What are the benefits of seafood for the body?

The benefits of fish

There are many varieties of fish, but they are united by the presence of useful and nutritious substances - vitamins A, D, E; mineral components - P (phosphorus), Fe (iron), Ca (calcium), J (iodine), Se (selenium) and many other substances. The protein (aka protein) of fish is similar to chicken protein in that these proteins are absorbed at a good level. Moreover, fish protein contains a full composition of essential amino acids.

This is the main benefit of fish - feeding the body with good protein. However, the benefits of fish do not end there. Substances contained in fish prevent the growth of cholesterol in the blood. By consuming fish in your diet, you reduce the development of cardiovascular diseases, normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve visual function - thereby prolonging your life and the pleasure from it.

Those watching their figure should not worry about gaining weight from eating fish. Even the fattest type of fish contains unsaturated fatty acids, which do not contribute to the accumulation of fat mass.


Fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, known as omega-3, are especially beneficial.

Scientific research conducted by Danish scientists has discovered an interesting fact: the predominance of fish and other seafood in the Eskimo diet is the main reason that representatives of this people do not even know what blood vessel diseases are. It turned out that Eskimos almost never have sclerosis. People who frequently consume foods containing omega-3 fatty acids have a reduced tendency of blood to clot, a reduced incidence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, a reduction in the amount of harmful cholesterol, improved vision and activity of the higher nervous system, and an increase in life expectancy. It is known that the Japanese, great lovers of fish, are long-lived.

It is known that the Japanese, whose life expectancy is longer than all other nations, eat fish and seafood every day. This diet allows them to constantly stay in good shape and maintain excellent immunity.

Seafood usually includes all invertebrate inhabitants of the seas and oceans - crabs, lobsters, shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus, oysters, etc.


Sea meat is a unique product. Seafood delicacies are distinguished by their high protein content with a fairly low calorie content (4-5 times lower than other meat). Thanks to this valuable property, seafood can be eaten in almost any quantity without fear of gaining weight. Protein that enters the body from fish or seafood is much easier to digest compared to protein from beef, pork or other land-based meat.

Our body digests sea meat much easier and faster, because it is very tender and soft.

Minerals and trace elements

All seafood saturates our body with useful minerals and trace elements. For example, crabs will give you iron and phosphorus, squid - potassium, shellfish - nickel and copper, mussels - cobalt. Sea fish contains a lot of vitamins A, group B and D. In addition, fish meat is rich in iodine, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese.

If you constantly include fish and seafood dishes in your menu, you can perfectly support your heart, because for its good functioning, the polyunsaturated acids contained in these amazing products are necessary.

Whichever seafood you prefer, you can be sure that you have received a sufficient dose of calcium and iodine, which are absolutely essential for the human body.

Caution doesn't hurt

Despite all its usefulness, seafood can cause considerable harm to health if you do not know the basic safety rules.

Marine fish, especially predatory ones, may contain mercury. As for shellfish and other seafood, they may contain heavy metals that are dangerous to humans. Shrimp, squid and mussels sometimes become a real storehouse of arsenic, which can cause severe poisoning.

Some people are very sensitive to seafood - they develop allergies.

This is a very unpleasant disease, accompanied by itching, redness of the skin and rash. In especially severe cases, swelling of the larynx, severe headaches and even loss of consciousness are observed.

To avoid becoming a victim of such healthy and tasty seafood, you just need to follow simple rules. First of all, freshness, freshness and freshness again! Don't forget that in Japan (and in other countries) seafood, including fish, is cooked almost immediately after it is caught.

For example, all over the world oysters

It is customary to serve exclusively freshly caught fish. Moreover, this rule applies to any establishment - both fashionable restaurants and cheap eateries.

In our country, seafood comes into our kitchen mostly frozen. This means that you should never eat them raw, even if you really want to.

It is necessary that such products undergo high-quality heat treatment, only then can you be sure that all harmful components have been destroyed.

Experts advise refraining from eating large marine predators such as mackerel, swordfish, and shark. It is these types of fish that most often contain mercury.

It is better to eat no more than 400 g of various sea fish and seafood per week. Seafood is very important for pregnant women - they should consume at least 360 g of seafood per week. The beneficial substances contained in fish and “sea meat” provide the future baby with a high level of IQ, good visual, spatial and motor skills.


capable of absorbing harmful radioactive substances. To prevent such shrimp from ending up on your table, be interested in the region in which they were caught. Whether they bring benefit or harm to your body depends entirely on what body of water they lived in before getting to the supermarket. You also need to pay attention to the appearance of the shrimp - if they have black heads, it means they have been stored unfrozen for a long time and are most likely spoiled.


are safe when caught during the cold season. It is believed that you can eat mussels only in those months whose names contain the letter “P” - that is, from September to April.


, which are called “balm for the heart,” may contain mercury. Therefore, it is important to prepare them correctly. Squids should be defrosted in cold water - it will take the “brunt of the blow”, most of the mercury, if any, will remain in the water. Cook the squid by dipping it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then leave it in the water until it cools down.

Use caution when serving seafood to children. Until the age of 3, they should not be eaten at all, and for older children, eating such delicacies is undesirable.

A healthier product for children is fish, it is much safer.

The conclusion from all that has been said is very simple. Fish and seafood are an invaluable source of nutrients, and if properly prepared dishes from fresh seafood are present on your table, you will receive nothing but benefits.

Sexual dysfunction in men arises not only from frequent stress, overwork, bad habits, but also from a lack of hormones in the body that are responsible for sexual functions. To increase testosterone

men need to eat foods rich in
omega fatty acids, selenium, zinc, magnesium and B vitamins
And since every ejaculation is associated with the loss of sperm
, these microelements are also lost.
Therefore, the need for seafood among men is increasing, especially among those who have regular sex life. All of the above microelements are found in abundance in seafood.
Giving preference to seafood, many of us do not think about how healthy this or that sea fish is. It is known that sea fish is very different from river fish in its taste and composition. Any type of sea fish has many beneficial properties. Unlike river fish, almost all seafood contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, saturated and unsaturated fats.

What kind of sea fish do experts advise men to add to their diet? We bring to your attention a list of the healthiest seafood.

Harm to fish

Harm to fish is due to certain varieties. For example, oily fish contains indigestible fatty acids, which can seriously harm intestinal function. Potential harm comes from fish infected with harmful microorganisms. Infection with helminths is often detected in people who have eaten raw fish (heat treatment will help you here).

If fish is stored improperly, dangerous microorganisms may appear. Therefore, store the fish in the refrigerator, or even better, do not keep it.


Benefits of shrimp

Shrimp are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. They contain B vitamins, which regulate the functioning of the nervous system, as well as macro and microelements - K (potassium), Zn (zinc), Mg (magnesium), J (iodine). By eating shrimp regularly, you reduce the possibility of allergic reactions. The benefits of shrimp in preventing cancer are noticeable.

Damage to shrimp

Shrimp can also be harmful, as they contain a decent level of cholesterol. Therefore, do not overuse shrimp.

Types of seafood:

There are a sufficient number of types of seafood, but we will not list them all, but will name only the most common and popular groups of inhabitants of the depths. So, we can distinguish the following largest types of seafood:

Bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops);

These mollusks live in both salt and fresh water, leading a sedentary lifestyle, attached to solid objects.

The shell of mollusks has two valves, which are controlled by opening muscles and, if necessary, are able to fit tightly to each other. This allows the soft-bodied animal to reliably isolate itself from the environment. The inner surface of the shells is lined with a layer of mother-of-pearl, and the body of the mollusk is covered with a fleshy film - the mantle. Often there may be grains of sand in the sink: you should wash them well with running water, or better yet, soak them in salt water for an hour or two before cooking. Some types of shellfish are eaten raw, while others are stewed, fried or boiled. Do not forget, it is very important to eat only fresh shellfish: the shells of mussels and bettas must either be tightly closed (except for scallops, which are sold with open shells) or closed from touch (for oysters). I recommend not eating those shells that did not open during heat treatment.

Crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, lobster, crayfish, krill, lobster or lobster);

Crustaceans include crab, shrimp, lobster, langoustine, sea truffle (aka sea duck), lobster (aka lobster) and crayfish. They are prepared in a wide variety of ways. Crustacean meat is distinguished by high protein value and relatively low calorie content. They are rich in phosphorus, iron and calcium, and contain quite a lot of vitamins B2 and PP. Meat of crabs, squid, and shrimp reduces the risk of blood clots in blood vessels; They are also useful for anemia.

Cephalopods (squid, octopus);

Cephalopods are the most developed among mollusks. The name “cephalopod” means that the muscular organ of movement, the leg, is located in their head region. In these animals, the leg has been transformed into a whole crown of tentacles. In living cephalopods, the internal shell either disappeared completely or was reduced to a transparent arrow in squids.

Squid meat is almost 80% water. Nutritional value of squid: proteins - 18 g, fats - 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 2 g. 100 grams of this seafood contains only 100 kcal, while it is rich in taurine, which helps normalize blood pressure and protect the heart and blood vessels from harmful cholesterol, and potassium, also necessary for the normal functioning of all muscles, especially the heart. As a sodium antagonist, potassium has diuretic properties, preventing edema and increased blood pressure.

This incredibly healthy and delicious seafood is most often found in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. Squid is used to make soups, fried, stewed, stuffed, and is the basis of a variety of salads. The taste and aroma of such dishes is subtle, since squid meat does not have a strong fishy smell.

Boiled squid is a real storehouse of protein, amino acids and minerals. At the same time, it is important to follow the technology for preparing squid: lower the cleaned carcasses into boiling salted water and cook for no longer than 5 minutes; small carcasses - even less - only 2-3 minutes after boiling the water again. Overcooked squid becomes “rubbery” and will not decorate any dish. echinoderms (sea cucumbers, cucumbers and sea cucumbers);

Seaweed (kelp, red or brown);

Seaweed contains a number of substances with biological activity: Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; chlorophyll derivatives; polysaccharides: sulfated galactans, fucoidans, glucans, pectins. alginic acid, as well as lignins, which are a valuable source of wheat fiber; phenolic compounds; enzymes; plant sterols, vitamins, carotenoids, macro- and microelements.

As for individual vitamins, microelements and iodine, there are more of them in seaweed than in other seafood. It is also interesting that the qualitative and quantitative content of macro- and microelements in seaweed resembles the composition of human blood, which allows us to consider seaweed as a balanced source of saturating the body with minerals and microelements. Algae, as well as extracts and individual components obtained from them, have antitumor, anti-inflammatory, radioprotective and antimutagenic activity.

Seaweed has been used in cooking for a long time. They are eaten fresh, dried and pickled. Well cooked, they have an unclear taste and can also highlight the taste of other foods. And one more feature of seaweed, which is very important for Japanese aesthetes, is that seaweed often serves as an excellent decoration for a wide variety of dishes.


Benefits of squid

What delicious squid! They are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy - squid meat is rich in protein and other useful substances. B vitamins are also present in squid. Minerals - K (potassium), Se (selenium) are contained in squid meat in a decent amount. The benefits of squid are noticeable as a means of removing heavy metal salts.

Harm from squid

Dried squid contains few nutrients. The harm of dried squid is that it prevents the removal of fluid from the body due to the high salt content in the body.

Danger of poisoning

Danger of poisoning

In addition to the risk of contracting infections that can be eliminated by thermal processing of seafood, there is also a risk of another kind. These are dangerous substances, toxins and poisons that accumulate in seafood.

According to the University of Oregon, seafood, if consumed with enviable regularity, can cause significant harm to human health. So, scientists associate this with chronic poisoning and the accumulation of toxins.

This fact has been associated with the phenomenon of global warming, including ocean water, which leads to an increase in the amount of toxins in the water with their accumulation in the body of mollusks. A connection has been proven between heating seawater and increasing the amount of poison - domoic acid. This poison, when it gets into seafood, does not lose activity even after heat treatment. Poisoning with this substance gives specific symptoms, for which it is nicknamed “zombie acid.” The first manifestations appear after a few hours: abdominal pain and malaise, with the development of nausea and repeated vomiting. Then convulsions with disorientation in space and loss of short-term memory, and attacks of epilepsy are added. Poisoning is possible when eating mussels or shrimp, scallops and sardines.

No less often, banal food poisoning occurs, associated with the active reproduction of opportunistic flora. This usually occurs when eating seafood that:

  • were stored in non-compliance with food standards (in a warm place, next to other products)
  • frozen and defrosted several times, stored in freezers above minus 18℃.
  • were handled incorrectly, for example, by a cook without gloves, who did not have a health certificate, and who did not wash his hands after using the toilet.

Let's add to this list the accumulation of mercury, heavy metal salts and some industrial toxins by marine inhabitants, which then settle in the body.

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