Fish, benefits and harm to the human body


Fish contains a lot of useful substances. There are also vitamins A, E, and minerals. In particular, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron. Depending on the variety, there are more of some elements, less of others.

Fish meat contains easily digestible protein, amino acids, and Omega. Having analyzed the composition, we can say about the benefits of fish:

  • Fish meat contains high-quality protein. It is well absorbed and saturates the body with essential amino acids.
  • With regular consumption of fish, blood clotting is normalized and the level of bad cholesterol is reduced. The product reduces the risk of vascular liming and capillary blockage.
  • Research has revealed that fish dishes normalize the activity of the thyroid gland and have a beneficial effect on overall hormonal levels.
  • Fish is famous for its high phosphorus content, which is necessary for muscles, tissues and bones. The vascular walls remain strong and elastic for a long time.
  • Some varieties are very beneficial for the brain. Salmon and salmon activate mental abilities and increase performance.
  • There are types of fish that prevent myopia and relieve eye fatigue. For example, pollock.
  • Regular consumption of marine meat helps strengthen the nervous system and normalize sleep.
  • Those who prefer fish are not obese. It normalizes fat metabolism. Many of its types contain a minimal amount of calories.
  • Anyone who often has fish on their table can boast of strong nails, gorgeous hair and elastic skin.

Thus, the benefits of fish are multifaceted. Its importance is great for the health of the cardiovascular system, and for bone strength, visual acuity, and for immunity, and for the brain, and for beauty. The product contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which are necessary for the full functioning of the body. The beneficial effects of fish meat are felt by almost all systems of our body.

Sea fish: pros and cons

Now let's talk about which product to choose. Let's start with the inhabitants of the seas. What fish is good for is its polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. These substances are not found in other foods. River fish has fewer amino acids. The meat of sea creatures contains bromine and iodine. They also provide us with much needed phosphorus. The mineral range of marine fish is much richer than that of river fish. There is molybdenum, cobalt, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, fluorine, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, potassium. Sea fish are not inferior in vitamin content to vegetables and fruits. They contain the entire line B, as well as PP, A, D and H. Fatty species of marine fish are rich in arachidonic and linoleic acids. These substances are a necessary component of the cell membranes of the brain. The disadvantage of sea fish is their high price. And people living in the interior of the continent often have access to frozen products, the nutritional value of which is lower than fresh, refrigerated ones.

Why is it good to eat fish?

Fish (not only fillet, but also liver) saturates the body with the most valuable fatty acids, linoleic and archidonic acids (the famous omega 3 and omega 6), they are part of the brain cells and are a building material for cell membranes.

Omega 6 also reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

The high phosphorus content in fish has the most beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, increases efficiency, and eliminates lethargy. Phosphorus is sometimes called the element of vigor; with its deficiency, the cells of the nervous system cease to function normally and conduct nerve impulses at the required speed.

For the endocrine system, in particular for the successful functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine, which is rich in sea fish, is extremely useful. For your information, 200 g of mackerel contains the daily requirement of iodine, in a form that is completely absorbed by the body.

Possessing such a “bouquet” of beneficial properties, fish remains a low-calorie product and is included in the bulk of dietary menus. If you want to lose weight and at the same time get a lot of useful substances, choose low-fat varieties of fish, which include cod, pollock, pollock, blue whiting, pike, grenadier, and hake.

If extra pounds don’t bother you and you like fattier fish, your menu will be pleasantly diversified with dishes from mackerel, eel, halibut, and sturgeon. These types of fish contain up to 8% fat. There is a third category - with medium fat content, which includes pike perch, horse mackerel, pink salmon, tuna, carp, catfish, trout

Beneficial features

Let us describe some of the most famous species of fish.


The most famous and beloved herring, however, just like any other fish, contains all the main beneficial qualities. However, herring has another undeniable advantage - it is inexpensive.

  • It contains a large amount of iodine compounds, and fish oil contains almost a third of the mass. There is a pattern - the further north the herring is caught, the fattier it is.
  • In addition, it is valued for containing a large number of microelements. If you start listing them, you will have to name the lion's share of those that make up Mendeleev's periodic table.

The calorie content of 100 grams of herring is 250 kcal. There is no need to even talk about taste. Herring is salted, pickled, fried - absolutely all culinary methods are suitable.


  • River carp meat is extremely beneficial for the brain. It contains antioxidants and vitamin B12, which improves DNA synthesis and takes part in metabolism.
  • When consumed, the condition of the skin and the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems improve, and the sugar content in the bloodstream reaches an optimal level. The value here is that phosphorus, which carp meat contains in record quantities, normalizes the chemical processes occurring in the cell. In addition, the substances it contains smooth out problems with the thyroid gland and reduce the likelihood of prostate diseases.


Cod is considered extremely healthy.

  • In addition to the fact that cod meat is very tasty, no matter what cooking method you choose, it contains the entire set of vitamins and minerals required for the meat of an inhabitant of the northern seas.
  • It is especially important for the brain, especially the liver, which is called “food for the brain” in consumer slang.
  • In addition, cod liver contains substances that prevent joint destruction, lower blood pressure, and increase the elasticity of blood cell membranes. Its use is an effective prevention of cardiovascular abnormalities.


Salmon is remarkable in terms of its benefits for our body. It is clear that the meat of this fish is not sold at such affordable prices as herring, carp and cod, but its value is much greater than that of the listed representatives of the fish class.

  • One feature convinces us of the extraordinary properties of salmon - its meat does not retain harmful substances. It's like it's self-cleaning. Therefore, salmon is considered absolutely harmless.
  • Salmon meat is a world-famous omega-3 fatty acid that, as if by magic, makes a person young.


  • We consider it necessary to mention the beneficial properties of mackerel, a fairly fatty and very tasty fish. It is valuable because its protein is absorbed three times faster than beef protein.
  • There is also a high content of unsaturated fatty acids - powerful antioxidants.

The versatility of the benefits of fish can be described endlessly. Include it in your diet - these endless benefits will be available to you too.

Author: Elena Bolshova


Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. Only fish that grows in natural reservoirs that are not polluted by industrial waste is useful. Moreover, its growth was not stimulated by the ubiquitous hands of man.

Fish can be harmful and even life-threatening because it absorbs all the poisons contained in the water!

  • Salts of heavy metals were often found in the meat of tuna or salmon. In particular, lead, cadmium, arsenic and even strontium. These substances are dangerous to human health.
  • The older the fish, the more toxic elements it contains. And on the packages in the store the age of the seafood is not written.
  • Rare fish farms can boast of the quality of their products. To increase mass, biochemical additives are used. Often sick individuals are also sold.

What could be the consequences of eating sick fish?

  • Heavy metal salts harm the kidneys, adrenal glands and ovaries.
  • Heavily infected individuals can cause cancer and infertility in men.
  • Old fish often spoil the composition of the blood, disrupt metabolism and hormonal levels.
  • Stomach irritation, dysbacteriosis and diarrhea are the “mildest” consequences of a spoiled fish dish.

The worst thing is that it is almost impossible to recognize sick fish in a frozen product. But you can try.

  • Always look at expiration dates.
  • Pay attention to the belly: it should be light. Yellowness indicates “antiquity.”
  • It's better to buy cleaned fish. Most harmful substances accumulate in the intestines. And during storage, poisons pass into the meat.

The benefits of fish for the human body

With frequent consumption, the medicinal properties of fish become noticeable. It is quickly digested and does not linger inside the gastrointestinal tract, unlike meat and poultry. This is explained by the difference in the structure of muscle fibers, which do not have a dense, hard-to-digest shell and therefore begin to be absorbed first. This explains the beneficial dietary properties of the product.

Fatty fish that live in northern waters contain Omega-3 PUFAs, the beneficial properties of which help avoid the development of cardiovascular pathologies, improve peripheral circulation, and reduce the risk of thrombosis. All this helps prevent early death from heart disease. At the same time, you should know that in red fish grown under artificial conditions there is almost no Omega-3, and therefore there are fewer beneficial properties.

Marine species should be eaten to improve thyroid function. They contain a high concentration of iodine, the beneficial properties of which have a huge impact on humans. This element is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. The most noticeable amount of iodine is found in pollock, tuna, flounder, tuna, and pink salmon, the beneficial properties of which are well known to everyone.

Fish oil will have a beneficial effect on visual function due to the properties of PUFAs and vitamin A. These chemical compounds strengthen vision and prevent the development of night blindness. Cholesterol is present in both river and sea species. However, there is very little of it here and, unlike meat, it does not cause any harm. In addition, marine life helps eliminate excess cholesterol due to the presence of beneficial properties of PUFAs. Unfortunately, river fish does not reduce the harm of cholesterol in the body.


It is contraindicated for all people to eat sick and old fish. It is advisable to avoid fish dishes during pregnancy. Poisoned individuals can cause physical and mental disorders in the unborn child. To treat yourself to safe fish, take your husband fishing in ecologically clean areas.

Children should not be completely deprived of fish. It is necessary for strengthening the immune system, strong bones and mental development. The first fish feeding is from 8-9 months. Low-fat varieties with delicate white flesh are suitable.

The best ones are young ones that have not had time to grow to impressive sizes. Naturally, only fresh ones. You can opt for ice fish, young cod, notothenia, hake, sea bass, whiting.

It is necessary to introduce fish into the diet of children a little at a time: allergies may develop.

What are the benefits of fish for children?

Fish dishes for children are an ideal product, rich in substances with beneficial properties: easily digestible proteins necessary during the period of intensive growth, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus. They help develop the musculoskeletal system, provide an opportunity to develop mentally, physically, and be highly active.

What kind of fish can you give to your child?

The child’s diet must contain the beneficial properties of fish dishes. They provide vital nutrients. But not every variety can be given to children because of possible harm to an incompletely formed organism that does not function as efficiently as in adults.

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