Cherry tomatoes: description, composition and beneficial properties

Small but dainty bunches of cherry tomatoes are the only type of tomato that is available year-round. Raising babies has become automatic, and natural sunlight plays an episodic role in this process. The taste and aroma are absolutely identical to traditional tomatoes, only the size and method of serving the product differ.

In addition to the classic red cherries, there are also yellow ones. They are juicier, richer and brighter. It's worth using yellow tomatoes not so much for the taste, but for the variety on the plate. A small sunny accent will give the dish a special charm and will definitely attract the attention of the consumer.

general characteristics

Cherries are most common in Mediterranean countries. Traditional recipes always indicate the prefix “cherry” next to the tomato, and culinary experts insist on fundamental differences in taste.

Small cherry-shaped vegetables (“cherry” in English - cherry) attract consumers with such characteristics.


Compared to traditional tomatoes, they seem like toys.


Cherry tomatoes are displayed in clusters rather than individually. Food bloggers and aesthetes will not be able to remain indifferent to the laconic but elegant appearance of the tomato.


Cherry tomato is more concentrated and rich.
The flavor palette 100% compensates for the size and restores the price-quality ratio. Varieties of tomato

Skin colorgreenred/pinkyellow orange

Tip: if you love cherry tomatoes, try growing them right on your windowsill. The miniature vegetable germinates easily and requires minimal care. Read the basic rules and tips for growing so that the fruits do not crack and are fully ripe.

Historical reference

Cherries grew in the Andes, after which they migrated to the territory of modern Mexico to the Incas and Aztecs. The shape and size of tomatoes were significantly different from today. These were isolated wide bushes, more reminiscent of a miniature tree with more elongated and brightly colored fruits. The Indians of South America seriously began growing tomatoes, therefore, by the 15th century, European colonialists already had several varieties of cherry tomatoes.

The first mention of miniature tomatoes dates back to 1623. The book “Pinax Theatri Botanici” told about plants known to mankind. Agronomists borrowed information from the book, and the term “cherry” spread throughout scientific botanical treatises.

The first European crop of cherry tomatoes grew in Santorini. British and Israeli agronomists worked to improve the shape, color, and taste of the fruit and finally created the ideal commercial variety.

Modern cherry tomatoes have gone through a long process of selection and improvement. The Incas and Aztecs would not have recognized the vegetable they were accustomed to, due to the changed structure of the pulp, peel, and new flavor shades.

Beneficial features

Cherries contain vitamin K, which stabilizes the absorption of calcium, and thereby normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and biliary system.

Tomatoes are leaders in lycopene content. The substance reduces the risk of developing cancer and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Serves as a preventive measure for diseases of the organs of vision and prevents inflammatory processes in the body. Lycopene is not destroyed when exposed to high temperatures, so you can cook cherry tomatoes without fear of preserving their beneficial properties.

Advice. Lycopene is a fat-soluble substance. Season cherry tomatoes with vegetable oil (olive, sesame) so that the enzyme is absorbed faster and starts working.

Cherries are rich in serotonin, which is known as the “happiness hormone”. The neurotransmitter improves a person’s mood, dampens anxiety and functions as a natural antidepressant.

Tomatoes quickly saturate the body with chromium. The body quickly receives the necessary amino acids and immediately begins to absorb them. Fiber stabilizes the digestive process and speeds up metabolism. The impression of absolute satiety and a surge of energy is created.

Introduce plenty of vegetables into your daily diet. They will help you take only useful, necessary elements and will significantly affect your daily activity. If you often have the urge to lie down for 30 minutes after a heavy lunch, reconsider your diet and add more cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery and other vegetables.

What else are useful cherry tomatoes:

  1. Replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals during the winter. In cold weather, traditional tomatoes lose both their nutritional value and their taste characteristics. Cherries, thanks to the “light” growing conditions, remain unchanged all year round.
  2. Excess fluid is removed from the body thanks to potassium.
  3. They cope with anemia with the help of iron.
  4. Adapt the body to low temperatures thanks to magnesium.
  5. With the help of phosphorus, metabolic processes are accelerated.
  6. Strengthens the skeletal system with calcium.
  7. They have an antioxidant effect due to the presence of lycolene. The substance gives the tomato a rich red tint, prevents cancer, strengthens blood vessels and creates a detox effect.
  8. The product is low in calories, so cherry tomatoes can be safely included in your daily diet without worrying about your waist size.

How to pickle cherry tomatoes

Pickled tomatoes are an indispensable decoration of the Russian table during the cold season. The preparation made from rich, sweetish cherry tomatoes will be especially tasty.

Pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter

The recipe is for 3 liter or 1 three liter jars. A small container is convenient when you want to diversify your daily diet, but don’t want to keep a large jar in the refrigerator for several days. A 3-liter container will be relevant at a large holiday table.

For preparation you will need:

  • cherry tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • allspice - to taste;
  • water – 1.3 l;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • vinegar 70% – 1 tbsp.

You can put bell peppers, carrots, squash and zucchini in a jar with tomatoes. For a more spicy brine, add nutmeg, coriander and dill umbrellas.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the tomatoes under running cold water and remove the stems. Dry naturally, laying it out on a clean towel.
  2. We sterilize jars and lids in a convenient way: over a boiling kettle, over a pan in a colander or in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees.
  3. To ensure that the tomatoes remain intact and the skins do not burst from the hot pouring, we pierce them at the base with a toothpick. This advice only works on elastic tomatoes with thick skin. Too soft and thin-skinned fruits will burst even after punctures.
  4. Place seasonings and garlic at the bottom of the jars. Then carefully and tightly place the tomatoes into the jar. Place pieces of your favorite vegetables into the empty spaces and place onion rings on top.
  5. Fill the prepared jars with boiling water and cover with sterilized lids. Leave them like this for 15–20 minutes.
  6. Pour the water into one large and clean pan. Add sugar and salt, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the brine for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Pour vinegar (you can either into a common pan or into each jar). For the entire volume of brine you will need 1 tbsp. vinegar.
  8. Pour the brine into jars and tighten the lids using a seaming machine.
  9. Turn the jars with pickled tomatoes upside down and place them on the lid. Be sure to wrap it in a blanket for gradual cooling. After a few hours, remove the blanket and leave it for another day at room temperature.

The workpiece can be stored in a cellar with a lower storage temperature or left at home on a pantry shelf. You will be able to try pickled cherry tomatoes in 3-4 weeks.


how to pickle cherry tomatoes for the winter Expand

Quick marinating

If you don’t want to wait a whole month for salting, you can use the quick method. The “whip up” option will allow you to enjoy the taste in just a few days.

To prepare pickles you will need:

  • cherry tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp;
  • vinegar 6% – 4 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - to taste:
  • cloves - to taste;
  • allspice peas - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the tomatoes with clean cold water. Then dry it naturally on a clean towel.
  2. Sterilize the jar and lid or pour boiling water over it.
  3. Place garlic, bay leaf, pepper, cloves, nutmeg and other favorite spices at the bottom of the jar.
  4. We pierce the tomatoes with a toothpick or skewer at the base so that the peel does not burst due to a sharp temperature change. Plus, through the holes, the brine will additionally flow into the pulp of the fruit.
  5. Carefully place the cherry tomatoes into the jar, trying to fill all the free space. Place onion rings on top.
  6. Pour boiling water into the prepared jar filled with tomatoes, cover with a lid and leave for 10–15 minutes.
  7. Drain the water from the cans into a large saucepan, add salt and sugar, and boil for 1-2 minutes. Add vinegar essence to the brine.
  8. Pour the prepared brine into a jar and screw on the lid.
  9. After complete cooling, put the workpiece in the refrigerator.

After 5 days, the pickled cherry tomatoes will be ready. You can cook regular large tomatoes in the same way. You will have to wait even less - just a couple of days. However, prepared from miniature tomatoes will have a richer taste.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of product)
Calorie content24.2 kcal
Squirrels1.2 g
Fats2.02 g
Carbohydrates3.84 g
Water93.4 g
Alimentary fiber0.81 g
Organic acids0.50 g
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Retinol (A)1,2
Thiamine (B1)0,06
Riboflavin (B2)0,039
Pyridoxine (B6)0,1
Folic acid (B9)0,0113
Ascorbic acid (C)25
Tocopherol (E)0,40
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,49
Macroelements (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Calcium (Ca)14,3
Magnesium (Mg)20,1
Sodium (Na)39
Potassium (K)290,7
Phosphorus (P)26
Chlorine (Cl)60
Sulfur (S)12
Microelements (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Iron (Fe)0,9
Zinc (Zn)0,2
Iodine (I)0,0021
Copper (Cu)0,112
Manganese (Mn)0,14
Chromium (Cr)0,005
Fluorine (F)0,201
Molybdenum (Mo)0,007
Boron (B)0,1149
Cobalt (Co)0,006

Calories and nutritional value

Translated from English, “Cherry” means cherry, and its small size and weight once again confirms its name. Many people ask the question: “How many calories are in cherry tomatoes?” 1 tomato contains only 15 Kcal, but a pickled one contains no more than 18 Kcal. Due to their low calorie content, cherry tomatoes are considered partly a dietary product. They are actively used by people who want to lose a couple of extra pounds or are simply watching their figure.

Nutritional value of cherry tomatoes per 100 grams of product.

PropertyNumber of calories, Kcal

Use in cooking

Miniature tomatoes are used as a snack, salad ingredient and canned food. To prepare sun-dried and sun-dried tomatoes, specially bred varieties are used that are most amenable to heat treatment.

The shelf life of cherry tomatoes is several days longer than that of traditional tomatoes.

Agricultural experts say that the methods of growing tomatoes (regardless of type and size) are not much different. All varieties can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Vegetables require equal amounts of water and fertilizer, which also blurs the differences between tomatoes for agronomists.

Cooks feel a significant difference. Cherries differ not only in their aesthetic appearance, but also in the specificity of their pulp, color, and taste.

Cherries have a denser and smoother structure. The pulp has a bright, rich taste, which (depending on the variety) leaves either a pleasant bitterness, or sourness, or sweetness.

The rich palette of colors also attracts culinary experts. The tomato takes on the role of the main accent of the dish, which gives incredible scope for creativity. Cherries can be cut into neat rings or served whole in the center of the culinary composition.

Small tomatoes are perfect for canning. A dense peel will not allow the tomato to “spread” and take on a depressing appearance. In addition, cherry tomatoes are much more convenient to eat. No need to worry about being told off at a family dinner for the thin stream of juice running down your hand while eating canned food.

Cherry confit recipe

Confit is a method of cooking that is characteristic of French cuisine. The essence of the method is slow simmering over low heat (less than 100 °C). Most often, confit is used for processing meat products.


  • sweet cherry tomatoes (you can take whole fruits on a branch or separate them);
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • rosemary – 2 sprigs;
  • thyme – 2 sprigs.


Wash the tomatoes and place in a baking dish. Drizzle with a spoon of olive oil, add spices, herbs and garlic. Use whole, unpeeled heads of garlic. Rinse the cloves thoroughly and cut them in half. This way the taste will be richer and brighter.

Place the spiced tomatoes in the oven for 2-3 hours at 100°C. It is recommended to serve with a meat/fish side dish or add to vegetable salads.

Omelet recipe with mozzarella and tomatoes

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of finished product)

Calorie contentSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
570 kcal33.1 g48.3 g4.5 g


  • chicken egg – 3 pcs;
  • cherry tomatoes – 4 pcs;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • mozzarella – 50 g;
  • basil (it is recommended to take green) – 20 g;
  • olive oil/butter to taste;
  • favorite spices.


Mix eggs with salt, pepper and your favorite spices.

Eggs should be beaten not with a whisk, but with a fork, so as not to bring the whites to peaks. You will get a denser, chewier, and more uniform texture, which will improve the flavor and texture of the omelet.

Pour butter into a heated frying pan and sauté the tomatoes. Pour the egg mixture over the poached cherry tomatoes, after 20-30 seconds add the mozzarella and chopped basil leaves. Turn up the heat and keep the omelette on the heat until done. After cooking, leave the egg mixture to cool for a few minutes. Drizzle the omelette with the required amount of olive oil/butter and serve.

Note. This omelet is an egg version of Neapolitan pizza and caprese salad. To achieve a special taste of the dish, you need to monitor the quality of basil, mozzarella and cherry tomatoes.

Is it possible to lose weight on tomatoes: an effective diet

Tomatoes contain a lot of water and fiber, so they fill the body well, neutralize hunger, and although the vegetable does not have the ability to burn fat, they contain many nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamin C and potassium, making a tomato diet healthy and balanced.

If you are puzzled by the question of whether you can lose weight on tomatoes, it will be important to know that tomatoes are classified as foods that have a negative calorie content. This means that the body will spend more energy on digesting tomatoes than it receives from eating them.

So, having decided to use tomatoes, whose calorie content is 16 kcal per 100 g, for weight loss, first of all, you need to be creative in using this vegetable in all dishes throughout the day. Sliced ​​tomatoes can be combined with cottage cheese or herbs, with olive oil, and eaten as a snack or breakfast. They can also be added as a homemade paste to whole grain pasta, brown rice or other dishes instead of canned tomato paste, which is often high in sugar. This homemade tomato sauce (paste) can be prepared in large quantities and stored in the refrigerator, then, no matter what the main dish is chosen, a tasty and healthy gravy will always be ready for it. To prepare tomato sauce, you need coarsely chopped tomatoes, which are known to be low in calories, simmer onions, spices and olive oil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. without adding water.

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If you are following a diet, the following dishes are ideal for breakfast:

  • Several toasted whole grain wheat or rye toasts, on which, instead of the usual pieces of cheese, sausage and butter, you need to put 50 g of fresh tomatoes, whose calorie content is 8 kcal, with herbs, and a cup of natural coffee without milk and sugar;
  • A sandwich of whole grain buns, vegetables and fried tomatoes, the calorie content of which is 120-150 kcal, and a cup of natural coffee without milk or sugar;
  • Scrambled eggs or omelet with tomatoes, the calorie content of which will be 70-120 kcal, and a cup of natural coffee without milk or sugar.

At lunchtime, a light tomato soup will help you quickly fill your stomach and not gain extra calories. To prepare it, you need to scald several large tomatoes with boiling water, peel them and chop them finely. Then pour 2-3 tbsp into a heated frying pan. olive oil and fry two finely chopped onions until golden brown, add a little crushed garlic and pre-cooked tomatoes, simmer the ingredients for a few minutes and season with spices to taste. You need to cook a light broth on the chicken breast, into which pre-prepared fried tomatoes are added, brought to a boil and sprinkled with fresh herbs on top. The calorie content of tomato soup is on average 50-70 kcal per 100 ml; you can add a small piece of black whole grain bread to it.

For dinner you can eat fresh salads with tomatoes, vegetable stew with tomatoes, tomato juice and 150-200 g of boiled fish or dietary meat. When following a tomato diet, the daily calorie content of which should not be less than 1200 kcal per day, you must consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.


Cherry tomatoes are prohibited when:

  • disruption of the body's metabolic processes;
  • peptic ulcer (regardless of stage). Doctors allow the consumption of cherry tomatoes in minimal quantities - up to 100 grams per day;
  • individual intolerance to the product/substances included in the composition. There is a risk of developing a rash throughout the body, deterioration in general health, nausea/vomiting;
  • cholelithiasis. Tomato has a pronounced choleretic effect and can worsen the course of the disease and provoke an increase in symptoms.

How to select and store cherry tomatoes

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The amount of nutrients that the body receives directly depends on the selected bunch of tomatoes. Take the process responsibly so as not to fall for the tricks of unscrupulous sellers.


Ripe cherry tomatoes have a pronounced “fresh” tomato aroma. It is felt immediately, does not repel and does not taste bitter. Even if a tomato of the required shape has an incredibly smooth texture and the right shade, but has no aroma, do not rush to buy it. Such cherry tomatoes were either not ripened inside, or were picked early and ripened not in bunches, but inside a huge box with their brethren.


An unnatural (both very beautiful and overly repulsive) shade should alert the buyer. Color discrepancy occurs due to poor-quality storage, violation of cultivation rules, and improper transportation.

Weight loss

Eating right is the best way to stay fit. With the help of tomatoes you can make your diet even more correct and healthy. Tomatoes are an excellent substitute for dinner, and can also be used in special diets where other foods are prohibited.

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Nutritionists recommend drinking tomato juice more often, because... it satisfies hunger and lifts your spirits. They also advise using a three-day tomato diet, which allows you to say goodbye to 5 kg at once.

The main reason why tomatoes help you lose extra pounds is its red color. The color is determined by lycopene, which accelerates the breakdown of any fats and improves the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes weight loss. The second reason is the feeling of fullness that appears immediately after eating the vegetable. And the third reason is low calorie content, and not a single carbohydrate is harmful to the figure.

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