Apple chips: benefits and harms

02/05/2015 / Nuts and dried fruits

Apple chips, BZHU and calorie content per 100 g of product
Calorie content
253 kcal
2.2 g
0.1 g
59 g

Thin slices of apples that have undergone sublimation (vacuum drying) are commonly called apple chips. Dried apples can be considered their predecessor, but unlike them, apple chips can be stored much longer without loss of quality and have a pleasant crunch.

The preparation of such chips is divided into three stages. First, the apples are washed and pitted, then kept in sugar syrup and only then dried. This product is not cheap, since to prepare 100 g of chips you need at least 1 kg of fresh apples. If unsweetened apple chips are produced, sour varieties are used, the taste of which will combine with salt.

They have only recently appeared on the market, but have already gained well-deserved popularity. Apple chips are very aromatic, tasty, healthy and, most importantly, natural.

Beneficial features

Apple chips, classified as snacks, are very healthy. They stimulate the heart and maintain its health, have a positive effect on the immune system due to their higher vitamin C content.

Apple chips contribute to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They rid the body of heavy metals and toxins, prolonging youth, and maintaining a wonderful, cheerful state of health. Such chips regulate metabolism, reduce appetite, which helps to get rid of excess weight.

Apple chips have a general strengthening effect, helping the body recover from illness. Such chips are useful for iron deficiency and hematopoietic disorders. They promote proper growth and physical development of children and prevent vitamin deficiencies.

Apple chips - a delicious snack

Nutritionists argue that the nutrition of a modern person should be fractional.
That is why the diet includes, in addition to main meals, so-called snacks - snacks, nuts and fruits. One of the most popular products that are used specifically as a low-calorie and at the same time satisfying snack is an apple. Text: Shatokhina Anna · February 25, 2014

Apple chips are a popular tasty and crunchy product. Due to the rich content of beneficial microelements and the amount of vitamin C, they can easily compete with various candied citrus fruits, such as orange ones. In addition, apple chips can be an excellent replacement for snacks that involve the use of meat products - sausages, smoked meats, etc.

The main advantage of this product is that you don’t need many ingredients to prepare it. All you need is:- 2 pcs. apples (weighing about 200 g); - 80 g sugar; - 250 ml sparkling water.

First, wash the apples thoroughly, because you will be drying them together with the skin. Then cut out the core. Next, cut the fruits into thin circles. Remember, the thinner the better. If you think the apples are too big, cut them into slices.

Dissolve sugar and water and put on fire. Let the mixture boil, then pour the resulting infusion over the prepared apples and leave for 15 minutes so that they are thoroughly soaked. Place the fruit slices on a wire rack to drain off any excess liquid. At this time, turn on the oven and set it to 110 degrees. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and place the apples on it. Then place the baking sheet in the oven.

You need to dry the apples in the oven carefully and depending on how thick you made the slices. So, for example, if they are thin, then an hour will be enough (half an hour on each side). If the slices are thicker, you may have to dry them for about 2 hours. Your guide to turning the apples over to the other side should be their color. Once they have browned a little, you can turn them over.

Remove the finished chips from the oven, carefully remove from the baking sheet and let cool. That's it, you can safely eat them both as a snack and dessert.

The number of advantages of a product such as apples is almost impossible to calculate. They are both nutritious and beneficial for the body - they normalize metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, are an excellent antioxidant, etc. Dried apples, according to experts, help normalize hormonal levels. Which is very important for women, especially during certain periods.

Sometimes when preparing apple chips, spices are also added to the apples. This further increases the benefits of the apple product. For example, cinnamon is a well-known antioxidant, vanilla normalizes the activity of the nervous system and has an anti-stress effect.

Despite the presence of sugar in the apple chips recipe, this product is still considered one of the lowest in calories. This means that it can be easily eaten, even if you are on a diet.

A healthy and tasty snack - surprise your family and friends. Last year I came across a pack of apple chips in the store. I liked them so much that I buy them periodically. True, recently the price for them has increased unjustifiably and I decided that it would be much cheaper to prepare such chips yourself at home.

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Composition weight:100 gr
Calorie composition:62 kcal
Belkov:0 g
Zhirov:0 g
Carbohydrates:14 g
Used:0 / 0 / 100
H 64 / C 36 / B 0

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes

For those who want to crunch on delicious, natural, and most importantly healthy chips - TOP 8 ideal recipes for apple chips with step-by-step photos. Delicacies that you can't buy in the store. Apple chips prepared at home in a variety of ways: without sugar, with honey, in the oven, in a vegetable dryer, in the microwave, in a slow cooker - a dietary, fortified delicacy for the whole family.

An excellent snack during the day with health benefits is the motto of apple chips. Nothing superfluous - only spices, apples with a high content of simple and complex carbohydrates necessary for the body: fructose, sucrose, glucose, a small amount of starch and a very minimum of fat. Malic acid improves metabolism.

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Oven-dried apple chips are a classic preparation. In shape they resemble a regular dry cake, and in taste they resemble a sweet dessert. It all depends on what spices will be used when processing the slices.

Cinnamon chips

Nutritionists, endocrinologists and gastroenterologists advise including apples in your diet every day. But there is such a point: in order to provide the body with the required amount of iron or vitamin C, you need to eat 5 kg of fresh apples. Problematic. But for the same purpose, you need much less apple chips cooked in the oven - one or two handfuls are enough.


  • large apples – 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 tsp.

Wash the apples. Wipe dry. Unscrew the tail and carefully cut out the sepals. You can remove the core or leave it - whichever you prefer. Cut the fruit into thin slices (ideally translucent).

Pour powder and cinnamon into a deep cup/bowl. Mix until a homogeneous brownish substance comes out.

Preheat oven to 100°C.

Line a baking tray with a sheet of baking paper. Place apple slices in one layer. Sprinkle the prepared sweet mixture generously (on each one). Bake for 2-3 hours (the thinner the snacks, the less time it takes to prepare them) until evenly golden brown (it’s easy to check readiness: dry chips do not stick, but release well from the lined parchment).

Remove the pan. Place the chips on a cloth napkin. Let cool. Store in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid or plastic container. Although this will be difficult to do, the sweet and healthy treat will be eaten instantly.

To make chips even more useful, normalizing metabolism, digestion and increasing immunity, it is advisable to use sweet and sour green apples for their preparation (Anis, Golden, Auxis, Antonovka, Bogatyr, Bratchud) , “Amazing”, “Imrus”, “Kulikovskoe”, “Martovskoe”). They contain more malic acid and easily digestible microelements.

Chips in syrup

To store for future use – similar to winter candied fruit preparations – you can bake apple snacks in syrup. After drying, it is best to store them in wide glass containers with tight-fitting (screw-on) lids.


  • dense apples without wormholes – 5 pcs.;
  • filtered water – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar (you can use cane sugar) – 4-5 tbsp;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp. (can be replaced with ¼ tsp citric acid).

Prepare syrup by combining and stirring water and sugar. As soon as it boils, the sugar dissolves, add lemon juice/acid. Remove from stove. Leave to cool slightly.

Dry the washed apples. Use a special rounded knife-punch/syringe to remove the core without peeling off the peel. Chop into thin (no more than 1-3 ml) slices or slices.

Immerse apple slices in warm, sweet liquid. Leave for 10-15 minutes, completely immersing in the contents - the plates should be completely saturated.

Place the workpieces on a cloth napkin/towel and dry.

Preheat the oven to 70-80°C.

Line a dry baking sheet with parchment. Place the apple snacks in one layer so that the edges of the pieces only lightly touch each other (it’s even better to leave a small gap between them). Bake for 1-2 hours (a little trick - to prevent the oven from overheating, you can open the door slightly). As soon as they are browned, covered with a golden “tan”, become wavy, ribbed and dry, remove from the oven. Place on a napkin or cutting board. Leave for 15-45 minutes. at room temperature. Place in a dry container.

For those who prefer a sugar-free treat, there is a special option for preparing chips with honey. You can use any “bee gift” - both liquid and candied, linden and meadow, buckwheat and acacia - according to personal preference. And to make the taste even more interesting, add crushed nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts - it doesn’t matter) and powdered cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg.

Fitness slices, as apple chips are also called, can be made even healthier by knowing the secret of spices: nutmeg is a general tonic supplement for the body, cinnamon is a rejuvenating antioxidant, vanilla is a stress-resistance battery.


  • large apples – 2-3 pcs.;
  • honey – 1-1.5 tbsp;
  • nuts - a handful;
  • spices to choose from.

Cut the apples, washed and dried with a towel/napkin, into thin layers (it is advisable to remove the core).

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Wet it (with a spray bottle) with water and let it dry slightly.

Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Place in an oven preheated to 70°C. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Take out and brush with honey. Place back in the oven for 20-30 minutes.


Apple chips are consumed in their pure form as a snack or dessert for tea. Along with this, they are also used in baking, added to dough or as a filling - like any other freeze-dried fruit. Apple chips are also used in drinks such as mulled wine and hot wine cocktails. They are used to supplement children's porridges, enriching them with vitamins and minerals without adding anything artificial.

These chips are also suitable for casseroles, in which they become soft and look like a baked apple. They can be added to fruit salad, to which they will give a very pleasant taste and unusual crunch. Apple chips can be given to small children without fear for their health.

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Step by step recipe

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 100°C.
We thoroughly wash and dry the apples. Then, using a grater or a sharp knife, cut the fruits into thin slices. Step 2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. And put apple slices on top.

Step 3. Sprinkle the pieces with cinnamon sugar. Then put the baking sheet in the oven for 2 hours. In general, focus on the apples - they should become crispy. Don't forget to turn the slices over after an hour.

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Step 4: When the slices are crispy, remove the pan from the oven. And set it aside for 1-2 minutes - let it cool a little.

Step 5. Next, carefully transfer the apple slices to a bowl. Let them cool completely. And then sharpen with pleasure!

Vitamins in Apple Chips

Apple chips contain the following vitamins: Mono- and disaccharides, Ash, Starch, Water, Organic acids, Dietary fiber, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine), mg0,02
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), mg0,04
Vitamin C, mg2
Vitamin E (TE), mg1
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent), mg1,2
Vitamin A (VE), mcg3
Beta-carotene, mg0,02
ProductKcalProteins, gFats, gAngle, g
Cranberries in sugar190,130,660,0949,74
Fruits in chocolate1790,7715,6210,95
Banana chips5192,333,650,7
Apple chips2532,20,159
Candied sultanas pureed257,168,6
Stuffed prunes174,55,9138
Apples in a puff paste238,33,99,935,7
Fried apples in dough220,73,3836,1
Apples or pears with syrup105,30,30,327,1
Apples baked with cottage cheese171,43,72,934,7
Apples stuffed with rice and nuts151,13,18,516,7
Apricot soufflé116,22085,64560,034723,1126
Orange baskets with cream118,93,189,2
Oranges in vanilla sauce68,72,41,711,6
Fresh lingonberries with sugar146,90,50,337,8
Apple dumplings89,13,21,616,5
Pears stuffed with cottage cheese65,42,22,59,1
Raisins or prunes, or dried apricots in honey jelly (Bashkir national dish)137,22,80,233,2
Strawberries with cottage cheese77,66,51,111,1
Raspberries or strawberries with milk, sour cream or cream78,91,81,914,6
Rhubarb with sugar99,60,50,0825,8
Rhubarb with breadcrumbs and cream100,41,46,59,8
Sambuco apricot115,120,0728,4
Sambuco from apricots86,51,70,0621,1
Sambuca apple or plum90,31,80,221,6
Currants with honey and almonds191,42,67,231
Orange curd196,86,111,717,8
Pumpkin with nuts111,43,60,0725,8
Pumpkin with rhubarb51,70,80,0912,8
Pumpkin with fruit81,11,72,414,1
Pumpkin baked with fruit, Izhevsk style (Udmurt national dish)106,81,53,717,9
Stuffed apples58,13,31,97,5
Cold apricots1271,810,86
Prunes with whipped cream or sour cream271,82,512,639,6
Apples in a roasting pan146,10,32,831,9
Apples in jelly111,133,418,3
Baked apples65,80,61,413,6
Baked apples with lingonberries105,80,30,327,2
Apples with whipped cream113,91,9516,4
Apples stuffed with carrots78,40,82,813,4

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