Rice porridge, types and composition

rice porrige

Do you know how the tradition of sprinkling grains of rice on newlyweds began? The fact is that in Asia, rice was once the main indicator of wealth, and thus the guests wished the bride and groom a comfortable life. In Asian countries, cereal still occupies an honorable place among food products; it is also loved in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of dishes are prepared from rice: thanks to its neutral taste, the grain can be combined with almost any ingredient. Rice porridge is widespread in our country, and it can be sweet or salty, and serve as a side dish, main dish or dessert. What are the benefits of rice and how to use it correctly?

Composition, properties and types of rice

Rice contains amino acids, polysaccharides and minerals such as magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and sodium, and the ratio of the last two elements is 5:1, which is considered the optimal proportion for acid-base balance and removing excess fluid from the body. Rice cereal contains a large amount of the following vitamins:

  • E;
  • TO;
  • PP (B12 or nicotinic acid);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • choline (B4);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • biotin (H or B7);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • folic acid (B9).

This combination of microelements strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, has a positive effect on the kidneys, and helps improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Rice contains a lot of starch: the substance content reaches 75%. Among other cereal crops, rice is distinguished by its absorbent ability: the structure of the grains allows it to absorb chemical compounds and remove them from the body. Rice cereals are gluten and cholesterol free.

Rice is a healthy and tasty food

There are several thousand varieties of rice in the world. In order to somehow streamline this diversity, cereals are classified according to individual parameters, the main of which are the color and shape of the grains:

  1. Brown rice, which is recognized by nutritionists as the most healthy, is not a special variety - it is whole grain rice cereal. During the process of exfoliation and grinding, the bran shell is removed, and the grains acquire the familiar white color. There is an opinion that brown rice does not go well with milk, but in fact it is a matter of taste preference: sometimes you have to accustom yourself to healthy foods.
  2. Polished beans look better, last longer and are easier to cook . Unfortunately, during processing, grains lose more than half of their vitamins and minerals (magnesium content is especially affected), as well as the bulk of dietary fiber. Polished rice contains 4 times less fiber. Of course, it is easier to prepare delicious rice porridge from white grains, but in composition it is significantly inferior to brown rice porridge.
  3. A healthier alternative to whole grain rice is steamed cereal, which is easily recognized by its golden hue. This processing technology contributes to the partial transfer of beneficial microelements from the shell into the grain itself. Thus, steamed rice retains up to ¾ of the properties of the primary raw material.

Brown rice needs to be cooked twice as long as white rice.

Brown rice is recognized by nutritionists as the most healthy.
The shape of the grains does not affect the concentration of vitamins and minerals, but this parameter determines the starch content and, accordingly, the culinary properties of rice:

  • round grains are the most starchy: they boil well, and when finished they are soft and sticky. Therefore, short-grain rice with its creamy consistency is used to prepare sushi, rolls, risotto, puree soups, and liquid porridges;
  • When cooked, long-grain rice turns out drier and more crumbly.

Composition and beneficial properties of rice porridge

Depending on the list of ingredients used, the benefits and harms of rice porridge may vary. Whatever the composition, the finished dish will contain a lot of starch, amino acids, proteins, disaccharides, vitamins and minerals. But there is no gluten in rice, so porridges prepared from it rarely cause allergies.

If you take steamed or unpolished rice of simple and elite varieties as a basis, you can count on the following results:

  • The optimal ratio of potassium and sodium allows you to maintain the water-salt balance at the desired level. The presence of rice porridge in the diet eliminates edema and other manifestations of fluid retention in the body.
  • The fibers of the product act as an absorbent. They absorb toxins and waste as they pass through the digestive tract. This helps cleanse the body and leads to weight loss.
  • The absence of salt in the composition of the cereal against the background of the presence of potassium and selenium ensures the removal of deposited salts from the tissues. It is very useful for people suffering from damage to the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
  • The viscous and soft composition envelops the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, protecting it from mechanical and chemical stress. This reduces the symptoms of gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • Rice porridge, even when it is non-dairy, is a source of minerals needed to maintain the texture of bones, muscles and ligaments. This is very important in childhood and old age, during the period after menopause in women.
  • The presence of a nutritious dish in the diet has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. This is an affordable and effective cosmetic product.

Rice porridge cooked with chicken broth is more fatty. A vegetable broth product may contain additional vitamins and essential oils. But even in these cases, the basic characteristics of the product will not change.

Rice porridge for weight loss

For some reason, many who want to lose weight firmly believe that rice will help them with this. Meanwhile, white polished rice, which is often called refined, is a fast carbohydrate. It is not necessary to categorically refuse to use the product, but it is better to eat rice porridge in the first half of the day and before training. It is not recommended to eat porridge for dinner. In this case, of course, it is necessary to correctly enter rice into the daily norm of BZHU. Brown rice, which contains slow carbohydrates, although it is a more appropriate product for the diet, also does not have a low glycemic index.

Many nutritionists include rice in the menu of their patients.

The calorie content of the dry product is on average 345 kcal per 100 g for white rice and 330 kcal for brown. The calorie content of finished white rice porridge is 97 kcal per 100 g if you cook it with milk, and 78 kcal if you cook it with water. And, of course, for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, recipes for rice porridge with sugar, condensed milk and other sweets are not suitable. Nuts and dried fruits are added in accordance with the BZHU table. The best option is unsweetened rice porridge with light vegetables and herbs.

Types of rice

There are more than 150 varieties of rice cereal in nature. To make the process of classifying and selecting this product a little easier, we came up with the idea of ​​distinguishing it by color, length and type of processing. Processing plays an important role. After all, the same variety, with different processing methods, will have completely different taste and visual characteristics. Among the main types of this porridge are the following:

  • Long grain;
  • Medium grain;
  • Round grain.

The peculiarity of long rice is that it absorbs a fairly small amount of moisture. This way the rice does not stick together and remains crumbly. In oriental cuisine, long grains are used in the preparation of various dishes, in combination with vegetables, meat and fish. Medium-length grains contain a large amount of starch, which contributes to greater water absorption. The rice turns out sticky, but does not stick together much. Some chefs advise not to overcook this type of cereal. Round grains stick together. They are great for making mousses, soups, sushi, casseroles and pies. Milk porridge is also cooked only from round rice.

Considering the processing method, the following varieties can be distinguished: brown (unpolished, wild rice), white, steamed. Brown rice undergoes minimal processing, which allows it to retain the shell, which is very useful and valuable for the human body. Thanks to this shell, the grains have a peculiar nutty flavor. Suitable for preparing any dishes. The disadvantages include the short shelf life of such products.

The white polished product is less useful. It goes through all levels of processing: it is cleared of husks and bran shells. But it is he who is most often found on our tables. Parboiled rice has a golden hue. It is processed in a special way: first, the grains are washed, soaked, and dried. Then the cereal is doused with steam, and only after that it is cleared of the husk and shell. This porridge will be crumbly even on the second day after its preparation.

Rice as medicine

The pronounced absorbent properties of rice determined the place of this grain crop in folk medicine. Rice porridge eaten for breakfast is a source of energy and vigor for the whole day.

Cleansing the body

The so-called “rice cleansing” is one of the most popular methods of removing waste and toxins, as well as getting rid of parasites and excess salts. Raw or boiled grains are eaten on an empty stomach. This method helps to cleanse the body and cure joint diseases caused by salt deposits, but the other side of the coin is that useful elements are also washed out during cleaning.

For poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases

All the same absorbent properties make rice porridge the main dish for food poisoning and intestinal infections, as well as during the recovery period from these diseases. For such purposes, rice is boiled in water without salt, sugar or other additives. It is important not to drain the liquid after cooking: the grains will remove harmful substances, and the rice broth will have an enveloping and healing effect on irritated mucous membranes. For this reason, rice porridge is also indicated for people suffering from high acidity, gastric or duodenal ulcers.

For diarrhea

Rice porridge itself for diarrhea is an acceptable food that will definitely not aggravate the situation. Rice water is used as a cure for illness. The easiest way to prepare a medicinal drink:

  1. Pour 100 g of cereal into 1 liter of cold water and bring to a boil.
  2. Cook covered for half an hour over low heat.
  3. Strain the broth and drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day until symptoms disappear.

To prepare a children's version of the decoction, 50 g of rice flour is boiled in 1 liter of water for 8–10 minutes. The finished drink is given to the baby ½ teaspoon 3 times a day. Since starch is primarily responsible for the coating and antidiarrheal effects, the last two cases are the only situations in which it is better to use white rice. Unpolished grains have less starch.

For constipation

Rice itself contains little fiber, but in combination with oatmeal, rice porridge is used to cleanse the intestines, treat and prevent constipation. To prepare the dish, you will need to mix oatmeal and rice cereal in a 1:1 ratio, rinse, place in boiling water and cook until tender. The recommended proportion is 2.5 liters of water per 200 g of cereal mixture. If the recipe is used to cleanse the intestines, it is recommended to consume the porridge without adding oil and salt. You need to eat the dish every morning, on an empty stomach, for 5–7 days.

Rice porridge with oatmeal is used to cleanse the intestines

Different varieties and types of rice, their benefits and harms

Benefits of rice porridge

The body benefits from eating brown and wild - the most natural types of rice. The main advantage of rice porridge and its superiority over other porridges is that, penetrating into the human body, it can easily absorb unnecessary substances that a person receives by eating other foods. It is this property that can be used to cleanse the body of various wastes and toxins, as well as for the purpose of losing weight while using all kinds of diets.

Brown rice , which is not processed and retains its original qualities and properties, with its vitamins can lower cholesterol levels and help those suffering from food allergies, because it does not contain gluten , which can cause an allergic reaction.

Eating rice porridge will have a beneficial effect on the health of nursing mothers -
lactation ;
for people who have suffered a serious illness or a fairly long period of fasting; sleep and the state of the nervous system are normalized; the unpleasant odor from the mouth will disappear; the condition of nails, skin, and hair will improve. If there is kidney failure or disruptions in the cardiovascular system, rice will “excellently” remove various salts from the body . In case of poisoning from expired foods or indigestion, rice porridge will come in handy as a binder.

Chemical composition of the product

Cooking methods

Harm and contraindications to eating rice porridge

We cook porridge. Which variety is better?

How to choose good rice

When buying rice, you should also pay attention to the packaging, because in a transparent one you can immediately see the quality of the grains , and here there is a direct connection with the benefits of the porridge cooked later. If the choice of grains is not correct, it is likely that significant harm will be caused to the body.

No need to buy a package that contains a lot of fragments . They can ruin the taste of your favorite dish because they boil much faster than other cereals, and besides, they are industrial waste, and there is practically no benefit from them. If the package contains white and milky grains in large quantities, it is better to refrain from purchasing this package, because the grains are not suitable for food due to their immaturity . There is also no need to select yellow grains, because they were stored incorrectly, there was humidity in the room, and therefore there may be fungus in them.

The best grains for preparing porridge and various dishes should be the same size, length, and transparent.

When cooking, you can add sea salt or seasoning, chopped herbs, thanks to this the porridge will have a pleasant taste.

So, rice porridge is a dish that is equally tasty whether it is prepared with water, milk or a milk-water mixture. Goes great with both fruits and vegetables. It can be a side dish for meat or fish and a completely independent dish.

It is absolutely impossible to protect yourself from the harmful effects of eating rice, but you just need to pay attention to the quality of the product you choose. If there are no contraindications and rice porridge is consumed in moderate doses, your figure and health will be in excellent condition for quite a long time. Therefore, by including rice porridge in your diet, you can be sure that your body will respond with gratitude!

We hope that the material helped you understand the benefits and harms of rice porridge, navigate the variety of varieties and types of rice (red, brown, ruby, black, brown, white, Indian sea, wild, steamed, unpolished and many others) and their beneficial properties .

If you have anything to add or share, we welcome your comments .


Rice porridge recipes

Rice porridge is an indispensable dish for all occasions. But rice is unique in its own way. And every recipe for dishes made from it too.

Rice porridge is good for breakfast

Classic recipe for rice porridge with milk

  1. Rinse the rice and soak for half an hour.
  2. Pour 250 g of grains into 0.5 liters of cold water and cook over medium heat.
  3. When the water is completely absorbed, add 3 cups of hot milk and bring to a boil, stirring continuously.
  4. When the rice is completely cooked, add salt and sugar to taste, 1 teaspoon of butter.

Rice porridge with milk is a very healthy dish

Recipe for healthy rice porridge from V.V. Pokhlebkin (author of the book “Secrets of Good Kitchen”)

  1. Brew 2 parts rice with 3 parts boiling water and cover tightly. It is most convenient to prepare such porridge in a pressure cooker.
  2. The author recommends cooking the cereal for exactly 12 minutes, with 3 minutes on high heat, 7 minutes on medium, 2 minutes on low.
  3. After turning off the heat, there is no need to open the lid - the porridge should stand for another 12 minutes.
  4. Add 2 teaspoons butter and salt to taste.

Rice porridge during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Provided there are no contraindications, rice during pregnancy is recommended to be eaten 2-3 times a week. In particular, rice satisfies the body's need for vitamin B4, which is not produced by the child and is therefore taken additionally by the expectant mother. The remaining elements contribute to the complete nutrition necessary for the formation of the fetus and maintaining the health of the woman. A vitamin-mineral complex, the ability to gently remove toxins, stabilize blood pressure, eliminate symptoms of toxicosis and strengthen nerves are the distinctive features of rice porridge. It is recommended to add fresh fruits and vegetables as sources of beneficial elements. If during pregnancy there is a tendency to constipation, colitis and excess weight, it is better to exclude rice porridge from the diet.

Apples go well with rice, but it is recommended to add them only to dishes without milk.

Rice contains substances that mothers need during pregnancy.

Rice porridge is considered a favorite food for nursing mothers: rice is neutral and hypoallergenic, which means you don’t have to worry about the baby’s reaction to milk. In addition, it is believed that porridge can enhance lactation. On the other hand, rice, as we know, can cause constipation, and in women during the postpartum period, peristalsis is often impaired. The way out of this situation is liquid rice soups. For the first 3-4 months, it is better to cook porridge with water, then gradually switch to the milk version - if there are no adverse reactions in the mother and child. The recipe for such a transition requires mixing water and milk in equal proportions during the first weeks to prepare porridge.

Rice porridge for children

Rice porridge with water, in “company” with buckwheat and corn, is included in the list of products for the first complementary feeding, which is given to infants aged 6 months and older. The main reason is the minimal likelihood of allergies, including due to the absence of gluten . At the same time, rice is well absorbed and normalizes intestinal motility. At the stage of introducing complementary foods, not whole grains are used, but flour from them. Rice flour porridge is prepared as follows:

  1. The grains are crushed (for example, using a coffee grinder).
  2. 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder is added to 100 ml of boiling water.
  3. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat, stirring continuously.

The benefits and harms of rice porridge with milk

Healthy cereal, boiled with the addition of milk, has a richer and more pleasant taste than simple porridge with water. It's no surprise that milk rice is becoming increasingly popular. However, it is necessary to take into account that such a product can bring both benefit and harm to the body - much depends on the state of health.

The benefits of rice porridge with milk are that the properties of the product:

  • have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body - milk additionally speeds up the digestion of food, saturates it with valuable vitamins and minerals,
  • stabilize blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart,
  • improve the condition of hair and skin,
  • help strengthen teeth, nails and the entire skeletal system as a whole.

At the same time, the benefits and harms of rice porridge with milk are inextricably linked with each other. This product has increased nutritional value and can be harmful if you are prone to obesity. You will have to give up dairy dishes if you are lactose intolerant - milk, and with it rice, simply will not be absorbed by the body.

Contraindications to eating rice porridge

White rice, which has a high glycemic index, is recommended to be consumed with caution or completely excluded from the diet for people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis and urolithiasis. Polished cereals are not recommended for constipation. White rice is also contraindicated for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, since the product can provoke a sharp jump in blood glucose. If you have high blood sugar, you can only eat porridge made from brown rice, which contains more fiber, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose and helps stabilize sugar levels. But even rice porridge made from brown grains should be consumed without any additives and no more than 100–150 g per day. Radical methods like rice peeling, including for the purpose of treating diseases, can be resorted to only after consulting a doctor.


During pregnancy I gained a lot of extra pounds. A friend recommended a rice fasting day. A good start to cleansing the entire body is one fasting day a week. Rice helps cleanse the body, removes toxins and gets rid of excess fluid.

Marina I'm MaMa


My trainer has been eating rice for over 8 years now. Of course, he adds some protein products to it, then others, little by little, but rice remains the main dish in the diet. I also decided to try it and it turned out that this is the only thing that suits me.



There are no clearly useful or harmful products. Rice porridge, especially those made from white grains, is not the best product for fans of proper nutrition. However, it is acceptable to include porridge on the menu from time to time and eat it for breakfast. Any type of rice is a carbohydrate food and cannot be the basis for a mono-diet without dangerous health consequences.

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