The benefits and harms of soy milk and how to use it correctly

Soy milk - what is it?

Soy milk, or rather soy drink, is an aqueous extract of soybeans characterized by high nutritional value. It contains many vitamins and minerals. The undoubted advantage of this product is that it does not contain cholesterol and lactose, and contains only a small amount of saturated fatty acids. Natural soy milk has a subtle but specific bean taste and aroma.

The Chinese began to use soybeans as food. In Japan, soybean grain appeared at the beginning of our era, and in Europe - only in the sixteenth century. In China, Korea or Japan, soybean, along with rice, is the basis of the food industry and is referred to as a sacred plant. According to legend, soy milk was invented by Prince Liu of An in the second century BC and later used for medicinal purposes. The first documented mention of soy milk dates back to around 82 AD. Prince Liu is also credited with developing the tofu production process.

When purchasing soy products, be careful, as you may come across genetically modified soy products in the market and on the Internet! To be sure that the product does not contain GMOs, you should choose organic soy drinks. Homemade soy milk is quite easy to make.

Soy milk as a food product

Is soy milk healthy?
The drink is a white liquid of plant origin, prepared from soybeans. In its appearance, consistency and taste, it resembles cow's milk.

It is prepared by soaking the beans, then rubbing them, filtering and bringing the resulting composition to a boil. Opinions about the properties of this drink are extremely contradictory.

It is worth understanding what the benefits and harms of soy milk are, what are its advantages over analogues of animal origin, and what contraindications exist for its use.

Where is soy milk used?

The uses of soy milk are very wide. Particularly in addition to vegetarian dishes. Soy milk is recommended for people intolerant to cow's milk. How can you use soy milk? It can be successfully used as a substitute for cow's milk when preparing various smoothies or muesli. Soy milk can be added to coffee and other drinks. Soy drink is similar to cow's milk. It can also be used for baking cakes, waffles and pancakes.

Recipes for dishes and drinks with soy milk

Soy milk puddingThis product is widely used in the cuisines of different cultures around the world, but it is more often prepared by chefs in Asia.
Soy milk is drunk like regular cow's milk, added to coffee and teas, porridge is cooked with it, puddings and desserts are baked, and yoghurt is prepared. The taste goes well with:

  • With sweet fruits and berries - guava, figs, apples, bananas, strawberries, raspberries;
  • Dried fruits of all kinds - dried apricots, prunes, dates and so on;
  • With nuts - pine, cashews, pistachios, walnuts.

But if you drink soy milk with smoked meats, plums, cucumbers - fresh or salty, too sweet desserts, your stomach will rumble and diarrhea may appear. Soy drink cannot be combined with these products.

Recipes for delicious dishes with soy milk:

  1. Pancakes
    . The dough is kneaded as for regular pancakes, only soy milk is used instead of cow's milk. Eggs are not used in this recipe. Mix a glass of milk, 150 g of flour, pour in a tablespoon of sunflower oil, add baking powder, vanilla essence and granulated sugar. Mix well, bake in a hot frying pan, turning over as it browns. To make it tastier, you can add crushed nuts to the dough.
  2. Porridge with quinoa
    . Boil 2 glasses of water in a saucepan, pour 120 g of cereal into it, and boil for 15 minutes. During this time, the water usually boils away, but if this does not happen, then it is strained and 400 ml of milk is poured into the pan. Cook over low heat, stirring well, until thickened to obtain a homogeneous structure. It is better not to boil, but to insist. Chinese chefs even use a water bath. They can be sugared during cooking or later, already in a plate. You can add honey. When serving, decorate with nuts or berries.
  3. Soy sauce
    . It's extremely easy to make. All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl: 100 ml of milk, a little less than a glass of unrefined sunflower oil, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of mustard and half a teaspoon of sea salt. Beat for at least 4-5 minutes. Cool before serving.
  4. Tofu cheese
    . Soy milk, 100 ml, is poured into the pan and wait until it boils. Be sure to stir. Turn off the boiling milk and pour lemon juice from one large citrus into it. The curdled milk is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and then squeezed out. The more liquid you can strain out, the denser the tofu will be. It will be tastier if the resulting mass is mixed with sesame or cumin. Then the future cheese is compacted again, wrapped in cotton cloth and put under pressure. The cheese will be ready in 6-8 hours.
  5. Condensed milk from soy milk
    . Heat a ladle with 2.5 glasses of soy milk, separately, in another container, melt 3 tablespoons of margarine with half a glass of granulated sugar. Combine both ingredients, add 2 tablespoons of flour and one tablespoon of starch, add a little salt. Beat everything with an immersion blender and return to the heat for 2-3 minutes until the mixture thickens.

Soy milk can be diluted with coffee, cocoa or tea, and made into cocktails.

Soy milk drink recipes:

  • Shake with caramel
    . In a blender, combine 2.5 cups of soy milk, maple syrup to taste, half a teaspoon of vanilla essence and 2-3 bananas. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour into a glass. Heat a frying pan and mix 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and soy milk, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup. When everything is melted, spread hot caramel into beautiful patterns on the surface of the cocktail.
  • Berry smoothie
    . Place pieces of one banana, 5-6 frozen Victoria berries, half a glass of frozen blueberries, cranberries and blackberries in a blender bowl, pour in 100 ml of soy milk and 200 ml of green tea. Beat until smooth. You can add honey or maple syrup for taste.
  • Alcoholic cocktail "El Majico"
    . Shake in a shaker. The ingredients are combined in the following proportion: 25 ml each of fresh lime juice and honey-basil syrup, soy milk - 30 ml, white rum - 50 ml. Shake for 2 minutes. First, ice cubes are placed in a glass, and then an alcoholic cocktail. Garnish with mint and basil leaves.

Soy milk - benefits and harms

Any product has positive and negative qualities, and may not be suitable for all people. Soy milk is no exception. The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed below.

Benefits of soy milk

Soybeans and soy products have a number of properties that are beneficial to the human body. They are known primarily for the prevention of chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, cancer, and also improve the condition and reduce the discomfort associated with menopause.

Soy is a source of isoflavones, primarily genistein and daidzein, and small amounts of glycine. Research data shows that their levels in soy drinks can vary from 1.3 to 203 mg per 100 g (and even more). Variations are related to the variety of soybeans, growing conditions, production method, and the final water content of the product.

Isoflavones are often called phytoestrogens because their structure resembles that of female sex hormones. Research shows that consuming foods rich in isoflavones, and especially genistein, can reduce the risk of cancer - primarily stomach and prostate cancer, as well as colon, breast, thyroid, and cervical cancer. Research has found that Asian women have a four times lower risk of developing breast cancer than women living in Western countries.

The connections between soy and hormones are very complex. There are studies suggesting that supplementation with isolated isoflavones, which are used in the treatment of women during menopause, may accelerate the development of breast cancer. As you know, one of the main causes of breast cancer in women is too much estrogen (both natural and artificial). It is useful to know that phytoestrogens from soy are less biologically active (about a thousand times) than natural female estrogens, so their presence in the body does not pose a threat. Genistein easily occupies the sites attributed to estrogen, which prevents the development of cancer, including breast cancer.

In addition to cancer prevention, isoflavones have many other functions. Numerous studies show that they may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They help regulate blood pressure, increase good HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL and VLDL cholesterol, and counteract the dangerous oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

Scientists believe that isoflavones contained in soy and soy products may play an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Scientists believe that genistein, found in soy, may inhibit bone resorption through an estrogen-like effect.

Genistein and daidzein, among other things, have antioxidant properties, thanks to which they protect cells from free radicals, which contribute to the formation of inflammation and many diseases, such as atherosclerosis. It is worth noting that soy and soy products are rich in lecithin, which plays an important role in the functioning of the neurological system, and soy milk is no exception. The benefits of this product are confirmed by the presence of vitamins and micro- and macroelements in the composition, let’s look at them.

Vitamins contained in soy milk:

  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin D2;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins, including folic acid.

Micro- and macroelements in soy milk:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • selenium.

More information about the content of vitamins and minerals can be found in the “Nutritional value and calories” section.

Let's try to summarize the beneficial properties of soy milk:

  1. Contains a large amount of plant protein and fiber.
  2. Easy to digest, great for children, the elderly and people with poor digestibility of animal lactose. Perfect for raw foodists and vegans.
  3. The antioxidant properties of soy milk help protect cells from free radicals.
  4. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  5. Contains female hormones of plant origin, which has a positive effect on women's health and improves well-being during menopause.
  6. Thanks to the content of B vitamins, it reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  7. Perfect for a Lenten menu.

Possible harm of soy drink

However, soy drink also has disadvantages. Although phytoestrogens have many beneficial properties, they are quite controversial. Phytoestrogens can create hormonal imbalances in children and men. It is believed that genistein contained in soy may inhibit the enzymes responsible for the production and secretion of testosterone in the testicles.

Soy is also a source of goiter, a substance that makes it difficult to absorb iodine. These substances can negatively affect the secretory system, significantly impair the absorption of drugs and increase the risk of developing the disease. Therefore, despite many beneficial properties, soy products should not be consumed by patients with hypothyroidism. This mainly applies to children.

We list the possible harm from drinking soy milk and contraindications:

  1. May disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and impair digestion.
  2. May impair the functionality of the pancreas.
  3. There may be a deterioration in the functioning of blood metabolic processes - oxygen delivery and removal of carbon dioxide.
  4. Contraindicated for people suffering from thyroid disorders.
  5. May negatively affect the hormonal balance of men and children.
  6. Contains sucrose, so should not be consumed by diabetics.
  7. Phytic acid, which is contained in soy milk, impairs the absorption of some beneficial minerals.
  8. Do not use if you are allergic to soy.
  9. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Benefits of soy milk over “real” animal milk

The greatest advantage of the drink is the presence of isoflavones. These substances are very similar in functionality to estrogen. Thanks to this, the drink is a preventative against cancer, heart pathologies, and osteoporosis.

The greatest benefit of soy milk is the presence of isoflavones

It also has other advantages compared to analogues of animal origin.

Easy to digest

Lecithin, which is part of the composition, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, which accelerates metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the plant liquid is easily absorbed without causing any complications.

No cholesterol, lactose

The drink contains no lactose, as well as harmful cholesterol, which settles on the walls of blood vessels and interferes with blood flow.

Although its fat content is 2% higher than that of cow milk. The vegetable liquid is produced on the basis of beans, and the concentration of saturated fats in its composition is 9 times less.

It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids with a concentration 10 times higher than that of animal analogues.

Regular consumption of soy milk helps reduce cholesterol levels by 25%. People with cardiovascular diseases are recommended to introduce this drink into their diet.

Low calorie

The calorie content of the product is 1.5-2 times lower compared to cow's milk. Therefore, it is recommended for people who are overweight, as well as as part of comprehensive diets for weight loss.

This is due to the fact that vegetable fats are not deposited in the subcutaneous layer, but are converted into energy. Regular consumption of soy milk allows you to quickly restore lost strength and feel constantly energetic.

Soy Milk Nutrition Facts and Calories

The main factor that usually determines the choice of soy milk is its nutritional value. This product has the highest protein content among other popular cow's milk substitutes. This is about 3%. And similar to the protein content of whole cow's milk. Soy protein is different from cow's milk protein, but like milk, it is highly digestible and has a favorable amino acid profile. Soy differs from the protein contained in milk by its lower content of sulfur amino acids - cysteine ​​and methionine.

Soy milk, the benefits of which are due to its composition, is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Content of vitamins and minerals in soy milk:

  • Noteworthy is the significant content of vitamins B, B1 (0.690 mg 100 g), B2 (0.189 mg 100 g) and vitamin B6 (0.81 mg 100 g).
  • Among the mineral components in soybeans there is a lot of potassium (about 2132 mg 100 g), calcium (about 240 mg 100 g), iron (about 8.9 mg 100 g), magnesium (about 216 mg g). 100 g) and phosphorus (about 743 mg 100 g).

It is estimated that in a natural soy drink the content of these ingredients should be approximately ten times less. However, the nutritional and caloric value of soy drinks available on the market is very diverse - depending on the composition of the product, the quality of the raw materials used or the production method.

Soy milk is low in calories, making it great for dieting and weight loss. The calorie content of such drinks can vary from 30 to 50 kcal per 100 g. A soy drink contains the same amount of carbohydrates (about 4 g 100 g), but much less sugar (about 2.7 g 100) and much less fat (only about 1. 2 g 100 g). Soy milk contains some fiber (about 1.3 g per 100 g), but not as much calcium as organic milk. However, most plant-based drinks available on the market are fortified with calcium and contain similar amounts of this ingredient to cow's milk (about 120 mg per 100 g). Vitamins, especially B12 and D, are often added to soy milk, which are not naturally found in soy drinks and B2, and sometimes even C and E.

Various types of additives are used to improve the taste of soy plant milk. That's why you can buy not only natural soy drinks, but also sweetened, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and even soy milk drinks for making coffee. It is worth remembering that any additions to the drink in the form of sugar or flavorings do not have the best effect on the quality. Soy milk powder is also available in stores.

Soy, as well as any soy product, is a source of significant amounts of nutrients. However, soy contains many anti-nutritional ingredients such as trypsin and hemagglutinin inhibitors. These substances have unfavorable properties - they can interfere with the absorption of proteins, promote inflammation of the pancreas or the accumulation of red blood cells, these substances are destroyed when soy is heated.

Soy contains phytates, which limit the utilization of nutrients from the food consumed. However, research shows that this is not a disadvantage when eating a balanced diet. It is currently recommended to monitor iron, zinc and calcium levels in children on vegetarian and vegan diets and use appropriate supplements if necessary.

Benefits of soy milk

The main useful quality of this product is that it saturates the body with the necessary proteins. After all, soy protein is practically not inferior to meat protein.

It contains 8 amino acids that enhance the synthesis of enzymes that normalize metabolism at the cellular level, stimulate brain function and strengthen the immune system.

Main useful qualities:

  • helps cleanse the intestines and also improves peristalsis;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves their elasticity;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • prevents fat accumulation;
  • restores muscle tissue and strengthens bone tissue;
  • improves oxygen access at the cellular level;
  • prevents the development of depression;
  • replenishes energy reserves;
  • stabilizes sleep, balances emotional state.

For women

The beneficial qualities for the female body are due to the phytoestrogens, isoflavones and vitamin E included in the composition.

Phytoestrogens are very similar in quality to female sex hormones. Regular use of the product throughout the entire period of menopause helps reduce discomfort. Phytoestrogens will replenish the existing estrogen deficiency, so the woman will feel hot flashes, general malaise, and fever to a lesser extent.

Isoflavones reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer , and also prevent the appearance of malignant tumors in the reproductive organs.

Isoflavones reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer

Vitamin E helps restore the structure of nails and hair, helps restore the skin to its former elasticity and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

When used as part of cosmetic masks, a protective film is created on the skin, preventing the negative effects of external factors. As a result, epidermal cells retain their moisture, which significantly slows down the aging process.

For men

There is some controversy regarding the benefits for men's health. But all opinions agree on one thing: the product has a beneficial effect if you have problems with excess weight, which is achieved by stabilizing hormonal levels.

But teenagers and non-obese men should avoid introducing it into their diet, as the product can negatively affect hormonal levels and the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Benefits for weight loss

The product helps to quickly saturate the body, so nutritionists recommend drinking it for weight loss. By consuming it between meals, as well as replacing snacks with it, you can achieve the desired result without feeling hungry.

At the same time, the body receives the necessary substances in sufficient quantities with a minimum calorie content, since all components are in an accessible and easily digestible form.

To make weight loss enjoyable, it is recommended to prepare special cocktails.

Options for combining additional components with soy milk:

  • lemon, kiwi, parsley, honey, mint;
  • red pepper, cinnamon, ginger;
  • pineapple, grapefruit.

To prepare the drink, you should mix the proposed ingredients and beat thoroughly with a blender. You should drink the resulting product before breakfast, as well as between lunch and dinner. You can dilute your diet with vegetable tofu cheese.

By following this regimen, you can get rid of 3-5 kg ​​within 30 days. You can improve your results by adding physical exercise.

What is the difference between soy milk and soy drink?

In colloquial speech, both concepts are used for the same product. What is the difference between soy milk and soy drink? The sector of vegetable drinks, as well as various products for vegans and vegetarians, is growing very quickly. Often, products intended to replace milk or dairy products are identified by the names of animal products, such as soy milk or vegetable cheese. However, can milk be soy? The issue was raised in 2007 by the European Court! Experts have concluded that manufacturers of vegan or vegetarian products cannot use reserved names for dairy products such as milk, yoghurt or cheese.

According to the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the case where products of plant origin are equivalent to products of animal origin, then the use of their common name milk is misleading to the consumer. By law, “milk” is the product obtained from the milking of at least a cow. Therefore, using the phrase "soy milk" in the case of a plant product is incorrect. It is worth noting here that the name is not related to the percentage of the main raw material in the product. Increasing the amount of soy will not make this product dairy.

Composition of soy milk and its calorie content

Thanks to its nutrients, soy milk is an excellent source of energy, protein, dietary fiber, fat, and acids.

The nutritional value of soy milk may vary depending on whether it is fortified and whether it contains chemical additives. The composition of regular soy milk as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • B9 – 5%;
  • B1 – 4%;
  • B2 – 4%;
  • B5 – 4%;
  • K – 4%.


  • manganese – 11%;
  • selenium – 7%;
  • magnesium – 6%;
  • copper – 6%;
  • phosphorus – 5%.4

Calorie content of soy milk is 54 kcal per 100 g.

Soy milk for children and babies

Although soy drink is recommended in case of intolerance or allergy to cow's milk proteins as a substitute, soy protein is often also responsible for causing allergic reactions. Allergic reactions to soy protein can occur in both children and adults, but most often in children under 3 years of age. It is estimated that every 4 children with a cow's milk allergy are also allergic to soy milk. Therefore, women who are breastfeeding should also be careful when consuming soy milk.

There are many dairy alternatives on the market that contain isolated soy protein for children and infants. These preparations do not contain lactose or cow's milk proteins. According to experts, such soy products should only be used by children older than 6 months. Indications for the use of soy mixtures also include: galactosemia, congenital and secondary lactose intolerance.

According to the recommendations of the European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Child Nutrition and the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is not recommended to use these herbal drinks in the diet of children and infants. The composition of these foods differs from the nutritional needs of children, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. The exception is soy preparations, the use of which is recommended, but only in certain cases.

It should be noted that soybeans and soy products contain phytates, which impair the absorption of calcium, iron and zinc and bind to proteins, resulting in lower bioavailability. Soybean-based preparations for children and infants do not contain phytates, but they are already present in soy products. Therefore, soy milk is not recommended for infants and young children.

Both for youth and for slimness

The use of soy in cosmetics is explained by the high protein content in the product. The main function of these substances is anti-aging (rejuvenating) effect .

Cosmetics based on soy extract smooth out wrinkles and fight age-related changes in the skin, making it less susceptible to adverse effects. Typically, the following skin care products are made based on soy milk:

  • cosmetic milk;
  • foam for washing;
  • nourishing masks for hair and face;
  • face and body creams.

To prepare cosmetics at home, it is better to take a freshly prepared drink. You don't even have to strain it. A universal recipe for a restorative mask for skin and hair looks like this:

  • The beans, crushed into a pulp, are mixed with any of the base oils (almond, peach, olive).
  • An egg yolk is added to the resulting mixture (it is better if it is a homemade egg).
  • The finished mass is applied to the face, neck or rubbed into the scalp.

For those who are interested in various methods of losing weight, soy milk will help them more easily endure dietary restrictions and restrictions. There is even a soy diet . Its basis is soybeans, a drink made from them, tofu cheese, lean fish, and dried fruits.

The dietary course lasts seven days and helps reduce body weight by 4 kg. Due to the nutritional value of soy products, this technique is easily tolerated without causing feelings of acute hunger or worsening mood.

You will find everything about the benefits and harms of chamomile tea, the beneficial properties of the healing drink, and the secret of its preparation on our website.

Read pumpkin juice, its beneficial properties and contraindications, how to prepare it at home correctly here.

Have you heard about the healing properties of green tea? You will find useful information about this drink here:.

How to make soy milk at home - recipe?

Making soy milk is not difficult. This process requires no special equipment and all you need is soybeans or regular soy flour. Just pour 200 g of dry soybeans into cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, you need to pour out the water and rinse the soybeans with cold water several times. Then add 2 cups of clean water to the soybeans and mix thoroughly (the soybeans should have a paste-like consistency). Meanwhile, boil 1 liter of water and add to the soybean paste. Cook gently until foam forms. The resulting liquid should be stirred frequently to prevent the drink from burning. Then the mixture should be removed from the heat, cool slightly and after a while boil again for about 10 minutes. The resulting mixture must be filtered on a sieve. Cool the resulting product and place it in the refrigerator. The drink remains fresh for 2-3 days.

How to use and where to add

Most often the product is used in its pure form. It is drunk instead of regular milk and added to breakfast cereals and muesli. This does not mean that milk cannot be a component of any dish. For example, you can cook the following dishes with it:

  • soups;
  • jelly;
  • puddings;
  • sweet sauces, creams;
  • mayonnaise.

The most popular product made from soy milk is tofu cheese . Thanks to its high protein content and low carbohydrate percentage, tofu is beneficial for people with digestive problems.

Cheese without a pronounced taste easily absorbs the flavors of the dishes to which it is added.

Tofu is easy to make at home. Take 1 liter of milk and juice of 1 lemon. The liquid is brought to a boil, the heat is reduced. In this state, the concentrate simmers on the stove for about five minutes.

Gradually add lemon juice to the container. The mixture must be stirred continuously until it curdles. All that remains is to strain and squeeze out the resulting mass. To obtain cheese of increased density, the mass can be placed under a press. Tofu keeps well in salted water for a whole week.

You will learn the history of tofu soy cheese and the essence of the technology for preparing it in production from this video:

Soy milk – price, where to buy, recipe

Comparing products from different manufacturers, you will notice that they often differ in their nutritional value and calorie content. Manufacturers add sweeteners or flavors to many products. Therefore, it is worth reading the information on the packaging. A definitely healthier choice would be a plain soy drink.

Where to buy soy milk? Nowadays, you can buy them not only in specialty organic or health food stores, but also in many supermarkets, discount stores and local stores. The price of soy milk is low. You can buy a quality product from 60 to 200 rubles per liter.

Soy milk is an excellent protein substitute for people suffering from animal lactose intolerance, as well as the elderly and vegans. However, we should not forget about some of the negative effects that owl milk can have on the body. The benefits and harms are individual in each case.

How to store it correctly

Soy milk must be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. If you buy milk in a store that is in sealed packaging, then its shelf life is several months. Once you open the package, it should be used within 5-7 days.

How does soy milk affect human health?

soy milk Good afternoon, dear readers! Have you ever drunk soy milk? It is quite popular because it contains plant fiber necessary for the intestines, vitamins that strengthen the heart, blood vessels and nervous system.

It contains protein and isoflavones, which reduce cholesterol in the blood and support the hormonal system of women. Due to its low calorie content, milk is included in many weight loss diets.

Milk from soybeans has a pleasant, sweetish taste and a barely noticeable light aroma; it is used to make milkshakes, yoghurts, kefir and cheese, and is also used for baking. It completely replaces cow's milk, which is familiar to many.

Milk has the ability to be fermented and then soy kefir is obtained, an equally healthy plant product. Today in the article:

How does milk affect human health?

If we compare soy milk with cow's milk, we can note that they are close in nutritional value to each other. What does milk contain? Soybeans contain approximately the same amount of protein, up to 35%, which contains 8 amino acids necessary for health, but in terms of easily digestible calcium content, plant milk is inferior to cow's milk. In this regard, manufacturers additionally enrich it with calcium.

Iron is present in milk, but it is also not enough to cover the daily requirement.

What are the benefits of soybean milk? It should be noted that milk contains no cholesterol at all and a small proportion of saturated fats, but polyunsaturated fats are 10 times more than cow's milk. It contains no lactose and galactose. These are substances that are practically not absorbed in the adult body and often cause allergic reactions. Galactose also causes intolerance in children.

In terms of the composition of vitamins, bean milk is the leader. It contains vitamins B12, D, A, E, folate and other useful micro- and macroelements. As you remember, vitamin D is involved in the body's absorption of calcium; vitamin A is responsible for healthy vision; vitamin B12 is involved in hematopoiesis, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; and folate is simply necessary for pregnant women, because without it the neural tube in the embryo does not form properly.

The presence of lecithin and isoflavones help in the fight against cancer cells, prevent heart disease and osteoporosis. Sucrose, which is part of milk, is broken down into glucose and fructose.

The value of soybean milk in internal diseases.

For chronic cholecystitis. Lecithin, which is part of milk, normalizes the lipid balance of the liver, activates the process of bile secretion and eliminates congestion.

milk is good for men and women

The vitamin composition has a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous system, destroying free radicals and improving metabolic processes, thereby slowing down the aging process and the risk of developing cancer.

The microelements that make up milk support the immune system, and dietary fiber improves intestinal function, peristalsis and timely elimination of harmful substances, waste, toxins and feces.

In case of diabetes, milk is considered, according to experts, an indispensable product of a therapeutic diet. Because this product combines low calorie content and easy digestibility of protein with a pronounced hypoglycemic effect. And this property covers the sugar content in this product.

Prevention of heart disease.

Statistics show that heart attacks occur more often in women than in men. This mainly occurs due to a blockage of the coronary artery by a blood clot. Daily consumption of milk reduces the risk of blood clots, which means it prevents heart attacks. And for this, nutritionists say, you need to replenish your body with 25 g of soy protein per day.

The substance genistein can not only inhibit heart disease, rho and cancer, but only in the early stages of development.

How is milk good for women?

Often during menopause, women's estrogen levels in the body drop. Unpleasant manifestations of symptoms, and this is usually (sharp changes in mood, hot flashes, sweating, dry mucous membranes of the genital organs, weight gain), can be smoothed out by drinking soy milk. Plant estrogen from soy normalizes female hormonal levels.

Scientists believe that including soy milk in your diet can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. The explanation lies in the fact that during menopause, women experience fluctuating hormonal levels. Some people have a lack of estrogen during this period, while others, on the contrary, have an excess of it. And an excess of this hormone often leads to the development of breast cancer.

Plant estrogen partially suppresses the production of human estrogen, bringing hormonal levels to normal levels. This was confirmed by research conducted by scientists from the University of Buffalo, New York.

Estrogen helps maintain dense bone structure. It is no secret that with age during menopause, due to hormonal changes in the body of women, calcium is washed out from bone tissue. Bones become porous and brittle, leading to osteoporosis.

The benefits and harms of soy milk for men.

Soy is widely recognized as a healthy food product. Drinking milk has been shown in many studies to be beneficial for all people suffering from heart disease and for preventing the development of prostate cancer.

Other studies claim that soy products are harmful for men, including boys, due to the presence of an analogue of the female hormone in their composition.

It turns out that in this confrontation you can find a middle ground when consuming milk and soy products:

If men are overweight, then soy products and milk should be included in their meals. Excess weight contributes to excessive accumulation of its own estrogen (female hormone) in the male body. Plant estrogen neutralizes human estrogen, stimulating its breakdown in the liver.

If your weight is normal, then the hormonal levels in your body are in perfect order. Eat soy products and milk as little as possible so that plant estrogens do not upset your hormonal balance.

It is not advisable for boys, especially in adolescence, to include soy products in their diet. Estrogen partially neutralizes the synthesis of the male hormone testosterone and in boys there may be disruptions in the development of the testicles and sperm production.

To summarize, we can briefly say that the benefits of soybean milk are as follows:

  • contains little saturated fat,
  • source of vitamin E and lecithin,
  • does not contain lactose, and therefore is safe for people with lactose intolerance and allergies to cow's milk,
  • contains isoflavones, which are phytohormones,
  • accelerates metabolic processes, which is why it is used for weight loss,
  • is a preventive agent for cardiovascular diseases,
  • slows down hormonal aging of women,
  • improves the appearance of the skin, hair and nail structure.

Is it possible to drink soy milk while breastfeeding and during pregnancy?

Despite the usefulness of soy milk for women, its use during pregnancy must be treated with caution. Considering that it contains analogues of female hormones - isoflavones. And they, as mentioned above, are capable of suppressing the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which can cause hypothyroidism. A deficiency of this hormone can cause abortion.

Watch a video about the benefits of soy milk:

Due to the fact that milk lowers blood pressure, people suffering from hypotension are not recommended to drink it, especially pregnant women. You should not drink milk for the reason that pregnant women may develop an allergy to soy, which will certainly affect the health of the newborn.

During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases, they work in double mode. Soy contains oxalic acid, which can lead to the deposition of oxalates in the kidneys if a woman is predisposed to urolithiasis.

During breastfeeding, drinking milk from soybeans is not advisable, as an allergic reaction to this product may occur.

Is soy milk good for children?

For infants, special mixtures are being developed based on soy protein. But to include them in baby food, there must be good reasons and recommendations from a pediatrician. Such mixtures are prescribed to children with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, a deficiency of lactose in the baby’s body, which breaks down the protein of cow’s milk, intestinal problems, and intolerance to cow’s milk.

For children over 2 years old, special formulas and soy milk are also produced. They can be gradually introduced into the diet of children, but you need to pay attention to the fact that they also contain animal milk.

Complete replacement of milk of animal origin with plant-based milk is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

What properties does soy milk powder have?

You can often hear advertising in favor of soy milk powder; it is even considered a healthy food product. Is it so. To understand this issue, just look at the composition of milk. And there, as a rule, the presence is noted:

  • dry corn syrup, which is a product of chemical processing of starch with excess sugar content,
  • soy components, in the form of hydrogenated fats - trans fats, harmful to the body,
  • soy proteins, only their amount is negligible (3.5% by weight),
  • sodium caseinate (cow's milk protein),
  • dipotassium phosphate stabilizer,
  • emulsifier E-471,
  • silicon dioxide,
  • salt.

I think that you have the right to decide for yourself whether such milk is healthy for you and your family.

Recipe for making soy milk at home.

The beans are soaked in water for 12 hours, and it must be changed several times to eliminate all foreign odors. Then squeeze the beans with your hands to remove the shells from the beans. When they float to the surface of the water, drain them along with the water and rinse the beans again. Pour the soybeans into a blender, add some water and blend.

Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, add the remaining water, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, skimming the foam from the milk.

After cooling, strain the milk through cheesecloth to obtain 600 ml of soy milk. Store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Nutritional value and calorie content of the product.

One glass of milk contains about 7 g of protein and 8 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of fat and only 100 calories. Milk does not contain saturated fats, which are harmful to health, but is rich in proteins, which are the building material for new cells. This property is especially appreciated by vegetarians.

Cautions and contraindications.

Due to its beneficial properties, milk has become a favorite, sometimes medicinal product of many people. But like all products, it has its drawbacks that must be taken into account:

  • Phytic acid, which is part of soy, inhibits the absorption of zinc, iron and magnesium.
  • Phytoestrogens are a deterrent for many men to include this product in their diet.
  • The product may cause allergies.
  • Oxalic acid can cause oxalate deposition in the kidneys.
  • Milk has contraindications for people with diseases of the endocrine system. It is not recommended for children and pregnant women to drink.
  • When purchasing a product, pay attention to the manufacturer, because milk can be made from genetically modified soybeans and can cause great harm to health, especially for children.

Soybean milk is a healthy and nutritious product. But given its shortcomings, use it in moderation and then it will only benefit your health.

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Harm of soy milk and contraindications

Soy milk is a source of manganese, which is contraindicated in infants. It can cause the development of neurological problems. Additionally, the presence of phytic acid in soy milk may limit the absorption of iron, zinc and magnesium. Therefore, soy milk should not be used to make baby food.16

Negative side effects can result from drinking too much soy milk. They are expressed in the form of stomach problems - abdominal pain and increased gas formation.17

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