What products contain lysine: table

Everyone knows from chemistry lessons that amino acids are the “building blocks” for building proteins. There are amino acids that our body is able to synthesize on its own, and there are also those that are supplied only from the outside, along with nutrients. Let's look at amino acids (list), their role in the body, and from what products they come to us.

amino acids list

The role of amino acids

Our cells constantly have a need for amino acids. Food proteins are broken down into amino acids in the intestines. After this, the amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream, where new proteins are synthesized depending on the genetic program and the requirements of the body. We obtain essential amino acids, the list of which is presented below, from foods. The body synthesizes replaceable ones on its own. In addition to the fact that amino acids are structural components of proteins, they also synthesize various substances. The role of amino acids in the body is enormous. Non-proteinogenic and proteinogenic amino acids are precursors of nitrogenous bases, vitamins, hormones, peptides, alkaloids, romediators and many other significant compounds. For example, vitamin PP is synthesized from tryptophan; hormones norepinephrine, thyroxine, adrenaline - from tyrosine. Pantothenic acid is formed from the amino acid valine. Proline is a cell protector from many stresses, such as oxidative stress.

The effect of lysine on the body

The substance is found in a significant amount of proteins. The amino acid ensures adequate functioning of the body.

The chemical formula looks like C6H14N2O2

Lysine promotes normal absorption of food proteins. Amino acid deficiency causes a lack of amino acids in the body. An essential compound that affects the growth of muscle tissue. The substance is involved in collagen synthesis. The connective tissue component supports the immune system.

Important! The need for amino acids increases with age. This is especially true for men.

Lack of a balanced diet leads to lysine deficiency, which affects the functioning of organs and systems. Amino acid deficiency is often observed in vegetarians.

The following beneficial properties of lysine are called:

  • elimination of elevated cholesterol levels due to synthesis with the formation of carnitine in the liver;
  • strengthening bone tissue by slowing down the excretion of calcium;
  • antiviral effects, for example, inhibition of herpes diseases;
  • protection from stress due to its anti-anxiety effect;
  • analgesia and anti-inflammatory qualities;
  • prevention of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, in particular angina.

The main functions of amino acids are:

  • participation in the absorption and accumulation of calcium;
  • regulation of the level of serotonin, which is the hormone of joy;
  • fat metabolism, influence on the process of weight loss;
  • collagen synthesis;
  • decrease in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins;
  • strengthening the production of antibodies necessary for immunity;
  • improving concentration and memory.

Lysine promotes tissue restoration after surgery. The substance has a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue.

Daily requirement

The rate of intake into the body depends on age and weight. It is known that the daily requirement is 23 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This figure increases to 170 mg in children during periods of active growth.

The calculation also takes into account the following factors:

  • active sports;
  • male gender and mature age;
  • vegetarianism.

Signs of deficiency and excess

Elevated amino acid content is not common. Excess lysine can occur due to nervous fatigue and unbalanced nutrition.

Important! The accumulation of the substance in significant quantities reduces immunity, which makes the body susceptible to viral diseases.

Amino acid deficiency is accompanied by:

  • depression;
  • exacerbation of herpes virus infection;
  • weight loss;
  • fragility of bone tissue;
  • an increase in the blood vessels of the eyeballs;
  • frequent headaches;
  • decreased appetite.

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The lysine content in foods is controversial. If signs indicating a lack of substance appear, you should pay attention to your diet.


The substance is absorbed with sufficient levels of the following vitamins:

  • A;
  • WITH;
  • IN 1.

The indicators of bioflavonoids, arginine and iron are important. This must be taken into account when planning your diet.

General characteristics of amino acids

Proteins are nitrogen-containing high-molecular organic compounds that are created from amino acid residues and connected by peptide bonds. In other words, these are polymers in which amino acids act as monomers. The protein structure includes hundreds and thousands of amino acid residues connected by peptide bonds. The list of amino acids that are found in nature is quite large; about three hundred of them have been discovered. According to their ability to form part of proteins, amino acids are divided into proteinogenic (“producing protein”, from the words “protein” - protein, “genesis” - to give birth) and non-proteinogenic. In a living organism, the number of proteinogenic amino acids is relatively small, there are only twenty of them. In addition to these standard twenty, modified amino acids can be found in proteins; they are derivatives of regular amino acids. Non-proteinogenic are those that are not part of the protein. There are α, β and γ. All protein amino acids are α-amino acids, they have a characteristic structural feature that can be observed in the image below: the presence of amine and carboxyl groups, they are connected in the α-position by a carbon atom. In addition, each amino acid has its own radical, which is not the same as all others in structure, solubility and electrical charge.

Essential amino acids. Contents in products

Essential amino acids can be obtained by the body only from food or supplements. Their functions are simply irreplaceable in the formation of healthy joints, beautiful hair, and strong muscles. What foods contain this type of amino acid? The list is given below:

• phenylalanine – dairy products, meat, sprouted wheat, oats;

• threonine – dairy products, eggs, meat;

• lysine – legumes, fish, poultry, sprouted wheat, dairy products, peanuts;

• valine – grains, mushrooms, dairy products, meat;

• methionine – peanuts, vegetables, legumes, lean meat, cottage cheese;

• tryptophan – nuts, dairy products, turkey meat, seeds, eggs;

• leucine – dairy products, meat, oats, sprouted wheat;

• isoleucine – poultry, cheese, fish, sprouted wheat, seeds, nuts;

• histidine – sprouted wheat, dairy products, meat.

What foods contain the amino acid lysine?

Lysine is an essential amino acid that the body does not produce. Lysine is necessary for the production of many hormones and enzymes and the development of the body. The role of lysine is great and its deficiency can cause serious diseases. Chastnosti.com magazine will tell you which products contain lysine and what affects the absorption of this element.

What is lysine needed for?

Lysine helps the body defeat many viruses and infections. It is effective against the herpes virus. Studies have found that people who follow a special diet rich in foods containing lysine are less likely to experience relapses of herpes. Lysine is part of the proteins in our body. It can be used by those who want to increase muscle mass or restore damaged tissue after physical activity or injury.

The amino acid supplies our body with energy and breaks down fats. Lysine does not accumulate in the body and cannot cause toxic effects. It helps prevent depression, feelings of constant fatigue and fatigue, as well as headaches.

Lysine deficiency often results in nervousness, loss of appetite and dizziness. Muscle pain and cramps may occur. Red eye syndrome and anemia may occur. Lysine is essential for the body to absorb calcium and is essential in the treatment of osteoporosis. Lysine is also important for the prevention of atherosclerosis, increases libido and erection. With age, the body's need for lysine increases.

A lack of lysine will definitely affect the condition of the hair. They will become brittle and baldness may begin. In women, libido decreases, in men - potency. Lysine deficiency can occur not only due to limited dietary intake, but also due to frequent stress. Nervous fatigue forces the body to consume large amounts of lysine to restore its normal state.

What foods contain lysine?

  • Potato
  • Wheat
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Dairy
  • Soybeans
  • Pork
  • Lentils

The largest amount of lysine is found in meat. When eating one serving of meat, the body receives a daily dose of lysine. That is why people who engage in physical labor are recommended to eat meat dishes. This allows you to keep your body in good shape and strengthen your immune system.

Large amounts of lysine are found in turkey, chicken, yogurt and cottage cheese. Lysine breaks down very easily, especially if foods that contain it are combined with sugar. You can compensate for the lack of lysine with cheeses, cod, yeast, spinach and dark dark chocolate.

Plant foods are not as rich in lysine. People who follow vegetable diets are often deficient in lysine. Such diets allow you to lose extra pounds in a short time. However, after returning to a normal diet, the weight returns very quickly.

Lysine is necessary for normal development of the body at any age. In order to avoid problems with joints, nervous system and heart, you need to monitor your diet. Everything a person consumes will definitely affect his health. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body, and strict diets and fasting not only effectively reduce weight, but also negatively affect health.

Functions of essential amino acids

All these “building blocks” are responsible for the most important functions of the human body. A person does not think about their quantity, but if there is a lack of them, the work of all systems immediately begins to deteriorate.

Leucine has the following chemical formula: HO₂CCH(NH₂)CH₂CH(CH₃)₂. This amino acid is not synthesized in the human body. Included in natural proteins. Used in the treatment of anemia and liver diseases. Leucine (formula - HO₂CCH(NH₂)CH₂CH(CH₃)₂) is required for the body in an amount of 4 to 6 grams per day. This amino acid is a component of many dietary supplements. As a food additive it is coded E641 (flavor enhancer). Leucine controls the level of blood glucose and leukocytes; when they increase, it activates the immune system to eliminate inflammation. This amino acid plays an important role in muscle formation, bone healing, wound healing, and metabolism.

The amino acid histidine is an important element during the period of growth, during recovery from injuries and illnesses. Improves blood composition and joint function. Helps absorb copper and zinc. With a lack of histidine, hearing is weakened and muscle tissue becomes inflamed.

The amino acid isoleucine is involved in the production of hemoglobin. Increases endurance, energy, controls blood sugar levels. Participates in the formation of muscle tissue. Isoleucine reduces the effects of stress factors. With its deficiency, feelings of anxiety, fear, restlessness arise, and fatigue increases.

The amino acid valine is an incomparable source of energy, renews muscles and keeps them in good shape. Valine is important for the restoration of liver cells (for example, in hepatitis). With a lack of this amino acid, coordination of movements is impaired, and skin sensitivity may also increase.

Methionine is an essential amino acid for the functioning of the liver and digestive system. It contains sulfur, which helps prevent nail and skin diseases and helps in hair growth. Methionine fights toxicosis in pregnant women. When it is deficient, hemoglobin in the body decreases and fat accumulates in liver cells.

Lysine - this amino acid is an assistant in the absorption of calcium, promotes the formation and strengthening of bones. Improves hair structure, produces collagen. Lysine is an anabolic steroid that helps build muscle mass. Participates in the prevention of viral diseases.

Threonine – increases immunity, improves gastrointestinal tract function. Participates in the process of creating collagen and elastin. Prevents fat from being deposited in the liver. Plays a role in the formation of tooth enamel.

Tryptophan is the main responsible for our emotions. The familiar hormone of happiness, serotonin, is produced precisely by tryptophan. When it is normal, your mood improves, sleep normalizes, and biorhythms are restored. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the arteries and heart.

Phenylalanine is involved in the production of norepinephrine, which is responsible for the body's wakefulness, activity and energy. It also affects the level of endorphins – joy hormones. Phenylalanine deficiency can lead to the development of depression.

What amino acids are there? What role do amino acids play in the body?

The official definition of amino acids includes any organic compound that contains both a carboxyl and an amino group. Simply put, they are considered the building blocks of proteins. For example, amino acids make up the majority of your muscles and tissues. Protein foods such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs are made up of many different amino acids.

So how many amino acids are there and what is the role of amino acids? There are a total of 20 amino acids in the human body. Each plays a very specific role and is distinguished by its corresponding amino acid side chains. These amino acids are involved in almost every biological process and help in wound healing, hormone production, and immune function. And also in muscle growth, energy production and much more.

Our body needs all the amino acids to function properly. The body produces some of the amino acids itself, while others are taken from food. Getting enough amino acids through food or supplements can help with weight loss. And also in maintaining muscle mass, improving physical activity, mood and sleep.

Essential amino acids in the body and non-essential amino acids

The 20 amino acids that the body needs can be divided into two categories: essential amino acids in the body and non-essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids are not synthesized in the body. This means that essential amino acids are supplied to the body from food. So how many essential amino acids are there in the body?

9 is the number of essential amino acids in the human body that we must obtain through nutrition:

  • Lysine : plays a vital role in building muscle mass, maintaining bone strength. Also helps recovery after injury or surgery, regulates hormones, antibodies and enzymes. It may also have an antiviral effect. There is not much research on lysine deficiency. Research in rats suggests that lysine deficiency may lead to stress-induced anxiety.
  • Leucine : Involved in protein synthesis, wound healing, blood sugar control, growth hormone production and metabolism. Leucine deficiency can lead to skin rashes, hair loss and fatigue.
  • Isoleucine : Helps with wound healing, detoxification, immune function, blood sugar regulation, and hormone release. It is mainly present in muscle tissue and regulates energy levels. Older people may be more prone to isoleucine deficiency than younger people. A lack of isoleucine can lead to muscle wasting and shaking.
  • Tryptophan : Essential for proper growth in infants and is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates appetite, sleep, mood and pain. Melatonin also regulates sleep. Tryptophan is a sedative and is included in some sleep aids. Tryptophan deficiency can cause a condition called pellagra, which leads to dementia, skin rashes and digestive problems.
  • Phenylalanine : Helps produce other amino acids as well as neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. The body converts phenylalanine to tyrosine, which is essential for certain brain functions. Phenylalanine deficiency, although rare, can lead to poor weight gain in children. It can also cause eczema, fatigue and memory problems in adults. Phenylalanine is often found in the artificial sweetener aspartame, which manufacturers use to make diet sodas. Large doses of aspartame can increase phenylalanine levels in the brain, causing anxiety, nervousness, and affecting sleep. People with a rare genetic disorder called phenylketonuria (PKU) are unable to metabolize phenylalanine. As a result, they should avoid eating foods that contain high levels of this amino acid.
  • Threonine : Essential for healthy skin and teeth, as it is part of tooth enamel, collagen and elastin. Helps metabolize fat and may be helpful for people with indigestion, anxiety, and mild depression. A 2020 study found that threonine deficiency in fish leads to decreased resistance to disease in these animals.
  • Valine : Supports brain function, muscle coordination and calmness. People can use valine supplements for muscle growth, tissue repair, and energy. Deficiency causes insomnia and decreased mental function.
  • Histidine : promotes growth, blood cell creation and tissue repair. It also helps maintain a special protective coating on nerve cells called the myelin sheath. The body metabolizes histidine into histamine, which is critical for immunity, reproductive health and digestion. Studies conducted on obese women with metabolic syndrome have shown that histidine supplementation may reduce BMI and insulin resistance. Histidine deficiency can cause anemia. Low blood levels are more common in people with arthritis and kidney disease.
  • Methionine : Maintains skin elasticity and helps strengthen hair and nails. It promotes the proper absorption of selenium and zinc and the removal of heavy metals such as lead and mercury.

Essential amino acids obtained from foods in the human body are critical to maintaining overall health. Deficiency of essential amino acids can cause serious side effects. Side effects affect virtually every aspect of health, including immune function, muscle mass, appetite, and more.

Unlike essential amino acids, nonessential amino acids are synthesized in the body. From this it follows that there is no need to get them from food.

There are a total of 11 nonessential amino acids:

  • Arginine : stimulates immune function, relieves fatigue and optimizes heart health.
  • Alanine : promotes metabolism and provides energy to the muscles, brain and central nervous system.
  • Cysteine : As the main type of protein found in hair, skin and nails. Cysteine ​​is critical for collagen production and skin health.
  • Glutamate : acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
  • Aspartate : Helps produce several other amino acids, including asparagine, arginine, and lysine.
  • Glycine : Functions as a neurotransmitter to support brain health.
  • Proline : Found in collagen, which promotes joint health, metabolism and skin elasticity.
  • Serine : Essential for fat metabolism, immune function and muscle growth.
  • Tyrosine : Helps synthesize thyroid hormones, melanin and adrenaline.
  • Glutamine : Supports many metabolic processes and provides energy to cells in the body.
  • Asparagine : Acts as a diuretic and optimizes brain and nerve cell function.

Some of the compounds on the list of amino acids are also considered “conditionally essential.” This means that they are not usually required by the body, but may become necessary under certain conditions. These are extreme illnesses or stress.

Amino acids are also classified into groups according to their structure and side chains. This includes:

  • polar amino acids
  • aromatic amino acids
  • hydrophobic amino acids
  • ketogenic amino acids
  • basic amino acids
  • acidic amino acids

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Nonessential amino acids. Products

These types of amino acids are produced in the body during metabolism. They are extracted from other organic substances. The body can automatically switch to create the required amino acid. What foods contain non-essential amino acids? The list is below:

• arginine – oats, nuts, corn, meat, gelatin, dairy products, sesame seeds, chocolate;

• alanine – seafood, egg whites, meat, soy, legumes, nuts, corn, brown rice;

• asparagine – fish, eggs, seafood, meat, asparagus, tomatoes, nuts;

• glycine – liver, beef, gelatin, dairy products, fish, eggs;

• proline – fruit juices, dairy products, wheat, meat, eggs;

• taurine – milk, fish proteins; produced in the body from vitamin B6;

• glutamine – fish, meat, legumes, dairy products;

• serine – soy, wheat gluten, meat, dairy products, peanuts;

• carnitine – meat and offal, dairy, fish, red meat.

Functions of nonessential amino acids

Glutamic acid, whose chemical formula is C₅H₉N₁O₄, is included in proteins in living organisms and is found in some low-molecular substances, as well as in a consolidated form. A large role is intended to participate in nitrogen metabolism. Responsible for brain activity. Glutamic acid (formula C₅H₉N₁O₄) during prolonged exercise turns into glucose and helps produce energy. Glutamine plays a big role in increasing immunity, restores muscles, creates growth hormones, and accelerates metabolic processes.

Alanine is an essential source of energy for the nervous system, muscle tissue and brain. By producing antibodies, alanine strengthens the immune system; it also participates in the metabolism of organic acids and sugars and is converted into glucose in the liver. Thanks to alanine, acid-base balance is maintained.

Asparagine is a non-essential amino acid; its task is to reduce the formation of ammonia under heavy loads. Helps resist fatigue, converts carbohydrates into muscle energy. Stimulates immunity through the production of antibodies and immunoglobulins. Aspartic acid balances the processes occurring in the central nervous system, it prevents excessive inhibition and excessive excitation.

Glycine is an amino acid that provides oxygen to cell formation processes. Glycine is necessary to normalize blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Participates in the breakdown of fats and in the production of hormones responsible for the immune system.

Carnitine is an important transport agent that moves fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix. Carnitine can increase the effectiveness of antioxidants, oxidize fats, and promote their removal from the body.

Ornithine is a producer of growth hormones. This amino acid is necessary for the functioning of the immune system and liver, is involved in the production of insulin, the breakdown of fatty acids, and in the processes of urine formation.

Proline is involved in the production of collagen, which is necessary for connective tissues and bones. Supports and strengthens the heart muscle.

Serine is a cellular energy producer. Helps store glycogen in muscles and liver. Participates in strengthening the immune system, while providing it with antibodies. Stimulates the functions of the nervous system and memory.

Taurine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Allows you to control epileptic seizures. Plays an important role in controlling the aging process. Reduces fatigue, frees the body from free radicals, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

Conditionally essential amino acids

Cysteine ​​helps eliminate toxic substances and takes part in the creation of muscle tissue and skin. Cysteine ​​is a natural antioxidant that cleanses the body of chemical toxins. Stimulates the functioning of white blood cells. Contained in foods such as meat, fish, oats, wheat, soy.

The amino acid tyrosine helps fight stress and fatigue, reduces anxiety, improves mood and overall tone. Tyrosine has an antioxidant effect, which allows it to bind free radicals. Plays an important role in the metabolic process. Contained in meat and dairy products, fish.

Histidine helps tissue repair and promotes growth. Contained in hemoglobin. Helps in the treatment of allergies, arthritis, anemia and ulcers. A deficiency of this amino acid can cause hearing loss.

Lysine content in products of plant origin

Table of lysine content in products from the category - products of plant origin. The chart shows the percentage of lysine from the daily requirement, calculated based on a 100 g portion of the product.

QuantityShare of daily value per 100 g
1Soy Protein (Isolate) Powder5.3 g129,9%
2Soy protein (concentrate) powder3.9 g95,8%
3Soy protein powder3.6 g86,6%
4Soybean cake3.0 g73,0%
5Sunflower flour2.0 g48,2%
6Mustard seeds ground mustard1.8 g45,0%
7Fenugreek seeds1.7 g41,1%
8Dry chickpeas1.4 g33,6%
9Hemp seed1.3 g31,1%
10Peeled pumpkin seeds1.2 g30,1%
11Roasted pistachios (no salt)1.2 g29,0%
12Fresh pistachios1.1 g27,8%
13Boiled soybeans (ripe)1.1 g27,0%
14Dill seeds1.0 g25,3%
15Cumin seeds1.0 g25,1%
16Sesame flour1.0 g24,1%
17Chia seeds1.0 g23,7%
18Poppy seeds1.0 g23,2%
19Sunflower seeds, peeled0.9 g22,9%
20Cashew raw0.9 g22,6%
21Peanuts raw0.9 g22,6%
22Tempe0.9 g22,1%
23Flaxseed0.9 g21,0%
24Roasted peanuts0.9 g20,7%
25Lupine (lupine beans) cooked0.8 g20,3%
26Roasted cashews0.8 g19,9%
27Reveler seeds0.8 g19,7%
28Roasted sunflower seeds (hulled)0.8 g19,4%
29Butternut0.8 g18,8%
30Unheated oat bran0.8 g18,5%
31Fennel seeds0.8 g18,5%
32Fresh sprouted soybeans0.8 g18,3%
33Edamame cooked0.7 g18,2%
34Soy sauce (tamari)0.7 g17,8%
35Black Walnut0.7 g17,4%
36Fresh sprouted lentils0.7 g17,4%
37Dry green buckwheat0.7 g16,4%
38Unheated rice bran0.7 g15,9%
39Unroasted sesame0.7 g15,9%
40Buckwheat flour0.6 g15,6%
41Boiled variegated beans (Pinto)0.6 g15,4%
42Lentils boiled in water0.6 g15,4%
43Boiled pink beans0.6 g15,2%
44Boiled black beans0.6 g14,8%
45Boiled red beans (Kidney)0.6 g14,8%
46Peas boiled in water (ripe)0.6 g14,7%
47Unheated wheat bran0.6 g14,6%
48Boiled chickpeas0.6 g14,5%
49Fresh almonds0.6 g13,9%
50Boiled adzuki beans0.6 g13,8%
51Roasted almonds0.6 g13,7%
52Roasted sesame0.5 g13,3%
53Pine nut without shell0.5 g13,2%
54Fermented tofu cheese (fuyu)0.5 g13,1%
55Malted barley flour0.5 g13,0%
56Boiled black-eyed beans0.5 g12,8%
57Boiled white beans0.5 g12,7%
58Dry soy tofu cheese0.5 g12,4%
59Oregano oregano, dried0.5 g12,2%
60Brazilian nut0.5 g12,0%
61Boiled mung bean0.5 g12,0%
62Boiled beans (ripe)0.5 g11,9%
63Boiled pigeon peas0.5 g11,6%
64Hot chili peppers dried in the sun0.5 g11,5%
65Hard tofu cheese (linen)0.5 g11,3%
66Walnut0.4 g10,3%
67Roasted hazelnuts0.4 g10,3%
68Fresh hazelnuts0.4 g10,2%
69Potato starch0.4 g10,1%
70Barley flour0.4 g9,5%
71Fresh sprouted peas0.4 g9,4%
72Turmeric spice powder0.4 g9,3%
73Cloves (spice) seasoning powder0.4 g9,0%
74Walnut drank0.4 g9,0%
75Triticale flour0.4 g9,0%
76Beechnut0.4 g9,0%
77Fresh green beans0.4 g8,9%
78Ground dry chili pepper0.4 g8,8%
79Whole grain flour (wheat)0.4 g8,8%
80Quinoa fresh0.4 g8,6%
81Caramel0.3 g8,2%
82Fresh green peas0.3 g7,7%
83Boiled green beans0.3 g7,6%
84Spirulina raw0.3 g7,6%
85Unsweetened coconut flakes0.3 g7,4%
86Rye bread0.3 g7,3%
87Fresh sprouted variegated beans (Pinto)0.3 g7,3%
88Pecan0.3 g7,0%
89Brown rice flour0.3 g6,7%
90Raw garlic0.3 g6,7%
91Dry corn kernels0.3 g6,5%
92Table mustard, paste0.3 g6,4%
93Lotus seeds0.3 g6,4%
94Canned green peas0.3 g6,3%
95Rice bran bread0.3 g6,3%
96Brown raw champignons0.3 g6,1%
97Fresh dill0.2 g6,0%
98Fresh sprouted wheat0.2 g6,0%
99Ground black pepper0.2 g6,0%
100Cinnamon powder0.2 g5,9%
101Ginger extract powder0.2 g5,9%
102Red beans (Kidney) sprouted fresh0.2 g5,8%
103Quinoa boiled in water0.2 g5,8%
104Broccoli raab cooked0.2 g5,8%
105Chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing0.2 g5,8%
106Wheat bran bread0.2 g5,7%
107Dried goji berries0.2 g5,7%
108Rye bread0.2 g5,7%
109All-purpose wheat flour0.2 g5,6%
110Nori seaweed, raw0.2 g5,4%
111White corn flour (masa)0.2 g5,3%
112Fresh cauliflower0.2 g5,3%
113Canned corn0.2 g5,2%
114Fresh sprouted alfalfa seeds0.2 g5,2%
115Rye flour0.2 g5,1%
116Pancakes0.2 g5,1%
117Rice flour0.2 g5,0%
118Fresh pumpkin leaves0.2 g4,9%
119Fresh broccoli raab0.2 g4,8%
120Yellow whole grain corn flour0.2 g4,8%
121Boiled spinach0.2 g4,4%
122Fresh parsley0.2 g4,4%
123Fresh spinach0.2 g4,2%
124Whole grain sorghum flour0.2 g4,2%
125Buckwheat boiled in water (buckwheat porridge)0.2 g4,2%
126Boiled wild rice0.2 g4,1%
127Fresh sprouted mung bean0.2 g4,0%
128Cooked cowpea (boiled)0.2 g4,0%
129Fresh chives0.2 g4,0%
130French fries0.2 g4,0%
131Dried bananas0.2 g4,0%
132Fresh peppermint0.2 g3,9%
133Boiled broccoli0.2 g3,8%
134Fresh Brussels sprouts0.2 g3,8%
135Fresh coconut meat0.1 g3,6%
136Millet flour0.1 g3,5%
137Fresh rosemary0.1 g3,5%
138Fresh mint0.1 g3,4%
139Boiled corn0.1 g3,4%
140Fresh tamarind0.1 g3,4%
141Raw corn0.1 g3,3%
142Fresh broccoli0.1 g3,3%
143Raw beetroot0.1 g3,3%
144Avocado fresh0.1 g3,2%
145Enoki mushrooms raw0.1 g3,2%
146Fresh amaranth leaves0.1 g3,1%
147Raw oyster mushrooms0.1 g3,1%
148Fresh thyme0.1 g3,1%
149Fresh shallots0.1 g3,0%
150Baked potatoes0.1 g2,9%
151Fresh kale0.1 g2,9%
152Fried champignons0.1 g2,8%
153Boiled Brussels sprouts0.1 g2,8%
154Fresh sorrel0.1 g2,8%
155Boiled asparagus0.1 g2,8%
156Raw wakame seaweed0.1 g2,7%
157Fried portobello mushrooms0.1 g2,7%
158Fresh basil0.1 g2,7%
159Teff cooked0.1 g2,7%
160Raw champignons0.1 g2,6%
161Raw potatoes0.1 g2,6%
162Mashed potatoes with milk and butter, prepared0.1 g2,6%
163Boiled potatoes0.1 g2,5%
164Raw asparagus0.1 g2,5%
165Carrots raw (fresh)0.1 g2,5%
166Cooked cabbage (boiled)0.1 g2,5%
167Fresh coconut milk0.1 g2,5%
168Boiled cauliflower0.1 g2,4%
169Boiled long grain brown rice0.1 g2,4%
170Fresh chard0.1 g2,4%
171Fresh turnip tops0.1 g2,4%
172Boiled long grain rice0.1 g2,4%
173Fresh apricot0.1 g2,4%
174Chestnut, peeled, fresh0.1 g2,3%
175Fresh onion0.1 g2,3%
176Fresh savoy cabbage0.1 g2,3%
177Boiled burdock root0.1 g2,2%
178Canned heart of palm0.1 g2,2%
179Boiled green beans (asparagus)0.1 g2,2%
180Maitake mushrooms raw0.1 g2,2%
181Red hot fresh chili pepper0.1 g2,2%
182Fresh Chinese cabbage0.1 g2,2%
183Boiled brown rice0.1 g2,1%
184Boiled rice (in water)0.1 g2,1%
185Bulgur boiled in water (porridge)0.1 g2,1%
186Boiled round grain rice0.1 g2,1%
187Barley boiled in water (barley porridge)0.1 g2,0%
188Fresh lettuce0.1 g2,0%
189Boiled carrots0.1 g2,0%
190Dried apricots0.1 g2,0%
191Raw seaweed0.1 g2,0%
192Steamed boiled rice0.1 g2,0%
193Raw okra0.1 g2,0%
194Boiled bamboo shoots0.1 g1,9%
195Fresh leek0.1 g1,9%
196Starfruit (starfruit) fresh0.1 g1,9%
197Fresh black persimmon (sapota)0.1 g1,8%
198Boiled glutinous (sticky) rice0.1 g1,8%
199Couscous boiled in water0.1 g1,8%
200Fresh guava0.1 g1,8%
201Fresh jackfruit0.1 g1,7%
202Fresh chicory leaves0.1 g1,6%
203Millet boiled in water0.1 g1,6%
204Dates Deglet nur0.1 g1,6%
205Raw sweet potato0.1 g1,6%
206Mango fresh0.1 g1,6%
207Boiled onions0.1 g1,6%
208Fresh Roman salad0.1 g1,6%
209Fresh beet tops0.1 g1,6%
210Fresh endive0.1 g1,5%
211Fresh watermelon0.1 g1,5%
212Fresh kiwi0.1 g1,5%
213Boiled beets0.1 g1,5%
214Fresh soursop0.1 g1,5%
215Fresh plantains0.1 g1,5%
216Boiled kohlrabi (cabbage)0.1 g1,4%
217Escarole cooked0.1 g1,4%
218Yams cooked0.1 g1,4%
219Raw beets0.1 g1,4%
220Cooked squash0.1 g1,4%
221Raw ginger root0.1 g1,4%
222Radicchio fresh0.1 g1,4%
223Fresh head lettuce0.1 g1,4%
224Fresh kohlrabi0.1 g1,4%
225Dates Majul0.1 g1,3%
226Raw pumpkin0.1 g1,3%
227Fresh bananas0.1 g1,2%
228Fresh red cabbage0.0 g1,2%
229Shiitake mushrooms, cooked0.0 g1,1%
230Fresh oranges0.0 g1,1%
231Fresh longan0.0 g1,1%
232Fresh persimmon0.0 g1,1%
233Fresh red lettuce0.0 g1,1%
234Fresh cabbage, white cabbage0.0 g1,1%
235Boiled cabbage (white cabbage)0.0 g1,0%
236Cherimoya fresh0.0 g1,0%
237Leeks cooked0.0 g1,0%
238Fresh lychees0.0 g1,0%
239Chayote raw0.0 g1,0%
240Green bell pepper, fresh0.0 g1,0%
241Cooked tomatoes0.0 g1,0%
242Fresh cranberries0.0 g1,0%
243Sapodilla fruits fresh0.0 g1,0%
244Cooked eggplant0.0 g1,0%
245Fresh onions0.0 g1,0%
246Boiled or baked pumpkin0.0 g1,0%
247Feijoa fresh0.0 g0,9%
248Canned olives0.0 g0,9%
249Fresh breadfruit0.0 g0,9%
250Sugar apple fresh0.0 g0,9%
251Fresh Antillean apricot0.0 g0,9%
252Fresh red bell pepper0.0 g0,9%
253Turnips raw0.0 g0,9%
254Fried or baked zucchini (without oil)0.0 g0,9%
255Fresh radish0.0 g0,8%
256Fresh coconut water0.0 g0,8%
257Fresh tangerines0.0 g0,8%
258Fresh daikon0.0 g0,7%
259Fresh cantaloupe melon0.0 g0,7%
260Fresh peach, pitted0.0 g0,7%
261Fresh figs0.0 g0,7%
262Fresh cucumbers0.0 g0,7%
263Cooked turnips0.0 g0,7%
264Fresh tomatoes0.0 g0,7%
265Fresh celery0.0 g0,7%
266Grapes (red or green) fresh0.0 g0,7%
267Fresh strawberries0.0 g0,6%
268Fresh pineapple0.0 g0,6%
269Fresh elderberry0.0 g0,6%
270Fresh papaya0.0 g0,6%
271Fresh iceberg lettuce0.0 g0,6%
272Fresh medlar0.0 g0,6%
273Taro cooked tubers0.0 g0,6%
274Fresh grapefruit0.0 g0,5%
275Fresh melon0.0 g0,4%
276Macadamia nut0.0 g0,4%
277Roasted macadamia nut0.0 g0,4%
278Fresh pear0.0 g0,4%
279Fresh plum0.0 g0,4%
280Fresh lime juice0.0 g0,4%
281Fresh lime0.0 g0,3%
282Fresh blueberries0.0 g0,3%
283Arrowroot flour0.0 g0,3%
284Fresh apples0.0 g0,3%
285Canned grape juice0.0 g0,2%
286Canned orange juice0.0 g0,2%
287Corn starch0.0 g0,1%
288Almond oil0.0 g0,0%
289Hazelnut oil0.0 g0,0%
290Walnut oil0.0 g0,0%
291Cottonseed oil0.0 g0,0%
292Olive oil0.0 g0,0%
293Gin 45 degrees alcohol0.0 g0,0%
294Palm oil0.0 g0,0%
295Cacao butter0.0 g0,0%
296Wheat germ oil0.0 g0,0%
297Shea butter (karite)0.0 g0,0%
298Rice bran oil0.0 g0,0%
299Coconut oil0.0 g0,0%
300Aspartame sugar substitute0.0 g0,0%
301Corn oil0.0 g0,0%
302Apricot oil0.0 g0,0%
303Sesame oil0.0 g0,0%
304Peanut butter0.0 g0,0%
305Babassu oil0.0 g0,0%
306Soybean oil0.0 g0,0%
307Poppy oil0.0 g0,0%
308Apple cider vinegar0.0 g0,0%
309Grape seed oil0.0 g0,0%
310Onion ringsn/a0,0%
311Fennel, raw (fruit or root)n/a0,0%
312Nutmeg spice, groundn/a0,0%
313Physalis freshn/a0,0%
314Fresh vegetable physalisn/a0,0%
315Mustard oiln/a0,0%
316Jujube (Chinese date) freshn/a0,0%
317Fresh pomegranaten/a0,0%
318Canned pomegranate juicen/a0,0%
319Naranjilla frozenn/a0,0%
320Fresh grapefruit juicen/a0,0%
321Oat oiln/a0,0%
322Oat flourn/a0,0%
323Wood mushroom rawn/a0,0%
324Raw chanterelle mushroomsn/a0,0%
325Horseradish, ready to eatn/a0,0%
326Morel mushrooms, rawn/a0,0%
327Fresh dandelion leavesn/a0,0%
328Chicory root, rawn/a0,0%
329Instant chicory (ready-made coffee)n/a0,0%
330Canned pear juice (nectar)n/a0,0%
331Ground savoryn/a0,0%
332Canned green olivesn/a0,0%
333Prickly pear (fruit) freshn/a0,0%
334Green tea without sugar, preparedn/a0,0%
335Green tea with sugar (prepared)n/a0,0%
336Black tea without sugar, preparedn/a0,0%
337Black tea with sugar and lemon (prepared)n/a0,0%
338Fresh jambolann/a0,0%
339Durian freshn/a0,0%
340Papaya juice (nectar) cannedn/a0,0%
341Fresh blackberriesn/a0,0%
342Fern (shoots) rawn/a0,0%
343Canned blackberry juicen/a0,0%
344Parsnip root rawn/a0,0%
345Ground sagen/a0,0%
346Ground allspicen/a0,0%
347Saffron spicen/a0,0%
348Jeera cumin seedsn/a0,0%
349Fresh mulberriesn/a0,0%
350Seedless raisinsn/a0,0%

Amino acids and protein

All proteins are created using peptide bonds with amino acids. The proteins themselves, or proteins, are high-molecular compounds that contain nitrogen. The very concept of “protein” was first introduced back in 1838 by Berzelius. The word comes from the Greek “primary”, which means the leading place of proteins in nature. Proteins give life to all life on Earth, from bacteria to the complex human body. In nature there are much more of them than all other macromolecules. Protein is the foundation of life. Proteins make up 20% of the body weight, and if you take the dry mass of the cell, then 50%. The presence of a huge number of proteins is explained by the existence of various amino acids. They, in turn, interact and create polymer molecules. The most outstanding property of proteins is their ability to create their own spatial structure. The chemical composition of protein constantly contains nitrogen - approximately 16%. The development and growth of the body completely depend on the functions of protein amino acids. Proteins cannot be replaced by other elements. Their role in the body is extremely important.

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