How many calories are in banana chips

Product production

Crispy banana slices are typically produced in the Philippines and Vietnam. The preparation process is not particularly complicated, since only a few products are required: fresh bananas, sugar syrup, palm oil. Bananas are cut into thin slices and fried in oil. To make the chips crunchy, they are dipped in sugar syrup. But this product is not always sweet. Some manufacturers produce banana chips with salt, cinnamon and other aromatic spices.


Today, many fruits that find themselves on the shelves of shops and supermarkets thanks to the efforts of overseas suppliers have ceased to be exotic for the Russian consumer. Some of them, for example, sunny bananas originally from distant Colombia or Ecuador, have become so boring to customers that they no longer satisfy their tastes. So, sometimes you want something new and unusual. Recently this has become quite possible.

Nowadays, it is possible to buy the same bananas, but in a slightly different quality. We are talking about banana chips, which are the leaders in exotic sales in our country among overseas dried fruits.

The production of banana chips, in fact, is not particularly difficult - you need little to make them: banana fruits, palm oil, sugar syrup and honey. To do this, fresh bananas are cut into thin slices and then fried in oil. To give the ready-to-eat slices the crunch they need, banana chips are dipped in sugar syrup (sometimes mixed with honey) brought to a boil.

In addition to the sweet delicacy, some manufacturers also produce salty banana chips, which are seasoned with aromatic spices (for example, cinnamon). In this case, the surface of banana slices can be not only smooth, but also ribbed. The production of fruit chips from bananas is mainly carried out by the Philippines and Vietnam, which are the largest importers of this tasty and satisfying delicacy to Russia.

Benefits of banana chips

The benefits of banana chips for the human body are due to the composition of the fruit itself, which is rich in potassium and calcium, so crispy slices are valuable for the cardiovascular and skeletal system, as well as our teeth.

In addition, the benefits of banana chips can be considered from the aspect that they are a source of fiber, which facilitates intestinal function. This exotic delicacy also has such properties as cleansing the body of excess salts accumulated in the joints, improving brain activity and mood, and increasing overall vitality.

The harm of banana chips

However, the significant harm of banana chips lies in the main disadvantage of these delicious fruit slices. The fact is that the negative impact on the figure from consuming this product is due to too many carbohydrates. Thus, the calorie content of banana chips is about 519 kcal, which is per 100 grams of dried fruit.

In addition, due to the fact that the heat treatment of banana chips is carried out using palm oil, the finished product turns out to be a source of harmful fats that are indigestible by the body. The harm of banana chips may also lie in the fact that systematic consumption of this product can cause the development of diabetes due to the high carbohydrate content.

Calorie content

Speaking about the benefits and harms of banana chips for the human body, it is worth noting that this product is high in calories. If 100 grams of fresh banana contains 96 kcal, then the dried version contains over 500 kcal. For those who control weight, nutritionists advise limiting the consumption of this product. You are allowed to eat about thirty grams of the product per day. It is definitely not a dietary dish, but periodic consumption of this delicacy contributes to the speedy recovery of the body.

What are the benefits of banana chips?

Bananas are a nutritious food rich in potassium and fiber and are made into banana chips by frying or drying. But whether such dried fruits are good for human health if they contain a large amount of saturated fat and a much smaller amount of essential nutrients compared to a fresh banana, we will consider further. Benefit:

  1. Fiber – Banana chips contain a good amount of fiber, which makes them a very healthy food. Fiber promotes the proper functioning of the human digestive system, thereby reducing the likelihood of constipation. Including fiber-rich foods in your diet will also reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  2. High nutritional value - banana chips are very tasty and nutritious, they can easily satisfy your hunger. Half a cup or 34 grams of chips is equivalent to 1 cup of fresh fruit. But it is advisable to always control the amount you eat. A half cup of this product contains 176 calories, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of total fat and less than 1 gram of protein.
  3. Vitamins and Minerals - One-half cup of banana chips contains 4 percent of nutritionists' recommended daily servings of potassium, 6 to 8 percent magnesium, 3 percent phosphorus and 4 to 6 percent vitamin A. Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus act as electrolytes that help maintain fluid balance . Vitamin A promotes eye health and helps strengthen the immune system. The potassium contained in banana chips, when entering the body, contributes to normal heartbeat and proper muscle functioning. The mineral also plays an important role in the proper functioning of the digestive system and skeletal strength. An adult needs 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily.

Important! Despite the beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in banana chips, you need to remember that fresh bananas contain much more of these beneficial substances. It is much healthier for human health to eat fresh fruit than to eat chips saturated with unhealthy fats.


When processing fresh bananas, the fruit undergoes changes in composition, but only slightly. The sweet taste, pleasant aroma and beneficial components of the product are preserved, including:

  • iron - 19%;
  • potassium - 13%;
  • fiber - 9%.

In addition, the dried product contains vitamin A, phosphorus and magnesium. Let us remind you once again: despite the fact that the composition of banana chips is not much different from fresh fruit, its calorie content increases several times.

Vitamins and minerals

According to nutritionists, half a small cup of these dried fruits (about 34 grams) contains four percent of the daily serving of nutrients:

  1. Phosphorus, which is part of dried bananas, is involved in the functioning of the central nervous system.
  2. Calcium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and skeletal system.
  3. Vitamin A helps strengthen the immune system and improve vision.

An interesting fact is that bananas are the only fruit that can lift your mood. The fact is that the product’s high content of amino acids and vitamin B6 help the body produce serotonin.

Calorie content of banana chips

Chips are crispy pieces of vegetables and fruits that are deep-fried.

Bananas are one of the starting products for poultry. Making this colorful dish is not difficult. For this you need: bananas, honey, sugar syrup and palm oil.

Bananas need to be cut into thin circles and fried in oil. After this, dip the slices in boiled sugar syrup (the syrup can be mixed with honey), which will give them a crispy texture.

It should be added that sweet banana chips are just one of many options. Some manufacturers may flavor them with cinnamon. You can even find salted banana chips on sale. The surface of the slices can be smooth or ribbed.

Calorie content of banana chips is 519 kcal. The composition contains proteins - 2.3 g, carbohydrates - 50.7 g, fats - 33.6 g.

Today, this type of chips is actively produced in the Philippines and Vietnam, from where they are sent to our country.

Sweet banana chips are a great substitute for candy, as they have a sickly sweet taste. It should be added that it is not advisable to eat them in large quantities, because this can negatively affect the figure.

Along with their taste, banana chips also have beneficial properties. They contain a lot of calcium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, and the formation of teeth and bones. They are also enriched with magnesium, which is involved in regulating energy balance, and phosphorus contributes to the proper functioning of the urinary and central nervous systems. Selenium, sodium, copper, zinc and iron are contained in smaller quantities. Among the vitamins, choline (B4), folic acid (B9) and ascorbic acid (C) should be noted.

Banana chips supply our body with fiber, which improves intestinal function. They also cleanse the body of excess salts. They improve mood and activate brain function.

This exotic treat contains many carbohydrates that contribute to the development of diabetes. In the process of making banana chips, palm (sometimes coconut) oil is used, which is a source of cholesterol and unhealthy fats. They can cause various heart diseases and atherosclerosis. These facts must be taken into account when using this product. You shouldn't overuse banana chips.

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Cooking chips

Speaking about the dangers of banana chips, one cannot fail to note their high fat content. The technology for the production of dried products involves frying the pieces until crispy, which indicates a high content of saturated fats. Their consumption increases cholesterol levels, which can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


When consuming store-bought banana chips, it is worth remembering that any product made in production is treated with chemicals, and this, in turn, can cause an allergic reaction. In order not to harm your body, experts recommend excluding this product from your diet in the following cases:

  • for obesity;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • in people suffering from hypertension, varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases, chips seasoned with salt and various additives can cause swelling;
  • with breastfeeding, dried bananas can cause allergies in the baby and digestive problems.

How to eat bananas for weight loss

Nutritionists recommend that those who are afraid of gaining weight include more fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. There is a lot of controversy surrounding bananas. Having a lot of positive qualities, the fruit has a high glycemic index and is full of carbohydrates, which is dangerous for the category of people who control their weight.

Many nutrition experts believe that if the product is consumed correctly and in moderation, it will be beneficial and prevent fat deposition. From the above information you can find out how many calories are in one banana and what these indicators depend on. Considering the characteristics of each type, you should choose fruits with low calorie content.

Eating fruit in the morning will keep you feeling full for a long time and prevent the desire to endlessly snack. And low-calorie freshly squeezed juice will quench your thirst and provide microelements that promote the active metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will speed up the process of losing weight.

How to make banana chips at home?

The store offers a huge number of products, but they are often stuffed with harmful additives. Therefore, after learning about the benefits and harms of banana chips, many decide to make them at home. It is worth noting that this product is harmless to health only if it is not abused. In addition, the delicacy will become even tastier and healthier if you prepare it yourself. Making banana chips at home is not difficult. There are various ways to do this:

  • baking;
  • drying;
  • frying


Banana chips are very nutritious and will be a convenient snack on trips and on long walks. They are good to give to children at school as a snack during recess. They can replace other sweets for children, which will be extremely useful. They are also used as an ingredient in muesli. They can be a tasty addition to hot sweet porridge. Banana chips are added to some fruit salads and even baked goods.

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Banana chips in the oven

The most traditional way to prepare banana chips is oven drying. To make the taste of the dish more vibrant, it is better to take ripe but firm fruits. We suggest you consider the recipe for banana chips at home step by step with photos. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • bananas - 10 pcs;
  • salt to taste.


  1. For crispy slices, the fruit must be peeled and cut into 2 mm thick pieces. If you want the dish to be softer, then chop the bananas from 4 to 6 mm. Depending on the thickness of the slice, ten bananas can yield approximately three hundred slices.
  2. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and dip each piece of banana into the prepared mixture. This will give the dish a subtle aroma and additionally enrich it with vitamin C. Moreover, this way the bananas will not darken.
  3. Season with sea or regular salt to taste.
  4. Place the fruit slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  5. The baking sheet with the preparations is placed in an oven preheated to 60 degrees and baked for about five hours. It is not recommended to use a higher temperature as the chips may burn on the outside and become soft on the inside. The time directly depends on how crispy the cook wants the crust to be.
  6. To speed up the cooking process, after two hours from the start of cooking, it is recommended to turn the chips over to the other side.
  7. The finished slices are removed from the oven and cooled completely.

How are banana chips made?

Production is carried out by both small enterprises and food factories. The largest exporter of this type of product is the Philippines.

Special technological lines have been installed for the preparation of banana chips. Production Features:

  • Plantain fruits are peeled by hand and placed on a conveyor where slicing occurs.
  • Dip into a vat with solutions of several components: tartaric or citric acid with the addition of hydrochloric acid or potassium metabisulfite. Chemical treatment is short-term.
  • The slices go into a large sieve, where they are washed under running water and left to remove excess moisture.
  • The slices are poured in one layer on a baking sheet, fumigated with sulfur and dried in an autoclave or in the sun, stirring occasionally at 60-65°C.
  • Next, the pieces go into the deep fryer, where they are fried in palm oil or soaked in boiling sugar syrup. The most beautiful bright yellow sweet chips are obtained by frying in a mixture of palm oil and molasses. The process is the same as when deep-frying potatoes.
  • Then the plates are rolled in sea salt, a mixture of peppers or other spices.
  • After drying, the slices are packaged in food grade polyethylene or plastic packaging.
  • The crumbled pieces are sorted by hand and made into flour, which is used for making baked goods and desserts.

It is quite difficult to get plantain fruits, so at home ordinary bananas are used as the starting material. Select slightly unripe dense clusters with greenish-yellowish skin. Green fruits are bitter, and those with dark spots on the rind fall apart.

Peel the bananas and cut them diagonally into slices 2-4 mm thick. In production conditions, the thickness of the “petals” is no more than 2 mm, but at home it is very difficult to separate such a thin plate. The cutting can also be longitudinal, along the entire fruit.

The most important process is heat treatment. You can use an electric dryer, oven, deep fryer, or microwave for it. On hot days, the slices are laid out in one layer and left in the sun, covered with gauze to prevent insects from landing. Sprinkle with lemon juice first - it prevents darkening.

How to make banana chips at home:

  1. When drying in an electric dryer,
    pre-treatment with lemon juice is also necessary. Then the slices are laid out in molds, and the unit is heated to 70°C. Install the pallets and set the maximum time - 10-12 hours. If the slices are not dry, the dryer is first allowed to cool and only then turned on again. When laying out, pay attention: there should be gaps between the plates. Without air access they will warp.
  2. When cooking chips in the oven,
    place banana slices on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Preheat the oven to 90°C and place the molds in it. At home, banana chips can be dried for a long time at this temperature with the door slightly open. But if you need to speed up the process, then hold it for a quarter of an hour at 90°C, the same time at 150°C, the same amount at 120°C, then lower the temperature again to 80-90°C and leave until completely dry.
  3. The process of cooking ripe fruits in the microwave
    is quick, and you can do without lemon juice. The device disk is covered with parchment, thin slices are laid out, the power is set to 600 W and the time is 6-8 minutes. When purchasing green bananas, first boil them with the peel on. After boiling for 5 minutes, take it out, let it cool, remove the peel and cut it lengthwise into long slices. Lay out on parchment, as already described, in one layer, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers or turmeric. Keep in the oven for 4 minutes at a power of 880 W, turn over. Leave for another 4 minutes.
  4. To make banana chips like potato chips in oil, it is more convenient to use a deep fryer
    , but you can get by with a regular saucepan. First, dip the pieces into cold water, otherwise they will stick together, let the water drain and place in boiling oil for a few minutes. Place the browned slices on a paper towel to drain off excess oil. Next, you can roll the chips in a mixture of spices or peppers and set them to dry, spreading them on a plate in one layer.
  5. Sweet banana chips can be prepared as a Tatar dessert, chak-chak
    . Boil the syrup by mixing 1 part sugar and 1.2 parts honey by volume, drop in the pieces fried in oil, take them out and lay them out on parchment to dry. Place the banana pieces on a slotted spoon, spreading them out in one layer, so they don’t stick together.

“Store-bought dessert” looks better, has a rich banana aroma, and comes in a variety of flavors. But homemade is made without chemical treatment and fried without the use of palm oil.

In the microwave

Now we offer you to consider a recipe for banana chips at home with a photo, prepared in a microwave oven.

For this you will need:

  • bananas - 3-4 pcs;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • spices as desired (turmeric, cinnamon, red or black pepper, nutmeg, etc.);
  • water.

Cooking process:

  1. Place unpeeled bananas in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, and then cook over moderate heat for about ten minutes.
  2. The boiled fruit is removed from the pan and cooled.
  3. After the fruit has cooled, the peel is removed and cut into thin rings or slices 0.5 mm thick. To avoid uneven cooking in the microwave, you need to prepare pieces of equal thickness.
  4. The workpiece is laid out on a flat dish suitable for the microwave, in one layer at a short distance from each other. The pieces are salted to taste and sprinkled with various seasonings as desired.
  5. The plate with the contents is placed in the microwave and cooked at maximum temperature for eight minutes. During cooking, do not leave the microwave, as you need to turn the slices every two minutes.
  6. The finished dried bananas are removed from the microwave and cooled.

Banana chips with cocoa

This recipe is easy to follow, does not require the addition of harmful ingredients, and will be a healthy and tasty treat.

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • bananas;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cocoa powder;
  • powdered sugar.


  • Peel the bananas and slice thinly.
  • Place the slices on a microwave-safe dish.
  • Lightly grease with oil.
  • Bake for about 7 minutes at 750 W.
  • Turn the chips over and bake for another 7 minutes.
  • Remove from the microwave and sprinkle with powdered sugar and cocoa powder.
  • Once the banana chips have cooled, they are ready to eat.

In order for the dessert to bring maximum benefit to the human body, it is recommended to use olive oil instead of sunflower oil when preparing it. The special feature of the dish is its crispy crust and pleasant taste, which can be changed depending on personal preferences by adding a variety of herbs and spices.

Banana chips - benefits and harms

The diversity of the modern food market is surprising. The counters are filled with exotic fruits and vegetables. Today the consumer is spoiled by new types of food, but this was not always the case. Just 80 years ago, banana was considered one of the exotic fruits. The first large batch was delivered in 1939, which immediately appeared in the country's supermarkets. Nowadays, the popularity of this fruit has dropped significantly due to its availability.

However, enterprising manufacturers began to offer the buyer this product in a new form. This is how dried and sun-dried bananas appeared, which regained the recognition of the population. Next, you can learn more about banana chips and understand the beneficial and harmful properties of this delicacy.

In the dryer

The cooking process in an electric dryer is similar to the options presented above. For this you will need:

  • bananas - 2-3 kg;
  • lemons - 1-2 pcs;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  1. The fruits are peeled and cut. To prevent the workpieces from turning black, they are immediately placed in a container with cold water, where they should be stored until the next stage of preparation.
  2. The cut pieces are placed on electric dryer racks in one layer. It is important that the slices do not touch each other.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and sprinkle it over the fruit slices.
  4. After this, the pieces can be sprinkled with salt, spices or Provençal herbs.
  5. The electric dryer's timer must be set to run for 24 hours at 57 degrees.
  6. When the fruit chips become completely dry and acquire a pleasant caramel color, they should be removed from the appliance.
  7. Dried fruits should be removed along with the grates on which they lie.

Deep fried

We invite you to consider a sweet recipe for banana chips at home.

Required ingredients:

  • bananas - 4 pcs;
  • soybean or sunflower oil;
  • cinnamon;
  • powdered sugar.


  1. Peel the bananas and cut into thin slices.
  2. To prevent bananas from sticking together, they are washed with ice water.
  3. Pour oil into a heated frying pan at a level of 20 millimeters from the bottom (it is important that it completely covers the pieces when frying).
  4. Fry our preparations until golden brown.
  5. Place the finished chips on paper napkins to remove excess fat.
  6. After the product has cooled, sprinkle it with cinnamon and powdered sugar to taste.
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