Sex hormones and excess weight in women

A person’s weight largely depends not only on maintaining a proper diet and physical activity. Body weight is affected by hormonal levels. If there is an imbalance of hormones in the body, the weight does not go away even with intense training and the strictest diet. Therefore, you can influence the process of losing weight by adjusting the hormonal balance. To do this, you need to take special medications. After hormone levels normalize, excess weight comes off easily.
  • Hormones for weight normalization
      Pancreatic hormones
  • Hormones of hunger and satiety
  • Stress hormones
  • Hormones of happiness
  • Sex hormones
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Fat burner hormone
  • Intestinal hormone
  • Contraindications and possible harm
  • The influence of hormones on weight

    Any hormonal imbalance leads to a sharp gain or loss of body weight.

    The following types of hormones are present in the human body:

    • anabolic steroids - stimulate metabolic reactions, reduce the amount of fat and promote weight loss;
    • catabolics - make the functioning of internal organs stable and increase weight.

    The following hormones influence body weight:

    • somatotropin - increases growth;
    • endorphin - reduces pain;
    • testosterone - regulates metabolic processes and stimulates the formation of adipose tissue;
    • estrogen - accelerates metabolic reactions;
    • thyroxine - regulates the activity of the thyroid gland;
    • adrenaline - stimulates the decomposition of fat cells in the liver;
    • insulin - responsible for the level of glucose in the blood;
    • glucagon - increases blood sugar concentration.

    These same hormones regulate the processes of weight loss and gain in the human body. First of all, the process of losing weight depends on the content of the hormone somatotropin in the body. It stimulates the development of muscle tissue and reduces the percentage of fat, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and bones, and improves immune defense.

    The process of carbohydrate absorption in the body depends on insulin and glucagon, which are hormones of the pancreas. Glucagon releases glucose in the blood, and insulin carries it throughout the cellular structure. If this process is not controlled, the woman’s weight begins to increase, and thyroid diseases may develop.

    Hormones for weight loss for women

    Hormones intended for weight loss affect the following processes:

    • human well-being;
    • the appearance of extra centimeters around the waist and hips.

    Hormones used for intensive weight loss can have a direct effect on the volume of adipose tissue, the intensity of the breakdown of fat reserves, and bringing body parameters back to normal.

    Hormonal drugs for active weight loss are responsible for the functioning of certain body systems. For example, thyroid hormones are responsible for the normal course of metabolic processes. When sex hormones are imbalanced, reproductive function is disrupted. Hormones produced by the adrenal glands are responsible for the individual response to stress.

    You can independently control your hormonal levels with the help of well-chosen nutrition and intense sports activities. At the same time, you need to know which hormones activate the process of losing weight, and which, on the contrary, inhibit getting rid of unwanted kilograms.

    With a reduced amount of thyroid hormones, metabolism is disrupted and overall health worsens. In this case, doctors prescribe special medications. For example, L-thyroxine, with the active ingredient levothyroxine, is used for weight loss.

    The daily dose of the drug is no more than 100 mcg.

    in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.

    The drug is also indicated for the growth of muscle mass in representatives of the stronger sex who are actively involved in strength training. The dose for women is much smaller - usually no more than 25 mcg.

    Attention! Uncontrolled use of the drug causes dangerous complications - failure of the heart and blood vessels, thyroid gland and adrenal glands. The dosage of the medicine and the duration of the course of treatment are determined only by the doctor after examinations, medical history and laboratory tests.

    Types of hormonal pills that affect the process of losing weight

    Hormones that affect body weight should only be used to create or maintain a natural balance between them. The consequences of disturbing this balance can be very dangerous and in some cases even irreversible.

    To identify specific changes in hormonal balance and to choose the right drug, you need to undergo a series of tests and consult with an endocrinologist. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose and recommend which hormones need to be increased and which ones reduced to normalize body weight. You are only allowed to adjust your diet and physical activity on your own.

    Low-dose drugs

    Combined contraceptives of this type are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy in young women who have not yet given birth, or at a later age, when reproductive functions are still preserved. In addition to their direct purpose, these tablets have a therapeutic effect. With their help, you can normalize the menstrual cycle, maintain normal estrogen levels and prevent the development of gynecological diseases.

    The estrogen contained in the tablets promotes fluid retention in the body and can therefore cause weight gain.

    Contraceptives with small amounts of estrogen include:

    • Lindinet 20;
    • Trisiston;
    • Janine;
    • Tri-mercy.


    These contraceptive drugs are combination drugs that are suitable for young women who have not given birth, as well as those over the age of 35. The medication contains a small dose of estrogen. Microdosed tablets are gentle on the body, but have some side effects. They can cause yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, allergic reactions, weight gain instead of the desired weight loss.

    Names of popular drugs:

    • Logest;
    • Mercilon;
    • Claira.

    Birth control pills

    This category of medicines includes:

    • Jess.
    • Yarina.
    • Regulon.


    This drug belongs to low-dose hormonal contraceptives. It suppresses the development of ovulation and increases the density of secretions in the cervical canal. Regular use of Jess helps normalize the female cycle, reduces the intensity, duration and pain of menstruation.

    The package contains 28 tablets, of which 4 are auxiliary and do not have any contraceptive properties. You need to take the drug 1 piece from the package per day at the same time. After finishing the first pack, you need to start the second the next day.


    • tendency to form blood clots;
    • heart disease;
    • pancreatitis;
    • liver and kidney diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • individual intolerance.


    A low-dose combination contraceptive suppresses ovulation. When prescribed correctly, Yarina improves the menstrual cycle, reduces signs of iron deficiency anemia, reduces swelling and reduces weight.

    You need to take this contraceptive for 21 days, 1 piece at a strictly prescribed time. Then you need to take a break for 7 days and continue taking the tablets from the new package.

    Contraindications for Yarina are:

    • period of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
    • pancreatitis;
    • tendency to form blood clots;
    • migraine;
    • liver diseases;
    • diabetes.


    The drug is a monophasic contraceptive that reduces weight. It suppresses ovulation, causes a reduction in blood loss during menstruation, stabilizes the cycle, and improves the condition of the epidermis.

    Women take these hormonal diet pills from the first day of their cycle, 1 piece per day. It is advisable to take the drug at the same time. After three weeks of use, you must take a break for 7 days and then continue by starting a new package.

    Contraindications for Regulon are:

    • high blood pressure;
    • tendency to form blood clots;
    • pancreatitis;
    • diabetes;
    • lactation period and expecting a child;
    • gallstones.

    Hormones for weight normalization

    The main hormones, a deficiency or excess of which can affect a person’s body weight.

    Pancreatic hormones

    One of the main hormones of this type is insulin. It regulates blood glucose levels and converts excess glucose into fat deposits. If the process of insulin synthesis in the pancreas is disrupted, diabetes mellitus occurs. This happens if the organ works too intensely, trying to process large amounts of sugar and starch entering the body. Therefore, to reduce excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the amount of such products in the diet.

    To improve the functioning of the pancreas, it is recommended to take vitamin B3, vanadium and chromium. These substances, as part of vitamin-mineral complexes, will both prevent and treat organ dysfunction.

    Hormones of hunger and satiety

    This group of substances includes ghrelin and leptin. They cause hunger or satiety, and their imbalance leads to obesity.

    Leptin is called the satiety hormone because it signals the brain to stop eating. It is produced by fat cells. Therefore, the amount of leptin is directly proportional to the amount of fat in the body, which is good for weight loss. Therefore, if you are overweight, losing weight is easier. If leptin immunity develops, the brain cannot see it and the amount of fat in the body increases.

    To restore balance, you need to increase physical activity and eliminate junk food from your diet. A full night's sleep of at least 8 hours is also necessary. Leptin is not administered in tablets or injections into the human body.

    Ghrelin, called the hunger hormone, is produced by cells in the gastrointestinal tract. It signals the brain that the body needs food. The largest amount of this hormone is observed in people suffering from anorexia. If ghrelin synthesis is disrupted, the brain continues to receive hunger signals even when the stomach is full. This hormone develops a person’s dependence on high-calorie foods and alcohol, causing them to increase portion sizes and constantly snack.

    Synthetic preparations of ghrelin do not yet exist. You can reduce the amount of this hormone only by changing your eating habits:

    • sharply reduce the amount of alcohol;
    • avoid exposure to stress;
    • reduce portions;
    • eat and drink separately;
    • Exercise your body physically for at least 1 hour every day.

    Stress hormones

    This group includes:

    • cortisol, which creates a feeling of danger and forces you to stock up;
    • adrenaline, which causes a feeling of drive and stimulates the breakdown of fat cells.

    When the concentration of cortisol is elevated for a long time, negative reactions begin in the body, leading to weight gain. For the most part, this occurs due to internal fat deposited on the organs in the abdominal cavity. To effectively lose weight, you need to get rid of elevated cortisol. To do this you need:

    • stop fasting;
    • do not allow too intense physical activity;
    • sleep at least 8 hours;
    • improve your mood, do meditation, relax the nervous system;
    • find a hobby for the soul;
    • Contact a psychologist if you cannot get rid of stress on your own.

    Cortisol is reduced with medication only when absolutely necessary, before surgery or radiation therapy. This method is not used for weight loss.

    Adrenaline is produced in situations where a person experiences drive or pleasure. This hormone speeds up metabolism and breaks down fats, so to lose weight it needs to be increased. This can be done chemically or naturally. In the first case, daily injections of adrenaline are given.

    To ensure that the body does not get used to its effects, medications must be constantly changed. To increase hormone levels naturally, a person must experience strong emotions and shocks. A parachute jump, dizzying rides, auto racing, etc. can help with this.

    Additionally, you need to reconsider your diet and reduce its calorie content, since without this, adrenaline will not reduce weight.

    Hormones of happiness

    These substances are synthesized by pituitary cells; they conduct nerve impulses to the part of the brain that is responsible for pleasure. The problem with endorphins is that they are also produced when eating food. Therefore, addictions to food, alcohol and drugs often occur. If a person goes off the diet, the amount of endorphins decreases sharply, which forces the body to increase their levels by consuming even more food.

    Artificial analogues of endorphins have not been identified, but this hormone cannot be obtained from food. You can only stimulate the synthesis of these hormones by eating certain foods. One of the most effective ways to activate the production of endorphins at home is by playing sports, doing something you love, or listening to music.

    Sex hormones

    The main sex hormones that influence body weight are progesterone and testosterone. The first of them reveals the maternal instinct and is responsible for conception. It stimulates an increase in the amount of sebum and causes weight gain, slows down metabolism, and awakens cravings for sweet foods. It is good during pregnancy, otherwise it causes obesity.

    You can reduce the amount of progesterone by taking the drug Clomiphene, 1 piece for 5 days, starting from the 5th day of the female cycle. You should take pills only as prescribed by your doctor.

    You can reduce progesterone levels in a safer way - by reviewing your diet:

    • reduce the amount of fat, meat and vegetable oil;
    • Avoid nuts, legumes and seeds.

    Testosterone is a male sex hormone that stimulates the loss of extra pounds. But in women, its excess leads to the development of male-type obesity. It is useful for active sports training, as it helps preserve muscles from decay and forms a beautiful, toned figure. Therefore, it is important to keep testosterone at normal levels.

    The hormone levels can be normalized with the help of special medications, the selection and prescription of which is carried out by the doctor. This option is only suitable in case of a catastrophic decrease in testosterone. If the drop in the level of this substance is small, the correction will be successful with a change in diet. It is necessary to eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, and seafood. Additionally, you need to avoid junk food and drinks.

    Thyroid hormones

    These substances are secreted by the thyroid gland. They stimulate metabolism, causing the heart to beat faster. This saturates the body with a large amount of oxygen, breaks down fats and incoming food.

    You can increase the amount of thyroid hormones by taking drugs such as Thyroidin, Novotiral, Iodtirox. Before prescribing a drug, it is necessary to study the tests, since the initial dosage depends on this. Then the amount of the drug gradually increases. The medicine must be taken strictly according to the schedule for two months. This will help avoid negative side effects.

    Fat burner hormone

    A substance called adiponectin is produced by white adipose tissue. The hormone regulates glucose levels and breaks down fat cells. Its insufficient production causes a genetic predisposition to obesity. If there is enough adiponectin in the body, rapid weight loss occurs.

    You can increase the concentration of this fat-burning hormone by eating pistachios, pumpkin seeds, cabbage, spinach, dark chocolate, and avocados. Periodic fasting should also be beneficial.

    Intestinal hormone

    Holicestokenin is an intestinal hormone involved in the regulation of satiety and appetite control. It can be obtained in the form of a special preparation.

    Indications for use of Cholecystokenin:

    • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • infectious diarrhea;
    • disorders of chewing function.

    You should take the drug on the recommendation of a doctor if it is necessary to treat a disease. To eliminate the effects of overeating, flatulence or bloating, it is recommended to drink this medicine 2 tablets four times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition. It can range from several months to several years.

    Hormones produced by the thyroid gland

    They regulate weight and are responsible for the speed of the metabolic process. With a deficiency, a disease develops - hypothyroidism, the symptoms of which are disruption of the digestive system, general asthenia, etc. An underactive thyroid gland leads to a slowdown in metabolism and weight gain. An excess of the hormone is just as undesirable as a deficiency.

    Hormone levels can be adjusted if:

    • drinking large amounts of water - about two liters per day;
    • inclusion in the menu of foods rich in iodine, as well as herbs and citrus fruits;
    • reducing caffeine-containing foods and refined carbohydrates in the diet.

    Supplement your menu with the following foods: protein dishes, broccoli, spinach and kale. You need to avoid stress, get enough sleep, and spend a lot of time in the fresh air.

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    The thyroid gland is responsible for producing the following hormones:

    • thyroxine;
    • triiodothyronine;
    • thyrocalcitonin.

    Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland take a significant part in regulating metabolism. If they are deficient, the following consequences may occur:

    • a sharp deterioration in health;
    • decreased performance;
    • the appearance of unwanted kilograms.

    Impact on weight

    You can lose weight with the help of thyroid hormones for the following reasons:

    • normalization of metabolism;
    • decreased appetite;
    • activation of the process of breakdown of adipose tissue;
    • improvement of thermoregulation.

    Deterioration of thyroid function, in which the production of hormones slows down, is called hypothyroidism. This deviation is diagnosed mainly in old age. The main signs of hypothyroidism are:

    • a set of unwanted kilograms;
    • thickening of the skin;
    • swelling.

    With this pathology, hormonal weight loss medications help you lose extra pounds by removing accumulated fluid from the body. When the level of thyroid hormones increases, hyperthyroidism often begins. With this pathology, the metabolic rate is disrupted. This causes a decrease in the volume of fatty tissue.

    The level of thyroid hormones is increased with the help of appropriate medications, a strict diet and normal physical activity. Products containing thyroxine have a pronounced effect on metabolism.

    How to lose weight using thyroid hormones? To change body weight, it is recommended to use the following medications:

    • "Euthirox";
    • "Thyroxine."

    If appropriate drugs are used by people who have normal hormonal balance, symptoms of hyperthyroidism may occur and a weight correction effect is achieved. But it is recommended to refrain from taking such medications in this situation. If this recommendation is violated, serious consequences may arise from the central nervous system and organs of the digestive system.

    Thyroxine of synthetic origin can be used for weight loss only if there is a lack of thyroid hormones. Healthy people are advised to refrain from taking such medications.

    Thyroid hormone levels can be increased without the use of medications. The following activities are useful:

    • drinking enough fluids daily;
    • introduction of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce leaves, lemons into the diet;
    • preparing a variety of juices to cleanse the body of toxic substances that impede the process of producing thyroxine;
    • reducing the load on the liver by avoiding heavy foods, food additives and artificial colors;
    • ensuring high physical activity;
    • avoiding stress, under the influence of which intensive deposition of fat reserves occurs.

    With long-term use of appropriate medications in high dosages, thyroid dysfunction can occur. When using thyroxine in the permitted dosage, normal organ function is restored approximately 30 days after completion of the course. It’s worth thinking about such consequences before asking yourself the question of how a woman can lose weight with the help of hormones.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    Almost all hormonal pills that affect weight should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. The fact is that there is very little information about exactly how hormones affect the condition of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

    Hormonal drugs have many contraindications and, if prescribed incorrectly, can cause the opposite result and other negative side effects. The main prohibitions include:

    • tendency to form blood clots;
    • migraine;
    • diabetes;
    • pancreatitis;
    • liver diseases;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • lactation period or pregnancy.

    Side effects include vomiting and nausea, female cycle disorders, headaches, mood swings, depression, various sexual disorders, weight gain, and allergic reactions.

    Male hormone

    Testosterone has different effects on the body of men and women. For representatives of the stronger sex, an increased concentration of this hormone allows them to build muscle mass. With an increase in sex hormones, women often develop obesity. The main causes of this pathology are: a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged depression.

    At normal levels in the blood, the sex hormone has a beneficial effect on health:

    • helps increase sexual desire;
    • helps create a balance between muscle and fat tissue;
    • normalizes the concentration of glucose in the blood;
    • promotes activation of the protein synthesis process;
    • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
    • promotes increased vigor, helps with fatigue;
    • reduces the likelihood of osteoporosis;
    • reduces cholesterol concentration.

    With a slight decrease in testosterone levels, fresh vegetables are included in the menu. Nutritious porridges are also useful. Such dishes contain fiber, which improves blood microcirculation and activates the production of the corresponding sex hormone. Nuts are also the main sources of testosterone.

    This product contains a large amount of vegetable fats, which have a beneficial effect on the process of sex hormone synthesis. The daily menu of a representative of the stronger sex should also contain seafood. They are the main sources of zinc and a source of fatty acids. Shrimp and crabs are especially useful for the stronger sex.

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