TOP 5: the most effective mono-diets

Diet on fruits and vegetables for a week menu. Fruit and vegetable diet for 7 days

A convenient and effective regimen for losing weight and a smooth transition to proper nutrition. You can lose up to 8 kg in a week. On a diet of fruits and vegetables, you can eat at any time. Basic Rules:

  1. You need to consume 1.5 kilograms of vegetables and fruits per day. 70% of products should be raw, without heat treatment. You can make salads and smoothies.
  2. For cooking, you should choose those heat treatment methods that do not involve the use of fat or oil.
  3. Sugar, salt, and spicy seasonings should be avoided. Olive oil, kefir, yogurt, and lemon juice are suitable for dressing.
  4. It is very important to adhere to the diet (2 liters of water per day).

You can eat almost any vegetables and fruits, but there should be no other foods in your diet. The ban also applies to:

  • bananas;
  • cauliflower;
  • kiwi;
  • potato;
  • grape;
  • eggplant;
  • mango;
  • zucchini;
  • green pea.

There is no specific menu that needs to be followed for a week in the fruit and vegetable diet. Vegetarian diet option for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast. Carrot salad (200 g), 2 green apples.
  2. Lunch. Tomato and cucumber salad (200 g), 1 peach.
  3. Dinner. Small baked zucchini, watermelon or melon (200 g).
  4. Afternoon snack. Radish salad with herbs (200 g), 1 pear.
  5. Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, olives and onions (200 g), 1 grapefruit.

A diet of vegetables and fruits is effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. It is prohibited to comply with:

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding mothers;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia.

Diet on fruits and vegetables for a week menu. Fruit and vegetable diet for 7 days

The diet of fruits and vegetables for the week is a strict menu. Types of vegetable diet

There are several types of vegetable diet for losing weight by 10 kg. It should be emphasized that the number of kilograms that can be lost depends on the metabolism of a particular person. People with an accelerated metabolism lose 10 kg in a week without difficulty, and those who have a slower metabolism can get the same result in, say, a month. Lastly, in order not to harm your health, you should stick to a lighter version of the vegetable diet.

The strictest diet involves eating vegetables and fruits. No other products are allowed to be eaten, with the exception of fermented milk. You can sit on it for no more than a week. Only people in good health who have no contraindications can afford a strict diet.

The second option, a lighter one, includes in the diet, in addition to vegetables from the list of permitted ones, bread, sour cream and vegetable or olive (linseed, corn) oil for dressing salads. Sour cream replenishes the missing proteins, and vegetable oil replenishes the missing fats. But these products should not be abused. The calorie content of even the most low-fat sour cream is 116 kcal per 100 g, and the energy value of butter is even higher - 884 kcal per 100 g.

And the lightest version of the vegetable diet also includes the consumption of proteins in the form of low-fat fish and chicken breast. In this case, you can also consume kefir and fruit. In addition to fish and white meat, it is allowed to include nuts, seeds and boiled beef in the diet. Low-fat fish include hake, pollock, pike perch, pollock, cod, blue whiting, flounder, pike, as well as all crustaceans and molluscs.

Types of mono-diets

There are many mono-diets, which are divided into subgroups or types, among which balanced and fast ones stand out:

  • A balanced mono-diet usually involves eating two foods at once. The best combination is considered to be kefir with apples - on the one hand there are carbohydrates and fiber, and on the other there are proteins. The total calories per day does not exceed only 800, as a result of which this mono-diet can quickly lose extra pounds, even for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Fast mono-diet - includes only one product in the diet, which contains slow carbohydrates and proteins. This diet is difficult to tolerate, so it should be followed for no more than 5 days.

Before deciding to follow a mono-diet, you should consult a doctor for a full examination. He will accurately determine which product will be safe for weight loss.

Kefir mono-diet

Even in those days when mono-diets were not as popular as they are now, many ladies did fasting days on kefir. Until now, most girls believe that the best mono-diet for quick weight loss is kefir. The simplest and most effective diet loved by many, because kefir is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It does not require any preparation. The kefir diet has many varieties, most of which allow the inclusion of a second product in the diet: apples or cottage cheese. A diet based on kefir alone is very harsh, but effective and can be followed for no more than three days. A mono-diet on kefir alone consists of consuming 1-1.5 liters of this product per day.

This is important: You can apply the presented diet before switching to a balanced diet. In this case, the process of losing weight continues, but not so quickly.

Kefir should be poured in equal portions and drunk 5-6 times a day. Between consuming the main product, you should not forget to drink clean water and unsweetened green tea. After holding on for 3 days, you can see minus 3 kg on the scale, but it is not recommended to stay on kefir longer.

We recommend reading the article kefir diet for 7 days.

Buckwheat mono-diet

The buckwheat mono-diet is no less popular and effective. It can last up to 14 days if you don’t get sick of buckwheat. If all the rules are followed, this effective diet works productively and at the end of the period a person loses up to 12 kg or even more. This mono-diet consists of eating buckwheat porridge, boiled in water, throughout the day, but in unlimited quantities. It is forbidden to add salt, oil and spices to the porridge.


While on such a diet, you don’t have to worry about feeling hungry, but a person must have strong willpower to eat only tasteless cooked buckwheat for two weeks. This diet is only effective for fairly stubborn people.

We recommend reading the article buckwheat diet.

Cucumber mono-diet

A mono-diet of cucumbers is considered the most effective for weight loss and getting rid of puffiness. If you only eat cucumbers, then to gain the necessary calories you need to consume them in huge quantities. 100 g of cucumber contains only 15 calories, per kilogram, respectively, 150 kcal, so the number of cucumbers in the diet during the diet is not limited. It is better to eat a cucumber with the skin, as it contains useful substances.

For many, the cucumber mono-diet will seem too harsh, but if you really want to lose weight, you can add a couple of slices of rye bread to your diet and season the salad with vegetable oil. At the end of the diet, 3-4 kg of weight are lost, and the body is cleansed of toxins accumulated over a long time.

We recommend reading the article cucumber diet.

Apple mono-diet

The apple diet helps in eliminating excess weight and at the same time saturates the body with beneficial vitamins. They contain a complete list of vitamins and microelements needed by the body. To simply improve your health, you should resort to a kind of fasting one day a week, eating only apples.


For those suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension, it is enough to spend one day a month on apples. The apple mono-diet has several options. The following recipes for such weight loss are offered:

  • During the day, you should only eat apples, washing them down with herbal infusions and plain water.
  • At one time you should eat one apple and drink 500 ml of kefir. Do 6 such techniques per day. This effective diet is ideal for pregnant women with debilitating toxicosis.
  • Eat 1.5 kg of apples per day - it is not necessary to drink liquid.

The apple diet should be maintained for no more than three days - during this time you can lose up to 4 kg.

We recommend reading the article apple diet.

Mono-diet with alternating foods

For those who know in advance that they cannot live even three days eating only one product, effective diets have been developed with alternating foods. Their duration reaches 7 days and by the end of the period guarantees weight loss of 7 kilograms. Such diets are the safest for the body, because they supply various nutrients and vitamins necessary for normal functioning.

The presented diet contains one product for one day:

  • Day 1: vegetable soup with celery.
  • Day 2: consume 1.5 liters of 1% kefir.
  • Day 3: milk soup with buckwheat.
  • Day 4: 600 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day 5: boiled chicken fillet or breast.
  • Day 6: yogurt with raisins.
  • Day 7: vegetables or fruits in the amount of 1.5 kg.

Although the diet is varied, some days are quite strict. You should not forget to drink water, green tea and herbal infusions. The mono-diet, although strict, is quite effective for losing weight.

Protein mono-diet

For lovers of protein foods, an effective protein diet has been developed, which allows you to consume only foods that contain protein. Here you should eat only seafood, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs, fish, meat and milk for 10 days. It is forbidden to eat any vegetables and fruits.


The following approximate daily diet is suggested:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and green tea.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: seafood salad and a piece of boiled chicken.
  • Dinner: boiled or baked fish and a glass of kefir.

The effectiveness of the protein mono-diet has been tested over the years - it has saved many famous people suffering from obesity. But to be able to follow such effective diets requires good health.

We recommend reading the article protein diet.

Diet on fruits and vegetables for a week for as long as possible. Fruit diet

As nutritionists note, periodic use of a fruit diet has a beneficial effect on the human condition. Saturation of healthy fiber occurs, metabolism accelerates, waste and toxins are eliminated. The nutritional system is characterized by low calorie content and reduced fat content. You can decide which fruit diet is right for you, based on your preferences, or consult a doctor.

Fruit mono-diet

As you can guess from the name, this weight loss system is based on the use of one type of fruit and juice. Any fruit mono-diet should last no more than 1 day so as not to harm the body. It is characterized by harsh conditions and insufficient supply of all necessary substances. However, the reward for endurance for those losing weight will be a reduction in weight to 3-4 kg. You can get this result by distributing the diet over 1 fasting day per week.

Organizing such a meal comes down to eating 2 kilograms of the selected fruit per day. This amount will need to be divided into 4-5 doses. You will need to drink an additional 1 liter of fresh juice per day. Today, popular one-component diets are:

  • grapefruit;
  • banana;
  • orange;
  • apple;
  • pineapple

Mixed diet

This term can mean 2 options:

  • Directly mixed - when a variety of fruits are used for the diet.
  • Complex diet - when the fruit diet is supplemented with other products.

The first option can last no more than 1 week. Nutrition is based on the correct combination of different types of fruit. The amount of fruit indicated in the diet plan must be divided into 4-6 doses. An important condition is compliance with the drinking regime. It is allowed to drink clean water, herbal decoctions, and juices. In total, you should drink about 2.5 liters of liquid per day. You can alternate fruits every day, combine 2 types of them, or eat assorted fruits daily, preparing salads, stews and purees.

The holistic diet is a more nutritious option. The basis is fruits, but in addition to them it is allowed to include protein or vegetable components. The process of losing extra pounds occurs gradually, so there will be no skin problems: stretch marks and sagging. You will not experience stress while dieting, since the nutrition plan is as varied as possible and does not make you feel hungry.

What is the essence of mono-diets?

The basis of the diet should be a certain type of product, all other food should be excluded from the daily menu for the entire duration of the diet, the duration of which can be up to 10 days.

As a main product during the diet, you can use:

  • fruits, preferably apples or watermelons;
  • dairy products, in particular kefir with 1% or 0% fat content;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.;
  • chicken or beef meat;
  • You can even have chocolates, provided you strictly adhere to the daily intake of chocolate.

The rate of consumption, or daily dosage of the product, is set depending on the calorie level of the selected ingredient, for example, apples have a low calorie content, so they can be consumed during the apple mono-diet in unlimited quantities. And if we consider the chocolate method of losing weight, then there is already a limitation on the volume of consumption of this type of product.

Regardless of what type of food is chosen, the basis of a mono-diet is to minimize daily calorie intake.

This is done so that the lack of calories forces the body to produce the necessary energy by breaking down fat deposits. A certain part of the kilograms leaves the body along with fluid, which leads to its effective cleansing of accumulated waste and toxins.


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