Pear conference calorie content. Benefit

How many calories are in a pear

Pear is a popular fruit in our latitudes, associated with an apple. And they are really similar. The main difference is the shape: the pear resembles a light bulb in shape, although round fruits are also found. This fruit is sweet, juicy, aromatic and soft. Let's find out how many calories are in a pear, and what benefits the consumption of these delicious fruits brings to the body.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of the fruit

Pear is a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. It contains fiber, glucose, sucrose, fructose, and carotene. The fruits are rich in iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium and other macro- and microelements. High content of vitamins B, A, C, PP and P, folic acid, pectin, tannins.

The value of pears lies in nutritional fiber (2.3 grams per 100 grams of product) and folic acid. In terms of the content of the latter, the fruits of the pear tree are superior even to black currants. Now about BJU: 100 grams of fruit contain 0.4 g of protein and 0.3 g of fat. But there are much more carbohydrates: 10.9 grams. Thanks to this nutritional composition, they contain relatively few calories.

Calorie content of pear per 100 grams

The pulp of ripe fruits is sweet, tender and juicy. When choosing fruits, pay attention to the aroma: the stronger it is, the higher the content of vitamins and other valuable elements. Pears are eaten fresh, dried, baked, and canned. The fruits are used to obtain juice, candied fruits, and jams. We invite you to consider the calorie content of these products.

Fresh pear with skin

The energy value of fresh pears with skin is 42 kcal. Considering that the average weight of the fruit is 140 grams, we can conclude that the calorie content of 1 piece is 57 kilocalories. 1 large pear can contain up to 75 kcal. If we regard the fruit as a dessert, it is one of the “light” options.

Due to its low calorie content, pears are included in the menu of dozens of modern diets.

But it is important not to forget about the rules for eating fruits: it is not advisable to eat them with meat or consume them less than 30 minutes after the end of the meal. Otherwise, indigestion may occur.

And one more important nuance: only ripe, juicy and tender fruits have healing properties. Eating a green pear is not only not healthy, but even harmful.

In dried (dried) pear

During the drying process, the pear does not lose its benefits, unless it is exposed to too high temperatures. Dried fruits are rich in vitamins and microelements, but have a higher calorie content (compared to fresh fruits): 250 kcal per 100 grams. This significant difference is due to the fact that when drying, pears are deprived of all water.

Dried or sun-dried fruits are not suitable for the diet; their nutritional value is too high. If you are losing weight, you can only add a few slices of fruit to unsweetened breakfast porridge to improve its taste.

In the evening, eating dried pears is undesirable. Another option for using dried fruit is to satisfy extreme hunger.

If you slowly chew 1-2 slices of the dried fruit, they will give you a feeling of fullness and make it easy to wait for your planned meal.


The baked fruit does not lose its beneficial qualities, becoming softer and more aromatic. The calorie content of 1 pear cooked in the oven is low: there are 46 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

BJU is 0.5 g, 0.4 g and 12.6 g, respectively. The fruit is baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Before placing it in the oven, it should be washed and, if desired, cut into 2 or 4 parts.

To improve its taste, you can sprinkle it with cinnamon.

Canned fruit

What to do if the harvested pears are unripe? Do not rush to consume them, because there are few benefits from such fruits. Better preserve them! Firm fruits are best suited for rolling for the winter. After preservation, they turn into a tender, tasty and healthy delicacy.

Moreover, canned pear can be served as a direct dessert. It can be added to salads or used to make vanilla or custards. The product goes well with light snacks.

The energy value is 43 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Red, yellow and green pears

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of pear varieties. Each person can choose the one that suits his taste preferences.

Interestingly, the energy value of red (Williams red and Trout), yellow (Williams summer, Abbot, Chinese pear) and green (Conference, Lucas) varieties does not differ at all. It is 42 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The calorie content of Conference pear, which has a sour taste, is the same as the sweet Autumn variety. How many calories are in a Chinese pear? Still the same 42 kcal!

The Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear stands out from this slender row. Its energy value is 73 kcal per 100 g. Due to its low calorie content, pears occupy a special position in the list of dietary foods.

If you are losing weight, it should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. But pear can replace more nutritious desserts.

This will help reduce the daily calorie content of your menu and force the body to quickly burn through the fat stored in problem areas.

To speed up metabolism, it is enough to consume 1-2 pears per day; more is undesirable. Ideally, you should divide each fruit into 2-3 parts and eat them at different times. Don't forget: the more often you consume small portions, the more intense the metabolic process takes place, forcing the body to find additional energy resources.

Pear juice

The calorie content of pear juice is estimated by nutritionists at 46 kilocalories per 100 milliliters.

Recommendations for eating pears

Pears are fruit trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family. Some pear species are prized for their delicious edible fruit, while others are grown as ornamental trees. The shape of the pear fruit is very similar to a light bulb - narrow at the top and more widened and rounded at the bottom.

Pear fruits are consumed fresh, canned, juiced, and, despite how many calories there are in a pear, delicious jams and jellies are made from them, usually in combination with other fruits or berries. Fermented pear juice is called Perry or pear cider, and dried pears, which contain much more calories (249 kcal) than raw ones, do not lose their beneficial properties and are a vitamin-rich raw material for compotes.

Pear juice is a tonic, restorative and vitamin-rich. It will be very useful in treating stomach diseases. Pear juice can speed up wound healing and reduce fever. It helps remove toxins from the body and cleanse urine during infection, as it has an antibacterial effect. If you have diabetes, you should regularly drink 60 ml of freshly squeezed pear juice.

Conference pear, whose calorie content is very low compared to other fruits, allows it to be consumed in various diets. It will not harm your losing weight. This fruit is useful for people suffering from heart pain, and in addition, it is indicated for consumption to increase immunity. The conference pear, which has only 40 kcal, contains a lot of organic acids and nutritional fiber.

The fruit contains 40 mg of proteins, 30 mg of fats, 105 mg of carbohydrates per 100 g. If we consider that it weighs 200 g, then the calorie content of 1 pear will be 80 kcal. This is a good snack between main meals or dessert of a not too heavy lunch. The calorie content of 1 conference pear allows you to eat it before dinner to curb your appetite and not fill your stomach at night. Do not forget that this fruit should be consumed in moderation, as it strengthens the stomach.

The juiciness of the fruit allows you to make excellent fresh juice. Freshly squeezed pear juice is an excellent refresher. It does not seem sour, unlike apple juice, although it contains less sugar. Pear juice has a beneficial effect on the liver and cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. In a short time it will relieve heartburn and intestinal discomfort. It is also useful for cholecystitis and gastritis.

With a pear diet, you need to drink juice once a day. It will enhance metabolism and help quickly cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Freshly squeezed juice should be drunk some time before meals (1-2 hours).

The pear is endowed with a small calorie content, but its energy value is high. So how many calories are in a pear? In 100 gr. fruits contain only 42 kcal. The distinctiveness of fruits is that their composition is endowed with a considerable amount of important components. They consist of sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen, and pectin substances.

In addition, the pear is enriched with vitamins, flavonoids, and phytoncides. But the nutritional fiber content is the greatest value of these fruits. It has more folic acid than black currants. In terms of taste, the sweetness of pears is higher than that of apples, but the percentage of sugar in them is lower. Most pear varieties are enriched with microelements, which include iodine.

Below is a table showing how many calories are in a pear and its nutritional value.

pear100 gr.47 kcal
medium-sized fruit (1 pc.)135 gr.63.7 kcal
pear conference100 gr.56 kcal
squirrels100 gr.0.4 grams
fats100 gr.0.3 grams
carbohydrates100 gr.10.3 grams
alimentary fiber100 gr.2.8 grams
water100 gr.85 grams

The table shows that the calories in the Conference pear reach 56 units per 100 grams. There are also more other useful components in its composition. This variety is actively used in dietary nutrition.

Calorie content of Conference pear - 56 units per 100 g.

But pear fruits in different types are endowed with different amounts of calories in their composition:

  • fruit puree will give 52 kcal;
  • juice - 46 kcal;
  • in dried form it reaches about 249 kcal;
  • in the form of candied fruits it reaches up to 343 kcal;
  • jam - 273 kcal.

The calorie content of a pear must be taken into account based on its type and preparation.

Do not eat fruits on an empty stomach;

We suggest you familiarize yourself at what temperature to bake fish in the oven

When eating, do not drink fruit with water;

Do not snack on meat;

After a meal, it is recommended to consume fruits within 30 minutes, not earlier.

First of all, let us clarify that the Conference pear variety is the most common variety, otherwise this pear is called an ordinary pear, and its calorie content per 100 grams of fruit is 42 kcal.

A pear (1 piece) can contain on average about 175 g of weight, which equates to 61 calories. Normally, the daily consumption of these fruits is 1-2 pcs. This is due not only to the calorie content of the fruit, but also to its ability to lead to digestive disorders if consumed in large quantities.

It is noteworthy that the fruit of another variety, which is called yellow, sand or Asian pear, carries the same number of calories in its 100 grams.

NameCalorie content (kcal/100 g)
NameCalorie content (kcal/100 g)
dried pear250,6
pure pear juice52,38
pear jam264,21
flour1.3 stack.
sugar1 stack
butter70 g
egg1-2 pcs.
pears9-10 pcs.
milk2 stacks
egg yolk3 pcs.

Grind butter at room temperature with 1/3 cup sugar, add egg, mix. Add 1 cup of flour and add a pinch of baking powder or slaked soda.

Knead the dough with your hands and make a ball out of it, which you place in a pre-greased mold. Press the dough along the bottom of the mold, form the sides, and refrigerate for a few minutes.

During this time, prepare the pears - peel and core them, cut into slices. Place on the dough in a fan shape. Bake for about 10 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

While the pie is baking, prepare the cream: mix 2/3 cup of sugar with the yolks, flour, you can add a pinch of vanillin, and mix well. Add a little milk, mash, then pour in the rest and bring to a boil over medium heat, let it simmer for just a minute and remove from heat.

Take out the pie, add and smooth out the cream, return the mold. Readiness will occur in 20-30 minutes.

bacon200 g
red onion1 PC.
blue cheese)100 g
pears2 pcs.
cream6 tbsp. l.
lettuce leaves1-2 bunches
salt peppertaste
sunflower oil1 tbsp. l.

Cut the bacon into thin small strips. Wash the pear, remove the peel and insides, cut into slices. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Fry the bacon in oil, and mix finely chopped or grated cheese (not all) with cream and hold over low heat until the cheese is completely melted.

kefir150 ml
soda1/2 tsp.
sugar4 tbsp. l.
flour300 g
chicken egg3 pcs.
pears2 pcs.
sunflower oil1.5 tbsp. l.

Add baking soda to the bowl with kefir and leave for a few minutes. Then, stirring constantly, add sugar and beat in the eggs. After this, gradually add sifted flour to the resulting mixture and knead the dough. It should be quite thick. Cut the pears into small cubes and stir into the dough.

To taste, pancakes can be eaten with jam, honey or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

We can talk a lot and for a long time about how important vitamins, minerals, etc. are for us, especially since we already know a lot about this. Let us analyze this product according to its chemical components and their quantitative content.

SubstancesQuantity, g (per 100 g)
folic acid12,46
mono- and disaccharides9,8
organic acids0,5
alimentary fiber2,8

In addition to the above, pears contain vitamins A, B5, B6, B9, E, K, H, as well as beta-carotene.

As you understand, the pear, like many other fruits, is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are so important for the normal functioning of the body. It is useful for normalizing the functioning of the pancreas, heart, helps strengthen protective mechanisms, blood vessels and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritional value of Conference pear

The fruit contains organic acids, fiber, tannins, flavonoids and keratin. This is a real storehouse of vitamins of different groups: ascorbic acid, tocopherol, nicotinic and folic acids. Fruits are rich in minerals necessary for the body to function normally: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine and others.

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The ratio of the BZHU of the Conference pear is as follows: proteins 5.4%, fats 6.4%, carbohydrates 88.2%. The product contains too many carbohydrates with little nutritional value.

Pear in weight loss

Many nutritionists use this fruit for weight loss.

Pear contains a lot of sugar, but despite this, experts urge the use of a fruit diet, taking into account some nuances:

  • eat the fruit unpeeled (the peel contains fiber, which speeds up metabolism in the human body);
  • use the fruit raw (due to the low calorie content of raw pears).

In terms of its effect on the body, the Conference resembles the work of activated carbon, only much softer. For greater effect, the fruit should be consumed 30 - 40 minutes after eating.

The pear diet involves three fasting, daily stages per week. Three days a week, consume a liter of kefir and a kilogram of pears. On the remaining days of the week, review your menu and switch to healthy eating. The conference contains a large amount of vitamins. They will help support the body, being natural antidepressants.

The apple-pear diet requires eating 0.5 kg of apples and the same amount of pears per day. Drink 2 glasses of water every hour. Give your body a little physical activity in the form of a walk in the fresh air. With such a diet, all protein will be efficiently processed in the body.

Features of the Conference pear

Pear Conference has a number of features, here are some of them:

  1. After the harvest has been harvested, the fruits do not need to be consumed immediately; they need to sit for some time.
    The reason is that after picking a pear from the tree, it does not fully possess all the positive qualities; only after lying in a cold room, the fruit becomes tender, tasty and aromatic, and most importantly, rich in vitamins. Pear Conference
  2. The second feature of the product is that if you pick an unripe fruit in the autumn, then in a warm place the pear is able to ripen on its own, and at the same time it will not disappear or rot.
  3. Conference pear can last quite a long time. If stored properly, it can last up to six months, until deep winter, without losing its aesthetic and useful qualities. On the contrary, the aroma and benefits only intensify.
  4. The product can be heat treated. It is generally accepted that fruits and vegetables become less healthy after processing, but in this case this is not the case. Even when cooked, pear contains the same amount of useful microelements and vitamins as fresh. This fruit is very widely used in cooking, and is served as the main ingredient in many restaurant dishes. It can be stewed, fried, or baked whole.
  5. The product contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the functioning of the large intestine and improve appetite.

What foods are good for the pancreas: recommendations

As you can see, pear is a very useful and special product!

The benefits and harms of pears

Pears have a lot of useful qualities. They are often used to treat and prevent many diseases due to their positive properties.

  • The fruit activates the immune system, the body’s resistance to dangerous microbes and bacteria. So it is best to eat it in winter and early spring.
  • Eating pears can be preventive against the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • This fruit improves the process of hematopoiesis.
  • The product removes toxins and harmful metals and waste from the body.
  • It is not glucose, but fructose that is responsible for the sweetness in pears, so people with diabetes are recommended to eat them, although in limited quantities.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Pears also have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; they improve the microflora.

Harm from pears is usually associated with individual intolerance of the body. In addition, if you eat a fresh pear and wash it down with water, you will feel heaviness in your stomach. Ideally, this fruit should be consumed separately from meat, vegetables, fish, and cereals. Only in this case can you count on a positive impact.

Composition and calorie content

The pear contains up to 0.6 milligrams of the following acids: folic, oxalic, malic and citric. Interestingly, there is more citric acid than in the lemon itself.

In addition, the product is rich in the following vitamins: C, B1, B6, B2, B5, B9, K, A, PP and H. Conference pear also contains the following minerals:

Benefits of pear

  • calcium
  • potassium
  • zinc
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • selenium
  • fluorine
  • iodine
  • selenium
  • manganese
  • sulfur

The fruit contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which improves digestive function, but in large quantities it can cause constipation. You need to know moderation in everything, especially when it comes to a small child.

Calorie content of the product: one hundred grams of fruit contains 42 calories.

Positive and negative sides

Positive qualities of this variety of pear:

  • constant and good fruiting
  • self-pollination of the tree (the pear tree serves as a pollinator for other types of trees)
  • the product can be used in cooking and dietetics
    Storing pears
  • very tasty and aromatic product, it is possible to put the fruit up for sale
  • long-term storage of pears, preservation of nutrients even after heat treatment. You can prepare many homemade dishes: compotes, jams, jams, pies

Negative qualities include the following factors:

  • reacts poorly to sudden changes in temperature, cannot tolerate cold
  • this variety also does not tolerate bad weather conditions (wind, cold, rain do not allow the fruit to ripen, and this subsequently affects the taste of the product). This variety loves sun and warmth, which have a beneficial effect on its ripening.
  • the appearance of the pear is unpresentable, and therefore attracts little children and buyers
  • the fruit is easily infected with fungi and is prone to various fruit diseases
  • requires good care and proper storage
  • Causes constipation if consumed in large quantities

Durian: beneficial properties, chemical composition and calorie content

Any product has both positive and negative sides, everything is useful in moderation.

Dietary properties of pears:

Pear is a familiar small fruit fruit, shaped like a light bulb (there are also rounded varieties). The pulp of ripe pears is tender and juicy, with a unique aroma and sweet taste.

Pears can be eaten fresh or prepared in dozens of different ways. They can be dried, baked, canned for future use, juices and compotes, preserves and jams, etc. are prepared from them.

Many of us love these wonderful fruits. The calorie content of pears is primarily of interest to those who want to maintain normal body weight. And this is not surprising, fruits are good helpers in losing weight.

Pears contain glucose, fructose, a number of vitamins - A, B1, B2, E, P, PP, C, carotene, folic acid; pectins; minerals - iodine, calcium; fiber. In addition, pears contain a lot of tannin. The beneficial properties of these fruits are valued by traditional medicine.

Pears are included in the diet of patients with diabetes, obesity and pancreatic dysfunction. This is due to the fact that most of the carbohydrates they contain are fructose, which does not affect blood sugar.

The properties of pear have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It normalizes heart rate, reduces cholesterol, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Iron contained in pear pulp is necessary for the normal course of hematopoietic processes.

The biologically active components present in these fruits activate the human immune system and help cleanse the body of heavy metals and various toxins.

The usefulness of pear

Pears are also a rich source of fiber, which is good for our digestive system. First of all, it will help in the fight against constipation and bloating, and will also speed up and facilitate digestion. Interestingly, the fruit also helps reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.

It is also worth resorting to pears during infectious diseases, because they have been used for centuries as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory product.

Benefits of pear

The fruit will also help with bladder inflammation.

If wounds are healing slowly, try eating pears. This helps speed up wound healing.

Pears can also give relief to the stomach, and not only make it work better, but also reduce the severity of abdominal pain, they help with constipation and diarrhea. The pectin they contain will help reduce cholesterol levels that are too high.

You can also learn about the beneficial properties of pears from the video:

How many calories are in pears?

Well, what exactly are the calorie content of pears? And this:

The average calorie content of pears is:

42 kcal per 100 grams

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh pears in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 0.4

Fats – 0.3

Carbohydrates – 10.9

And with such a small nutritional value, there are a number of beneficial properties. Moreover, the components that determine them are not lost at all during the process of drying the fruit. And the content of folic acid makes the pear an extremely valuable fruit, which even surpasses black currants in this regard.

What is the calorie content of pears of different varieties? And here it is:

Calorie table for pears, per 100 grams of product:

ProductCalories, in kcal
calorie content of pear Conference54,4
Williams pear calories47,6
Packham pear calories42,0
Duchess pear calories42,0
Chinese pear calories42,0

And the nutritional value of pears, different varieties, is this:

Table of nutritional value of pears (BZHU), per 100 grams of product:

PearSquirrels, gr.Fats, gr.Carbohydrates, gr.

Calorie calculator

Pear is one of the healthiest fruits available to every person. In addition to its taste, it also has a number of valuable properties that help cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. The calorie content of pears is very low, which allows even those who are watching their weight not to refuse the delicacy.

Fruits exported from China are more popular on the world market. But in our area there are all the conditions to grow this tree and cultivate varieties that appeared in Asia. No one will be surprised by the Chinese pear lying on the shelves of our stores. Moreover, this variety has become one of my favorites.

Benefits of fruit

The pear contains the following vitamins: C, B1, P, PP. It is rich in carotene, folic acid (especially useful for children and pregnant women) and many other substances important for the body.

This fruit is very useful for improving heart function, it strengthens blood vessels and helps accelerate hematopoiesis. This product is often recommended to donors to restore the body. For cholecystitis, gastritis, and liver diseases, it is enough to eat two fruits in the morning, and this will save you from heartburn and pain.

Juices and decoctions contain a natural antibiotic, arbutin, which has an antibacterial effect. Pear fiber is better absorbed in the digestive system than apples; it is digested faster and contributes to normal intestinal function. But you also need to know how to eat fruit.

The calorie content of a pear is estimated at 47 kcal per 100 grams. This rather low indicator allows the pear to be included in the list of dietary products. One medium fruit, which weighs approximately 135 grams, will provide the body with 63 kcal.

The advantage of pears is also their high dietary fiber content - 2.8 g per 100 grams of product. This makes the fruit more filling. Compared to an apple, a pear contains much less sugar, although it tastes sweeter. This fact also plays into the hands of people who watch their figure. A large amount of water (85/100 grams) allows you to deceive the stomach, because the liquid creates a feeling of fullness.

Varieties and their properties

On the domestic market you can see many different varieties of this fruit.

Here are a few of them and the most common:

  • Chinese pear (usually exported from China, Israel, Korea);
  • conference (grows in our latitudes, characterized by a long shelf life);
  • Zolotovorotskaya (winter variety, resistant to spoilage);
  • Mlievskaya early (ripens early, has very soft fruits).

All these varieties are loved by the buyer, because they have juicy fruits and approximately the same composition of useful elements.

Chinese pear produces medium-sized fruits. It is juicy, sweet and no less healthy than its relatives. The energy value of the fruit is 42 kcal. The only negative is the shelf life.

Since this product is exported from afar, please check the delivery date when purchasing. Sometimes it starts to spoil on the way to the store, but at the right temperature it can be stored for more than two weeks. One of the advantages is that the Chinese pear is very soft and juicy. This makes the fruit different from domestic long-storing varieties.

The Conference variety also grows in our latitudes. This pear is the lowest in calories, with only 40 kcal per hundred grams. Moreover, it contains no less vitamins and microelements. But the size of the fruit is larger than that of other species. One specimen weighs on average 200 grams, which in total amounts to 80 kcal.

Dried fruits are very popular, especially in winter. In our case, we should mention dried pear. The energy value of this product is quite high due to the fact that to obtain one kilogram of delicacy it is necessary to spend quite a lot of fresh products. Dried pear is estimated at 249 kcal/100 g.

Let's summarize: the energy value of a pear, be it Chinese or otherwise, is very small. This means that it can be safely consumed as a dietary dessert. This product is also very useful for people who take care of their own health. One or two fruits a day will delight you with taste, bring tangible benefits and a boost of positive mood.

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In terms of calorie content, the pear is far from a record holder. It contains only 42 kcal. That is why it is so often included in various weight loss diets. Pear improves appetite, promoting good digestion of food and burning fat reserves when dieting and exercising. It also contains 10.9 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of fat and 0.4 g of protein.

The pear is rightly called the queen of fruits. The Chinese considered it a symbol of immortality, and Homer called it “a gift from the gods.” This is due not only to the pleasant taste and aroma.

When 100 g of pears are broken down and digested, 42 kcal of energy is generated.

  1. This is a low-calorie fruit.
  2. It is a source of vitamins C (necessary for the formation of immunity, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, a powerful antioxidant) and B1 (affects the functioning of the nervous system, especially under stress).
  3. Carbohydrates provide energy, taste and good mood (affect the production of the joy hormone).
  4. Mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus, which promote the formation of bone and cartilage tissue.
  5. Pear contains many trace elements - copper, zinc, arsenic, iodine. Their significance for the body is very multifaceted: it influences the synthesis of blood cells, the nervous and muscular systems, mental activity, the sexual sphere, etc.
  6. The specified composition of the pear determines its diuretic and antimicrobial effect. It is useful for stones and urinary tract infections. Pears stimulate gastric secretion, and in Ancient Greece they were used for nausea.
  7. This is one of the most hypoallergenic fruits.

But it is necessary to remember about the possible harm associated with eating pears:

  • Only ripe, juicy pears have all the beneficial properties;
  • pears should be consumed separately from other products (especially meat), observing a half-hour interval, do not eat them on an empty stomach and do not drink them with water;
  • It is contraindicated to eat them during exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

You can find out how many calories are in a pear by entering the weight in grams in the section “Melons, fruits, citrus fruits” in the form of the calculator below

How many calories

The old version of the calorie calculator has been saved, you can find it.

Conference pear, which is quite low in calories, is the most preferred in Russia. Its juicy and sweet flesh simply melts in your mouth.

Recipe? Recipe!

Of course, pears can and should be eaten fresh. But you can also cook something interesting out of them. For example, here is a recipe:

Pears with wine syrup:

An exquisite dessert that will undoubtedly delight gourmets and simply pear lovers.

Required Products:

  • Pears - 1 kg.
  • Sugar –300 grams
  • Wine (red) –200 grams
  • Cinnamon –5 grams
  • Cloves - 2 - 3 pieces
  • Water –300 grams


The pears are first peeled and then placed in a pan. Then sugar is placed there and water is poured. Add the spices indicated in the recipe - cinnamon and cloves. All this is cooked for 10 - 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, add red wine and continue to cook the dish until the pears become soft, but at the same time retain their shape. Remove the finished pear fruits from the pan using a spoon with holes. And the resulting syrup is filtered and thickened to the thickness you need.

The finished dessert is served - the pears are poured with chilled condensed syrup before serving. So, eat for your health, especially since the low calorie content of pears does not threaten the slimness of your figure.

What are the benefits of pears for weight loss?

Due to their high dietary fiber content and low energy value, pears are ideal for various diets. They quickly create a feeling of fullness and help remove excess fat, toxins and cholesterol from the body.

1 day a week can be devoted to unloading on pears (if they are tolerated normally). During the day you should eat 1-1.5 kg of ripe fruits (fresh, boiled, baked). The liquid diet consists of water and unsweetened teas (2-2.5 l).

Daily intake of pears

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Many people are interested not so much in the calorie content of a pear, but simply in the daily consumption rate. Women can eat about 3-4 medium-sized pears per day. For men, the norm increases to 5 pieces. If we talk about children, then they should eat up to 1.5 small pears or approximately 200 g per day.


The more aromatic the pear, the richer its vitamin composition. So, when buying fruit at the market or in a store, you can focus specifically on the smell.

Children can eat up to 1.5 small pears or about 200 g per day

Benefits of pear

The benefits of pear have been known for a long time and are as follows:

  • the fruit is highly effective as a diuretic and antitussive;
  • due to the increased concentration of folic acid in pears, they are indicated for pregnant women;
  • with regular consumption of pears, the heart rhythm is restored;
  • The potassium contained in the product normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • dietary fiber in pears helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and has a strengthening effect in intestinal disorders;

Williams pears and conference

One of the most popular pear varieties is Williams. This fruit boasts a delicate structure, juiciness, but also a high sugar content.

The calorie content of 100 grams of Williams pear is 48 kcal.

These fruits are most suitable for children, as they are less allergenic and make well-digested juices and purees.

A very tasty pear with the original name conference. It is famous for its excellent taste and long shelf life.

The energy value of one hundred grams of conference pears is 45 kcal.

Any average fruit weighs almost 135 grams; using this indicator, it is not difficult to calculate how many calories you can get if you eat it.

Calorie content and nutritional value of pear

Pears have long been used in folk medicine. They are characterized by predominantly fixative, diuretic, disinfectant, antipyretic and antitussive effects. This effect is possessed not only by fresh, but also by dried fruits, as well as juice, decoctions (of fresh and dried fruits), and jelly.

And yet, the fruits of the pear tree are one of the healthiest delicacies. Pears are rich in sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin substances, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides. Pears generally seem sweeter than apples, although they contain less sugar. Many pear varieties are rich in microelements, including iodine.

The main value of the pear is its content of nutritional fiber (2.3 g/100 g). The vitamin C content in it is not high. In terms of folic acid content, pears surpass even black currants.

Pear fruits should be consumed correctly: eat on an empty stomach and drink water. Also, they should not be eaten with meat or enjoyed earlier than half an hour after finishing the meal. Only ripe, aromatic, juicy, delicate fruits have medicinal properties.

Pear juice is an excellent restorative, tonic and vitamin remedy; it is also extremely useful in the treatment of certain gastric diseases. Pears contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for children, pregnant women and those who are concerned about the problem of hematopoiesis.

Ancient doctors valued pear fruits as a means of promoting rapid healing of wounds and reducing fever. Ancient Arabic medical works indicated that pears help treat lung diseases. Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity due to the content of the antibiotic arbutin. They are also used as a means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Pears contain a minimal amount of calories - 100 grams contain only 47 calories and are used in various diets. One average pear weighs about 130 grams, but there are specimens weighing up to 200 grams.

The benefits of this fruit for the digestive system are invaluable. Ripe, juicy and sweet pears promote digestion of food, have strengthening properties and are therefore useful for intestinal disorders. Pear pulp is easier to tolerate by the body than apple pulp. Sour and very tart varieties of pears strengthen the stomach and liver, stimulate appetite, but they are more difficult for the body to digest. Therefore, this type of pear is contraindicated for elderly people and those who suffer from severe disorders of the nervous system.

For liver diseases, cholecystitis, gastritis, two pears eaten in the morning will relieve pain and heartburn, and eliminate discomfort in the intestines.

Pears have an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect, improving mood.

Pear is very good for the heart in general and for heart rhythm disorders in particular. This is due to the fact that pear contains a lot of potassium, which means it has alkaline properties that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. By the way, the better and stronger the smell of the pear, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart. Unlike apples, pears are also good for the lungs.

For cosmetic purposes, ripe pear fruits (a pulp of them) are used; wild, stale pears are preferable - they contain more vitamins, organic and biologically active substances.

The pleasant crunch when biting into a pear is explained by the presence of stony cells in the pulp, the shells of which consist of lignified fiber. This same fiber irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine, so during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to refrain from eating pears.

Useful properties of pear

  • Pear compote is recommended to be consumed for prostate problems; naturally, this drink will not hurt for preventive purposes.
  • Pear is indicated for diseases of the pancreas, obesity and diabetes. The thing is that, unlike most other fruits, pears contain more fructose rather than glucose. And it is perfectly absorbed by the body without insulin.
  • Regular consumption of pear is the key to ideal hematopoiesis. Thanks to its high iron and folic acid content, it will help counteract insufficient wound healing and also reduce excessive sensitivity to cold.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the heart and other muscles. All thanks to the high potassium content. He will also save those who often suffer due to muscle cramps.
  • Pear improves metabolism and digestion. The reason is the high content of organic acids.
  • For liver diseases, cholecystitis and gastritis, this fruit will help avoid discomfort in the intestines. To do this, you need to eat two fruits every morning.
  • It is beneficial for the thyroid gland, helps absorb iron and remove excess water, and also participates in the formation of hemoglobin. All because of the daily requirement of cobalt, which is contained in only 100 grams of fruit.

Among the most common varieties are: Chinese, Conference, Williams and Pakham (South American and African variety).

Calorie content of pear

The calorie content of pears ranges from 42 to 48 kcal. The conference and the Chinese one have the lowest energy value. They are firmer and less sweet than the tender and juicy Williams and Pakham. But the latter are great for making baby purees. The reason is not only their softness. These varieties are considered the least allergenic, so it is better to give them fresh to children.

The average weight of one pear is 200g. The average calorie content of 1 pear is 90 kcal.

calorie content per 100 gcalorie content of 1 piece (200 g)
Calorie content of pear conference45 kcal90 kcal
Calorie content of Chinese pear42 kcal84 kcal
Williams pear calories48 kcal96 kcal
Calorie content of pakham pear48 kcal96 kcal

How to Get the Most Benefits from Pears

  • It is recommended to eat pears 30-60 minutes after eating.
  • The fruit contains a lot of water, so after it you should not drink for an hour.
  • Also, you should not eat pears before eating heavy food, especially meat.
  • For discomfort in the stomach or exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system.





Pear is a rather tasty and healthy fruit that grows on fruit trees.
It belongs to the Rosaceae family, and its fruit looks like an elongated drop, with a characteristic thickening at the bottom. The fruit has a fragrant aroma and a pleasant sweet taste, and when unripe it has a slight tartness. A ripe pear consists of 97% pulp and only 3% skin and seeds, so it is very juicy and watery, while the calorie content of 1 pear is low. The pear is a traditional fruit, just like apples, plums, and peaches; it is often canned, dried, and made into jam, juices, and compotes. And, of course, pears are eaten raw.

Do not forget that pear, although healthy, is a very specific product, so when eating pear you need to take into account some of its features. Despite the fact that pears are low in calories, some may find them hard on the stomach, especially when eaten raw. In order for the pear to be well digested, you need to remember several rules for its use and compatibility with other foods, despite the calorie content of the pear.

Firstly, pears do not mix well with meat products, so you need to choose between them, i.e. Be sure to use them separately from each other. Secondly, since the pear consists of a huge amount of water, it should not be washed down, because this can not only complicate the digestion process and put additional stress on your stomach, but also reduce the manifestation of its beneficial properties.

Thirdly, after eating the main meal, you need to wait a little (30-40 minutes) if you want to eat a pear, but you also cannot eat it on an empty stomach. And fourthly, if you have any chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines, then it is better not to eat pears raw. In this case, it must be prepared first - baked, boiled, etc., while the calorie content of the pear will remain virtually unchanged, as will its benefits.

Therefore, to get the maximum benefit from eating pear, you need to follow these simple rules.

Pears are recommended for consumption in most cases, both in folk and traditional medicine, and the low calorie content of the pear allows it to be prescribed for treatment and diets. It contains a lot of folic acid, which has a particularly beneficial effect on the child’s body, and is also useful for pregnant women.

Tannins in pears strengthen the intestines and stomach, help cope with indigestion and restore intestinal microflora, and potassium has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and improves heart rate. No less important is the fact that pear has antimicrobial properties, so it is prescribed as an antiseptic; it actively removes toxins, heavy metals and waste from the body, cleansing it.

In folk medicine, pear is used to treat coughs and bronchitis; it perfectly reduces fever and has a diuretic effect on the body. Pears are also natural antidepressants, because they significantly improve your mood; after eating a pear, you become much more cheerful and energetic. Pear is one of the few fruits that does not contain allergens, so it is healthy for even the smallest children to eat.

But despite the many advantages of this fruit, the pear also has its disadvantages. It should not be consumed in large quantities, especially before meals. Pear interacts poorly with dairy products and heavy foods, making it difficult for the stomach to function. Therefore, to prevent the enormous benefits of pears from turning into harm, eat right and follow the basic recommendations for consuming this fruit.

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