Is it possible to eat dried bananas while losing weight?

Easy preparation of dried bananas

They are dried without using any chemical treatment. It’s easy to prepare dried bananas at home:

  • peel the banana;
  • cut into even pieces;
  • place on a pallet;
  • dry at 45°C.

On the cut pieces, the appearance of light crystals similar to sugar indicates their readiness; they turn brown. To preserve the white color, sprinkle with water and lemon juice . Dried fruits folded in a jar and covered with a lid can be stored in the cold for a long time.

Dried bananas become smaller in size, but remain as healthy as fresh ones. Confectionery and flour products have more calories than dried bananas, and they are more healthy and nutritious than various sweets.

Read information about the medicinal properties of ground cinnamon.

Micro- and macroelements in dried bananas

Dried bananas contain the following elements: Mono- and disaccharides, SFA - Saturated fatty acids, PUFA - Polyunsaturated fatty acids, Ash, Starch, Water, Organic acids, Dietary fiber, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Fluorine, Selenium , Zinc, Iron.

Micro and macro elementMeaning
Mono- and disaccharides, g.19
SFA – Saturated fatty acids, g.0,2
PUFA - Polyunsaturated fatty acids, g.0,2
Zola, Mr.0,9
Starch, Mr.2
Water, city74
Organic acids, g.0,4
Dietary fiber, g.1,7
Sodium, mg31
Potassium, mg348
Phosphorus, mg28
Magnesium, mg42
Calcium, mg8
Manganese, mg0,27
Fluorine, mcg2,2
Selenium, mcg1
Zinc, mg0,15
Iron, mg0,6

Nutrient content

Before including this product in your diet, you should determine how many calories are in dried bananas. Calculations by nutritionists have shown that per 100 grams the calorie content is 345–347 kcal. The high nutritional value of such products has shown that bananas include:

  1. Fats – 2.9%;
  2. Carbohydrates – 30%;
  3. Dietary fiber – 42%;
  4. Vitamins: A – 5.1%; C – 11.9%; E – 2.1%; K – 0.9%; B6 – 21%;
  5. Nicotinic acid – 14.1%; folic – 3.9%;
  6. Iron – 5.9%;
  7. Potassium – 42%;
  8. Calcium – 2.1%;
  9. Magnesium – 26.9%;
  10. Manganese – 29.1%;
  11. Copper – 19.9%;
  12. Selenium – 8.9%;
  13. Phosphorus – 7.1%;
  14. Zinc – 4.1%.

The calorie content of dried bananas is an alternative for lovers of sweets who are on diets and count calories before eating. They heal internal organs and have a beneficial effect on the brain due to their Omega-3 fatty acids .

It is believed that they contain a hormone responsible for joy, therefore, after eating a high-calorie treat, a person’s mood improves. Before important competitions, athletes eat dried bananas to increase endurance and fuel energy. The potassium content in these dried foods helps remove unnecessary fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure.

Calorie content and nutritional value of dried bananas

QtyA portionCaloriesIn the counter
100 g346
Calorie content, kcal96
Proteins, g1,5
Carbohydrates, g21
Fats, gr0,5

What are the benefits and harms of high-calorie treats?

Nutritionists advise taking them for breakfast, then the benefits of eating them will increase many times over. A person can gain energy by eating a dish of oatmeal with dried bananas in the morning. People suffering from diseases take them with great health benefits:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • of cardio-vascular system.

This high-calorie treat helps relieve anxiety, promote better sleep and a restful sleep.

It is not advisable to consume more than 100 g of dried bananas per day. Before starting your next meal, nutritionists advise eating a little of these dried berries - this will replenish the body with a significant amount of microelements and vitamins.

Dried banana - calorie content per 100 g can be seen above. Over the course of a day, the human body receives:

  • fiber – approximately 1/3 of the norm;
  • iron - men receive a little more than 10% of the norm, women - approximately 6%;
  • potassium - approximately 25% of daily needs.

No one can complain that after eating dried bananas a person felt much worse. They, in combination with milk products, help to gain weight due to their increased calorie content.

People with diabetes should treat this product with great caution due to the sucrose content. Unbalanced consumption of dried treats in some cases is characterized by metabolic disorders.

GI and kcal in one ripe banana

1 ripe banana with peel weighs about 250 g. The peel makes up up to 60% of the weight. Therefore, the fruit itself weighs approximately 160-165 g.

The calorie content of 1 banana without peel will be approximately 157 kcal. The glycemic index of a banana (ripe, medium size) is 50 units. The indicator places the product at an average glycemic level. The riper the fruit, the higher its glycemic level. The indicator of 1 overripe banana will rise to 60 units.

Dried bananas

The glycemic index of dried banana is high – up to 70 units. Dried banana is used as a dessert. But it is worth remembering that in this form its calorie content increases sharply - up to 390 kcal per 100 g of product.

Green bananas

A green banana contains about 105 kcal. Of these, 90% are carbohydrates. But the glycemic index of such a product is low - 38-40 units.

Fried bananas

The glycemic index of fried banana is very high - 60-70 units (depending on the type of frying). This unusual dessert is quite high in calories - the dish contains up to 370 kcal.

Banana chips

Sometimes banana chips are mistaken for dried bananas; their manufacturing techniques differ. Banana chips are fried in vegetable oil: usually palm oil, less often coconut oil.

Hot processing kills most of the vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances. Chips are harmful to the body because they are poorly digested due to harmful fats that contain carcinogens and cholesterol, which they absorb during the frying process. This almost doubles the calorie content of the chips.

The dried delicacy is widely used in cooking. They are added to oatmeal, resulting in an incredibly aromatic jelly, and making the taste of ice cream more refined . Before using for making cakes, to make the dry product soft, they are filled with water for a while.

Benefits and uses of banana peel

When consuming fruit peels, do not forget that to preserve the fruits, they are treated with chemicals. Before using the banana skin, it must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. After this treatment, the peel can be used in the same way as the pulp, because it contains the same nutrients, plus plenty of fiber. Cocktails and smoothies are made from it, and used in baking.

In addition, the peel is a valuable fertilizer for the garden, vegetable garden or indoor plants. An infusion is made from it, which is used to water the ground.

You can put a piece of peel at the bottom of a pot with an indoor flower.

Use of bananas in medicine

The high content of nutrients, minerals and vitamins allows the fruit to be used as an adjuvant for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

For diabetes

People suffering from diabetes should remember that the fruit is high in calories and contains a lot of sugar and starch. However, due to its ability to lower blood sugar levels and its relatively low glycemic index, it is recommended to include it in the diet of patients with diabetes, taking into account the kilocalories consumed.

Banana is recommended to be included in the diet of patients with diabetes.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

For patients with ulcers or gastritis, banana is an indispensable fruit, because... it does not irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition, it promotes the production of enveloping mucus, thereby helping to cure these diseases.

For pancreatitis

For diseases of the pancreas, banana fruits are allowed, but in the form of purees, porridges, compotes in order to better digest the fruit.

If you have pancreatitis, you can eat bananas.

In folk medicine

Some folk methods:

  1. To treat cough: mash a banana with a fork and add a glass of milk. For those who tolerate honey normally, you can add it in the amount of 1 tsp. Boil everything for 15 minutes and take 1 tbsp every 2 hours.
  2. To eliminate bruises: apply the peel of the fruit to the bruised area with the inside and hold for as long as possible.
  3. To treat joint pain: infuse the skins of 5 fruits in 500 ml of vodka for one and a half months. Then strain the solution and lubricate the affected joints with it.
  4. To relieve itching from mosquito bites: apply the inside of the fruit peel to the comb.

Banana processing and storage

When properly processed, banana fruits do not lose their quality during long-term storage. They can be frozen, dried, dried.

Dried fruit

Drying fruits is a labor-intensive process. To do this, use a special dryer or use an oven, placing banana slices on baking paper and simmering them for 10 hours over low heat.

Frozen product

Only mature yellow fruits without black spots can be frozen. Place bananas cut into circles on a board covered with cling film (the pieces should not touch each other). The board is placed in the freezer. After the mugs are frozen, they are poured into a bag.

It is better to freeze only ripe fruits.

In the future, you can use the frozen product for cereals, puddings, smoothies, baked goods or ice cream. All beneficial properties of banana are preserved.


Dried fruits are obtained by drying small pieces of fruit boiled in sugar syrup. After such processing, they acquire more sugar and calories, so they are not recommended for diabetics and people watching their figure.


In cooking, dried bananas are used as a separate dish. By the way, if you eat a few dried bananas for breakfast in the morning, your body will be charged with energy for the entire working day.

Small pieces of this banana are added to various dry fruit mixtures, as well as to muesli. Yogurt with dried banana pieces will be an excellent breakfast for children and adults. It can be added to pies and cakes.

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