15 simple and delicious recipes for milk drinks

Composition and calorie content of the drink

Milk tea contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • vitamin PP;
  • tannins;
  • a complex of macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus);
  • vitamin C.

Nutritional value of the drink:

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.2 g.

The calorie content of milk tea varies depending on the method of its preparation:

DrinkCalorie content per 100 gramsNumber of calories per 250 ml
Tea with milk without sugar55 kcal137 kcal
Milkweed with added sugar80 kcal200 kcal

Calorie content of natural coffee with milk without sugar

Coffee beans have a low energy value - on average, 2-4 kcal per 200 ml of finished drink. If you add milk from a carton or tetra-pack, add 2-4 calories per serving of dairy product and you will get a fairly accurate number.

Example: we brew 200 ml of coffee in a Turk, this is 4 calories. And add 50 ml of milk with a fat content of 1.5% - that’s another 22 kcal. A 250 ml cup of drink produces 26 kcal.

The difference of /- 5 calories for one drink made from natural grains does not play a role in a daily diet of 1500-2000 kcal.

Important! Often in the literature on diets and healthy eating, one comes across the idea that tea is a zero-calorie product. This is nothing more than a rough “rounding to zero” against the background of more “serious” products, whose calories count in tens and hundreds.

But you drink a fair amount of the drink throughout the day. And so week after week, a whole month and all my life. Therefore, the question of how much tea is drunk and in what form is extremely important:

  • with or without sugar;
  • with added milk or cream;
  • with jam, honey;
  • with herbal supplements, etc.

So, here's what scientists have found out about tea in terms of its calorie content:

  • green tea contains 1 calorie per 100 g of drink without sugar or any additives;
  • Black tea is higher in calories - 100 g contains from 3 to 5 calories.

Moreover, the same variety does not change its calorie content if it is produced in large-leaf, small-leaf or soluble (granulated or bagged) form. It is obvious that the energy capacity of black tea is noticeably higher.

Attention! White, yellow, and red teas are close in calorie content to green tea, so we will not consider them separately.

Benefits of the drink

The beneficial properties of milkweed have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Thanks to the content of a complex of vitamins and macroelements in this drink, brain performance increases and blood circulation is activated. It also stimulates the human nervous system, cleanses the blood, strengthens the immune system, vascular walls and bone tissue.

Regular consumption of milk tea has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Lactose stimulates intestinal function, and tea promotes the digestion of fatty foods and reduces the feeling of discomfort when overeating. The drink also helps remove toxic substances from the human body.

It is useful for men to consume black milk tea during periods of active physical activity in order to maintain muscle tone. This drink is recommended for men over 40 years old, as it contains calcium, which helps strengthen bones. It is beneficial for women to drink milky green tea; it not only helps maintain normal hormonal levels, but also helps to get rid of extra pounds.

During pregnancy, tea with milk helps restore the expectant mother's body during toxicosis. It is recommended to drink green milk tea, since it does not contain caffeine, which increases heart rate.

Drinking milk tea is also recommended during breastfeeding, as it promotes milk production in a nursing mother. But during this period, you should give up black tea and drink only green tea.

Chemical composition

Tea with milk (the calorie content of the product when brewed correctly is only 45 kcal) contains many chemical elements necessary for the normal functioning of the vital systems of the body.

  • necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • responsible for brain health;
  • prevents muscle cramps;
  • reduces the severity of cellulite;
  • Helps maintain normal body weight
  • responsible for the growth and health of teeth;
  • supports normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots
  • participates in the body’s energy processes;
  • necessary to maintain the strength of tooth enamel;
  • promotes active cell division
  • participates in the production of red blood cells and digestive enzymes;
  • protects mucous and respiratory systems from negative environmental influences;
  • prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxins
  • responsible for the health of the brain and circulatory system;
  • helps prevent anemia;
  • helps to quickly eliminate the negative consequences of depression;
  • ensures eye health and normal functioning of the immune system;
  • maintains the integrity of mucous membranes;
  • prevents cardiovascular problems
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • promotes normal functioning of the stomach and pancreas;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • reduces the level of physical indicators of blood pressure

The calorie content of the drink directly depends on the fat content of the milk included in its composition. 100 ml of product, composed of an equal amount of one type of tea and milk with 2.5% fat content, contains 45 kcal.

Milk tea: black, green, oolong. Calorie content per 100 grams, without sugar, how to eat on a diet
The calorie content of tea with milk depends on the fat content of the milk, the type of tea and the presence of sugar.


Harm and contraindications

When consumed in moderation, the drink is not harmful to health. In large quantities, milk tea will cause discomfort in the stomach and lead to leaching of beneficial substances from the body. In addition, this drink contains a substance such as casein, which can reduce the absorption of antioxidants. Milk can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

The daily intake of green tea with milk is 0.7 liters, black tea - 1 liter. Cow's milk can be replaced with soy or almond milk to reduce its negative effects on the body.

Including tea with milk in your diet is contraindicated for people suffering from the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

It is not recommended to drink milk tea for children under two years of age. It is advisable for children of preschool and school age to drink no more than 100 ml of this drink per day.

Beneficial properties and contraindications of green tea with milk

Both tea leaves and milk are healthy products individually. However, our task is to find out what effect the combination of these products has on the human body.

  • Green tea with milk is an ideal combination of ingredients, each of which promotes better and complete absorption of nutrients. Thus, by drinking milk tea, the body is more actively enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Tea neutralizes the negative effect of fermentation of lactic bacteria in the stomach. This means that it can be drunk by those for whom drinking milk in its pure form is contraindicated.
  • Tea contains caffeine and tannin. These are useful substances, the tonic effect of which helps to cheer up and get rid of fatigue and drowsiness. However, in large quantities, caffeine and tannin can harm the body; milk softens the effect of these substances.
  • Green tea with milk has a unique diuretic effect.
  • The calorie content of one cup is no more than 9 calories; green tea with milk is recommended by many nutritionists for those who want to lose excess weight.
  • Green milk tea is beneficial for its antioxidant effect; its consumption strengthens the heart muscle, the walls of blood vessels, and helps stop the aging process.
  • The drink normalizes digestion processes; it is often prescribed for poisoning and diarrhea. In this case, it is recommended to drink green tea with milk half an hour after meals.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the urine analysis, the relative density is below normal. Relative density of urine

Note: the drink should not be consumed with alcohol, in which case green milk tea increases the negative effect on the kidneys.

Tea contains substances that can harm the body, however, milk neutralizes their negative effect. That is why it can be argued that green tea with milk is safe for humans, the main thing is to follow a few simple recommendations.

  • If you have sleep disorders, pregnancy or high blood pressure, do not brew the leaves too strongly.
  • Use milk drink with caution if you have gastric ulcers or liver pathologies. In this case, we are not talking about direct harm, but about a possible deterioration in health, so you should consult your doctor about the permitted dosage and strength of the drink.
  • Old brewed tea can cause serious harm to the body, since when stored for a long time, purines are formed in its composition, which, when accumulated, can provoke the development of gout.
  • A very hot drink is harmful to internal organs - under the influence of boiling water, beneficial substances in the leaves are destroyed, in addition, there is a possibility of microcracks appearing on the walls of organ tissue, which can trigger the appearance of tumors.

People with hypotension, as well as those who cannot tolerate the proteins contained in milk, should not get carried away with the drink. In addition, caution should be used if you have kidney problems, because this tea has a strong diuretic effect.

Calorie content depends on the presence of additional ingredients. Since the calorie content of tea leaves is zero, it is the additives that give the energy value to tea.

Thus, the calorie content of one serving of the drink is 15.6 kcal. If you add a teaspoon of honey to green milk tea, its calorie content will be 31 kcal, and the energy value of a drink with a teaspoon of sugar will be 36 kcal.

The drink has deservedly become popular in dietetics, because its consumption activates metabolic processes and the removal of fats from the body. Green tea with added milk helps cope with hunger. In addition to its low calorie content, the drink normalizes metabolism and promotes the elimination of toxins.

If consumed regularly, your weight will decrease by about 2-3 kilograms within a month. More significant results in losing weight can be achieved if you combine the effect of tea with a dietary nutrition system.

Here are several recipes for the correct use of the drink for effective weight loss.

To prepare one serving of a diet drink, you will need to pour a teaspoon of tea leaves into a glass of boiled but slightly cooled hot milk. Leave for a few minutes, strain, cool and drink without sweeteners.

The recipe can be varied by adding ingredients that promote weight loss - hibiscus, hawthorn, cinnamon.

  • Recipe for gourmets. In this case, the leaves are ground in a coffee grinder. 20-30 minutes before meals you need to eat a teaspoon of powder and drink a glass of warm milk. Note: tea powder is also used as a seasoning for dishes - porridge, meat, fish, salads. It is not recommended to add ground tea leaves to liquid dishes, since when the powder dissolves, it loses its beneficial qualities.
  • A recipe for those who are already on a diet. In this case, nutritionists recommend drinking a green drink as often as possible, and it is advisable to exclude sweets, foods rich in fat, and flour products from the diet. Instead, diversify the menu with vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, rice, and fish.
  • Recipe with salt. At first glance, tea with salt sounds strange, however, in Asian countries this is the recipe for preparing the drink most often. To enjoy the unusual taste, you must:
  1. brew tea leaves using the classic method;
  2. strain;
  3. add hot milk and salt to taste;
  4. You can diversify the taste with ground black pepper and nutmeg.

This drink with salt with a piece of bran bread and cheese is the best dietary breakfast that will give you energy and a feeling of fullness.

Tea with milk (the calorie content of the product per 250 g is 140 kcal) has good diuretic properties, allowing you to quickly remove excess fluid from the body along with toxins and waste.

Tea is a natural antioxidant that prevents the formation of atypical tumors and protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals. Milk is a unique product containing a huge amount of microelements necessary for the growth and normal functioning of the body.

In addition to its protective and nutritional qualities, milk tea:

  • promotes activation of metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increases the strength of bone tissue;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger.

For women, regular use of tea with milk helps normalize hormonal levels and reduce excess weight. Milk tea is especially useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it helps restore the body after toxicosis and establish the process of formation of breast milk.

Men should drink tea with milk regularly after 40 years of age to prevent increased bone fragility associated with increased physical activity.

Use for weight loss

Due to its fairly low calorie content and high energy value, this drink is considered a dietary drink. It also has a diuretic effect and helps remove excess fluid and harmful salts from the body. As a result, metabolism is normalized, which helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

In order to lose weight faster, it is recommended to drink milk tea daily or arrange fasting days. For daily consumption, it is recommended to drink one cup of the drink an hour before the start of a meal or half an hour after. Fasting days can be arranged once a week.

Experts recommend drinking no more than 3-4 cups of weak milk tea per day during the diet.

Milkweed Recipes

There are various recipes for this healthy drink and preparing it at home is quite simple. While losing weight, it is recommended to drink green tea or weak black tea with the addition of skim milk.

When preparing milk tea, you should consider two basic rules:

  1. Tea must be brewed with water at a temperature no higher than 75 degrees.
  2. You need to fill the glass a third with milk and only then pour in the finished tea leaves.


It is recommended to drink black milk tea on fasting days.

Ingredients for making the drink:

  • milk with low fat content - 50-100 ml;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • tea leaves - 3 tsp.


  1. The tea leaves should be poured into a teapot, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. The milk must be heated until bubbles form and poured into a cup.
  3. Add brewed black tea to milk.

To improve the taste, you can add mint, lemon balm, cinnamon or vanilla to the finished drink.


Green tea is good to drink both during a diet and on fasting days. This drink not only helps you lose excess weight faster, but also eliminates fatigue and prevents constipation. Those who are losing weight can drink it both warm and cold.


  • skim milk - 1.5 l;
  • green leaf tea - 2-3 teaspoons.


  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. Pour tea leaves into the cooled milk.
  3. Brew tea for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Strain the milk drink and add mint or lemon balm to taste.


Some experts suggest that it was the British who were the first to add milk to tea, so the English recipe is considered the classic way to prepare the drink.


  • loose leaf tea (black or green) - 3 tsp;
  • boiling water - 150 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml.


  1. First scald the teapot with boiling water and pour the tea leaves into it.
  2. Fill the teapot halfway with boiling water and let the tea steep for 4 minutes.
  3. Pour the remaining boiling water into the teapot and leave for another 3 minutes.
  4. Heat the milk to 65 degrees.
  5. As soon as the tea is steeped, pour the heated milk into it.

It is recommended to drink milkweed hot or warm, without diluting it with cold water. To add taste, you can add a small amount of honey.

How many calories are in coffee with milk without sugar?

Our diet cannot be calorie-free - with food we receive the energy necessary to support life processes. What is 1 calorie? This value is understood as a unit of the amount of heat from the breakdown of food. According to international definition, 1 calorie is equal to approximately 4.180 J of thermal energy.

Tea is a drink obtained by brewing or infusing tea tree leaves that have been specially processed and prepared in advance. Tea is also called dried and ready-to-use tea tree leaves. Depending on the type of processing, they are divided into types:

  1. white - prepared from young unblown leaves or buds;
  2. yellow is one of the elite teas, it is obtained by simmering and drying tea leaves;
  3. red - leaves oxidize within 1-3 days;
  4. green - the product does not go through the oxidation stage, but only drying, or a very small percentage of oxidation;
  5. black - leaves oxidize for 2-4 weeks;
  6. Pu-erh is a mixture of buds and old leaves, preparation methods vary.

The calorie content of each type of tea is not particularly different, but it is still there. This is very important for people losing weight and athletes who count the calories in each product. Let's take a closer look at how many calories are in green tea, black, red and other types.

As can be seen from the table, all infusions are “safe” and will not cause much harm to your figure, but teas with tasty additives (with milk, lemon, sugar) have a much higher calorie content and require careful analysis.

100 grams of lemon contains approximately 34 kilocalories, which means adding a piece of lemon to a flavored drink will increase its calorie content by 3-4 kcal. Along with the calories, the benefits of the hot drink will also increase.

Not everyone can drink green tea without sugar - it has a characteristic bitterness and astringency, so it is flavored with lemon, sugar or honey.

There is no single exact number. Much depends on the volume and quality of the dairy product, and to a lesser extent on coffee. Coffee beans contain almost no calories, and the fats and sugars present are baked in when roasted. Soluble granules have a higher energy value, but they also cannot affect overall caloric intake as much as dairy products. Therefore, first we will consider the calorie content of milk of all types and types of fat content.

The question naturally arises: how much thermal energy is necessary and sufficient for a person to receive per day? The most accurate calculations, according to a number of nutritionists, are used by supporters of the Mifflin-Saint-Geor calculation theory; this formula takes into account physical activity (that is, not only calorie intake, but also their expenditure).

Our body needs sugar to function properly. It is a quickly digestible carbohydrate that improves blood circulation, activates the functioning of the brain, memory, and thinking. But you should not get carried away with this product; it is fraught with diabetes, obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system and many other diseases.

According to the standard, energy values ​​are written on packages per 100 ml, but most people add about a tablespoon per cup (for a medium cup) or about 2.5 tablespoons for a large mug. You can use this data as a guide, or calculate exactly how much milk you pour into your favorite drink.

Those who care about their physical body are advised to carefully monitor how much drink they consume during the day. And under no circumstances should you discount this drink if your need for tea is great.

Attention! Tea drinkers are prone to excessive consumption of teas, often forgetting that they consume a lot of calories during tea ceremonies - especially with sugar and various sweets.

As a rule, milk coffee drinks are prepared on the basis of espresso, single or double. Different chains have their own recipes and volumes of the drink, and therefore the calorie content. The table below presents popular drinks from well-known chain establishments.

Content of nutrients in tea

Each variety contains useful substances necessary for the body - vitamins, minerals, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Their presence makes the hot invigorating drink tasty and healthy. Any low-calorie diet must be supplemented with tea; its calorie content is significantly lower than other drinks, but the body receives the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

We recommend reading

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  • Choosing the most effective fat-burning tea
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The green variety contains more healthy proteins. This is the so-called albumin. Black contains more glutelin.

Proteins are a source of amino acids. There are about seventeen of them in tea. Glutamine is especially necessary; it is responsible for restoring energy.


No matter how much fat there is in tea, they are all beneficial for the human body. Required:

  • sugar oils;
  • phosphorus fat;
  • saccharides;
  • lipids.

Fat content: hibiscus - 0.1 g, black - 5.1, green - 4.2 g. The drinks do not pose any threat to weight loss and dietary nutrition, but will bring benefits.


The carbohydrates present in the drink are simple sugar and a complex polysaccharide.

The amount of carbohydrates contained indicates the variety: the lower their component, the higher the grade.

Hibiscus contains 12.4 g of carbohydrates, black - 6.9, green - 4.


Hibiscus is rich in iron, calcium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, anthocyanins.

Green contains more vitamins than black. Includes vitamins B, C, K, P. Green tea is rich in:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • fluorine

Due to the components, glucose levels are controlled, its composition is also beneficial for teeth. The alkaloids contained in the green drink have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and help remove excess fluid from the body. In the fight against extra pounds, the green variety is an ideal assistant.

Black contains:

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

The composition of useful substances is similar to green, but their presence in black is much less. Fresh black tea leaves contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits. But when processed, its value decreases four times. This does not prevent the drink from being healthy, you just need to choose the brewing method that will preserve the beneficial substances as much as possible.


Milkweed prepared according to the classic English recipe contains no more than 45 kcal (without added sugar) and requires the use of large-leaf black or green tea and milk of medium (2.5%) fat content.

Depending on your taste preferences, you can improve the drink recipe with additional ingredients that not only improve the taste, but also help activate fat burning processes.

Recipe 1

In the traditional recipe, 1.5 liters of milk is heated (not to a boil) and mixed (in a thermos) with 2 tbsp. loose leaf tea. The mixture is infused for 15-20 minutes, filtered and drunk.

Recipe 2

The British have a typical recipe in which 100 gr. any large-leaf tea is poured with cold milk. The liquid is placed on the stove and heated to 80⁰C (before boiling), then cooled and filtered. Depending on your preferences, you can choose one type of tea or use a mixture of green and black varieties, taken in a 1:1 ratio.

Recipe 3

The basis of the milk tea diet is a recipe in which:

  • 1/3 cup of milk is heated over fire;
  • In a saucepan, tea is brewed separately from 50 g. large leaves and 150 ml of boiling water;
  • the prepared ingredients are mixed.

This drink is perfect as a main dietary dish. To improve the taste, spicy lovers can add a whisper (on the tip of a knife) of red pepper or ground garlic to this drink.

Recipe 4

Drinking milk tea with ginger not only promotes weight loss, but also helps activate the immune system, which is most important during the autumn-winter cold season.

Preparing the drink requires mixing 1 tsp. leaf tea and grated ginger root and steam the ingredients with 150 ml of boiling water. Separately, milk (50-100 ml) heated to 80⁰C is added to the infusion. Before use, the mixture should be left for 20 minutes.

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Recipe 5

A combination of milk tea and cinnamon will give a good fat-burning effect. To prepare the drink 2 tsp. black tea and 1 cinnamon stick are poured with boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and mixed with 100 ml of boiled milk.

Recipe 6

According to the classic oriental recipe, bring 1/3 tbsp to a boil in a saucepan. water. As soon as bubbles appear, a coarsely ground mixture of cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, white and black pepper, cloves and cinnamon is added to the water. The boiled mixture is removed from the stove and mixed with 2/3 tbsp. boiling milk and 1 tsp. honey, infused and filtered.

Tea with milk is stored in the refrigerator, and before drinking it is heated to at least a compact temperature. It is undesirable to keep the drink in a thermos for a long time, since the milk can easily turn sour. If necessary, you can add 1 tsp to the drink. sugar, honey or substitute, but it is better to do without sweeteners.


Tea with milk can be either the main or an additional product of the diet (or used only on fasting days). The variety and severity of the diet varies depending on the number of days (3, 7, 10). If on fasting days you should drink only milk tea and water, during a diet (even short-term) you can add low-calorie foods (vegetables, cereals, protein foods) to your diet.

When drinking tea with milk, you must additionally consume at least 1.5 liters of water daily, which is a prevention of dehydration caused by the strong diuretic effect of the drink. Milk tea diets are not considered “hunger diets” because milk helps to significantly reduce appetite.

Benefits of the milk tea diet:

  • speed of preparation;
  • availability and low cost of the main ingredients;
  • lack of strong feelings of hunger;
  • the possibility of rapid weight loss (up to 5-7 kg per week);
  • cleansing the body of excess fluid and toxins;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems;
  • prevention of atypical neoplasms due to a large number of antioxidants;
  • reducing the severity of edema and cellulite.

Fasting day.

It consists of replacing the diet with 0.7-1.5 liters. milk tea and the same amount of water. You should drink tea with milk at least 1 glass per hour (the rest of the time you are allowed to drink water). To maintain your figure, such unloading can be done once every 3-4 weeks. For weight loss, milk tea days are recommended 1-2 times a week (but no more than 6 per month).

This unloading will help cleanse the body and reduce weight by 2-3 kg. During fasting days, you should, if possible, limit the body from active physical and mental training. Ideally, the drinking day should be spent on a day off, thereby preventing possible awkward situations associated with the strong diuretic effect of the drink.

Allows you to lose 5-7 kg.

Consists of two stages:

  • Day 1 – cleansing, consumption of only tea with milk and water is indicated (at least 1-1.5 liters of both);
  • On the 2-3rd day, low-calorie vegetables and fruits, raw, boiled or baked, are added to the menu.
Breakfastfruit salad or pureed baked fruits (apple, pear) with bio-yogurt
Snack250 ml milk tea
Dinnervegetable salad of fresh or baked root vegetables with lemon juice or 1 tsp. olive oil.
Afternoon snack250 ml milk tea
Dinner250 ml biokefir

You need to go off the diet for 2 days. During this period, you should gradually increase the caloric content of the diet, bringing it to normal numbers.

7 day diet

It is based on the constant consumption of milk tea along with low-calorie foods and complex carbohydrates.

During the 7-day period you are allowed to eat:

  • low-starch vegetables and fruits (preferably green);
  • cereals;
  • low-calorie fermented milk products;
  • lean types of meat, poultry, fish.

Excluded from the diet:

  • sweets, including sugar and its substitutes;
  • fast carbohydrates;
  • sausages;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • bakery;
  • pasta.

Milk tea is consumed 250 ml 30 minutes before any meal

BreakfastBuckwheat boiled in water with honey (or dried fruits)
SnackAny fruit
  • vegetable soup;
  • stew or salad of fresh, boiled, baked vegetables;
  • 80 gr. lean meat (poultry, fish).
Afternoon snackMilk tea
  • Grilled vegetables with lemon juice
  • kefir.

Within a week, the body is completely cleansed of accumulated toxins and excess fluid, losing from 5 to 7 kg, depending on the initial body weight.

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