Calorie content of Chechil cheese – Brine smoked Chechil cheese – calorie content, beneficial properties, benefits and harms, description

Pigtail cheese - what is the product?

For some, it may be a very surprising fact that the pigtail cheese, or chechil, was invented by the Armenians many centuries ago and is a traditional delicacy of this people.

Chechil is prepared, as a rule, from goat's milk (but regular cow's milk is also often used), soured under natural conditions, with the addition of special food additives - the rennet enzyme pepsin. It is pepsin that gives cheese the necessary consistency and texture.

The characteristic shape of chechil, a braid of cheese strings, is also determined by the method of preparing the product. The braids are “braided” during the manufacturing process and it is in this form that the cheese is left until it is completely ripened. The last stage, as a rule, is smoking, although you can do without it. Smoked cheese has a more pronounced taste and aroma, although the benefits of such a product are much less.

Like any cheese, chechil has a fairly high calorie content and a large amount of fat in its composition. The nutritional value of the product is about 300 calories per 100 grams . By the way, cheese is also famous for its sufficient amount of protein, and therefore can be very useful for people trying to build muscle mass.

Pigtail cheese is usually consumed as a snack with beer or other alcoholic drinks (for example, wine). Chechil is also used as a decoration for various dishes.


This cheese goes great with beer. It will also make delicious sandwiches, and it can decorate any cheese plate. Many different salads are made with this cheese. It is also used in making soups.

In the Caucasus, it is customary to drink fresh Chechil with wine. You can also simply press it in a frying pan until golden brown - these simple steps give the cheese an incredible aroma and delicate taste.

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Useful qualities

  • Let us remind you that the main ingredient of Chechil cheese is milk, which, as you know, is rich in calcium and microelements . Thus, a product made from milk also retains all these substances. Calcium and phosphorus contained in cheese are involved in the formation and development of bone tissue, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and serve as the prevention of its diseases. Calcium is especially useful for a growing body, since it is directly responsible for the development of bones and teeth in a child.
  • The product also contains sufficient amounts of magnesium and potassium , which are necessary for the normal functioning and health of the cardiovascular system. These substances help strengthen the heart muscle and blood channels and significantly reduce the risk of diseases of these organs.
  • Vitamin A , or retinol, is good for vision, teeth, nails and bones. It reduces bone fragility and serves as a prevention of vision and musculoskeletal diseases.
  • The product is also rich in B vitamins . These vitamins are involved in important metabolic processes occurring in our body. Without them, normal absorption of food and substances obtained with it would be impossible. Also, B vitamins regulate the functioning of the digestive system and are responsible for the activity of the nerves and psyche. Vitamin B deficiency can lead to sleep disorders, loss of energy and low mood, and in severe cases, serious neurological disorders.
  • Iron , present in cheese, is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and helps to increase hemoglobin levels in the body. In addition, iron is necessary to prevent anemia.
  • Chechil is also rich in tocopherol (vitamin E) and selenium. These substances are especially beneficial for the health of the female reproductive system and maintaining the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Very often, tocopherol deficiency leads to problems with hair, dryness, brittleness and increased hair loss. Therefore, if you have these problems, it is recommended to introduce foods rich in vitamin E .
  • The microelements contained in cheese help improve and heal the skin.
  • Chechil cheese contains quite a lot of protein - more than 20 g per 100 grams of product. For this reason, eating cheese will be especially beneficial for people trying to build muscle mass or experiencing a protein deficiency in their diet.

Possible harm and contraindications

  • Pigtail cheese, as a rule, contains a fairly high amount of salt, and therefore may be contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease.
  • Overuse of the product may lead to swelling.
  • Those who have problems with the cardiovascular system should not get carried away with Chechil.
  • It must be remembered that pigtail cheese is very high in calories, and therefore its unlimited consumption can be fraught with a quick gain of extra pounds.


  1. In order to get the maximum benefit from cheese, you need to be able to choose a high-quality and natural product. So, you need to pay attention to color : a good chechil should not be too bright in color or have an annoying aroma - this indicates the use of dyes and flavors in production.
  2. As a rule, traditional Armenian cheese is in the form of very thin braids - ideally they should be the size of a thick thread . The taste of this product is more pronounced.
  3. The smoked product is less healthy than the regular one. It contains less nutrients and microelements. This is worth considering for those who watch their diet.
  4. Natural chechil can be stored for no more than 3 months . But a longer shelf life indicates the presence of preservatives in the composition.
  5. Pigtail cheese is usually consumed as a snack with beer, but if you don’t like this drink, try drinking red wine with the cheese. A high-quality, natural product will highlight the taste of the drink and serve as an ideal snack for it.

Product Feature

This type of smoked cheese is a traditional product of Armenia. Today, this cheese has gained great popularity in many countries around the world due to its special taste and unusual appearance. In its taste and consistency, this cheese resembles Suluguni. But this cheese still has a more piquant taste and a pleasant aftertaste.

Chechil can be white or slightly yellow in color. If you come across a product in exactly these shades, then this indicates its naturalness. If Chechil is bright yellow or brownish in color, this indicates that various dyes and liquid smoke were used in the production process.

The main ingredient of this product is milk. It can be cow's, goat's or even sheep's milk. Sometimes several types of milk are used at once, which gives the finished product a unique taste. Initially, the milk is allowed to sour naturally, then rennet or pepsin is added to it.

After this, the entire mass undergoes heat treatment, as a result of which long fibers are obtained from the fermented milk mass. These fibers are pulled by hand to obtain a string of cheese of the desired thickness. The fibers are collected in small bundles and woven into a “braid” and then sent into a special brine. After the cheese has matured, it is smoked.

When choosing this product, be sure to pay attention to its appearance and color. In addition, it is worth carefully studying its composition, which should be indicated on the packaging.

It is best to store this cheese in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf.

A high-quality product has a long shelf life. As a rule, this is more than two months. Chechil can be consumed on its own or prepared with it in various salads, soups and snacks. In the Caucasus, it is consumed fresh, that is, it is not smoked. Use the product with real wine. Also in some countries they prepare fried Chechil, which during the cooking process acquires a very original and unusual taste.

You will learn how to make Chechil cheese at home in the following video.

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