How to normalize digestion with prunes and kefir

What are the benefits of bran?

Bran is the outer layer of grain (a by-product of flour milling) and is an excellent dietary product. There are wheat, rye, barley and other brans. Due to the high content of dietary fiber, mineral salts and vitamins, bran normalizes metabolism in the body and is considered a healthy food product. They remove waste and toxins from the body, regulate intestinal function, thereby cleansing the skin, evening out the complexion and promoting good health. Contraindications to the use of bran are acute diseases of the stomach and intestines, as they are coarse in structure.

Beneficial features

Before you start drinking the drink, you should find out its miraculous properties, which help you quickly lose extra pounds. Separately, the components of the cocktail also have high fat-burning properties, but if they are used together, they will have a double effect on fat deposits. But they will also be able to quickly remove toxins and toxins that cause disruption of the digestive system.


Among the beneficial properties of prunes are:

  • Prunes contain a high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. It leaves you feeling full for a long time. When consuming dried fruit, a person does not overeat, this helps to lose excess weight;
  • Prunes remove harmful cholesterol from the body, which has a negative effect on the condition of blood vessels and increases their fragility. In addition, it causes the development of obesity, which can lead to other serious health problems;
  • Prunes have a low glycemic index, and it is thanks to this property that they normalize blood sugar levels. Due to this, metabolism is accelerated, all this helps to reduce excess weight;
  • Improves digestion, eliminates stool problems;
  • Normalizes kidney activity. Dried fruit relieves swelling, removes harmful substances, toxins, sand, stones from the kidneys;
  • Has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Eating prunes relieves stress, it increases performance, saturates with energy and strength.

But most importantly, prunes have a positive effect on body weight. It speeds up metabolism and starts the natural process of burning fat deposits. And if you add it to kefir, fat burning will proceed much faster.

Fermented milk drink has long been known for its cleansing and fat-burning properties. It improves digestion, removes toxins, waste, and normalizes the state of intestinal microflora. And together with prunes, all these properties will be greatly enhanced.

Recipes for healthy cocktails with bran

Bran is very convenient to use as part of fermented milk and other healthy cocktails. At the same time, do not forget to drink plenty of water during the day - this way you will help the bran do its job. A simple drink with bran: - 500 ml of drinking yogurt; - 3 tsp. bran. Just mix yogurt with bran and get a very healthy drink.

Cocktail with bran and prunes: - 300 ml kefir with 1% fat content; — 5-7 pcs. soft prune fruits; - 2 tbsp. loose bran (oat, buckwheat, wheat); - 1 tbsp. flax flour. First, pour a small amount of boiling water over the prunes to soften them. Then cut the prunes into pieces and mix all the cocktail ingredients in a blender: kefir, bran, flaxseed flour and prunes. Place the resulting cocktail in the refrigerator for 10 minutes - the bran will swell and the drink will become pleasantly thick.

Kefir cocktail with prunes and dried apricots: - 300 ml kefir with 1% fat content; - 2 tbsp. bran; - 5 pieces. prunes; - 5 pieces. dried apricots; - 1 tbsp. flaxseed flour; - 1 tbsp. cocoa powder The cocktail is prepared according to the previous recipe. First, dried apricots and prunes need to be steamed, then cut into pieces and mixed with the rest of the ingredients in a blender.

Curd cocktail with bran: - 125 g of soft low-fat cottage cheese; — 100 g of natural yogurt; - 2 tbsp. bran; - half a kiwi fruit; - half a glass of strawberries (you can use others to taste). Mix all the ingredients well in a blender and enjoy a delicious healthy cocktail!

Cocktail with apples and bran: - 500 ml kefir; - 3 apples; - 1 tbsp. bran; - 2 tsp. honey; - a pinch of ground cinnamon. In a blender, mix kefir with honey and bran. Grate two apples and add to the resulting cocktail. Cut the third apple into pieces and decorate the finished drink with them. Sprinkle the cocktail with cinnamon and serve.

Strawberry cocktail with bran: - 1 tbsp. natural yogurt (without additives); - 1 tbsp. strawberries (fresh or frozen); - 3/4 tbsp. skim milk; - 2 tbsp. chopped bran. Mix all ingredients and serve immediately. Cut fresh strawberries into halves before mixing.

Vegetable cocktail with bran: - 1 tbsp. chilled boiled water; - 4 things. cherry; - several sprigs of dill; - 1 PC. stalk celery; - 2 tbsp. oat bran; - salt to taste. Rinse the vegetables and herbs and grind everything using a blender. Mix the resulting cocktail with water, add bran and salt - mix everything well and enjoy!

Cocktail of kefir and prunes for weight loss

The method for preparing such a cocktail is extremely simple - use a blender to mix dried fruits with low-fat kefir and drink a glass of this mixture every evening instead of dinner. A glass of kefir will require about eight berries.

Eat as usual throughout the day. The only recommendation: abstain or limit sweets in your diet as much as possible.

This recipe gives a good diuretic and laxative effect, so nutritionists do not recommend drinking this cocktail for breakfast or lunch.

Recipes for citrus cocktails with bran

Citrus cocktail with bran: - 1 pc. pomelo; - 1 PC. grapefruit; — 50 ml cranberry juice; - 2 tangerines; - 2 tbsp. bran. Peel and remove membranes from citrus fruits and mix all ingredients in a blender. Cocktail with orange and bran: - 200 ml of cocktail with 1% fat content; - 1 orange; - 1.5 tbsp. bran; - 1 tsp. liquid honey; - a pinch of ground cinnamon. Squeeze the juice out of the orange. Mix kefir, orange juice with bran, honey and cinnamon. The resulting cocktail can be consumed immediately after preparation or allowed to brew for 10 minutes.

How to prepare and take the drink

In order for a drink to help you lose weight and improve the functioning of your digestive organs, it must be prepared and taken correctly. Despite its simplicity and accessibility, there are still useful guidelines and rules that must be followed.

Recommendations for preparing and using kefir with prunes:

  • For one serving you will need 1 glass of low-fat kefir and 7-8 dried prunes;
  • Prunes should be placed in a blender and ground to a porridge state;
  • Next, kefir is poured in and mixed thoroughly. As a result, a drink with a homogeneous consistency should come out;
  • Choose the time of use yourself depending on your lifestyle and individual characteristics of the body;
  • If you work every day, drinking the drink in the morning can lead to diarrhea, which can overtake you by surprise. In this case, it is better to drink the drink in the evening;
  • The best period is considered to be morning. Drinking a cocktail on an empty stomach will speed up your metabolism and start a natural cleansing of the intestines and stomach from waste and toxins;
  • If the drink is consumed in the evening, it is better to drink it 2-3 hours before bedtime; it can replace dinner. You need to drink it no later than 7-8 pm.

Breakfast for weight loss. Cocktail with bran and prunes


  • a large glass of kefir 1% fat (about 300 ml.);
  • 2 tablespoons of crumbly bran;
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed flour;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder;
  • 5-7 pieces of prunes (preferably fleshy, not dry);
  • about 50 ml. boiling water (to steam the prunes).


  1. Boil some water and pour the prunes into a small container, let them steam for about 5 minutes. For this cocktail, try to find prunes that are so fleshy that even without steaming they are quite soft. Believe me, it greatly affects the taste!
  2. Pour kefir into a glass and add 2 tablespoons of bran to it. The bran can be rye, wheat, oat, buckwheat - it doesn’t matter.
  3. Add a tablespoon of flaxseed flour.
  4. Add a teaspoon of cocoa powder. It is real cocoa powder (such as “Golden Label”), and not an instant drink with sugar and other additives!
  5. Mix until all ingredients are combined and there are no lumps.
  6. Now grind the swollen prunes together with some water in a blender into a puree. You can, of course, chop it finely, but the consistency of the puree is softer and more pleasant.
  7. Add prunes to the kefir mixture and stir.
  8. Place the cocktail in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.

Now the drink is still a little liquid, but in a few minutes the bran will swell, the cocktail will become so pleasantly thick and rich.

Now is the time to treat yourself. Slowly, spoon by spoon, with pleasure. How pleasant it is to eat delicious food and at the same time proper, healthy food, and even more pleasant to feel light and full of strength from it.

If desired, you can also add dried apricots.

The result will be obvious!

Prunes for weight loss

Compared to factory-made sweets (meaning confectionery), even high-calorie dried fruits can be considered useful during weight loss due to their naturalness and less negative effect on glucose surges. However, it cannot be denied that eating prunes in large quantities during a diet can cause weight gain, since the body will receive an excess amount of calories and sugar, albeit natural. Doctors insist on observing the measure - the daily norm of prunes for weight loss is 4-5 pieces, which is equivalent to 35-40 grams or 96 kcal.

Anyone who cares about their own kilograms is recommended to choose from the following methods of consuming prunes when losing weight:

  • Mix with your morning portion of porridge (it goes well with rolled oats, millet and rice).
  • Drink with kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt (buy options without additives) during a late dinner.
  • Make cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes (with egg whites and whole grain flour), replacing sugar with prunes.
  • Cook compote (do not add sweeteners, but you can add other fruits).
  • Prepare a mixture of dried fruits (try to add as few raisins as possible, if using), almonds/cashews/pistachios for snacking - even a small portion will perfectly satisfy your hunger.
  • Drinking an infusion of steamed prunes when losing weight is also useful - it has minimal calorie content, but it suppresses appetite well. Similarly, you can specially prepare a decoction of this dried fruit.

Kefir with prunes

A glass of this drink is an effective means of normalizing intestinal function, which results in visual weight loss: a person loses kilograms by cleansing the body. In the future, there is also an effect on body fat, but for this you need to mix prunes with kefir every day, and the result will be visible in a month. It is advisable to do this closer to the night, and not prepare such a mixture for yourself in the morning if you plan to go somewhere. Please note that for a laxative effect, the fermented milk drink must be as fresh as possible (made today or yesterday).

When losing weight, you can mix prunes with kefir (ryazhenka, sourdough, etc.) as follows:

  • Leave 200 ml of fermented milk drink + 30 g of chopped dried fruit for an hour.
  • 150 ml kefir + 50 g steamed (!) chopped dried fruit.

Prunes at night

A small portion of this dried fruit (steamed) eaten before bed can also help you lose weight. However, this method will be correctly practiced only in case of acute hunger that occurs after dinner, because... All fruits, especially dried ones, are recommended in the evening only as an exception and a replacement for harmful foods. Prunes are consumed at night in the amount of 3-4 pieces, you can mix them with a couple of nuts. A larger volume is allowed only by a mono-diet per day, where up to 100 g of this product is allowed in the evening.

Oatmeal with prunes

Porridge with fruit for breakfast is a great recipe for a sweet start to the day, but without the risk of gaining weight. When losing weight, prunes go well with all nuts, although they are mainly combined with walnuts and almonds - the latter is recognized as the best of its group in terms of weight loss. Oatmeal with prunes provides a long-lasting satiety effect because there is no sugar spike. How many pieces to put is up to you, but it is advisable not to cross the line of 40 grams, and if nuts are used, then 30 grams. You can complement the dish with dried apricots.

Cottage cheese with prunes

This option for breakfast, afternoon snack or even dinner, if you need to eat after a workout, is attractive due to its low calorie content, but good nutritional value. It is not necessary to mix only low-fat cottage cheese with prunes for weight loss - similarly, you can use a 2% or 5% product. However, nutritionists remind that the presence of lactose in dairy products makes them not the safest for weight loss, therefore, in order not to gain weight, physical exercise is needed before consuming them.

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