How many calories are in boiled corn (on the cob)?

Properties of canned corn

Nutritional value and composition | Vitamins | Minerals

How much does canned corn cost (average price for 1 can)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

45 rub.

Maize or yellow sweet corn began to be grown in Antiquity. Already in those days, people appreciated the limitless culinary possibilities of corn. Corn is simply a universal product. You can cook any dish with it and even bake bread. Corn can be boiled or baked, and corn kernels can be added to salads, soups, or stews. Puddings and cereals are made from corn. Corn is ground into flour and made into corn cakes. And the favorite children's treat, cereal, is also made from corn.

Nutritionists often recommend increasing sprouted corn grains in their diet to people who are struggling with excess weight. The fact is that sprouted corn grains are used to make dietary salads that help normalize metabolic processes in the body. To store corn, it is frozen, dried or canned.

Today we want to talk about canned yellow candy corn. Is canned corn harmful to our body or beneficial? What beneficial substances are contained in the famous cereal “queen of the fields”.

Calorie content of boiled corn per 100 grams

Calorie content of boiled corn per 100 grams is 123 kcal. In 100 g of boiled cereal:

  • 4.1 g protein;
  • 2.29 g fat;
  • 22.6 g carbohydrates.

Read: Calorie content of a large Snickers

When cooked, corn retains a significant portion of its vitamins and minerals. This product contains a lot of vitamins B1, B6, B9, K, PP, minerals magnesium, potassium, nickel, copper and phosphorus.

The benefits of canned corn

Corn grains contain a small amount of fat (no more than 5%). This indicates the low calorie content of canned corn. Corn can and should be consumed by people who are trying to normalize their weight. The benefit of canned corn is that, through the preservation process, all important microelements and nutrients are preserved in the product.

Therefore, by consuming canned corn you get vitamins B, C, PP, fluorine, potassium and iodine necessary for the health of the body. It seems to you that you only ate a spoonful of canned corn, but in fact you just filled your body with useful substances and compounds.

Not only the low calorie content of canned corn helps a person lose weight. Regular consumption of corn helps improve metabolic processes in the body. The body begins to work properly. Scientists have conducted research and found that in the body of a person who constantly consumes canned corn, the content of such beneficial substances as magnesium and folate or folic acid increases. These essential elements in the human body protect our immune and cardiac systems.

How many calories are in boiled corn?

Boiled corn contains 127 kcal per 100 grams of product. True, young corn has a slightly lower calorie content - 123 kcal per 100 grams. But the calorie content of the cob is higher - on average 1 piece. contains 254 kcal.

How many calories are in boiled corn?
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The calorie content of everyone's favorite canned corn, Bonduelle, is 118 kcal per 100 grams of product. At the same time, the calorie content of boiled corn with salt is the same as without salt.

You can learn more about corn and its unique beneficial properties for our body from the video:

Cooking recommendations

To prepare juicy and tasty corn, buy young ears. The ripening time for cereal crops is mid-July - late August. Pay attention to the grains: they should be milky white or light yellow in color (the older the corn, the brighter and more saturated the color of the grains), elastic, of the same size, tightly adjacent to each other, without signs of spoilage.

The most gentle option for cooking corn compared to boiling is steaming. With this method of culinary processing, the chemical composition remains practically unchanged, and the usefulness of the cereal for the body does not decrease.

To steam corn using a slow cooker, you need to clean the cobs from leaves and panicles and rinse well under water. Next, pour 2 glasses of water into the main bowl, place a container for steaming on top, lay out the cobs, close the lid, and turn on the “steam” program.

Cooking time depends on the degree of maturity of the cereal: 10-15 minutes for young grains, 25-30 minutes for more mature ones.

There are general recommendations and life hacks on how to cook tasty and healthy corn:

  1. Before cooking, soak de-leafed corn in cold water for an hour to soften the kernels.
  2. You can boil corn with leaves, after removing the panicles on the tops, which will make the product more aromatic and juicy.
  3. Cook corn without adding salt to the water, as salt makes the grains harder. Salt ready-made hot corn if desired. When following a dietary regimen, it is better to limit salt, as it retains fluid, disrupts the water-salt balance, which slows down the process of losing weight.
  4. The optimal cooking time for young grains is no more than 20 minutes, for overripe ones - 2-2.5 hours. Check readiness with a skewer or taste it.
  5. To ensure the corn cooks evenly, choose cobs that are the same size. If the cobs are large, cut them in half before cooking.
  6. Overripe grains will be soft and juicy if you first soak them in cold water with milk in a 1:1 ratio for 4-5 hours. Then cook in the usual way.
  7. For cooking over a fire, use a cast iron pan with thick walls and a bottom. Cook with the lid closed.
  8. You can cook corn in a microwave, double boiler, or bake in the oven.
  9. Place the cobs in boiling water.
  10. During the cooking process, add a pinch of sugar and 10-20 g of butter to the water. The grains will be more juicy and tender.
  11. It is better to eat corn hot, as it becomes hard as it cools.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Face mask made of gelatin and activated carbon

Is it possible to eat corn on a diet?

In order not to gain weight, you can eat no more than 1 boiled or steamed cob at a time with minimal addition of salt and butter. You will have to avoid roasted corn when losing weight. When purchasing canned food, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and the number of calories:

TrademarkCalorie content, kcal
4 seasons238
6 acres58
Globus sugar
Favorite bear50

To avoid unwanted components, you can can the grains yourself at home. Sweet sugar varieties are suitable for cooking.

Dietary properties:

How many calories are in corn, what dietary properties it has, all this is of interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

So here it is:


If you regularly use it in your diet, it will not only improve the functioning of the digestive tract, but will also help reduce cholesterol levels.

Corn oil is ideal for those who are on a diet, as it contains no cholesterol and reduces appetite.

The fibrous substances contained in corn will help you fight digestive problems, lower blood cholesterol levels, and lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

In addition, vitamins B1, B2, K contained in corn, as well as macro and microelements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper and nickel, allow the use of food products made from corn, both as separate dishes and in combination with other products nutrition as part of diets for people with various diseases. These are such as diabetes mellitus, various types of allergies, various blood diseases.

Calorie content of small corn

A small corn has 114 kcal.

The energy characteristics of the plant crop are as follows:

  • protein compounds - 3.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 21.8 g;
  • fats - 1.6 g.

Mini corn is distinguished by its tender pulp and small grains. The list of common hybrid miniature varieties includes:

  1. Strawberry. Distinguished by the red tint of the grains.
  2. Mini Striped. Reaches a length of 1.5-2 m. Up to 5-6 ears ripen on a bush; The grains are distinguished by their white and red color scheme.
  3. A pineapple. has standard yellow grains and a rich aroma.
  4. Minor. Grows up to 1.5 m; up to 8 ears ripen on a bush. White grains subsequently acquire a bluish tint when ripe.

When the culture is included in the diet, harmful components are removed. The antioxidant characteristics of mini-corn help to launch the processes of rejuvenation of body cells and slow down the aging process. Plant culture is included in the diet of children, because helps to compensate for the lack of microelements and other useful components.

Nutritionists recommend including mini-cobs in the diet for diseases of the stomach and nervous system. Small cobs contain a high concentration of protein compounds that are easily absorbed by the body. The vegetable crop is optimal for the diet of athletes or vegetarian cuisine.

A high concentration of vitamin B4 and other beneficial components provides the following positive effects on the body:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving performance and resistance to stressful situations;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of heart function;
  • prevention and treatment of respiratory tract diseases;
  • protection of cell membranes;
  • the diuretic properties of the product help eliminate excess fluid from cells;
  • reducing the negative impact of heavy food;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • improvement of bone condition;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • improvement of hair, bone tissue, nail plates, teeth;
  • prevention of wrinkle development;
  • regulation of hemoglobin levels in the circulatory system;
  • increasing the elasticity of the dermis, etc.

However, exceeding the daily norm of plant culture is not recommended. This product is not recommended for people with allergies and individual intolerances. Due to the increased concentration of vitamin K, mini-corn is not included in the diet of those at risk of blood clots.

Mini-varietal fruits have a soft structure and can be eaten raw, pickled, canned, boiled, fried, or baked in the oven. The cobs are used for preparing salads and main courses; combined with vegetables, olive oil; seasoned with pepper and other spices.

Is it possible to eat canned corn while on a diet? (11 answers)

To lose weight, it is best to prepare an infusion. Diets for weight loss are created on the basis of boiled or canned corn, dishes made from corn flour and stigmas that entwine the columns of grains on the cob.

With the help of a short diet, women lose an average of kg in 96 hours. You cannot freeze cereal for the winter and use it for weight loss using the proposed method; only fresh cobs will do. Principles by which you need to create a menu:. Corn grains saturate the body well and satisfy hunger, so changing the diet usually does not cause discomfort. Side effects include minor bloating, loose stools, and increased gas production.

For quick weight loss, homemade canned food is best suited. Purchased corn should be taken with a minimum calorie content without additional additives. Immediately after finishing the diet, you should not suddenly load your stomach with junk food. In the following days, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken, buckwheat, wheat porridge, rice, stewed beans, and boiled eggs. The dish has a minimum of calories and enough vitamins and fiber. The recipe is suitable for women who are suitable for the Kremlin diet.

If you need to fill a protein deficiency, you can add crab sticks. Another version of the dietary salad is presented in the video. The results will not be long in coming - you can lose kg in 3 days. Repeated passage is allowed after a month.

For successful weight loss, young fresh cobs that ripen in July-August are best suited. They contain the maximum amount of enzymes that can break down fats, and when boiled, the energy value of the product is minimal. When the season for consuming fresh corn passes, you can add corn porridge to your diet, which can cleanse the intestines just as well as fresh grains. Boiled corn is good because even after heat treatment, its grains retain all their beneficial properties.

Dietary food table number 5, aimed at reducing the load on the liver, pancreas and gall bladder, completely excludes corn from the menu. It is suitable for both strict and gentle diets.

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