Compatibility of products with each other

For the first time, the idea of ​​compatibility and incompatibility of food products came to the mind of Herbert Sheldon. Years of research helped him identify the enzymes that are necessary to digest certain foods and develop such a popular diet as separate meals. A table that clearly demonstrates all the principles of the system is an easy way to adhere to this nutritional system.

The basis on which separate nutrition is built is the product compatibility table.

What is separate nutrition: features

Shelton based his system on the idea that during the digestion process, the body uses a specific enzyme for each nutrient. If you consume so-called compatible foods during meals, they will be digested faster, and in this case the nutrients will be better absorbed. If you mix incompatible ingredients during a meal, the digestion process becomes difficult, nutrients are poorly absorbed, excess weight gains occur, and the intestines become clogged with toxins.

What negative processes occur in the body when mixing products:

  • poorly digested food begins to ferment in the stomach and intestines;
  • difficulties arise in the process of natural cleansing of the body from food debris;
  • metabolism slows down, which leads to excess weight;
  • increased gas formation begins in the gastrointestinal tract, acidity increases, discomfort and pain appear.

Separate nutrition is the use of foods with different components at different intervals of the day while maintaining a balanced and varied menu.

Shelton formed several basic principles of RP:

  • Macronutrient separation. To digest fats, proteins or carbohydrates, the body secretes different enzymes, so protein, carbohydrate or fatty foods should be eaten at different times, without mixing with each other.
  • Simplified processing. It is believed that the less and simpler the food is processed during the cooking process, the more beneficial substances are retained in them. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to cooking, quick stewing and baking, and consume plant products raw.
  • Water separate from food. Shelton believed that water interferes with digestion because... dilutes gastric juices. Therefore, it is recommended to drink not during lunch, but to take water either shortly before the meal, or wait a couple of hours after it.
  • Refusal of ready-made meals, semi-finished products and preservatives. Products with preservatives, sugar, and starchy foods are considered a source of empty and unhealthy elements, so they are excluded from the menu. There is also a refusal of salt and spices, because... they stimulate excess appetite.
  • The ability to distinguish hunger from appetite. You can eat only when you feel hungry. In this case, the body gives signals about the desire to receive nutrients. The feeling of appetite, which is not associated with real hunger, as Shelton suggested, is often caused by psychological dependence on food. Those who want to eat healthy need to learn to correctly “hear” the physical and psychological needs of their body.

The right combination of foods for health and weight loss - Shelton's table - Sports - Lifestyle

The human body spends a lot of energy digesting the food it eats. Therefore, product compatibility is very important for proper nutrition. The compatibility table will help you choose the right diet and avoid overloading the digestive system.

Why is this necessary?

Have you noticed that after eating you often lose performance and feel the desire to sleep? This happens because it is difficult for the digestive system to digest all the food received. A lot of the body’s energy goes into processing it. If you take into account the combination of compatible foods, then you will get up from the table with a feeling of satiety, lightness and a charge of energy.

How it works

Different ingredients require different amounts of time to process and be absorbed in the digestive system. And also during the digestion of each element of food, the body secretes certain enzymes.

When many incompatible foods are consumed at one meal, this leads to the fact that they cannot be fully digested. The entire digestive process is disrupted. The person feels heaviness and discomfort.

Therefore, failure to follow the rules for combining ingredients will not benefit the body, even if these products are the freshest and healthiest. Let's figure out together what can be combined with what for a healthy diet and how to eat to lose weight.

What Herbert Shelton writes

Fractional nutrition is the best way not only to maintain a healthy body, but also to lose weight without exhausting diets. Herbert Shelton was the first to promote fractional nutrition and explain its essence. The basis of his method is the fact that products should be as simple as possible, then the body will absorb it faster and easier.

He divided all products into several groups that can be consumed together and which cannot.

Some are digested in an acidic environment, others need an alkaline and another group of products that are digested in a neutral environment.

According to this principle, some ingredients must be consumed together for better absorption of vitamins and microelements. No more than 2-3 foods of the same group should be eaten in one meal.

The Shelton system is quite strict nutritional rules, by adhering to which thousands of people have strengthened their health, adjusted their body’s metabolism, and even been cured of diseases. In this article, the compatibility table is presented in the form of a picture that will be understandable to any reader. The intersection of cells shows the degree of compatibility of these products.

Shelton table

Click on the picture to enlarge

Next, you will become familiar with the main features of the combination of ingredients; Shelton’s table is based on them:

  • fats are not compatible with carbohydrate ingredients;
  • Proteins do not need to be consumed together at the same meal. One ingredient is enough;
  • Protein products are not recommended to be eaten with starchy, sour fruits. They are also not compatible with fats;
  • there is no need to eat sweet fruit with sour fruit;
  • starch is not used with sugars;
  • melon, watermelon with other ingredients should not be consumed;
  • You should avoid milk or drink it separately;
  • It is recommended to eat any fruit separately. According to Breg and his nutritional advice, fruit is the healthiest food. But they cannot be combined with other groups;
  • exclude dessert, as it is a useless food that interferes with normal digestion.

What I.P. writes Pavlov

Academician Pavlov, having conducted several scientific experiments to study the digestive system, cited some facts:

  • for each individual product the body secretes a certain amount of its digestive juice;
  • All foods have different character and time to digest. If you combine them, digestion is disrupted and the products are not fully absorbed;
  • in the gastrointestinal tract, products are digested in different sections with different amounts of time;
  • People whose bodies are weakened by illness especially need to try separate meals. When the work of digestion is facilitated, the healing process is accelerated.

The menu according to Academician Pavlov is based on fractional meals. It was his results of scientific tests that formed the basis of Shelton’s nutritional method.

Combination of products according to Academician Pavlov

The main rules for combining food, based on the research of I.P. Pavlov:

  • you cannot combine food from different groups;
  • There should be as few ingredients as possible, but of the best quality. The simpler the food, the better;
  • you cannot eat new food until the previous one is digested (2-3 hours);
  • You cannot drink water during meals.

Description of products

Protein foods soybeans, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes, olives, eggs, mushrooms, meat, fish; Carbohydrate foods: grains, potatoes, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, honey, jam, jam, figs, bananas, dates, grapes, persimmons, prunes and raisins;

Fats: all animal fats, vegetable oils, avocados, cream, sour cream, some types of nuts, fatty meats and fish;

Compatible vegetables (non-starchy and green) green peas, onions, cucumbers, eggplants, sweet peppers, radishes, turnips, sorrel, lettuce, spinach, celery, garlic, parsley. Sour vegetables, fruits pineapple, citrus fruits, pomegranate, peach, plum, tomato;

Semi-sour mangoes, apples, pears, apricots.

Convincing arguments against such a food system

Proven facts and scientific justification are not an argument for everyone. There are those who reject fractional meals. They make the following arguments:

  • the combination of ingredients from different groups during processing in the body complement each other;
  • Meat protein is absorbed better if combined with carbohydrates. They activate the production of pancreatic juice, which digests protein ingredients;
  • sour fruits should be eaten with grains - they help with the absorption of iron;
  • vegetables should be combined with all groups, because fiber is important for the proper functioning and cleansing of the intestines.

But, nevertheless, many positive reviews, healthier and thinner people, prove the effectiveness of balanced nutrition.

This approach is not a diet, but when fighting extra pounds it gives quick results, because the body works easily, its organs are not overloaded, vitamins and microelements are better absorbed.

In addition, the calorie content of one meal, if the combination of foods from the same group is observed, is much reduced.

However, you should not suddenly switch to fractional meals. This should be done gradually, starting with one fasting day a week, gradually increasing the number of days. Then you can create a menu for the month, choosing suitable recipes that you like. In any case, you need to listen to your body, and if necessary, consult a doctor.


Thanks to the system of food compatibility for proper nutrition, you can not only cleanse the body of toxins, improve and strengthen your health, but also achieve weight loss. The table will become an indispensable assistant in this.

Based on it, you can create a varied healthy menu of products that suit each other. The main advantage of this technique is that it eliminates overeating. You will agree that it is difficult to eat a lot of the same type of food.

Compatibility of products with separate power supply

There are several large categories of products: carbohydrate (CP), neutral (NP), protein (BP).

seafood, fish;


poultry, meat;


seeds, nuts.

fruits, dried fruits;
fresh juices;




Potatoes do not fall into this category!





sugar, honey

According to the principles of separate nutrition, BP and UP are never consumed together; they are combined with NP, but not with each other.

Other unfavorable combinations you need to know about:

Bad food combinationCauseNegative consequences
Proteins and proteinsRequires a lot of gastric juice, long digestionGastrointestinal dysfunction, gas formation, bloating, constipation
Proteins and fatsFat makes it difficult for the stomach to produce acid.Prolonged digestion, formation of waste in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation
Proteins and acidsDigestion slows down due to excess acidCauses heartburn, fermentation, and beneficial nutrients are not absorbed
Carbohydrates and acidsExcessive acidity makes it difficult to digest carbohydratesBeneficial nutrients from carbohydrates are not absorbed
Carbohydrates and carbohydratesSlow digestion and metabolismCarbohydrate deposits form as fat, causing excess weight
Carbohydrates and sugarBad combination, slows down digestion and metabolismCarbohydrate deposits form as fat, causing excess weight

Milk is considered an independent product; it does not combine well with other categories, so it is consumed separately. Similarly, it is advised to eat melon separately from other foods - it is full of useful substances, but when combined with other foods, there will be no benefit from melon.

A more detailed combination of certain separate food products is given in the table. It is convenient to keep at hand.

Article on the Women Planet website

Shelton's controversial diet

Herbert Shelton, a nutritionist from America, created a qualitatively new approach to losing weight. The essence of the method: separate types of food should not be consumed in parallel, at the same time.

According to him, all food is conventionally divided into protein, or protein-containing, and starch. The first includes: poultry, meat, milk and dairy products, nuts, legumes, cheese and eggs. Starch foods include all baked goods, rice and other cereals, and potatoes.

Proponents of the opinion believe that the ancestors of modern man were slim because they did not combine different types of food.

Opponents point out that:

  • there are no products that do not contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates together;
  • It makes no difference to the body how or what to digest.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that the benefits of separate nutrition are undeniable if it is balanced. Like any diet, this method of losing weight involves a ban on sweets, limiting fast carbohydrates in principle and increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits.

Herbert Shelton and his books

According to the Shelton method, it is prohibited to eat the following combinations together:

  • Carbohydrates and proteins. You cannot combine, for example, milk and oatmeal.
  • Sour and fermented milk products with carbohydrates. The simultaneous consumption of oranges and oatmeal is prohibited.
  • Fats and proteins. In this case, cottage cheese should not be seasoned with sour cream.
  • Proteins and acidic fruits or vegetables. I'll have to forget about chicken breast with tomato salad.
  • Refined sugar along with starchy foods. Unnatural sweets should either be removed from the diet completely or limited as much as possible.

Sample menu according to Shelton

Nuances during weight loss:

  • Milk should be consumed without combining it with other foods. This product is absorbed in the duodenum, unlike other products that often do this in the stomach. Dairy fats will only interfere with the proper processing of other foods.
  • Melon and watermelon have poor compatibility with any other type of food. They contain a lot of sucrose, which can cause fermentation when combined with other foods.
  • Restrictions on concurrent intake of starchy foods. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to fermentation.

Food Combination

Despite the fact that Herbert developed his own weight loss menu, he was a staunch vegetarian and raw foodist. During his hospital practice, he literally conducted experiments on his patients and was also involved in “improving” his method.

Shelton was a proponent of special fasting. He believed that:

  • You should not drink large amounts of water during this approach to losing weight, but only drink it when desired;
  • no special “inputs” to the diet are needed;
  • The use of enemas and laxatives is prohibited.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that nutritionist Shelton has been arrested and even imprisoned more than once due to the damage caused to his patients due to the peculiar “diet” approach he prescribed.

Modern scientists have long ago agreed on the following opinion:

  • It is impossible to lose weight by depriving yourself of food;
  • temporary weight loss is fraught with introducing the body into a state of mobilization;
  • hunger cannot make a person healthier;
  • such weight loss will definitely disrupt (if not destroy) metabolism;
  • the wrong way out of a weekly adherence to the approach can result in death;
  • Deficiency of nutrients supplied from food leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

First of all, the stomach suffers, which is manifested by exacerbation of chronic gastritis or the formation of erosions/ulcers

Unlike the menu compiled by Shelton, which can heal the body and help a person lose weight, his method of fasting turned out to be not only a complete failure, but also life-threatening.

The diet, designed for a duration of 90 days , is built on the principle of separate nutrition, but the scale of the periods of changing foods is many times greater.

The basic rules for losing weight on this diet are the following:

  • product compatibility rules are the basis and main driving force of the method;
  • for 3 months it is necessary to alternate protein, starch, carbohydrate and fruit and vegetable days.
  • every 29 days there is a “unloading” - drinking exclusively clean still water;
  • meals should happen at approximately the same time;
  • the first and last “energy charging” should occur at 9 am and 5-6 pm;
  • Every day you need to drink 2 liters of liquid in the form of clean water;
  • the “heat” of the food eaten should be around body temperature;
  • Do not drink while eating.
Sample menu for 4 days
Protein day
BreakfastA small pack of cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast and coffee
DinnerA small piece of meat or fish and vegetable salad in reasonable quantities
DinnerSandwiches with boiled chicken, cabbage and tomato salad
starchy day
BreakfastAny porridge, dried fruits and coffee
DinnerVegetable stew in the amount of 250 grams
DinnerServing of fried or steamed rice
Carbohydrate day
Breakfast50 grams of any bun, the same amount of chocolate and a cup of coffee with added sugar
DinnerHomemade pizza or pie with olives, cheese and tomato paste within 300 grams
DinnerSpaghetti with basil and tomatoes (about 200 grams)
Fruit and vegetable day
BreakfastBanana, citrus and coffee
DinnerTwo hundred gram serving of fruit salad
DinnerBaked apples with honey and cinnamon and 5 pieces of melon before bed

4 days make up one cycle, from day 5 you need to start over.

Efficiency is achieved due to the fact that the diet has weight loss catalysts in the form of many vegetables and fruits and drinking large amounts of water.

Read more in our article about the Shelton diet.

The essence of Shelton's separate nutrition method

Herbert Shelton, a nutritionist from America, created a qualitatively new approach to losing weight. The point of his method is that certain types of food should not be consumed in parallel, at the same time. According to him, all food is conventionally divided into protein, or protein-containing, and starch.

The first type includes poultry, meat, milk and dairy products, nuts, legumes, cheese and eggs. Starch products include all baked goods, rice and other cereals, and potatoes.

Pros and cons of the approach

Those who support the Shelton diet argue that the ancestors of modern man were slim because they did not know about the possibility of combining different types of food.

Opponents point out that:

  • there are no products that do not contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates together;
  • It makes no difference to the body how or what to digest.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that the benefits of separate nutrition are undeniable if it is balanced. For example, like any diet, this method of losing weight involves a ban on sweets, limiting fast carbohydrates in principle and increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits.

We recommend reading about the ketone diet for weight loss. From the article you will learn about the principles of the ketone diet, a sample menu for women, and weight loss results.

And here is more information about how the alkaline diet for weight loss is carried out.

Product combination

Since the Herbert Shelton diet combines only certain foods, you need to know for sure what can be taken in total.

The following combinations are prohibited:

  • Carbohydrates and proteins. You cannot combine, for example, milk and oatmeal.
  • Sour and fermented milk products with carbohydrates. The simultaneous consumption of oranges and oatmeal is prohibited.
  • Fats and proteins. In this case, cottage cheese should not be seasoned with sour cream.
  • Proteins and acidic fruits or vegetables. I'll have to forget about chicken breast with tomato salad.
  • Refined sugar along with starchy foods. It should also be remembered that unnatural sweets must either be removed from the diet completely or limited as much as possible.

There are also a number of nuances that are implied during such weight loss:

  • Milk should be consumed without combining it with other foods. This product is absorbed in the duodenum, unlike other products, which often do this in the stomach. That is, milk fats will only interfere with the proper processing of other foods.
  • Melon and watermelon have poor compatibility with any other type of food. They contain a lot of sucrose, which can cause fermentation in combination with some other food.
  • Restrictions on concurrent intake of starchy foods. As in the previous case, failure to comply with this rule can lead to fermentation.

Watch this video about the principles of separate nutrition according to Shelton:

Fasting from Herbert: is it worth it?

Despite the fact that Herbert developed his own weight loss menu, he was a staunch vegetarian and raw foodist. During his hospital practice, he literally conducted experiments on his patients and was also involved in “improving” his method.

Shelton was a proponent of special fasting. He believed that:

  • You should not drink large amounts of water during this approach to losing weight, but only drink it when desired;
  • no special “inputs” to the diet are needed;
  • The use of enemas and laxatives is prohibited.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that nutritionist Shelton has been arrested and even imprisoned more than once due to the damage caused to his patients due to the peculiar “diet” approach he prescribed.

Modern scientists have long ago agreed on the following opinion:

  • It is impossible to lose weight by depriving yourself of food;
  • temporary weight loss is fraught with introducing the body into a state of mobilization;
  • hunger cannot make a person healthier;
  • such weight loss will definitely disrupt (if not destroy) metabolism;
  • the wrong way out of a weekly adherence to the approach can result in death;
  • Deficiency of nutrients supplied from food leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Unlike the menu compiled by Shelton, which can heal the body and help a person lose weight, his method of fasting turned out to be not only a complete failure, but also life-threatening.

90 day diet for women

The 90-day diet was also developed by Shelton. It is also built on the principle of separate meals, but the scale of the periods of changing products is many times greater.

The basic rules for losing weight on this diet are the following:

  • product compatibility rules are the basis and main driving force of the method;
  • for 3 months it is necessary to alternate protein, starch, carbohydrate and fruit and vegetable days.
  • every 29 days there is a “unloading” - drinking exclusively clean still water;
  • meals should happen at approximately the same time;
  • the first and last “energy charging” should occur at 9 am and 5-6 pm, respectively;
  • Every day you need to drink 2 liters of liquid in the form of clean water;
  • the “heat” of the food eaten should be around body temperature;
  • Do not drink while eating.
Sample menu for 4 days
Protein day
BreakfastA small pack of cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast and coffee
DinnerA small piece of meat or fish and vegetable salad in reasonable quantities
DinnerSandwiches with boiled chicken, cabbage and tomato salad
starchy day
BreakfastAny porridge, dried fruits and coffee
DinnerVegetable stew in the amount of 250 grams
DinnerServing of fried or steamed rice
Carbohydrate day
Breakfast50 grams of any bun, the same amount of chocolate and a cup of coffee with added sugar
DinnerHomemade pizza or pie with olives, cheese and tomato paste within 300 grams
DinnerSpaghetti with basil and tomatoes (about 200 grams)
Fruit and vegetable day
BreakfastBanana, citrus and coffee
DinnerTwo hundred gram serving of fruit salad
DinnerBaked apples with honey and cinnamon and 5 pieces of melon before bed

4 days make up one cycle, from day 5 you need to start over.

Are hips and volumes really going away?

The effectiveness in reducing hips and body size in general is achieved not because of this particular approach, but because the diet has weight loss catalysts in the form of many vegetables and fruits and drinking plenty of water.

We recommend reading about the Volkov diet. From the article you will learn about who Dr. Volkov is, the features of his diet, its advantages and disadvantages, and the principles of creating a menu for every day.

And here is more information about the principles of the Atkins diet.

The Herbert Shelton diet is one of the most controversial approaches to weight loss out there. A staunch vegetarian and raw foodist, he has harmed more than one person who has ever been under his influence, but for women who have experienced this approach, the effectiveness of the method is obvious.

Watch this video about the advantages and disadvantages of separate power supply:

Separate meals: sample menu

Fasting days for weight loss - article on Women Planet

Using the food compatibility tables, let's try to create an approximate diet for the week. It is better to buy products in advance according to the list, so as not to make thoughtless purchases. Meals are broken down into small portions throughout the day.

MonBoiled oatmeal, orangeGreens seasoned with vegetable oilGrilled chicken, fresh vegetablesAppleVegetable broth, boiled eggs
TueBarley, kiwi, unsweetened teaOrangeStewed vegetable stew with fishUnsweetened Greek yogurtOmelet with boiled vegetables
WedBoiled buckwheat, lemon tea, grapefruitPearVegetable salad, stewNut mixtureVegetables baked with cheese
ThuOatmeal without milk, orange juiceNatural yogurtSeafood with vegetablesPearBunch of fresh herbs, cucumbers
FriBuckwheat without milk, unsweetened lemon teaPearBoiled turkey with broccoliTomato juiceVegetables in the oven, sprinkled with vegetable oil
SatAny dairy-free porridge, orange juiceSkimmed milkVegetable puree soup, fish fillethandful of seedsBoiled eggs, greens
SunIt is recommended to unload, any product during the day (apples, buckwheat, kefir, milk)


Vegetables in Italian


  • 2 small zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Daikon root
  • 100 g sprouted wheat
  • Chilli
  • Bunch of parsley
  • Garlic clove
  • juice of one lime
  • 2 tbsp. l. dark sesame oil
  • soy sauce

Tagliatelle is a type of pasta, wide, flat spaghetti.
Use vegetables to make your own tagliatelle. Preparation

  1. Take your vegetable peeler and slice the zucchini, carrots and root thin and wide.
  2. Allow the finished tagliatelle to absorb the lime juice that you previously poured on it.
  3. Remove seeds and membranes from the chili. Cut the pepper into thin rings.
  4. Chop the parsley leaves and garlic.
  5. Mix tagliatelle with pepper, herbs and sprouts.
  6. Add dressings.

Pros, cons, contraindications to RP

Vitamins for women's health - article on Women Planet

The obvious advantages of the diet include:

  • Diet variety. There are not many restrictions in the choice of products. Macronutrients can be combined in various ways, following the principles of compatibility. Fresh products are preferred; you will wean yourself from eating low-quality or unhealthy foods.
  • Normalization of digestion. Eating food according to the rules of separate nutrition helps ease digestive processes and cleanse the intestines. Negative phenomena such as bloating, increased acidity, constipation, and dysbacteriosis are eliminated.
  • General improvement of the body. Reducing breakdown products and good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can reduce the negative consequences of intoxication and reduce the load on the liver. Your health improves significantly.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes. Nutrients begin to be better absorbed, and less energy is spent on digestion. Separate nutrition is great for starting natural weight loss, helps you lose excess weight and stay in good shape for a long time. Experts advise sticking to the RP for at least 90 days.

There are also disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  • Menu creation. In order to create a good, balanced menu, it is worth spending a lot of time with tables and calculators. The diet should be varied and take into account the balance of food intake; such calculations will not be easy for a beginner to make.
  • Weaning from the usual diet. Separate nutrition involves eating certain foods, and the body gradually becomes unaccustomed to digesting dishes that combine unfavorable foods. This threatens intestinal disorders if you decide to have dinner, for example, in a restaurant.
  • Hunger. A sudden change in diet may be accompanied by bouts of hunger. They gradually pass, but you need to give yourself time to get used to it.
  • Need to cook separately. Only self-prepared dishes meet the principles of the RP. When going on a visit or to catering establishments, you run the risk of eating incompatible products or will be forced to order the simplest combinations, which may not be on the menu.

There is still good news - experts believe that separate nutrition has no obvious contraindications. Naturally, such nutrition is not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. Those who have chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, metabolic disorders, diabetes, eating disorders, need to consult a doctor.

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