Calorie content Bay leaf - Chemical composition, benefits and harms, description and beneficial properties. Calorie content and composition of food products

The history of the bay leaf

The evergreen laurel tree grows in subtropical and tropical regions. It can be found in the Mediterranean and Transcaucasia, on the Canary Islands, in Asia Minor. The leaves of the plant are highly valued in cooking - they are one of the most famous seasonings. The plant is noteworthy for its healing and even occult properties; laurel is a symbol of victory in many world cultures.

A beautiful ancient Greek myth is associated with the laurel tree, telling about the origin of the plant. According to Ovid, one day the god Eros punished Apollo by shooting him with an arrow of love for the nymph Daphne, and at Daphne herself with an arrow that kills love. The nymph's persecution by Apollo only disgusted her, and she ultimately asked the gods to protect her. The gods fulfilled their wish by turning Daphne into a tree. The saddened Apollo made sure that the laurel remained evergreen, and the plant has since become sacred.

Harm and contraindications for use

Laurel leaves are considered invaluable assistants in the treatment of many diseases, but it is necessary to take into account that, like any product, they have a number of contraindications.

  1. People prone to allergies should avoid the product.
  2. Women are also at risk during pregnancy, as laurel leaves increase the activity of the uterus, which provokes miscarriage and premature birth.
  3. Nursing mothers should for a certain period of time avoid using the spice in cooking, as well as for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, as it gives milk an unpleasant bitter taste.
  4. Patients suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels need to find an alternative to this spice.
  5. Limit the use of the product to patients diagnosed with renal failure or impaired protein metabolism.
  6. Exceeding the specified dose can lead to poisoning of the body with vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, breathing problems and an allergic rash. And if consumed simultaneously with milk and dairy products, it can cause stomach upset.
  7. With prolonged use, due to its astringent properties, the plant can cause constipation.

Uncontrolled use of laurel can cause health problems. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should assess the possible benefits and harms of the spice.

Chemical composition of bay leaf

The benefits of bay leaves for the human body are easily explained - just look at the composition. Plant leaves contain:

  • vitamins A and C;
  • B vitamins;
  • PP acid and saturated fatty acids;
  • esters and tannins;
  • potassium and iron;
  • magnesium, copper, zinc and sodium;
  • phosphorus and manganese;
  • cellulose.

The plant not only improves the taste and aroma of dishes, but also gives them additional beneficial properties.

Used in recipes:

Lentil soup Onion soup with cheese Fish cakes Turkey salad with grapes and mango Chicken in red wine Chicken eintopf (thick soup) Italian specialty of pork and pasta Sausages baked with lentils and vegetables Chicken curry Beer goulash Tomato and eggplant crumble Penne with eggplant and garlic sauce Pumpkin soup Curry with tuna Tuna with thyme Pork with curry and pineapple Chicken thighs in beer with beans Mediterranean chicken Beef stew Potato stew Chicken schnitzels in red wine Soup with smoked salmon Beef ham in red wine Chicken on skewers with zucchini, champignons and sausages Fish soup with sweet pepper

Navigation: All recipes
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Healing properties of bay leaf

The valuable composition of the plant means that bay leaf brings great health benefits. Namely:

  • improves appetite and helps digest food;
  • significantly speeds up metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the body's defenses against colds;
  • removes toxins, waste and excess salts;
  • relieves inflammation and pain;
  • improves skin color and elasticity, strengthens hair;
  • normalizes blood pressure and helps fight swelling;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels and the cardiac system.

Calorie content Bay leaf. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Bay leaf".

The energy value of bay leaf is 313 kcal.

  • tbsp, crumbled = 1.8 g (5.6 kcal)
  • tsp, crumbled = 0.6 g (1.9 kcal)

Primary source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

What are the benefits of bay leaf?

  • Vitamin A
    is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2
    is involved in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B6
    is involved in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, and maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin B9
    as a coenzyme is involved in the metabolism of nucleic acids and amino acids. Folate deficiency leads to disruption of the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, resulting in inhibition of cell growth and division, especially in rapidly proliferating tissues: bone marrow, intestinal epithelium, etc. Insufficient folate intake during pregnancy is one of the causes of prematurity, malnutrition, and congenital deformities and child development disorders. A strong relationship has been shown between folate and homocysteine ​​levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Vitamin C
    is involved in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Potassium
    is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, and is involved in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating blood pressure.
  • Calcium
    is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, and is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Magnesium
    is involved in energy metabolism, the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain the homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus
    takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron
    is part of proteins with various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons and oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
  • Manganese
    is involved in the formation of bone and connective tissue, and is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, and catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper
    is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Zinc
    is part of more than 300 enzymes and is involved in the processes of synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient consumption leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and the presence of fetal malformations. Research in recent years has revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.


And yet the main purpose of the bay leaf is to improve culinary dishes. It is most used in Mediterranean and Black Sea cuisines. This spice is ideal for meat dishes, for cooking broths, and for marinades and preserves. Great for flavoring vinegar and oils.

Secondarily, bay leaves are used in pest control - this method is safe for humans and environmentally friendly. There are also a huge number of recipes for using bay leaves for medicinal purposes.

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