The norm of walking in steps or kilometers per day for weight loss - technique and benefits for burning fat

Excessive eating and lack of activity (physical inactivity) negatively affect not only beauty and figure, but also human health. One of the easiest ways to lose weight is walking, presented in the form of walking at a moderate pace, as well as special techniques (sports, Scandinavian, etc.).

The amount of physical activity is calculated individually depending on the level of physical fitness, excess fat mass and the walking technique used.

Will regular walking help you lose weight?

Beginners in sports often doubt whether it is possible to lose weight if they walk at a moderate pace and do not use other sports. Walking is a daily and mandatory activity, but without additional restrictions it has little effect on your figure and body fat percentage.

The lack of effect may be due, first of all, to the fact that food consumed during the day completely covers all daily energy costs. To burn fat, you need to consume fewer calories from food than you expend during daily activities and physical activity. Nutritionists and fitness trainers recommend sticking to a difference of 500 kcal: such a deficit ensures smooth weight loss and does not provoke a sharp decrease in metabolic rate.

The second reason for ineffective walking may be a short distance. Walking to public transport and being active at work may not be enough to offset the extra calories at lunch and ensure weight loss. To calculate how much you need to walk per day to lose weight, you need to take into account your starting body weight, your level of fitness, and the length or mileage of your daily walks.

By gradually increasing the intensity of your training and combining it with dietary restrictions, you can lose up to 5–8 kg in 4–6 weeks. At a moderate pace and average walking distances, you can lose 20 kg in 5–8 months.


It is worth considering that walking, hiking or simply active movement - this should become an important component of the life of any person. A sedentary lifestyle not only leads to obesity and excess weight, but also leads to health problems. Heart function worsens, blood pressure increases, insomnia, irritation, and nervous breakdowns appear. In this case, self-esteem also deteriorates.

Daily walks in the fresh air will help tone your body and develop leg muscles. Gain physical endurance. You can test yourself before starting training and after a month. To do this you need to climb a certain number of floors. This will not be easy for a beginner. Shortness of breath and weakness in the body appear. If the training cycle is not disrupted, then after a few weeks the distance to climb the floors will be easy, without problems with breathing or other factors.

But don’t forget to be active throughout the day. Constantly force yourself to walk, move between floors without the help of elevators, and do not use escalators in supermarkets and subways. At the same time, your weight will begin to drop sharply, your body will become elastic, toned, and your health will improve.

The effect of walking on health

The benefits of walking are not only about shaping your figure. While walking, the following changes occur in the body:

  • lymph flow and blood circulation in the vessels of the lower extremities improves, which serves as a prevention of cellulite and varicose veins;
  • strengthens the muscles of the legs, buttocks and core;
  • intestinal motility is activated and stool improves;
  • lung capacity increases;
  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs is eliminated, the likelihood of inflammation of the reproductive system (in particular, prostatitis) is reduced;
  • overall endurance and immune activity increases;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the risk of developing sleep disorders is reduced.

As muscle mass increases, energy expenditure increases outside the period of exercise, which contributes to weight loss even at rest. With regular walks, the athlete's endurance increases every day and endorphins are produced, which allows him to increase the duration of his workout and creates additional motivation for playing sports.

How and when to start

You can start training at any age. Walking at low speed is one of the safest types of exercise, which is suitable even for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system (depending on the severity and type of pathology).

You can start your classes by walking before work or with an evening walk in the square and park. Special time for training can be allocated after the first 1-2 weeks of walking and increasing the intensity and duration of the walk.

Compared to running, which is considered a classic way to lose weight, walking is more physiological and gentle on muscles and joints. However, despite the safety of this type of exercise, before starting classes you need to find out your health status and make sure there are no contraindications to intense walks.

The following pathologies are contraindications to long walking:

  • severe heart rhythm disturbances and pathologies of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, chronic heart failure);
  • history of acute disorders of cerebral and cardiac circulation (heart attack, stroke);
  • lung diseases, respiratory failure;
  • glaucoma, high risk of retinal detachment;
  • ARVI and exacerbation of chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases.

If you have hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies that may complicate the functioning of the cardiovascular system, you should consult a doctor before starting training.

Warming up your muscles before walking

After the “novice” rank is left behind, you should approach training more seriously. To do this, you will need to warm up your muscles before and after walking. This will keep them in good shape during the entire cardio workout and will reduce pain after it. At the same time, the effectiveness of weight loss is accelerated.

How to stretch:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your hands at your sides. Make a mill.
  • Standing on one leg, bend the other at the knee, while pulling your arms as close as possible to your stomach. Repeat with the second leg.
  • Bend forward, down and to the sides.
  • Jump in one place.
  • Squat 5 to 10 times depending on your physical fitness.
  • And finally, swing your legs to the side, forward, back 5 times on each leg.

Having warmed up the muscles in this way, you can proceed to walking. A beginner should begin his walking on a flat surface. Subsequently, you can increase the load and start walking up and down. The first will strengthen the leg muscles, strengthen the back, and increase sweating. Secondly, it will help warm up the upper legs and buttocks.

You should pay attention to clothes and shoes. You need to wear comfortable pants and a loose T-shirt. During the warm season. In winter it is worth purchasing thermal underwear. Shoes are also an important part of equipment. They can be put in a backpack and taken out at the right time when training occurs.

There is no need to exhaust yourself with diets and at the same time do large amounts of physical activity. This can lead to exhaustion, dizziness, and nausea. Harm the body.

How to walk correctly for weight loss

To avoid harm to health, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Choose the right sports socks, shoes and clothes for activities. The main load when walking falls on the foot, so you need to wear shoes with arch support and a fixing, but not rigid back, and high socks made of functional moisture-wicking synthetics (lycra, polyester, etc.). An admixture of wool is acceptable for socks, but cotton in the composition is undesirable, because it absorbs moisture and provokes discomfort. Sportswear should be selected according to the weather: hypothermia of the legs during training is not allowed.
  2. Gradually increase the intensity and pace of walking. Beginner athletes should limit themselves to 20–30 minutes of walking at a moderate pace. If you experience shortness of breath, dizziness or other dangerous symptoms, you should slow down and take a break. You can increase the duration of your walk by no more than 10–15 minutes every 1–1.5 weeks. A rapid increase in the intensity of the load can lead to rapid exhaustion of strength and loss of motivation to exercise.
  3. Monitor your heart rate during exercise. The maximum safe heart rate for a person is 220 - (age in years) - 5 (for women). During exercise, you must adhere to a frequency that is 45–80% of the maximum (45–60% during warm-up and 60–80% during training). You can lose weight most quickly if you walk at a speed that allows you to maintain 60–70% of your maximum heart rate (fat-burning heart rate zone). The higher aerobic zone is designed to improve endurance and lung capacity.
  4. Plan your load time correctly. It is not advisable to exercise on an empty or full stomach. The most successful option is active walking 30–40 minutes after consuming a moderate portion of complex carbohydrates (porridge, whole grain bread or gainer). The best time for training is morning or early evening. Sport increases stress hormone levels, so it is not advisable to do it less than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The workout may coincide with the journey to work and home, but before it you should change clothes and put on sports shoes.
  5. Be sure to warm up and cool down. You can walk at a moderate pace without preliminary warm-up, but with special walking techniques, jogging and walking up stairs, a light warm-up or exercise is required. While warming up your muscles, you should stick to the warm-up pulse zone. After finishing the lesson, you need to do a cool-down. It allows you to stretch your muscles, smoothly return to the rest zone (35-40% of your maximum heart rate) and reduce stress hormone levels, which can interfere with effective weight loss and cause sleep problems.
  6. Maintain drinking regime. While walking at a fast pace, the athlete actively produces sweat, which contains not only water, but also mineral salts. To compensate for fluid loss, you need to drink 200–350 ml of water before and after exercise. It should be at room temperature or lukewarm. To speed up metabolism, you can add spices (fresh ginger, cinnamon). The loss of microelements is compensated by correcting nutrition and special mineral complexes (Asparkam, Panangin, Calcium D3 Nycomed, etc.).

It is advisable to plan the route of the walk so that the road runs away from highways and has slight inclines and inclines. Uneven terrain allows you to burn more calories and work out your calf muscles, triceps and hamstrings well.

Walking for weight loss - how to walk correctly and how much to lose weight

Don't like strength training? Then walking can be an ideal way to get rid of excess weight. If you walk a lot, you can lose 3 to 4 kg per week. Walking is the most enjoyable type of activity, because you can not only exercise your muscles, but also get some fresh air.

Does walking help you lose weight? Certainly. It is for this reason that doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend walking to everyone, since this activity can be easily integrated into any, even the most busy schedule.

In this article we will discuss in detail how much you should walk per day and how you should do it. Read on!

How to prepare for a walk?

You will need:

  • comfortable sports shoes
  • sports T-shirt and pants/leggings
  • sports watch
  • fitness app
  • water bottle

Walking for weight loss. The right approach

You should always remember the rules of walking for weight loss, which involve more than just racking up as many kilometers as possible.

You can walk tens of kilometers a day, but if you don’t eat right, there will be no results. Counting calories will help you control the caloric intake of food (there are even special applications for this). The fewer calories you consume, the faster you will lose weight. If you continue to eat as before and only walk for 30 minutes, you will not lose weight at all.

Start by walking at a moderate pace for 15-20 minutes three times a week.

When you feel comfortable (after one or two weeks), start walking at a more brisk pace (reminder, this is walking, not running) for 30-40 minutes each day (can be as long as 60 minutes).

Increasing the pace and time of your walk will give your body time and strength to adapt to the new lifestyle. How much you need to walk a day, the size of your steps and who you take with you for company depends on your desire.

I vouch for this walking strategy because I myself lost 2-3 kilograms in 3 weeks using it. Interval walking means that you need to change the pace of your walk every minute. Start by walking at a moderate pace for about 45 seconds. Then, speed up and walk for one minute. Then slow down again and walk for one minute.

I enjoy interval walking because it helps my body prepare for walking at a fast pace and also relaxes me after a non-stop brisk walk.

It also helps my brain work and not get bored: I'm always on guard for when I need to change the pace.

And many of my friends also got hooked on such walks, because it’s a useful way to just spend free time, and as a bonus, you can start losing weight.

Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat at least two types of fruits a day. Vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled, baked or fried. You can also prepare a smoothie and drink it immediately after your walk.

Your body needs protein every day. You can eat fish, turkey, chicken breast, eggs, lentils, beans, soy and mushrooms. But never overeat.

Milk is a good source of calcium, which keeps your bones strong. Therefore, drink at least one glass of milk every day. It is advisable to avoid cheeses and flavored yoghurts (there are many low-calorie, unflavored yoghurts on the market). Remember, frozen yogurt is a good alternative to ice cream.

Any tea that is prepared without adding sugar or milk is very useful for weight loss. Tea can be either black or green, but it must be of good quality. Drink tea every morning and evening to flush out toxins. The lower the amount of toxins, the greater the strength and immunity of the body.

You can lose weight by walking, but don't forget to do exercises that will help “wake up” your muscles and maintain proper blood circulation. Tone your muscles is important as weight loss can cause sagging skin.

  • Move your arms alternately in a circular motion, five times clockwise and five times counterclockwise.
  • Stand with your arms wide apart. Bring your arms and hands together. Now return to the starting position. It looks like you are clapping your hands. The pace may vary. When you raise your arms, inhale; when you lower your arms, exhale.
  • Squats are a great exercise for those who don't like how they look in the mirror! Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your knees and perform a squat. Hold the position for about 5-10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Cycling is another good exercise with great reviews and results. Lie on your back, raise your legs and imitate pedaling a bicycle. Do this in both forward and reverse directions for a minute. Recommended time is 5 minutes.
  • To tone your stomach, do crunches.
  • You can also try Kapalbhati pranayama.
  • Try testing yourself in strength sports. Kickboxing, weightlifting, etc. will strengthen the muscles of any person.

Is it possible to lose weight from these exercises? Certainly! If you combine the benefits of walking and these exercises, the results will not be long in coming.

You need to sleep at least seven hours a day and more to lose weight. Sleep will help you reset your body and mind. And the next day, when you go for a walk, you will not be tired or drowsy.

Alcohol is broken down into sugars, which are ultimately stored as fat, so it's best to avoid alcoholic drinks.

How many calories can you burn if you walk?

Depending on your current body weight, walking speed and duration, you could lose between 7 and 9 kilograms over 20 weeks. To achieve this, you need to walk 30-40 minutes a day at an increased pace.

However, if you want to lose weight slowly, you can walk at a normal pace and burn between 4 and 8 calories per minute, depending on your current body weight.

If you weigh between 54 and 63 kilograms, you can burn 4-5 calories per minute; if you weigh 72-81 kilograms, you can burn 6-7 calories per minute, and if you weigh 90 kilograms or more, you can burn 8-9 calories per minute.

For specifics, take a look at the tables below:

gender ; Age : 35-40; Height : 165; Weight : 71 kg; Lifestyle : sedentary.

Speed ​​(mph)Calories Burned (Kcal)
10 minutes20 minutes30 minutes

Gender : male; Age : 35-40; Height : 182; Weight : 89 kg; Lifestyle : moderately active.

Speed ​​(mph)Calories Burned (Kcal)
10 minutes20 minutes30 minutes

Approximate walking schedule

How much to walk a day to lose weight? Here is an example of a walking schedule. You can increase or decrease the time depending on how your body reacts.

A weekDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
1Walking at a slow pace - 10 minutesWalking at a moderate pace - 20 minutes.Walking at a moderate pace - 20 minutes.Walking at a moderate pace - 20 minutes + exerciseWalking at a moderate pace - 30 minutes + exerciseInterval walking - 20 minutes + exercisesRest
2Interval walking - 30 minutes + strength trainingWalking at a high pace - 5-10 minutes + exercises + strength trainingWalking at a fast pace - 10 minutes + exercises + strength trainingWalking at a moderate pace - 15 minutes + free exercise - 15 minutesInterval walking - 20 minutes + Kapalbhati - 15 minutes (rest in between)Interval walking - 30 minutes + strength trainingRest
3Interval walking - 40 minutes + Kapalbhati - 15 minutes (rest in between)Walking at a moderate pace - 15 minutes + exercises + strength trainingInterval walking - 45 minutes + strength trainingWalking at a high pace - 15 minutes + exercisesInterval walking - 50 minutes + free exercise - 10 minutesWalking at a high pace - 20 minutes + exercises + KapalbhatiRest
4Walking at a high pace - 20 minutes + strength trainingInterval walking - 60 minutesInterval walking - 60 minutes + exercisesInterval walking - 60 minutes + strength trainingInterval walking - 60 minutes + free exerciseInterval walking - 60 minutes + exercises + KapalbhatiRest

How much and how to walk?

It's not about counting meters, it's about counting the number of calories you consume and burn. For example, if you eat uncontrollably and then go out for a lazy walk, there will never be visible weight loss. As mentioned above, increase your walking pace, reduce your calorie intake, do strength training and toning exercises, and be sure to get enough sleep.

Advantages and benefits of walking for weight loss and more

Walking is good for those who are just warming up for a full workout. An hour of walking every day, combined with a healthy diet, is a good way to reduce excess fat.

  • Reducing the risk of disease

Walking increases blood circulation in the body, which in turn prevents heart disease. Regular walking increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and other skeletal-related diseases. It also significantly reduces the risk of diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Walking stimulates blood circulation in the body and at the same time increases metabolic activity. A brisk walk improves your mood, increases your energy levels, and regulates your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

  • Is the most effective light workout

Walking is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to stay fit. This can be done almost anywhere and at any time. While walking outdoors is the best option, you can also walk indoors, such as on a treadmill.

  • Reducing stress levels

Walking is directly linked to reducing stress levels. Its benefits can be compared to those of aerobic exercise, which helps calm the nerves. When you walk, your body releases endorphins that stimulate joy and relaxation.

Walking keeps bones, muscles and joints healthy. Regular walking strengthens the leg muscles, especially the hamstrings and quadriceps.

  • Improved memory and brain function

Your “happy hormones” (serotonin and dopamine) increase, which ultimately increases your self-confidence and makes you more active. Your memory and cognitive functions also increase.

"Safety Tips" to Consider When Walking

  • It is better to walk early in the morning so that the body has enough energy and blood circulation increases. Moreover, walking in the morning is also good for the body due to the absorption of vitamin D from the first rays of the sun.
  • The faster you walk, the more calories you burn.
  • Don't walk after eating. Some say that walking immediately after eating can improve digestion. However, this is a false concept as walking immediately after eating affects the digestive juices, thereby preventing the breakdown of food.
  • It is not recommended to drink large amounts of water before walking, as this can disrupt the processes in the respiratory system.
  • But it’s still worth drinking before training, as well as after it. Freshly squeezed juices will help revive metabolic processes, thereby helping the body burn more calories.

Have you ever thought about walking from a weight loss perspective? Always remember that as soon as you stop physical activity, all the results achieved disappear.

So it’s time to put on some nice sneakers and step into a new and “slim” life.


How to calculate the number of steps and distance per day

There are several ways to calculate the distance and number of steps per day:

  1. By time spent. Walking speed at a moderate pace is approximately 4-5 km/h, and at a fast pace - 5.5-6.5 km/h. By calculating the time spent walking, you can calculate not only the distance traveled, but also the approximate number of steps by dividing the distance by the length of the step (0.7–0.8 m).
  2. Along the path traveled. If when walking in a park, store or other object, the distance can be calculated only by time or using special devices, then the distance between 2 points can be viewed on the map. Taking into account the pace of movement, you can calculate both the time spent on training and the number of steps taken.
  3. By the number of steps. Counting steps while walking would be the least common way to calculate walking distance if special devices such as pedometers and fitness trackers did not exist. Special devices that are attached to clothing or the wrist provide information about the number of steps, kilometers traveled and hours of exercise. Fitness bracelets also calculate the number of calories burned and allow you to monitor your heart rate.

Many fitness experts give the following average figures for the number of steps and walking distance:

  • 1.5 km or 1800–2200 steps (15–20 minute walk) - for beginners;
  • 2–4 km or 2500–5000 steps (30–60 minutes) - for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and other pathologies that impose restrictions on the intensity and duration of the load;
  • 7-8 km or 10,000 steps at a brisk pace (80-90 minutes) is the norm for a person who has completed a month-long beginner walking program.

Why do you need to walk 10,000 steps a day and how to do it?

Why you need to walk 10,000 steps

Can you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight by walking 10,000 steps a day? Yes!

Regular walking provides both weight loss, fitness and health benefits. And this applies to both beginners and advanced workout enthusiasts.

When you increase your number of steps per day (like the program above), you become more active throughout the day, outside of individual, specialized workouts. And if you're just getting started with fitness, walking is ideal for increasing your fitness level for more challenging workouts. And even if you've been exercising for several years, it may not be enough to counteract the negative health effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Overall, walking more isn't just good for your waistline, it's also good for your health.

Benefit for health:

Walking reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Walking reduces the risk of dementia and cancer. Walking can relieve fibromyalgia pain. In addition to this, walking does not have any side effects, unlike running. Running puts a lot of stress on the joints, but not very useful; frequent injuries among runners are a harsh reality. Walking is the most natural set of movements for a person, and for beginners it is the safest.

Even if you exercise for an hour a day, but spend the rest of the time sitting (due to the nature of your work, for example), you will not be able to reduce the risk of disease with these workouts. That's when walking helps—you move more often throughout the day.

You've already heard about the cherished 10,000 steps a day - many people give this recommendation. This is, of course, a good goal, but not the best way to start walking with this number of steps.

Based on the latest research, an adult walks an average of 5,900 steps per day. And if you don’t take the average, then the majority go much less. That's why you can't immediately switch from 2000-5000 steps to 10,000. A sudden increase in load will not bring much benefit, but rather harm. It's better to start adding 500 steps a day, gradually increasing the number of times a week. And so on until you start walking 10,000.

We have already written above how to count steps. We offer two more ways

By time : 15 minutes of brisk walking - approximately 1.5 km (these numbers may vary as people's stride lengths vary).

By steps : 10,000 steps are approximately equal to 8 km, so count 2,000 steps as 1.5 km.

Well, don't forget that there are pedometers .

It turns out that 1.5 km is 15 minutes, and 8 km is 1 hour 20 minutes.

Thus, you will walk 10,000 steps in about 1 hour 20 minutes at a brisk pace. Accordingly, the slower you walk, the more time you will need.

More about pedometers

Very important note: pedometers and other fitness devices are not always accurate. In particular, they only count steps forward. One study actually found that about 30% of steps taken by pedometers are not counted! This is a very big difference. For example, if you take steps back, left and right, or walk in place, all this will not count.

What can replace walking?

The weather is not always favorable for walking: either rain, snow, ice, or severe cold or heat. Some people only have free time early in the morning or late in the evening—not everyone can walk down the street at that time. Then special workouts come to the rescue - home cardio walking. Here are some videos from fitness instructor Jessica Smith:

Powerful training-walking at home (low-impact) for 1.5 km:

Home cardio walking with step:

30-minute indoor fusion walk without shoes:

Do you want more? Here's Jessica Smith's playlist of at-home cardio walking workouts.

Walking at a medium pace

Walking at a speed of 4–5 km (at a moderate pace) is the most acceptable sports activity for the following categories of people:

  • beginners in sports or amateur athletes who have not trained for more than 1 year;
  • people with heart disease and other restrictions in activities;
  • recovering from illness.

For other categories of athletes, walking at a moderate pace can be a warm-up before more intense types of exercise. How much walking to lose weight: taking into account average energy consumption (180–200 kcal at a speed of 4 km/h), the number of calories in 1 kg of fat and the hourly duration of daily training, it will take 5–6 months to get rid of 5 kg of fat. Calorie expenditure is calculated for a person weighing 70 kg.

In addition to strengthening muscles and correcting your figure, walking increases the overall tone of the body.

Is it possible to lose weight by walking a lot?

Active sports are possible only if you have good health and some training experience. In this sense, walking is a more preferable way to keep a fit figure than heavy training, which involves serious stress on the heart and musculoskeletal system. This fact should be especially taken into account by people who are very overweight.

Regarding whether it is possible to lose weight from walking, it should be noted that the final result is influenced by the intensity of the exercise and the speed of metabolic processes. So, during a slow walk of 3.5 kilometers, the body spends up to 320 kilocalories. At a speed of 7 km/h, up to 570 kcal are burned. Considering the above data, you can get an idea of ​​how and how much you need to walk a day to lose weight.

In a normal situation, to achieve a visible result, you need to regularly cover 3-4 km. As you can see, losing weight if you walk a lot is quite possible, but we must not forget about maintaining a high pace of movement. In addition, it is important to follow the basics of proper nutrition, without which it will be impossible to achieve your goal. It is important to note that in addition to losing weight, walking promotes:

  • strengthening muscles and bones;
  • partial reduction of stress;
  • normalization of blood glucose levels
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Race walking for weight loss

Race walking is a special training technique that works well on all muscle groups in the legs and promotes rapid weight loss. The walking technique has the following features:

  • the step begins with support on the heel, smoothly transferring the body weight to the toe;
  • the leg remains straight when transferring weight;
  • during movement, the athlete actively moves his arms, bent at the elbows;
  • steps are shorter than when walking and frequent.

Due to the frequent steps, the speed of movement is up to 7–8 km/h. The intensity of such a load is quite high, so race walking is not suitable for beginners and core athletes. When switching to this type of training in the first days, you must carefully monitor your pulse: the heart rate should not go into the anaerobic zone.

How much do you need to walk to lose weight: given the high energy consumption of race walking (up to 420 kcal), daily hour-long training will help you get rid of 5 kg of fat in just 2-3 months.

Effective walking on stairs for weight loss

Walking and running up stairs are the most energy-consuming activities listed. To burn 500–600 kcal per hour, the rate of ascent should be 60–75 steps per minute. You can increase calorie expenditure by alternating descents and ascents or at different paces.

However, long-term training on stairs requires high endurance, so it is used mainly in short sets to improve the effectiveness of other sports.

Intense walking on stairs is recommended only for experienced amateurs or professional athletes. How much exercise do you need to do to lose weight: to significantly increase your energy expenditure, you need to exercise on the stairs for at least 10–15 minutes a day.

Nordic walking

Nordic walking (exercises with ski poles) is safer than race walking or training on stairs. It works well on the main muscle groups of the lower extremities and is also approved for people with compensated pathologies of the cardiovascular system. To get maximum results, it is important to walk with good posture and use your arms correctly.

The calorie expenditure while walking using the Nordic method is comparable to the energy intensity of a full ski trip. How long should you walk to lose weight: taking into account the energy intensity of the activity (315–340 kcal per hour), losing 5 kg will take up to 3 months.

Walking on a treadmill for weight loss

If you don't have a good route or time for a full workout, you can walk on a treadmill. To ensure maximum effectiveness of the lesson, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. At the beginning of the workout, do a light warm-up and walk for 5–10 minutes at a speed of 4–5 km/h.
  2. During exercise, change the pace of movement every 10–15 minutes. The interval method of load distribution (2 minutes of running and 5 minutes of walking) increases calorie expenditure by 15–20%.
  3. If the functionality of the treadmill and your own endurance allow, create a slope of 5–10° on the treadmill.

How much do you need to walk per day to lose weight: training at a speed of 5–6 km/h will allow you to lose weight by 5 kg in 4–5 months. Due to the lack of asphalt resistance and optimal air temperature, energy consumption when walking on a treadmill is lower than when walking outside.

How long to walk during pregnancy?

Now let’s look at another topic that interests women: how much should pregnant women walk a day to improve their health and better development of the baby? Expectant mothers go for walks to improve blood circulation, prevent varicose veins and swelling, strengthen muscles and warm up joints. Daily walking during pregnancy subsequently makes childbirth easier - this is a proven fact.

Even 15-20 minutes of walking a day saturates the body cells of the expectant mother and her baby with oxygen, speeds up digestion and material metabolism. Due to this, extra pounds are not gained so quickly, and after childbirth the woman returns to her previous shape faster.

The main thing during pregnancy is not to walk at a fast pace, but it all depends on the physical condition and duration of pregnancy, so it is better to consult your doctor first. It is important to walk in comfortable shoes and take water with you. In the early stages, you can walk for one and a half to two hours every day, and in the later stages, 30-40 minutes is enough.

Pedometer Information

A pedometer (pedometer) is a device that allows you to calculate the walking distance an athlete has covered during a day or workout. The most accurate are electronic 3D pedometers, which record the athlete’s movement in 3 planes and recognize different types of load using complex mathematical algorithms.

Pedometers can be attached to the arm, neck, belt, shoulder or shoe (sole or upper part of sneakers). In addition to the number of steps and distance, these devices can measure heart rate (pedometer-heart rate monitor) and the number of calories burned during exercise.

Is walking alone enough?

Walking can be supplemented with other exercises (home Pilates, stretching, yoga) and classes at a fitness club. To increase muscle mass, you can not only walk correctly, but also engage in strength training, weightlifting and weight training. Increased endurance can be achieved through high-intensity interval training or CrossFit. When losing weight, you should give preference to aerobic exercise and working with light weights (weights and kettlebells no more than 1–3 kg).

How walking and diet combine

Daily energy consumption during regular training is 1700–2200 kcal. Consumption of 1200–1500 kcal at this level of expenditure provides a good and safe rate of weight loss.

During intense physical activity, you should not use effective diets that are based on eating a significantly limited set of foods (including mono-diets), as well as low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets. It is enough to count calories and limit the consumption of unhealthy foods (confectionery, fast food, smoked meats, canned food, fatty meats, etc.). To maintain health and muscle growth, it is important how much protein, fat and carbohydrates an athlete consumes with food. The normal amount of nutrients is considered to be 1.5 g of protein, 1 g of fat and 2.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight.

If you don't follow a diet and stop counting calories, you can quickly achieve your previous weight levels, despite physical activity. Regular exercise can help reduce your appetite, but it will take at least 3-4 weeks to develop new eating habits. In some cases, psychotherapy is required to correct eating behavior.

Four week program

It is necessary to increase the intensity of walking training gradually, according to an individual program. Let's look at an example of such a program for beginners. It can be adjusted depending on your own needs, level of training and load tolerance.

Week one

  1. 1 day. Using a pedometer or distance calculation method, calculate the distance traveled and the basic number of steps (10 thousand) that a beginner takes without additional load and fixation. Write down this value.
  2. Day 2. Add 500–600 steps to the basic norm and walk this amount daily.
  3. Day 3. Try increasing the pace or changing the speed of movement. If walking is difficult, then you need to put visual markers on the path (a store, a tree, a gate) and keep them in sight until they are behind you.
  4. Day 4 Continue training by visualizing your motivation to exercise in the form of pictures or a list.
  5. Day 5 Add 5 minutes of exercises for the abs and core muscles (back corset) to the lesson.
  6. Day 6 Supplement your daily steps with an active walk around the shopping center.
  7. Day 7 Add 2 days of 500 steps to the norm.

Week two

  1. Increase the pace (by 1–2 km/h) and maintain it with fast rhythmic music.
  2. Continue studying. You can increase the duration of stretching and practice interval walking more actively.
  3. Add another 500 steps to the 7 day norm.
  4. Change the music and route.
  5. Practice interval training: 1 minute at a fast pace (up to 8 km/h), 2 minutes walking. Repeat at least 5 times.
  6. Supplement your exercises with walking in place or fitness at home.
  7. Add a new leg stretching exercise and motivate yourself with a photo during your workout.

Week three

  1. Add another 500 steps to your daily count.
  2. Maintain distance and pace. In the middle of the route, do several exercises to stretch the calf muscles.
  3. Start developing the habit of walking during coffee breaks and phone calls.
  4. Continue practicing, not forgetting about intervals.
  5. Add another set of interval exercises to your walking and reduce the duration of the easy phase by half (to 1 minute). The total duration of interval walking should be at least 15 minutes.
  6. Add another 500 steps.
  7. Supplement your workouts with walking in place and stretching.

Week four

  1. With regular training, a habit is formed at the beginning of the 4th week. If sports are still difficult, you can invite a friend or colleague to practice.
  2. The beginner's stamina increases, so by week 4 he is able to distract himself from the load by doing other activities, such as listening to an audiobook.
  3. Add another 1000 steps.
  4. Supplement walking with low-intensity training on stairs.
  5. If possible, replace all public transport trips of less than 1.5 km with a brisk walk.
  6. Add another 500 steps.
  7. Replace part of your workout with jogging and use intervals.

When walking, it is not necessary to strictly follow the program, but you should strive to walk several kilometers a day, gradually increasing your basic rate by 0.5–1 km per week.

How much should you walk a day to lose weight - the number of kilometers and steps per day, the benefits of walking

Few people know that walking is even more beneficial for health and weight loss than running.
The most natural, simple and familiar activity significantly affects the state of the entire body, triggering useful functions. Anyone can practice walking – both women and men of all ages.

Find out how many kilometers you need to walk a day to lose excess weight and whether walking can be replaced by running.

The more you move, the better it is for you.

The benefits of walking are enormous: with the simplest walk, the work of blood vessels is activated, blood pressure returns to normal, cholesterol levels decrease, and insulin is produced.

All this leads to increased immunity, which affects overall well-being. In addition, after a walk you sleep better and healthier. All these factors apply to the process of burning fat - losing weight.

Many people are interested in whether walking is good for losing weight? If you devote half an hour a day to this activity, walk at a pace and do it regularly, then yes, this activity will help you lose weight and make your body slimmer.

With a simple exercise you will tone your muscles and disperse the lymph. Metabolic processes in the body will accelerate, and this is the main factor for effective weight loss.

Regular walking (Nordic walking, for example) has long been considered almost the best way to stay in shape, especially for people over forty.

Ordinary walking burns calories, but their number is small and depends on many factors:

  • age;
  • weight;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • pace of movements;
  • duration;
  • roads (slide, flat, etc.);
  • intensity of hand movement.

The faster and longer you walk, the more calories you burn. Young people break down fat faster, so older people may need to walk a little longer to burn the same amount of calories as younger people. Average:

  • at a speed of 6 km/h you lose up to 4.5 kcal per 1 kg of total body weight;
  • 4 km/h – 3.2 kcal;
  • 8 km/h – 10 kcal;
  • in nature (rough terrain), uphill (approx. 2 km/h) – 6.4 kcal;
  • race walking – 6.8 kcal.

How long should you walk per day?

The first rule for a beginner is that you don’t need to walk many kilometers right away on the first day of training. Start small.

In addition, you need to develop a walking pace that will be optimal for your age, weight and other factors mentioned above.

This is the only way training will benefit you and help make your body slim, otherwise you will waste time, or even worse, harm your body. How long should you walk a day? No more than an hour for beginners and up to 3 hours a day for experienced ones.

Modern technologies make it possible not only to measure training time, but also allow you to measure heart rate and count the number of steps per minute or hour.

With the help of a fitness bracelet, you can control your workouts, setting the number of steps per day to obtain the desired result.

To maintain a slim body, it is advisable to walk at least 10 thousand steps daily. It's about 5 kilometers or an hour's walk.

How to lose weight by walking

There are many ways to lose excess weight using this habitual activity. At the same time, proper walking for weight loss does not require special skills or special equipment (not counting Nordic walking poles).

All you need is comfortable shoes and clothes in which your movements will not be constrained and your body should be able to breathe.

To increase the load, you can add weight lifting to your steps: take a dumbbell in your hands and pull one dumbbell towards you with each step.

It is very important not only to engage in physical activity, but also to change your lifestyle. First, review your diet, replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones. Avoid sweets and starchy foods, fried and salty foods.

Combined with daily training, you will achieve results much faster than expected. Do not forget to drink more water, and this does not mean tea or coffee, but mineral water, rich in nutrients, or drinking water.

Walking stairs for weight loss

This is a great way to not only burn extra pounds, but also tone your muscles. There are many benefits to walking up the stairs, but the most important thing is that during exercise, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, the calf and thigh muscles are pumped.

You also need to breathe correctly during such a workout: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and it is important to try to do this evenly, without jerking. If you have many floors in your house, then it is better to go up the stairs and go down the elevator.

This approach will maximally protect your knees from overload.

Fast walking for weight loss

Another option is brisk walking to burn fat. Steps and hand movements accelerate. The intensity of such a workout is much higher than during a regular walk, so more calories are burned.

It is advisable to exercise in a forest or park where the air is clean, because breathing plays an important role - the better quality you breathe, the less energy consumption.

If you have an enjoyable workout for longer, you'll burn more calories.

Race walking

Although you can walk on your own, without the help of a trainer, race walking for weight loss is an equally popular workout in many fitness clubs.

This effect can be difficult to achieve during regular gym classes; in addition, a special version of the step is designed specifically to strengthen the leg muscles and improve joint function.

If you set a goal to lose weight by walking, then it is best to work with a trainer who will tell you how much to walk per day in order to lose weight faster and more effectively.

Walking in place for weight loss

If there is no opportunity to exercise outside, then it is quite possible to train at home. Walking in place is a universal exercise that can be performed even while watching TV.

It is important to pay attention not only to the steps, but also to the work with your arms, because the intensity greatly determines how many calories you will burn. You should devote at least an hour to this type of training per day.

Having a treadmill simplifies the process: set a comfortable pace and start training. Don't forget to change the level of incline: walking on a flat surface seriously injures your knees.

Hiking for weight loss

Ordinary walking can also be a great start on the path to a slim figure. Walking when losing weight has a special healing value.

If you are on a diet, attend training in the gym, or use special medications or dietary supplements, then walking should become an integral part of your life. This is especially true for those who work in an office and spend a lot of time sitting.

How much you need to walk a day to lose weight, you will have to determine yourself, taking into account your lifestyle, health and diet.

: Benefits of walking

Marina, 28 years old

I watch my figure, eat only healthy food, go to the gym, but at the same time I don’t refuse to go for walks - I go to the park at least 5 times a month to do race walking. With such an active life, I don’t have to complain about being overweight - my body is toned. Evening or morning walking always gives me even more strength and keeps my respiratory system normal.

Vitaly, 54 years old

I don’t dream of having a sports figure, but I need to keep myself in good shape. I recently signed up for Nordic walking. In one session, at the same rhythm, you can cover a distance of 7 kilometers. I feel that my technique has improved, it’s easier for me to climb stairs, and my shortness of breath has disappeared. I think that in a couple of months the first results in weight loss will be visible.

Oksana, 40 years old

Recently I didn’t regret it and bought myself a pedometer and started walking. I do this regularly, almost every day. I changed my diet and started losing weight – I lost 5 kilograms in the first month! The main thing is that your health also improves. Soon I will look like the photos of the stars from the red carpet! Definitely recommended to everyone, because movement is life.


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