What workout intensity suits you best?

There are 2 types of loads: low and high intensity.
Exercises with low intensity will help burn more fat, and with high intensity, they will quickly burn calories.

For those who want to quickly lose weight by 2, 5, 7.10 kg, the most important thing for them is how many calories will be spent during training. To make it clearer, let's give an example:

  • The woman works as a school teacher and walks to work every day. Her weight is 75kg. Walking 3 km from home to work in 30 minutes, she burns 110 kcal.
  • And so, if you run this distance in 15 minutes, you will burn only 165 kcal, and if it is an easy jog for the same 30 minutes, you will burn 330 kcal. So which exercises burn the most calories?
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