How to use cinnamon with honey for weight loss

The history of cinnamon

An amazing and unique spice is cinnamon. Not a single recipe in folk medicine can do without it, its rich aroma soothes, creates warmth and comfort in the home, and culinary dishes have a special noble note.

In the East, cinnamon was known more than 5,000 years ago; it was mentioned in the ancient Indian treatise Ramayana as a beneficial effect on people’s feelings and thoughts, which nourishes a person with energy and peace.

Indeed, the aroma of cinnamon lifts your spirits, encourages creativity, the desire to live positively, enjoying the world. Man is a spiritual creation of nature and smells, coupled with food preferences, play an important role in human life, it has been proven: cinnamon is like a warm, gentle sun, gives serenity and calmness, whether it be food, aroma candles or oils.

Cinnamon is a cinnamon tree of the Laurel family and, while the bark has a pleasant smell, the flowers have a repulsive aroma.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon has many beneficial properties and is often used in folk medicine:

  1. It can be used to treat certain diseases of the liver, kidneys and bladder.
  2. It perfectly helps with diabetes, reducing blood glucose levels.
  3. A small amount of this spice before meals prevents heartburn.
  4. Cinnamon helps digest the heaviest and very fatty foods.
  5. In combination with a beekeeping product, it has a positive effect on intestinal function; food is completely digested without being retained for long. Thanks to this, constipation, disorders, bloating, and colic, which can occur due to a huge accumulation of incompletely digested food debris in the intestines, disappear.

Remember: a healthy digestive system promotes weight loss by reducing your waist size.

Honey and cinnamon are also a good antiseptic; under their action, all kinds of bacteria, parasites and fungi that interfere with the normal course of food digestion die in the body. Appetite decreases and metabolism accelerates.

For greater effect, use cinnamon for weight loss in the form of sticks (they retain most of the beneficial qualities much better than in powder). But cinnamon extract is not recommended for these purposes at all!

Interesting technology for preparing cinnamon

Sri Lanka cinnamon preparation photo

A 2-year-old tree is cut down and a year later young branches appear on the stump, and these are harvested. The top layer of flat bark is cut off, since the aromatic raw material is the thin inner side of the plate. It is dried in the shade and the bark itself is rolled into tubes, then they are cut into 5-15 cm pieces.

It is customary to distinguish cinnamon by quality. The most elite and aromatic cinnamon grows in its homeland of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). This is a standard of noble spice, its layer is no more than 1 mm, it is packaged in branded wooden or glass containers, which are labeled. 15 grams of such cinnamon costs at least 400 rubles.

Only real cinnamon has the delicate sweet-hot taste that we love so much.

Later, cinnamon migrated to other hot countries: India, Madagascar, Vietnam, Egypt.

And Chinese cinnamon is considered third-rate - cassia, this is a relative of cinnamon, the thickness of such cinnamon is 3 - 10 mm and the aromatic qualities are rather weak.

Cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon are on sale. It is better to buy sticks and grind them yourself, then you will get the maximum benefit from it. In addition, ground cinnamon is stored for six months, and in sticks for a year. So do not buy cinnamon for future use and store it in a closed container.

Eastern sages and healers also advised drinking an infusion of cinnamon with honey as a panacea for all diseases.

Look at the rich composition of this spice; 100 g contains:

Calcium - 1002 mgFolic acid - 6 mcg
Copper - 0.339 mgPantothenic acid - 0.358 mg
Iron - 8.32 mgPyridoxine - 0.158 mg
Magnesium - 60 mgThiamine - 0.022 mg
Manganese - 17.466 mgVitamin A – 295 mg
Phosphorus - 64 mgVitamin C - 3.8 mg
Sodium - 10 mgVitamin E - 10.44 mg
Zinc - 1.83 mgVitamin K - 31.2 mg
Potassium - 431 mg

Carbohydrates - 50.59 g, proteins - 3.99 g, fats - 1.24 g, dietary fiber 53.1 g, nutritional value - 247 kcal.

Modern medicine has proven the great potential that cinnamon has in the treatment of many diseases.

  • Reduces blood sugar levels in type ll diabetes due to flavonoids and polyphenols. The Diabetes Association in America, after conducting a series of studies, came to the conclusion that active biocompounds accelerate the processing of sugar in the body by 20 times, helping insulin;
  • Cinnamon is a leader in antioxidant content and, together with a healthy lifestyle, acts as an anti-cancer agent. In the fight against free radicals, the use of cinnamon in food reduces oxidative processes, which leads to aging of the body, age-related problems, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Cinnamon has a positive effect on brain function, improving attention in older people, increasing the tone of the whole body;
  • Bad cholesterol - what is it? Natural fatty compounds that settle on the walls of blood vessels in the form of plaques, narrowing their lumen. And this is a direct path to cardiovascular diseases, stroke and heart attack. Cinnamon is a natural anticoagulant, that is, it stimulates blood circulation, reduces blood viscosity due to coumarin, improves blood flow;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Cinnamon promotes the secretion of gastric juice. Fiber and calcium remove bile salts from the body and protect the stomach walls during pain, healing the entire gastrointestinal tract. And a lot of microelements help with inflammatory processes;
  • Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits of cinnamon (viruses, fungus, bacteria). Helps with thrush; you need to brew tea with cinnamon for a long time, but instead of sugar, which is a sweet medium for the growth of fungus, use stevia. Protects the oral cavity from harmful microflora and putrefactive processes. For sore throat and bronchitis, it warms well, killing germs.

Increasing immunity - during epidemics, wet cleaning of the apartment with a few drops of cinnamon essential oil for disinfection is useful. American studies have shown that cinnamon is superior in quality even to garlic.

Cinnamon tea recipe to boost immunity

Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to tea, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of ginger and a small pinch of black pepper, a slice of lemon and a spoon of honey. Drinking spicy tea will keep you warm and save you from infections.

Cinnamon for weight loss

Excess weight directly depends on carbohydrate metabolism, so cinnamon has every chance of becoming an ally in the fight for a good figure. The thermogenic property of cinnamon also helps burn fat. In tea recipes, it is better to replace sugar with natural sweeteners, such as stevia, and forget about honey because of the calories.

Recipes for weight loss

Recipe: Pour 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1.5 cm of grated ginger into a glass of water and pasteurize for 10 minutes. Add 1 - 2 slices of lemon and drink in the morning 20 minutes before meals.

Recipe: add 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon to yogurt (or kefir) - 1 cup, leave for 10 minutes, add chopped fresh berries or nuts if desired.

Recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of cinnamon into hot water (1 glass), leave for half an hour and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink half of it in the evening, put it in the refrigerator and finish it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Dosage of cinnamon consumption - the recommended dose of cinnamon is 1 - 6 g per day.

How to use cinnamon

An adult can take half a teaspoon of ground spice daily without harm to his health, and it is advisable to divide this dose into two doses.

In cooking

Experienced chefs advise adding seasoning to a particular dish not at the beginning of cooking, but a few minutes before it is ready. This method allows you to preserve its aroma in finished food without transmitting the characteristic bitterness in the taste.

For diabetes

The range of applications in folk medicine is also wide. For people suffering from diabetes, experts advise mixing a teaspoon of cinnamon with green tea leaves. The product should be consumed several glasses a day.

For treatment

For medical reasons, you can take cinnamon for two to three months, after which you take a break for a month.

  1. A mixture of a glass of water, one teaspoon of spice and two spoons of honey helps fight arthritis.
  2. To normalize blood pressure, it is useful to mix cinnamon with kefir and take this drink several times a day.

For pregnant

Pregnancy is a strict contraindication for the use of this seasoning, since it can cause serious problems for the mother in labor.

After childbirth

After childbirth, doctors often recommend cinnamon to women as a natural stimulant for breast milk production.

If you take cinnamon as a means to increase lactation, then you should follow the dosage of the spice. The spice can change the taste of milk, which often leads to the baby’s refusal to breastfeed.

For children

The benefits of ground cinnamon for a child's body are invaluable - it helps improve vision and memory, as well as prevent viral diseases.

The spice is allowed to be added to food from the age of four.

The exception is children with allergies: cinnamon is a fairly strong allergen, and such children should be introduced to their food very carefully and always after prior consultation with specialists.

Cinnamon for female beauty

Ready-made face mask with cinnamon
Anti-cellulite wraps and baths with cinnamon essential oil will help you achieve a beautiful figure. Cinnamon strengthens hair and gives it a beautiful color.

Mask recipe for age spots

Chop 1/3 banana, add 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes and rinse off. Improves complexion, tones, whitens spots.

Rejuvenation mask

Mix 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and apply to the face with a spatula for 10 minutes. Activates blood circulation and nourishes the skin.

Don't forget that cinnamon is one of the powerful aphrodisiacs; it arouses sexual desire in women and men and adds harmony to relationships.

The effectiveness of the tandem of cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon with honey is a real panacea for those who want to lose weight. When combined, these two products are capable of real miracles. Removes toxins and waste, normalizes metabolism. Honey balances the carbohydrate process, thereby maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time and reducing appetite. Cinnamon significantly speeds up the metabolism of sugar, prevents glucose from being absorbed, fat is not deposited in the body, and old reserves are broken down. This is a pleasant and tasty weight loss.

According to reviews, people who take drinks with cinnamon and honey note improved concentration and mobility. The simplest recipe: 1 tsp. honey and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon per glass of hot water, this cocktail increases vitality and provides energy for the whole day.


Losing weight with honey and cinnamon should be combined with proper nutrition and physical activity; only with such efforts can you put your figure in order, lose weight, tighten your figure, and get rid of cellulite. You should consume cinnamon and honey 2 times a day, on an empty stomach in the morning with a water-based drink and in the evening before bed with milk, natural yogurt or low-fat kefir.

If you follow all the recommendations, then within a couple of days you will begin to notice positive changes. In 2 weeks you will see how effectively cinnamon and honey act on the body for weight loss, the results in 3-6 months will be appreciated by everyone around you and even envious people will gasp.

Weight loss should be under medical supervision

Cinnamon in cooking

Previously, only very wealthy people could afford cinnamon, but now it is available to everyone. Cinnamon's sweet, woody aroma and spicy taste make it indispensable in all cuisines of the world. It is used in desserts, pastries, pancakes, drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), meat and vegetarian dishes. Strudel is a very popular apple pie with cinnamon. The recipe is simple: bake an apple pie in the oven, then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Meat and chicken are usually marinated, then you get a unique taste.

Cinnamon marinade recipe for meat

Make a marinade for 1.5 kg of meat or chicken. 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon, 3 tbsp. spoons of prepared mustard, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar (6 - 9%) 1 glass of vegetable oil, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything and soak the meat for a day, putting it in the refrigerator.

By the way, in France, a country of gourmets, poultry was fed a week before slaughter by adding various spices to the grain, including cinnamon, so that the chicken meat acquired a refined taste.

In the USA, cinnamon is added to porridges; in Sri Lanka, it is added to soups like bay leaves. In France they bake delicious “cupcakes from Bordeaux”. In Belarus they flavored it with lingonberries, and in Russia in the old days they prepared milk soup with cinnamon and pancakes. Cinnamon is usually added at the end of cooking (10 minutes before), otherwise the food will taste bitter.

Salad dressing recipe

Sauce: mix olive oil (2 tablespoons), honey 1 teaspoon, 2 tablespoons orange juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Pour over carrot, apple and cabbage salad. Popular in France.

Tea with honey and cinnamon

The drink turns out warm, since honey loses its beneficial properties in hot water. To prepare tea with honey and cinnamon for weight loss, you need to take 20 g of honey and 1 g of cinnamon in a regular tea mug.

The cinnamon is left to steep in boiling water for an hour. The water is drained and filtered, honey is added.

Boiling water can be replaced with tea. For those losing weight, it is recommended to drink large-leaf greens, but any kind will do, including herbal ones. The brewed tea is filtered and cinnamon is added to infuse. Before serving, add honey and a little lemon juice if desired.

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