Features of a high-mountain animal - yak


Any type of meat has many beneficial properties. It is tasty, nutritious, and supplies the body with useful elements and vitamins. Although vegetarians and vegans abandon it, replacing it with plant protein and soy products, the beneficial properties of meat are completely undeniable. But the properties will depend on the type of meat.


  • Nutritional value. Saturation occurs quickly.
  • Neutralization of hydrochloric acid.
  • Normalization of stomach acidity.
  • Rapid absorption in the body.
  • Enrichment of the body with zinc and iron.
  • Participation in hematopoiesis, reducing the risk of anemia.


  • Reducing blood cholesterol.
  • Reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Digestibility and nutrition.
  • Increasing male potency.


  • Contains digestible proteins.
  • Enriches the body with iron and does not raise cholesterol.
  • Promotes normal functioning of the pancreas.
  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.


  • Practically does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Has a warming effect.
  • Antisclerotic effect.
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system.
  • Combating the effects of radiation on the body.

Poultry meat:

  • Saturation of the body with amino acids and proteins.
  • Improving immunity.
  • Positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Nutritional value.
  • Helps the body build muscle mass.

Yes, you can get protein and useful elements from plant foods. But meat also contains elements that cannot be found in nuts, vegetables, mushrooms and other non-meat products. But it is important to consider the cooking method, the type of meat and the individual characteristics of your body. And also do not overeat, because negative effects on the body are also possible if you do not consume it in moderation.

Do pregnant women need meat?

Expectant mothers should take care of their bodies, including monitoring their diet. Meat is considered a heavy food for the stomach, and during pregnancy you should not give it additional stress. You can eat 100 grams of lean beef, turkey or chicken per day. It is better to avoid fried meat altogether. A complete refusal of meat products will not benefit the baby. He must receive the necessary amino acids and proteins from food of animal origin.


But any meat in certain situations can be harmful to the body. The benefits and harms of meat will depend on the method of its preparation, as well as the variety.


  • Excess growth hormones.
  • The presence of pesticides in meat from the feed that the cow was fed during life.
  • A large number of carcinogens released during frying.


  • Refers to products that can cause allergies.
  • Due to the presence of parasites in meat, adequate heat treatment is important.
  • It puts a strain on the liver and is not recommended for use by people with liver and gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Exacerbates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • May disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Not recommended for bone arthritis.


  • It cannot be stored for a long time, which is why it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and causes food poisoning.
  • Nausea and heaviness in the stomach can occur from fried horse meat.

Poultry meat:

  • When fried, it contains bad cholesterol.
  • The presence of growth hormones in meat, it is recommended to choose poultry.
  • Oily skin.

If you have any doubts about whether you can eat meat, contact your healthcare professional. And in any case, do not abuse it, because eating only meat, without seasonings and side dishes, is a form of torture and leads to painful death.

WHO about the dangers of meat

Research by the World Health Organization confirms disappointing results for adherents of an animal diet: meat can indeed cause serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body. In particular, just 50 grams of meat products can increase the risk of developing intestinal cancer by as much as 18%, and 100 grams can increase the risk of cancer of other internal organs by 17%. Think about it: one small ham sandwich can cost months of chemotherapy and possible death! Isn't the price too high?

The World Health Organization's International Cancer Research Unit, in its report on recent research, equates the harm of meat to radioactive plutonium. Every year, about 34 thousand people die from diseases caused by a meat-containing diet. Yes, compared to tobacco and alcohol, this is not so much, but do you really want to be among them?

Some research data

The basic knowledge gained in the field of studying the effects of meat on humans is summarized in a study by the famous American scientist Colin Campbell, which was conducted with the support of the US National Institutes of Health, the American Institute of Cancer Research and the American Cancer Society. For about 40 years, Campbell and a team of scientists conducted experiments and research, as a result of which they came to indestructible and therefore even more surprising conclusions:

  • All other things being equal, a meat diet increases the risk of developing cancer by 21%. At the same time, abstaining from animal proteins after the appearance of a tumor inhibits its development by 40%, which makes it possible to recover and undergo a course of rehabilitation without risk to life.
  • Meat is an inhibitor of diabetes. If a diabetic refuses such dishes, this will reduce the need for insulin-containing drugs.
  • Multiple sclerosis is another disease associated with consumption of animal foods. In 95% of cases, switching to a plant-based diet allows you to avoid severe symptoms of this autoimmune disease and significantly reduce its manifestations.
  • Meat leads to increased cholesterol and, as a result, to blockage of blood vessels. Most of the “heart attack patients” in cardiology departments are notorious meat eaters.

What to do?

We can talk about the dangers of meat for the human body for hours: this issue has been studied quite thoroughly, so leading nutritionists around the world recommend giving up such products and switching to a more balanced and rational plant-based diet. It's time to stop helping meat-processing corporations line their pockets by building their capital on the blood and killing of animals and the destruction of a great natural gift - human health. Before you put another fatty steak on your plate, think about it: this could be your last!


There are not many contraindications to meat, and they can be circumvented by choosing a different type or method of cooking, or simply reducing the amount of product consumed. This is how meat intake is limited in the following cases:

  • high cholesterol;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you have concerns. He will tell you which meat (as well as in what quantity and how prepared) you can eat, and which it is recommended to abstain from.

Types of meat

Many characteristics of the meat will depend on its type. These can be either products taken from large and small livestock, or from game (a less common, more delicious option). The most popular and affordable types of meat:

  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • rabbit meat.

Chicken meat has a large amount of protein, which is easily digestible. White chicken meat is becoming an indispensable attribute of the nutrition of athletes and those losing weight; a healthy diet in most cases will include it. At the same time, chicken meat contains a huge amount of useful elements such as phosphorus, iron, and various vitamins.

Beef is especially useful with a large amount of B vitamins. And in case of anemia, it is indispensable, because thanks to the useful elements in the composition, it takes an active part in hematopoiesis, increasing the level of hemoglobin. There is enough magnesium, potassium, copper, iron and other elements in it.

Pork contains a lot of protein, as well as vitamins B12 and D. Its properties are good for improving the functioning of the nervous system, and it is needed for bones. But it is fattier than beef and chicken, which is why it is used extremely rarely in dietary nutrition.

But rabbit meat is considered a dietary product. It has very little fat and virtually no cholesterol. At the same time, unlike many other types of meat, rabbit meat is most gently accepted by the digestive system. It is added to the diet even for patients with serious gastrointestinal problems.

Also, do not forget that beneficial and negative properties will depend on the method of preparation. Boiled meat will retain more beneficial properties than fried meat. Especially preparation methods should be taken into account in case of digestive system disorders and other diseases.

What does meat consist of?

Is it healthy to eat meat? Any type of it consists of proteins, fats, as well as vitamins and minerals. Let's look at the benefits they bring to the body.

Fats. Meat is the main supplier of fat to our body; it is especially necessary during periods of active growth.

Squirrels. Myosin, tropomyosin and other proteins present in meat supply the body with amino acids.

Vitamins. Meat is rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for the nervous system as a whole.

There are only 1% carbohydrates in meat. This is enough to ensure enzymatic processes.


At home, it is better not to store any types of meat close to other products so that it lasts longer. It is also not recommended to leave it on a wooden board when storing in the refrigerator, because it will absorb the meat juices. Unfrozen meat is stored at a temperature of 0 to +1 degrees and must be used within three days. It keeps much longer when frozen. But fresh meat that has not been re-frozen will retain the most beneficial properties.

Useful properties of meat

What are the benefits of meat? The positive properties of this product have been known for a long time. In many countries, the meat of various animals is used to restore strength after illness, strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseases. Read also: Viburnum berry: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harms.

Useful properties of meat:

  1. Meat is especially beneficial for human bones and muscles. This product strengthens muscles and protects the immune system.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Quite easily digestible with proper nutrition.
  4. Recommended for use in diabetes and pregnancy.

The most common types of meat are: pork, beef, lamb and poultry. From these products you can prepare a wide variety of dietary dishes that will help you lose weight and restore energy.

Meat: the beneficial properties of the product largely depend on the quality and method of its preparation. You can quickly lose weight with it if you follow a proper diet and boil or stew meat. At the same time, you can gain weight if you constantly eat fried meat with other fatty foods.

Is meat good for the digestive system? This question interests many people, since supporters of vegetarianism claim that meat is difficult to process and is a harmful product. In fact, by combining different types of meat with fresh or steamed vegetables, you will, on the contrary, help your digestive system function better.


Animal protein contains all the essential amino acids. Our human body needs all amino acids to build its own proteins. It is able to synthesize some, but not others. Those amino acids that the body cannot synthesize are called essential. Essential amino acids can only be obtained from food.

But the content of essential amino acids in meat does not make the meat itself irreplaceable:

  1. Protein can be obtained from plant foods. Legumes, grains, and nuts contain enough protein. Combining legumes with grains throughout the day provides the body with all the essential amino acids.
  2. Excess protein causes intoxication of the body. Recent studies prove that the previously recommended protein consumption rates (150 g daily) were greatly overestimated. Today, the officially recognized norm is 30-45 g. Meat often leads to increased consumption of protein, which causes intoxication of the body - poisoning with protein breakdown products.
  3. And finally, meat is not the only source of animal protein. There are other animal products - milk, eggs, fish, of which I would call fish the least harmful.
  4. You don't have to eat meat to build muscle. There are plenty of vegetarian and even vegan athletes with some pretty impressive muscles.

Conclusion: the benefits of meat as a source of protein are overestimated.

Meat is a source of protein (it's true). But meat is not the only or best source of protein. No protein deficiency occurs without meat. You can not eat meat and have great muscles.

Vitamin B12

Many people believe that vitamin B12 is only found in meat. Those who are considering giving up meat are afraid that without meat they will develop pernicious anemia.

But here are the facts about vitamin B12 and meat:

  1. Meat is not the only source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is also found in other animal products (eggs, milk and dairy products). In addition, vegetables and greens can be a source of B12 if they are not washed.
  2. Vitamin B12 does not have to be obtained from food. It is synthesized in the human body by bacteria living in the intestines, and according to other sources, in the oral cavity (Dr. Vivienne V. Vetrano - www.naturalnews.com). But this is only possible if there is a healthy microflora, which is not observed when eating meat and other animal products. For the synthesis of vitamin B12, cobalt is needed, which is contained in such plant products as sprouted wheat and bran, buckwheat (just 100 grams of green sprouted buckwheat contain 1100% of the daily requirement for cobalt), corn.
  3. You can take vitamin B12. I do not take vitamin B12, although I have not eaten animal products for many years, but I know that many vegans and vegetarians take it “just in case.” There is nothing wrong with taking vitamin B12.
  4. Meat does not always protect against vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency often appears in people who eat meat. Moreover, the problem cannot be solved by taking the vitamin even in large quantities. In this case, vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by disturbances in its absorption in the body. This problem often occurs as a result of Crohn's disease, celiac disease and other digestive system disorders that are in no way related to vegetarianism or veganism.

Conclusion: the benefits of meat as a source of vitamin B12 are exaggerated.

Meat is not the only source of vitamin B12, which in many cases does not need to be obtained from food - it is synthesized in the body and can be taken as a dietary supplement. Eating meat does not always prevent vitamin B12 deficiency.


Meat contains iron. Especially red meat and offal. Beef liver contains the most iron. Many people believe that iron is best absorbed from meat, but is poorly absorbed from plant foods.

Theoretically, a person who eats meat should not suffer from iron deficiency. But here’s a mystery: I suffered from iron deficiency since childhood, but this problem disappeared as soon as I stopped eating meat! And I’m not the only one who is “weird”. This riddle has a simple explanation.

The facts are:

  1. Meat is not the only source of iron. Iron is found in many plant foods: vegetables and fruits, nuts, herbs, cereals (watermelon, artichoke, rutabaga, melon, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, radishes, radishes, beets, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, sorrel, plum juice, apple juice, dried apricots, raisins, nuts, seeds, wholemeal bread, black bread, bran, cereals, herbs, salad vegetables, cabbage).
  2. Iron is absorbed from plant foods no worse than from meat. To absorb iron from plant products, it is advisable to consume them together with foods rich in vitamin C (lemon, orange, parsley, etc.).
  3. Iron is not always well absorbed from meat. Coffee and tea (both black and green) interfere with the absorption of iron. Also, milk and dairy products interfere with the absorption of iron (due to the calcium content in milk).

Conclusion: the benefits of meat as the best source of iron are exaggerated.

Meat is not the best source of iron. Iron is found in many plant foods and is absorbed no worse than from meat.

Vitamins A, E, D

Meat, offal (for example, liver), animal fat and other animal products (fish, milk, eggs) contain vitamins A, E and D in an easily accessible (digestible) form.

Facts about meat and vitamins A, E and D:

  1. Meat is a good source of vitamins A, E and D. The peculiarity of vitamins A, E and D is that they are fat-soluble, and meat already contains the fats necessary for their absorption. This fact makes meat a good source of these vitamins.
  2. Fish, milk and eggs are just as good sources of vitamins A, E and D as meat. When consuming these foods, there is no reason to fear a deficiency of these vitamins.
  3. Plant foods and in combination with oils are an excellent source of vitamins A and E. Dark green and red-yellow vegetables and fruits (carrots, sweet potatoes, capsicums, spinach, pumpkin, mangoes, apricots, persimmons, etc.) contain beta -carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. To absorb it, you need to consume enough vegetable oils, which also contain vitamin E.
  4. The amount of vitamin D in the body depends only to a small extent on diet. Vitamin D can be obtained from food or synthesized through exposure to sunlight. Vegetarians, as well as those who eat meat, need to be in the sun at least from time to time - then there will be enough vitamin D, regardless of diet. The main factor influencing vitamin D deficiency is the region of residence. Residents of northern regions and countries where it is customary to completely cover the body with clothing (Muslim countries) suffer from vitamin D deficiency much more often than residents of other regions, regardless of the diet they follow. If you don't get enough sun exposure, it makes sense to take extra vitamin D (the vegan version of vitamin D (D2) stays in the body for no longer than 3 days, so you need to take it more often).

Conclusion: the benefits of meat as a source of vitamins A, E, D are exaggerated.

Meat and other animal products are a convenient source of vitamin A, which is, however, easily obtained by eating dark green and red-orange vegetables and fruits.

Vegetable oils and plant products containing them are an excellent source of vitamin E. And in order to avoid vitamin D deficiency, you need to be in the sun enough or take this vitamin additionally, regardless of your diet.


Meat and by-products (liver, kidneys) contain a relatively large amount of phosphorus, which, however, does not make meat either irreplaceable or even the best source of phosphorus.

Facts about meat and phosphorus:

  1. Meat is not the only source of phosphorus. Phosphorus is found in large quantities in both animal (fish, eggs, milk) and plant products (all kinds of nuts, soybeans, oatmeal, pearl barley, fruits, vegetables, herbs).
  2. Meat is not the best source of phosphorus. Many nuts and seeds (sesame, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, almonds) contain 1.5-2 times more phosphorus than veal liver or chicken breasts, and 3.5-4.5 times more than beef or lamb .

Conclusion: the benefits of meat as a source of phosphorus are exaggerated.

Meat is neither the only nor the best source of phosphorus. Many products, both animal and plant, are superior to meat in phosphorus content.

How to choose

Choosing the right meat is sometimes not so easy. First you need to decide which part of the carcass you need meat for your purposes. When choosing, you should pay attention to its color and aroma. If the meat is gray and doesn’t smell too good, then you shouldn’t take it. But this only applies to fresh meat, but in the case of a frozen product, you play a guessing game and trust only the manufacturer’s words about the expiration date.

Take a closer look at the color of the bones on your favorite piece of meat. It happens that sellers, in order to refresh the product externally, simply soak it in potassium permanganate. If the bones are pinkish or yellowish, it means the seller is cheating and is trying to sell you a stale piece.

Feel the meat. If it is slimy and feels unpleasant in your hands, you should not take this piece. Because a fresh piece is elastic and not slimy. The juice makes it moist, but it lies organically in the hand and does not cause disgust when touched. Look closely at the meat; if something makes you suspicious, it’s better to buy it from another seller.

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