The second stage of the Dukan diet: alternation

The Dukan diet consists of 4 phases: Attack, Alternation, Consolidation and Stabilization. During the Attack, protein nutrition was started and the first kilograms were lost. The Alternation or Cruise phase is where most of the weight loss occurs. Of course, the rate of weight loss slows down significantly.

If during the Attack it took 0.5-1 kg per day, then at the second stage it will take 7-10 days for 1 kilogram. But now it is much easier to maintain a diet, because during Alternation not only protein foods are allowed, but also vegetables.

Nutrition plan during Alternation

The first part of the Dukan Diet emphasizes protein (animal protein if possible). After the absolutely protein Attack comes the protein-carbohydrate Cruise. The second name of this phase, Alternation, reflects the way of eating at this stage: days when only protein is allowed alternate with days of protein-carbohydrate nutrition.


The alternation should occur as follows: as many days as there were exclusively protein days, then there will be so many “mixed” days. The known schemes are 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5. Pierre Dukan recommends using the first two nutritional plans, since they place little stress on the digestive system and kidneys.

Alternating 3 or 4 days is permissible only if the kidneys are in absolute health. The 5x5 scheme is practically not used, but it may be suitable for those who, in principle, prefer protein foods, have endured a long-term Attack well and have no health contraindications.

It usually takes about a week to burn one kilogram of fat during the Cruise phase. But this should not upset those who are losing weight at all, because smooth weight loss is healthy weight loss. As you know, sudden weight loss can lead to:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • Muscular atrophy,
  • Increased levels of toxins that were previously stored unnoticed in fat deposits,
  • Lack of blood sugar (hypoglycemia),
  • The likelihood of developing kidney stones
  • General weakness and fatigue,
  • Deterioration of skin condition, brittle nails and hair loss,
  • Decreased sex drive
  • In women, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted,
  • Stretch marks on the skin and even sagging due to too rapid weight loss,
  • Low mood, irritability, depression, apathy.

Losing weight by 0.5-1 kg per week is considered optimal when the body has time to adapt to new realities. This is especially true for the ability of the skin to tighten after many years of “stretched” condition. It is the fear of this cosmetic defect that often stops women from losing weight. But if you follow all the conditions of the Dukan diet, this problem will not exist at all.

The second stage of the Dukan diet - “Alternation”

The period when protein days give way to protein-vegetable days is called a cruise. Pierre Dukan recommends eating on a day-to-day basis, but you can choose your own combination: 4/4, 5/5.

Your meal plan depends on how much you want to lose. If you weigh less than 10 kg, alternating 1 protein day with a protein-vegetable day is suitable.

During an attack, rapid weight loss is observed, sometimes up to 4 kg in a couple of days. The second stage of the Dukan diet is aimed at the long term, so the process of losing weight is long. On protein days, intense fat burning occurs, and in combination with vegetables, glycogen reserves are replenished.

The scheme allows you to preserve muscle mass.

During the alternation period, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of clean water and include 2 tablespoons of bran in the diet daily.

Approved products are a prerequisite for effectiveness

Phase duration

How long the cruise will last depends on individual parameters and indicators.

On a note! If the weight suddenly stops and does not decrease within 2-3 weeks, it is time to move on to the consolidation stage. When we are talking about a lot of excess weight (about 30 kg), after consolidation, it is recommended to move into the attack phase. This approach will probably help you lose weight to the desired figure.

Second phase rules

To achieve maximum results, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • days of attack are replaced by days of alternation (day 1 you eat only meat and dairy products, day 2 – add vegetables);
  • if you ate for 3 days according to the principle of the first cycle, then for the next 3 days you eat the same, but with the addition of fiber;
  • eat at any time of the day, and portion sizes are individual;
  • drink more clean water (calculate the required amount - 30 ml per 1 kg of current weight);
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. oat bran – mandatory daily portion;
  • eat often and in small portions, 7 meals per day are allowed (but in this case it is better to drink light yogurt or kefir at night);
  • eat only approved foods;
  • for the best result, add physical activity: running, walking, dancing, Pilates, swimming;
  • You can boil, fry without oil, stew, bake.

During alternation, disruptions are possible. If this happens 1-2 times, then you should continue eating in the desired mode. For regular violations, take a two-week break and start again with an attack.

What to do if the weight has stopped?

The peculiarity of the Dukan diet is that weight decreases at a normal rate and has its own lower threshold. If within 2-3 weeks the weight does not decrease at all, then the individual threshold has been reached. You should move on to the Consolidation phase. And only after it you can not “go” into Stabilization, but return to Attack again. In this case, there is a chance of losing even more weight. But it is important to understand that this method is only suitable for those who were extremely overweight (more than 100 extra kilograms).

If the weight is already in the normal range, you won’t be able to lose even more, then only sports will help.

How to go on a diet, stages of the diet

Tips on where to start the Dukan Diet:

  • talk to a therapist, take the necessary tests - make sure that the diet will not harm you;
  • take a photo with your current weight, find an example of your dream figure, hang both photos on the refrigerator;
  • calculate your personal correct weight;
  • fill the refrigerator with the right food: buy low-calorie white meat, various types of cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, cheese;
  • go shopping after lunch, otherwise you risk buying your favorite treats;
  • drink clean water: it cleanses the skin, improves metabolism in the body;
  • at certain stages, give yourself gifts as encouragement, this technique will support morale and give strength to continue;
  • based on the list of permitted foods, create a balanced menu, this will help avoid breakdowns and minimize the risk of eating prohibited foods;
  • Buy a kitchen scale and control the amount of food you eat.

The Dukan diet consists of four phases:

  1. “Attack” is the initial phase, and it is the most difficult for the body and morale. The duration of the first stage sometimes reaches 10 days. A prerequisite for each day is 22 g of oat bran. The diet includes exclusively protein: chicken, turkey, pollock, salmon, classic curd mass, milk. Do not use oil during cooking. Walking for 30-40 minutes should become a tradition every day. Remember about the drinking regime: 30 ml of clean water per 1 kg.
  2. “Cruise” is the second phase of weight loss. Limit your consumption of dairy products. Now you are allowed to eat not only protein, but also vegetables. One day you need to eat as you would during an attack, on the second day vegetables are added. The daily norm of oat fiber increases to 30 g.
  3. “Consolidation” or “Consolidation” is the stage of fixing the results obtained and maintaining them at the desired level. If you lose 7 kg, the period lasts 70 days. In this case, the ratio between the weight lost and the duration of the phase is 1 to 10. The amount of bran is increased to 45 g per day. Eat fruits, pasta and potatoes. Once every 7 days there is a fasting day. Pierre Dukan allows the consumption of his favorite sweets, but in limited quantities. 100 g of chocolate several times a week will lead to gaining extra pounds. Don’t forget about physical activity, take 10,000 steps a day.
  4. “Stabilization” is the final stage. Thanks to a healthy lifestyle, your weight should remain normal. Arrange fasting days. To prevent the pounds from returning, lead an active lifestyle. It is recommended to monitor your diet and monitor the consumption of foods containing starch.

Pierre Dukan eliminates calorie counting, and a large amount of fiber will give you a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Important! At the first and second stages, it is necessary to use a vitamin complex as a supplement.

Permitted and prohibited products

Protein days of stage 2 differ little from the Attack phase.

These are all the same provisions from the list you are familiar with:

  1. Lean meat (similar to Attack).
  2. Seafood (any kind).
  3. Fish (including smoked and canned fish).
  4. Poultry (except duck and goose).
  5. Meat and chicken by-products.
  6. Eggs (whites - any quantity; yolks - no more than two).
  7. Low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, dietary cottage cheese, yoghurts).

The difference from the previous stage is that now the meat can not only be grilled or boiled, but also fried (use up to 1 teaspoon of refined oil per day), and also stewed with yogurt or tomato paste sauce.

At this stage, sugar, flour, legumes, peas, nuts, all cereals and pasta are still excluded.

Vegetables at the rotation stage are divided into three groups: permitted products, prohibited ones and those marked “consume in reasonable quantities”:

It is forbiddenpotatoes, avocados, olives, corn in any form
Limited permissioncarrots, beets, artichokes
Cantomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, greens, asparagus, onions, green beans, cabbage, celery, dill, all types of lettuce, eggplant, zucchini, peppers

In Stage Two, you can eat any mushrooms. But all fruits are prohibited without exception, because they contain natural sugar.

An important part of the diet is bran. They are needed for good digestion. You can eat two tablespoons of oat bran every day. Not to be confused with oatmeal or rolled oats: this is a separate product that is made from the shell of the grain. Bran is used for baking (cheese cakes, pancakes), for breading (mixed with spices), as a snack with yogurt or cottage cheese. They create a feeling of fullness, but it is important not to exceed the recommended amount - otherwise you will end up with extra calories. You can add flax or chia seeds to your menu for the week, one tablespoon on BO days.

Allowed products according to Dukan for “Cruise”

The list has expanded to 100 items

compared to the first phase:

  1. 20 types of meat (chicken, rabbit, beef, turkey, veal, tongue, low-fat basturma, offal (liver and kidneys), lean poultry ham, quail, guinea fowl and others.
  2. All types of fish, from hake and sprat to tuna, trout and mackerel;
  3. Variety of seafood.
  4. Low-fat dairy products 1-2% without sugar and additives (cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts, cheese curds, milk).
  5. Chicken and quail eggs.
  6. New in the phase are vegetables (tomatoes, radishes, peppers, asparagus, beets, eggplants, carrots, all types of cabbage, celery in the form of roots and herbs, cucumbers, sorrel, spinach and green lettuce, turnips, pumpkin, onions, zucchini). Other plant foods with more protein include mushrooms and soy.
  7. Natural seasonings, garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, tomato paste without sugar or chemical components.
  8. Sugar substitutes.

Cooking rules:

  • For salad dressing, use products that do not contain fat: natural ketchup, 10-20 g
    of soy sauce, corn starch
    up to 20 g.
  • Allowed are low-fat cheese up to 30 g (fat content up to 20%)
    , a teaspoon of low-fat cocoa without sugar, chicken sausage
    up to 100 g
    , rhubarb, sorrel
    up to 100 g
    . You can choose only one pair of products per day, but no more.
  • When cooking, focus on mustard, gelatin, zest, and vegetable broths without vegetables.

Second stage - Alternation

The range of products is the same as at Ataka. Plus, new products are being introduced to the menu - vegetables. The result is protein and vegetable nutrition. This phase is also called the Cruise stage.

EggProtein is preferred. Reduce your yolk consumption.
Seafood, fishAll seafood is allowed. Cook without frying.
Dairy and fermented milk productsWe eat and drink everything low fat – up to 0.5% fat. Yogurt, kefir, milk (up to 1.5%), fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. No added sugar or artificial additives.
BeveragesTeas: green, black, herbal weak brew. Weak coffee, chicory, clean water.
SeasoningsAny onion, except leeks, soy sauce, garlic, fresh and dried herbs, basil, tomato paste (a little, because it contains a lot of sugar). Salt needs to be reduced. Season salads with vinegar and 3-4 drops of lemon.
Oilsno more than 1 teaspoon of olive or rapeseed (allowed by Dukan from the end of 2020)
OtherNuts - no more than 1 handful (also an innovation from 2020)
VegetablesUse these products to prepare salads, stews, bake, boil or stew. Fried food is prohibited.

Allowed foods: cabbage (of any variety), radishes, green beans or green beans, leeks, eggplants and zucchini, cucumbers, all types of lettuce, tomatoes, turnips, artichokes, asparagus, celery, fennel and pumpkin.

Be sure to include the most vitamin-rich foods: spinach, celery.

Eat beets and carrots once a week.

Mushrooms. They should not be eaten pickled, salted or fried.

Natural soy yogurt (1 pc.).

2 tbsp. tomato paste (without sugar, of course).

Drink up to 1.5 liters of liquids per day. Drink everything you drink at Ataka. Also increase the amount of bran from oatmeal to 2 tbsp per day

Anything that contains starch is prohibited at stage 2: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, lentils, corn, pasta and cereals. Avocados are also prohibited, because... too fatty.

Don't forget the strict rule - don't overcharge yourself. And for convenience in calculating the serving volume, I recommend purchasing a kitchen scale.

At this stage, withdrawal may begin and there is a high probability of going off the diet. You will see how the weight will go down. Hold on and move forward. Write in the reviews to the article what your results are on the diet and what doesn’t work. We'll figure out

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