Health benefits of Golden apples

Composition and nutritional value

Apples contain about 70% water, micro- and macroelements.
The composition of the fruit is also rich in phosphorus, chromium, calcium, molybdenum, potassium, iodine, iron, fluorine, sulfur, vanadium, carotene, nickel, starch and organic acids. All varieties of apples contain vitamins A, B, E, P. The presence of vitamin C, the antioxidant quercetin, and pectin in the fruit helps cleanse the body of carcinogens and toxins. Dietary fiber contained in apples of different varieties is especially valued, due to which the use of this fruit improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Just 2 - 3 apples saturate the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements and other valuable and necessary substances.

Nutritional value of 100 g is:

  • proteins – 0.4 g (2 kcal);
  • fats – 0.4 g (4 kcal);
  • carbohydrates – 9.8 g (39 kcal).

The energy value of apples is 47 kcal per 100 g.

Apples are on the list of foods that have “negative” calories. When digesting fruits, the body expends much more energy than it receives. In addition, due to the significant fiber content in these fruits, which slows down the absorption of other nutrients, a person feels a long-term feeling of fullness.

A green apple has slightly less calories than a red apple. In the first case – 37 kcal, in the second – 10 units more. This is due to the higher sugar content in red fruits. A yellow apple of a sweet variety has an energy value of 45 to 50 kcal, a sour variety - no more than 40 kcal.

With frequent consumption of fruits, the functioning of the digestive tract organs is normalized, fat burning processes are accelerated, and liver function is improved. Read about the nutritional composition of apples in our publication.

How many calories are in apples of different varieties?

More than 2,000 varieties of apples are known, differing in color and taste. The popularity of these fruits is due to their year-round availability, low cost and rich vitamin composition. In cooking, the Golden variety with a calorie content of 53 kcal per 100 g is often used for preparing desserts, salads and baked goods.

Indicators for different varieties:

  • Granny Smith - 48 kcal;
  • “Gala” – 54 kcal;
  • “Semerenko” – 40 kcal;
  • “Ranetki” – 47 kcal;
  • “Idared” – 50 kcal;
  • “Antonovka” – 48 kcal;
  • “White pouring” – 47 kcal.

how many calories are in a baked apple

It is recommended to include more acidic varieties in the diet. If you eat one piece of fruit 20 minutes before lunch or dinner, you will absorb almost 200 fewer calories from your food. The nutritional value depends on the size of the fruit, so a kitchen scale will help you determine the exact value. Read about the calorie content of fruits here.

Description of the variety where Golden apples grow

The Golden tree is of medium height, but among the representatives of the variety there are dwarf and tall forms.
Young plants are distinguished by a cone-shaped crown, which at a more mature age, under the weight of apples, takes on a rounded shape. Sometimes the fruit branches of the Golden Apple tree hang so low that the tree resembles a willow. The trunk is covered with dense, smooth bark of a bluish tint. The shoots are brown with green veins and are particularly thick; they are slightly pubescent, with oval lentils. The bright green leaves are formed by a smooth leaf blade and serrated edges. Slightly pubescent with lanceolate stipules, they sit on long petioles. The shape of the Golden leaf is oval: round at the base, elongated towards the tip.

After budding (grafting with an eye), fruiting of the seedling begins in 2-3 years. If the purchased variety is already grafted, the flower buds will open in the year of planting. But it is advisable to remove them so that the apple tree becomes stronger and begins its active growth.

Excellent yields of Golden apples are observed for 10 years, then the number of fruits directly depends on the quality of care and the implementation of all necessary agrotechnical measures. Climate indicators play a role. The duration of Golden fruiting is 15-20 years.

Apples are characterized by the following indicators:

  • average weight up to 170 g;
  • round-conical shape;
  • dense skin with a rough surface;
  • light green or golden yellow color;
  • dense and at the same time juicy pulp with a sweet taste.

This is a winter variety; apples are harvested at the end of October. They have good shelf life and do not lose their commercial quality until mid-spring if properly stored.

The Golden apple tree is capable of growing and producing excellent yields only in warm climatic zones. In the USA and some European countries, Golden apples are grown on an industrial scale. Goldens grow in Moldova, from where they come to Russia.

Subspecies of the variety

Calorie table for apples per 100 grams

More details about the energy value of healthy and tasty fruits can be found in the table of calorie content per 100 g.

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The average energy value of an apple is about 47 calories per 100 g. One small fruit can weigh about 80 g and contain up to 42 kcal, while a large apple weighing about 200 g can contain 100 kcal. However, caloric content may differ in different varieties of apples. This is due to the percentage of sugar contained in a particular variety.


Green apples are firmer and more sour and contain less sugar, which is the reason for their low calorie content. The average energy value of a green apple is approximately 36 calories per 100 g. One small apple of this variety has 32 kcal per 100 g, a medium-sized fruit has 50 kcal, and a large one has 72 kcal.

Granny Smith

The name of the variety translates as “Granny Smith.” The birthplace of the apple is Australia. The variety is now popular all over the world. Large fruits weigh up to 300 g, have different shapes, are oval or round. The color of apples is mainly green with a yellow tint. In a sunny place, sometimes a red blush appears on the fruits. Apples of this variety have a sweet and sour taste. A feature of the variety is the lack of aroma.

Calorie content per 100 g of fruit is 48 kcal. It is not recommended to use apples of this variety if you have digestive problems. The seeds of the fruit are poisonous and should not be eaten.


Red apples have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Due to their high fiber and pectin content, red apples help normalize the gastrointestinal tract. The inclusion of this variety of apples in the daily diet helps prevent cancer pathologies. The calorie content of a red apple per 100 g is from 48 to 52 kcal.


Yellow varieties of apples have softer flesh and a specific taste. Yellow varieties of apples are especially rich in pectin, contain a lot of sugar and few iron compounds, promote bile secretion, and improve liver function. The calorie content of yellow apples is 72 kcal per 100g.

The apple is golden

The composition of the golden variety is rich, including vitamins A, B, C, choline, folic acid, pectin, flavonoids, fiber, sucrose, fructose and other micro- and macroelements. The average weight of a fruit of this variety is 180 g, the calorie content of a golden apple in one fruit is about 86 kcal. One fruit also contains 0.9 g protein, 0.9 g fat, 17.8 g carbohydrates.

The fruit is successfully used to prevent skin diseases, rheumatism, and atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of golden apples helps improve immunity. Apple seeds contain substances that prevent cancer.

This apple variety is also known as ranet. The peculiarity of these fruits is their asymmetrical shape and small black growths on the apple itself. The fruit is very tasty and dietary. Ripe fruits are bright green, green or yellowish in color. They are usually medium in size, rarely large. The apple pulp is white, juicy, sour with a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

The average weight of one Semerenko apple is 150 g. The calorie content of one fruit of this variety reaches up to 55.5 kcal in one apple. The fruit contains 0.6 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat, 13.5 g of carbohydrates.

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The energy value of 100 g of dried apples is higher than that of fresh ones - 200 - 235 kcal per 100 g.


The calorie content of baked fruits does not differ from the calorie content of fresh fruits. If apples are baked with sugar and honey, the caloric content is increased due to additives. The calorie content of baked apples without sugar is approximately 60 kcal per 100 g, with the addition of honey - 130 kcal per 100 g, with sugar - 150 kcal. Eating baked apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels.


Pickled apples retain vitamins and nutrients, and the calorie content is 47 kcal per 100 g of product. Pickled apples help normalize intestinal microflora. The product contains plant fibers and cellulose, ascorbic acid (helps strengthen the immune system).

In apple juice

Apple juice contains easily digestible carbohydrates, sugar, organic acids, dietary fiber, proteins and fats. The juice is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The content of iron, pectin and fruit acid in the juice is especially significant. The calorie content of apple juice is 42 kcal per 100 g of product.

In apple compote

The drink contains vitamins B, A, C, iron, folic acid, magnesium. Apple compote is useful for the treatment of arthritis, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and bladder. Use apple compote when following a diet. The drink increases hemoglobin levels and eliminates symptoms of low stomach acidity. The calorie content of apple compote is 85 kcal per 100 g.

In apple jam

The calorie content of apple jam is 265 kcal per 100 g. The aromatic and healthy product contains 0.4 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 68.2 g of carbohydrates.

In applesauce

The flavor of applesauce can be sour or sweet, depending on the variety of apple used. The calorie content of the product per 100 g is 82 kcal. Proteins in the composition - 0.6 g, fats - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 19.0 g.

In Charlotte

The calorie content of charlotte with apples is determined by the type of apples used. Apple pie contains flour, sugar and eggs. The energy value of baked goods varies depending on the products consumed. On average, the calorie content of charlotte with apples is about 160 kcal per 100 g of pie. The calorie content of baked goods with sour cream is 222 kcal, with cinnamon – 143 kcal, with butter – 169 kcal.

Tree care

Includes traditional activities, without which apple yields drop sharply. A large “basket” of apples can be collected by carrying out all the necessary agrotechnical measures during the growing season.

Pruning begins immediately after planting, shortening the seedling by 1-2 buds. Then, formative pruning is carried out annually, removing shoots directed deeper into the crown to minimize its thickening.

We suggest you read: How to properly keep apples fresh for the winter at home

Every year, an additional central shoot is formed on the Golden apple tree, which should be removed, controlling the number of skeletal branches. Sanitary, rejuvenating pruning is important, in which old, diseased or improperly growing branches are removed.

The Golden apple tree needs watering, which is carried out 3-4 times per season; before the start of sap flow, until the buds open, before the apple tree blossoms, during the formation of fruits, in the fall, in preparation for the winter season. 3-4 buckets of water are poured under each tree.


Fertilizers are not needed if the tree grows on black soil, but on poor soils their application is very important. The sequence of feeding is as follows:

  1. In spring, for the growth of apple trees, nitrogen is needed, which is added in the form of urea or mullein infusion is used.
  2. During the fruiting period, they are fertilized with a phosphorus-potassium mixture, which is poured in liquid form into grooves dug around the tree trunk.
  3. In autumn, the Golden tree is watered abundantly and mulched with humus. In spring, melt water will deliver nutritional components to the roots.

Autumn work includes whitewashing the trunk with lime, which protects against pests and diseases. On the eve of frost, the tree trunk circle is covered with a layer of mulch made from humus, compost and peat. Then the trunk is hilled up, covered with spruce branches, and tied around with a net, which is protection against rodents.

Young plants are not only spudded, but also protected from frost by wrapping them in agrofibre. This way the seedling will survive the winter easier. Large trees are difficult to cover, but usually there is no need to do so.

Diseases and pests

The Golden apple tree is sensitive to “attacks” of pests and diseases. Most often it suffers from scab and powdery mildew, which is especially noticeable in damp, rainy summers. Copper chloride and colloidal sulfur solution save from these diseases. Among chemical preparations, Skor, Topaz, Ridomil-Gold will help.

Among the pests that settle on the apple tree are leaf rollers, aphids, codling moths, apple budworms, and spider mites, which attack foliage and apples. When a pest is detected, a suitable control method is used. If the damage is minor, then you can use folk remedies. If the pest spreads significantly, it is impossible to do without chemicals.

Apples fresh, dried, baked

The energy value of heat-treated fruits will differ from the number of calories of fresh fruits. As a rule, the indicator depends on how much sugar was added to the dessert.

If you want to get rid of extra pounds, it is permissible to eat just a handful of dried treats; the best option for those losing weight is dietary fruit jam or homemade marmalade. Dried and dried fruits have a beneficial effect on digestive processes and the exchange of vital substances.

The calorie content of apples baked in a microwave or oven is 50 kcal per 100 g, provided that no sweet additives were used.

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What are the benefits of apples for the body?

The apple, due to its unique composition, is used as a healthy and tasty fruit that helps replenish the body with essential substances. Apple has bactericidal and mild anti-inflammatory properties. Using apples allows you to:

  1. Remove harmful cholesterol from the body, preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  2. Normalize the functioning of the gallbladder due to its choleretic effect;
  3. Normalize metabolism. With daily use of apples, carbohydrates are transformed into fats, which leads to weight loss;
  4. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thanks to the presence of magnesium salts and ascorbic acid in the composition;
  5. Neutralize the harmful effects of toxic substances;
  6. Prevent constipation. Eating apples helps prevent colorectal cancer;
  7. Improve the psycho-emotional background, tea made from fruits is especially effective;
  8. Stabilize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Useful properties of Golden apples

In order for the beneficial qualities for the body to be visible, Golden apples should be included in your daily menu or consumed with some regularity. Apples are characterized by their ability to:

  • clean blood vessels, reduce % cholesterol;
  • due to the presence of fiber, enhance intestinal motility;
  • help with anemia due to the high concentration of iron;
  • reduce swelling, having a diuretic effect;
  • help in the functioning of the immune system during colds or after an illness;
  • lose weight due to the resulting feeling of satiety.

Thanks to their composition, apples replenish the body with vitamins and minerals in winter, when the body is deficient in some substances important for metabolism.


This unique and healthy fruit should be consumed with restrictions in certain cases. Apples negatively affect tooth enamel, so dentists recommend rinsing your mouth with water at room temperature after eating them. With prolonged use, the fruit can cause gastrointestinal disorders (especially with an apple mono-diet).

For gastritis with low/high acidity, colitis, eating large quantities of apples can cause an exacerbation of the disease. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, only yellow and green varieties of apples are useful. Red varieties should be excluded from the diet of such patients. It is not recommended to use apple seeds as they contain hydrocyanic acid.

It is not recommended to eat apples at night, since due to the large amount of sugar in the composition, weight may increase. For the same reason, apples should be used with caution by people with diabetes. The fruit can cause increased gas formation in the intestines, which is important to consider if you are prone to flatulence.

Apples are one of the most popular dietary foods. The beneficial properties of different varieties of apples make them irreplaceable. It is impossible to imagine a single holiday table without the fragrant apple fruits. When using apples for weight loss, you need to take into account the specific composition of the varieties and their calorie content.

Rules for planting seedlings

That's right, a Golden tree planted on time quickly adapts to new conditions and grows. In addition, a tree can grow in one place for up to 20 years. The choice of site is very important for the subsequent apple harvest. Particular attention is paid to the issue of planting.

Traditionally, the time for planting Golden is in the fall (before frost) or spring (before the start of sap flow). The Golden apple tree prefers sunny and open places, but without wind and drafts. An elevated area without nearby groundwater is suitable.

Apple trees are planted on light loam or turfy soils. The wells are placed at a distance of up to 3 m and a nutrient mixture consisting of:

  • mineral compounds;
  • compost;
  • humus;
  • leaf soil.

Varietal seedlings with a closed root system are placed in holes and dug in. Bare-rooted Golden seedlings are treated in a clay mash and planted, spreading the roots over the surface. The root collar is not buried. The tree trunk circle is watered and mulched.

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