How many calories are in boiled red beans?

Calorie content of red boiled beans per 100 grams

Calorie content of red boiled beans per 100 grams is 123.2 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 7.81 g protein;
  • 0.52 g fat;
  • 21.2 g carbohydrates.

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Boiled beans are enriched with flavonoids, inulin, and arginine. It is recommended to eat such legumes to prevent atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disorders, and to quickly restore strength after heavy physical exertion.

Dietary properties:

What calorie content does beans have, what dietary properties does it have? All this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

About 20 types of beans are cultivated around the world, the most common being the common bean. Ripe seeds (beans) and green pods (green beans) are eaten.

Beans are a high-protein crop. Its proteins are similar in chemical composition and biological value to proteins of animal origin.

It is rich in essential amino acids, very important for the human body, its proteins are equal to the proteins of dietary chicken eggs. Their digestibility is 75%. Due to its rich content of essential amino acids, it is certainly included in vegetarian diets and diets for many intestinal diseases.

Its carbohydrates are sugar compounds (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, stachyose, starch and fiber). It contains a lot of organic acids (malic, citric, malonic), carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid. It is considered a valuable source of vitamin E, which regulates the metabolism of fats, proteins and nucleic acids.

Raw beans and green pods contain harmful substances, so beans can only be consumed in boiled form. Beans, as a food product, have a remarkable property: during heat treatment, almost all beneficial nutrients are preserved in it, and harmful ones are destroyed. Beans come in a wide variety of colors and colors, nutritional properties and energy value do not depend on this.

In addition, it contains many useful minerals. Among them are potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, etc. In terms of copper and zinc content, it is ahead of most vegetables. As is known, zinc is involved in the synthesis of certain enzymes, insulin and hormones. This is why beans occupy a significant place in dietary treatment.

Calorie content of boiled red beans in tomato sauce per 100 grams

Calorie content per 100 grams of boiled red beans in tomato sauce is 69.6 kcal. A 100-gram serving of this dish contains:

  • 4.11 g protein;
  • 0.31 g fat;
  • 12.5 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for beans in tomato sauce:

  • Remove the skin from 5 tomatoes soaked in boiling water;
  • 2 tomatoes are grated and placed in a saucepan;
  • 3 tomatoes are cut into small pieces and added to the grated tomatoes;
  • pour 1 finely chopped carrot into the resulting mixture;
  • salt and pepper the vegetable mixture to taste, cook over high heat until the tomatoes thicken;
  • after this, the heat is set to low, and cooking continues for another 8 - 10 minutes;
  • add 500 g of boiled beans to the resulting tomato sauce;
  • the dish is cooked for 10 - 15 minutes.

Boiled beans

Boiled beans are not as common in European countries as in Central and Latin America, where many national dishes are prepared based on beans. Of the variety of legumes, beans are second only to peas, which have long been present in both daily food and holiday meals. Boiled beans, depending on the type and variety, retain their shape or are boiled soft, have a soft, dense, elastic or oily pulp consistency. Boiled beans should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Calorie content of boiled beans

The calorie content of boiled beans is 123 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of boiled beans

Boiled beans are a healthy and practically dietary product, as they have low calorie content and a high content of dietary fiber, the digestion of which takes a lot of energy, that is, the resulting calories are wasted. The vitamin-mineral complex of the product contains: choline, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6,) C, E, PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus and sodium. Boiled beans have a diuretic effect, relieving swelling and helping to stabilize blood pressure (calorizator). The product helps eliminate excess “bad” cholesterol and toxins, and increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. The vegetable protein contained in boiled beans is of high quality, but is not completely broken down, causing excess flatulence.

Harm of boiled beans

Boiled beans are not recommended in large quantities for those diagnosed with gout, pancreatitis, colitis and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. White beans are less likely than other types to cause flatulence; this should be taken into account when creating a menu.

How to cook beans

Beans are one of the legumes whose seeds should not be eaten raw. Traditionally, dry beans are soaked before cooking to speed up the cooking process. The soaking time ranges from an hour to 8-10 hours. To reduce the symptoms of flatulence, you can soak the beans in an alkaline solution (for example, baking soda) and cook a little longer. After soaking, drain the water, pour cold water over the beans (as a rule, their skin wrinkles, this will disappear during cooking), bring to a boil and cook over medium heat until tender.

Calorie content of canned red beans per 100 grams

The calorie content of canned red beans per 100 grams is 99.2 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 6.73 g protein;
  • 0.31 g fat;
  • 17.3 g carbohydrates.

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Canned red beans retain a lot of vitamins B, C, and PP. Due to their low calorie content, such products are often included in the diet when losing weight and during diets.

Calorie content of beans: green, boiled, red, canned?

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May 22, 2020 | views: 4,878

Beans are a unique product that contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the calorie content of beans is low and, with the right approach, can be safely used in the diet. It quickly copes with hunger, cleanses the intestines and speeds up metabolism. In addition, you can prepare a huge number of delicious dishes from this healthy product. How many calories are in beans? The energy value of beans depends on their type, as well as the method of preparation.

Calorie content of green beans

Green beans are a popular product that is often used in dietary nutrition. Young pods have a delicate taste and are rich in carotene, iron, zinc, magnesium and many other microelements beneficial to the human body. The calorie content of green beans is low and 100 grams contain from 15 to 26 units. The difference is explained by the degree of maturity of the pod; the younger it is, the lower the calorie content of the beans. Conversely, in more mature pods with formed beans it is slightly higher, but they are rarely used as food due to their hard shells and toughness.

The calorie content of frozen green beans is also low and averages 28 kcal per 100 grams of product. But the calorie content of boiled beans is already higher and can range from 45 to 120 kcal. But, despite this, it differs in that it relieves hunger for a long time. It is used in salads, omelettes, side dishes and stews. Therefore, the question of how many calories are in green beans should not worry people watching their figure.

Calorie content of red beans

Not everyone knows that beans contain toxic components and should be consumed only after heat treatment. For red beans, heat treatment is required, to speed up which it is advisable to pre-soak them for several hours. The calorie content of red beans is several times higher than green beans and amounts to 292 kcal. But it's in dry beans. The calorie content of boiled red beans is only 95 kcal. And if you consider that its nutritional value is equal to meat, then this is not so much.

How many calories are in boiled beans also depends on the type of heat treatment. For example, the calorie content of red beans boiled in tomato is about 110 kcal. And stewed meat can reach up to 140 kcal. Even when boiled in regular salted water, the values ​​may vary slightly due to the cooking time and the degree of ripeness of the beans. But most often the calorie content of beans boiled in ordinary water does not exceed 100 kcal.

Calories in white beans

White beans are much more tender and softer. It is better suited for salads than red. And white beans are considered the leader among other types in terms of iron content. But in order for the iron to be absorbed well, the dish must be supplemented with foods containing vitamin C.

The calorie content of white beans is 298 kcal. Boiled: 102 kcal. When stewed or boiled in tomatoes, it can reach 150 kcal. To make white beans tasty and tender, you need to know a few subtleties of their preparation. Before cooking, it must be soaked in several waters for 8 hours. After it boils, you need to drain the water and fill it with clean water, adding 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. This will not increase the calorie content of white beans much, but will significantly improve the taste. You need to salt the beans at the very end, 10 minutes before they are ready.

Calories in canned beans

There is still a lot of debate about conservation. Some people consider this type of cooking not very healthy, while others do not see anything bad in it. And more and more housewives prefer to use canned beans, as it is much faster and more convenient. The calorie content of canned beans largely depends on the sauce. It can be in the form of tomato juice or water with the addition of salt, vinegar, sugar and other spices.

The calorie content of beans canned in tomato is on average about 115 kcal, and those cooked in their own juice are 105. In order not to be disappointed in the product, it is advisable to give preference to glass jars through which you can see the beans. If they are damaged, then some of the beneficial substances have passed into the marinade. It is also worth paying attention to the content of preservatives. The only acid allowed for this product is acetic acid.

Dietary bean dishes

Since the calorie content of beans is low, they can be safely included in the diet. But what can you cook? There are actually a lot of recipes. Here are some examples.

Green bean salad Zulfiya

To prepare an unusually tender and nutritious salad, you need to boil green beans and chicken breast. While they are cooling, cut the onion into half rings and marinate in water acidified with vinegar. Next, cut the bell pepper and chicken breast into strips. Squeeze the onion and mix all the ingredients together, add a chopped clove of garlic and season with vegetable oil. Add spices to taste.

White beans in Russian

A very simple and satisfying dish that will not harm your figure. To prepare it, you need to soak the beans in advance, you can do this overnight. When it swells, boil it. While the beans are cooking, you need to peel the onions, carrots and chop them. Shred the cabbage. Place onions and carrots in a cauldron, saute with a spoonful of oil, then add cabbage, beans and simmer in their own juice for 15 minutes. After this, add a little tomato paste, add salt and simmer for another 10 minutes. At the end add greens.

Red bean soup for a thin waist

Boil the pre-soaked beans for an hour, drain the water. Chop onion, carrots, celery root, potatoes and garlic. Pour a little oil into a cauldron and fry the onions and carrots, then add celery, potatoes and beans. Pour the broth over everything and boil until the potatoes are ready. At the end add garlic and herbs.

Beans are a healthy product, but not everyone can eat them. People with diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis should refuse. You also need to be careful for older people and those who have a tendency to increase gas formation.

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Calorie content of red bean lobio per 100 grams

Calorie content of red bean lobio per 100 grams is 89 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 3.48 g protein;
  • 6 g fat;
  • 5.7 g carbohydrates.

Steps for preparing red bean lobio:

  • 0.5 kg of red beans are soaked overnight in water;
  • drain the old water, pour in new water, cook the beans for 90 minutes;
  • 100 g walnuts and 1 pc. chopped onions;
  • sauté the onion in a frying pan for several minutes;
  • chopped nuts and boiled beans are added to the stewed onions;
  • add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, turmeric and salt to taste into the resulting mixture;
  • the dish is stewed for 20 minutes;
  • a few minutes before the end of stewing, the lobio is seasoned with chopped garlic (4 cloves) and ground pepper (to taste).

Green beans

And now we will touch upon the topic of a real record holder, a product that is the main product in terms of its beneficial properties. This giant of the food and nutrition industry is, of course, green beans. Boiled calorie content is low - only 24 kcal. By eating it, it is very easy to remain with a full stomach and at the same time lose weight, because when you include dishes with such a low amount of calories in your diet, the deficit necessary for weight loss will be created.

What are green beans? It is harvested when the beans are still at the stage of milk maturity, at the very initial stage of pod formation. The beans remain tender and soft and can be eaten right in their green shell. In addition, it contains useful vitamin K, which is often deficient in the body. But it is responsible for healthy blood clotting and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Benefits of red beans

The benefits of red beans are quite great and are as follows:

  • the product is useful for strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system;
  • the beneficial properties of beans for improving skin health have been proven;
  • Doctors recommend eating red beans to prevent cancer and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • legume dishes have low calorie content, so they are recommended for weight loss and during a diet;
  • due to the product’s saturation with slow carbohydrates, red beans relieve hunger for a long time and charge the body with energy;

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  • zinc, copper and potassium contained in legumes are useful for activating the functions of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems;
  • the benefits of beans for improving male potency have been confirmed;
  • the product stimulates rapid hair growth and is indicated for rheumatic diseases and bronchitis;
  • Boiled red beans are indispensable for the prevention of anemia and help relieve swelling.

Composition and properties

red beans 3

It is necessary to know not only the calorie content of 100 grams of beans, but also its content and beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the human body.

The plant contains vitamins C, B1-2, B6, PP. It contains the most vitamin B6, which is responsible for the good condition of the skin, the functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

What is important is that boiled red beans have a very high fiber content. Just 100 grams of the product covers the daily requirement of the human body for this component. Fiber normalizes blood sugar levels, removes toxins from it, and prevents the formation of tumors. Fiber also helps create a feeling of fullness. The energy that enters the body when consumed is gradually consumed by the body. Therefore, it is difficult to gain weight from the calories entering the body from boiled beans.

Beans also contain a lot of starch, proteins and various carbohydrates. There are many macro- and microelements, including zinc, potassium, copper, sulfur, and iron. Such a rich composition strengthens the body’s resistance to various infections and helps with skin and intestinal diseases.


Probably the most commonly consumed product in any diet is canned beans. They make soups from it, eat it as a side dish, and take it to their dachas and on hikes. Although it seems that a canned product cannot in any way be dietary, this is more likely to be misleading than true. Canned beans contain only 68 kcal, but a whopping 4.7 grams of protein.

So it is recommended to be added to dietary dishes. And its main advantage is that in the form of canned food it does not require heat treatment, therefore it retains a huge amount of all those useful substances that are contained in still raw beans.

You can eat canned beans without worrying about the extra pounds on your sides. But before consuming the product, you first need to make sure of its quality: there should be no rotten smell, the brine should be cloudy, and the beans themselves should not be broken; their size according to GOST should be from 6 mm to 1 cm in length.

Cooking methods

Raw beans contain toxic substances that can poison an unprepared body. Therefore, it is strictly recommended to soak the beans before cooking and then cook them for at least 10 minutes. Beans are fried, stewed, boiled. But to keep the calorie content low, it is best to stew the beans, bake them, or cook them as a side dish. It can also be cooked with an egg: baked beans with egg contain only about 100 kcal, fried - about 120 kcal. The calorie content of beans boiled in water is only 100 kcal.

Typically, heat treatment destroys most of the vitamins, but in the case of legumes, about 70-80 percent of the beneficial substances remain. If you want to get all the vitamins and minerals, you can eat canned beans. It comes regular and with tomato sauce. The latter contains 92 kcal, which is quite a bit for a tasty dinner.

Beans, by the way, are easy to cook in a slow cooker. It goes well with rice and can be a substitute for meat in dishes such as pilaf, porridge, and soups. Canned beans can also be cooked: they are fried and added to soups, stewed with meat and other side dishes.

How to lose weight on beans?

And further:

When beans enter the human body, they inhibit the absorption of excess carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and a person feels full for a long time. At the same time, the body produces a hormone with which you can lose a couple of kilograms of excess weight without stressing the body.

Unfortunately, not everyone can eat dishes made from it. Elderly people should avoid them as beans cause bloating. Since it contains purines, it should not be eaten if you have gout or nephritis. Doctors do not recommend including it in the diet for gastritis, peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and colitis.

There are more than 150 different types of beans. The plant is especially popular in Latin America, Brazil, Mexico, Georgia, and many other countries. The legume family gained its importance due to the presence of numerous nutrients and vitamins. The low calorie content of beans has become one of its key advantages.

Recipes for some dishes with beans and their calorie content

In terms of the composition of nutrients and carbohydrates, dishes made from legumes can compete even with meat ones. But the benefits of plant foods will be much greater, since they are easier and faster absorbed by the body. Legumes are present in the diet of many therapeutic diets, and are also popular among those who want to lose extra pounds. At the same time, protein will improve the absorption of the product and fill you with strength.

Bean salad

Calorie content is 132 kcal per 100g.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • red beans – 200 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • fresh parsley – 20 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar – 10 ml;
  • coriander – 1.

Soak the beans for 2 hours in cold water. After this, replace the water and cook for 30 minutes. Peel the onion, chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press. Mix all ingredients, sprinkle with vinegar and add 2-3 tablespoons of broth.

Beans in tomato sauce

Nutritional value is 118 kcal per 100 g.

  • 250 g red beans;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 500 ml tomato juice;
  • parsley;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic arrows and cloves, 2 pcs.

Pre-soak the beans in cold water for 2 hours. Then boil. Chop the vegetables and simmer in olive oil for about 20 minutes. Salt the beans and add to the vegetables along with tomato juice. Simmer for another 15 minutes.

Boiled green beans

The calorie content of such a fragrant and healthy dish is only 32 kcal per 100 g.

  • a pinch of rosemary;
  • a pinch of dried basil;
  • 20 ml lemon juice;
  • 20 ml olive oil.

Boil the pods in a double boiler for 10 minutes. At this time, mix the spices in a mortar, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Season the finished dish with the prepared sauce.

Stewed beans

This carbohydrate-rich dish will give you strength for the whole day. The calorie content of the dish is 69 kcal per 100 g of dish.

For preparation you need:

  • boiled red beans – 200 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs;
  • large onion – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil, preferably olive – 15 ml;
  • any greens;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt.

Chop carrots and onions and fry in vegetable oil. After soaking the boiled beans in water for at least 1 hour, add them to the pan and stir. Add remaining ingredients. Simmer with the lid closed for 15 minutes. Decorate with greens.

The optimal companions for legumes are carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets and onions. The exception is vegetables with a high starch content, such as potatoes. This combination is very difficult to digest and cannot be considered low-calorie.

A variety of tasty and nutritious recipes using all types of beans will make your diet varied and healthy. With its addition, you can prepare various soups, stews, lobio, or use it as an independent dish.

Principles of any diet

When adhering to any of the diets, you must remember that the diet should be varied. None of the products contain absolutely all the substances the body needs, which means mono-diets can be very dangerous and lead to hypovitaminosis.

Although beans are a very healthy plant, their diet must be followed by adding additional food items. A varied and healthy diet is the key to a healthy body and glowing skin, energy and a satisfied mental state.

There are more than 150 different types of beans. The plant is especially popular in Latin America, Brazil, Mexico, Georgia, and many other countries. The legume family gained its importance due to the presence of numerous nutrients and vitamins. The low calorie content of beans has become one of its key advantages.

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