Nutmeg - calories and properties. The benefits and harms of nutmeg

What is nutmeg and what does it look like?

Nutmeg is the fruit evergreen tree that is part of family . It is also called muristika, nutmeg . Its homeland is the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia. Plantations grow in India, Brazil, Grenada, Sri Lanka, tropical countries of East Africa, and South America.

How is nutmeg beneficial for the body of men and women?

Large fruits look like apricots or peaches. When ripe, the flesh bursts in half, exposing the seed. The core of the seed is the nutmeg. The seed of the fruit is something like an apricot kernel.

The harvest is harvested 3-4 times a year , after which it is dried, soaked in sea water and coral milk, and peeled. After a series of technological processes lasting up to 4 months, peeled oval-shaped fruits 2–3 cm long are obtained. By the way! Round specimens have a more intense aroma.

Interesting facts about nutmeg

  1. Nutmeg, the red fibrous shell of the kernel, is also used to produce a spice called mace. It has a less intense taste than the nutmeg powder known to many, but is very similar to it.
  2. At the beginning of the 17th century, European aristocrats did not appear at a party or at a feast without a nutmeg ball and a small silver grater - they did not miss the opportunity to improve the cook’s work and add a pinch of this spice to the dish. Hmm, maybe I should adopt it?!
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