegetables are considered no less useful for losing weight and increasing appetite. Cabbage is a leader in burning fat deposits and reducing hunger. The vegetable is low in calories, well digestible, reduces appetite and even protects against the accumulation of fatty tissue.

How to suppress appetite while losing weight with other vegetables? The second level of vegetables that relieve hunger is occupied by zucchini. Vegetables have one important feature that is useful in body shaping - they accumulate elements in the body that prevent obesity. Eating zucchini dishes allows you to not feel hungry for a long time, prevent overeating, and get rid of cravings for sweets and appetite.

Potatoes will bring no less benefit when losing weight (it is recommended to use this vegetable carefully - many diets recommend eliminating potato dishes from the diet), which promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. The only warning is that it is better to use potatoes for preparing first courses and side dishes; fried vegetables have a high calorie content.

Be sure to include dairy products in your diet. When adhering to a healthy diet for weight loss, it is recommended to give preference to fermented milk drinks - kefir, yogurt (it is better to consume a homemade product that does not contain sugar, flavoring additives, or fruit particles). Whole milk and butter are taboo foods that cause appetite and provoke hunger.

Tricks from psychologists

You can ask a psychologist why you constantly want to eat. Maybe the reason lies in psychological problems. Today, many people eat stress or complexes - and an experienced psychologist will help you get rid of this condition.

Doctors know more than one method on how to outwit the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite when there is no psychological problem. We advise you to take note!

  • In the fight against appetite, everything matters, even the color of the dishes. Psychologists are sure that you can overcome the feeling of hunger with the help of blue, blue, burgundy and black plates and cups. It has been proven that these colors go worst with the color of almost any food. And the amount eaten directly depends on the aesthetic appearance of the dish.
  • You won’t want to eat unhealthy and high-calorie foods if you simply don’t have them in your kitchen. We have already written about foods that can burn excess weight by reducing appetite—we recommend filling your refrigerator with them.
  • The size of the plates is also responsible for decreased appetite. It is logical that in a large dish, a dietary portion will look unconvincing, and your hand will reach out for more. It turns out that the cry of the soul “I really want to eat all the time” can be drowned out only by buying small plates.
  • One of the most harmful habits that contribute to excess weight gain is eating while watching TV or reading a book. This way you don’t feel full, taste or smell food, and you also get used to chewing something during these activities.
  • There are some simple techniques that are effective in reducing appetite and weight loss. And one of the most enjoyable of them, according to psychologists, is viewing family photos. You can put your favorite frame on your computer screensaver or print it out and hang it on the wall. As a rule, pleasant memories linger in this place for more than one year and create a positive psychological climate.
  • The most useful “seasoning” in a healthy menu that promotes weight loss is the correct psychological attitude. Replace all prohibitions and painful dietary restrictions with the principle “I choose.” You choose large portions, a moderate appetite and a slim figure, right?
  • Reward yourself for your achievements in losing weight and for being able to resist another harmful and completely unnecessary meal. Moreover, reward yourself not with food, but with pleasant surprises like an aromatic bath or a walk with your loved one.
  • Make every meal mindful and stop eating at the first feeling of fullness.
  • Psychologists are convinced that the brain may not distinguish between what is happening in reality and what is clearly visualized in the imagination. This fact is used in practice by many anorexics. Of course, the technique should not be taken to extremes, but within reasonable limits it is very effective. You just need to vividly imagine the picture of a meal with a forbidden, but at the same time desirable product, and in large portions.
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