Pecan nut: beneficial properties and contraindications

What kind of nut is this and how did it appear?

A member of the nut family, similar to a walnut. Grows in the southern states of the USA, Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

A powerful tree that grows up to 60 meters, the crown grows like a tent. The bark is covered with deep furrows. It can grow over several centuries, reaching 2.5 meters in girth.

The leaf consists of 10-17 not completely symmetrical sharp leaves growing on a common petiole up to half a meter long.

The plant is monoecious, dioecious - male (in the form of earrings) and female flowers (pistillate, collected in racemes) bloom on one tree. For more efficient pollination, it is recommended to plant several trees nearby.

Among the most productive trees in the world is the pecan nut, the fruit is oblong, up to 5 cm in length, shiny, dark brown in color. The shell is brittle, inside there is a dicotyledonous seed. You can see what a pecan nut looks like in the photo - it’s similar to a walnut, but long and narrow.

It is never wormy or rotten. He is not afraid of pests. In the shell, if it is not damaged, it retains its beneficial properties for several years. Plus it's easy to clean.

The tree originally grew in South America. Now the list of countries where the nut grows has become much longer, since it is cultivated in many parts of the globe.

Interesting! The Latin name for the nut is Caria. This species includes about 20 varieties. Among them is the North American one, which can take root in the north.

The taste of pecans is considered unsurpassed, but connoisseurs put Brazilian and soirin in first place. But the benefits of a nut similar to a walnut are still greater.

For the curious

Pecans have gained popularity in America since the time of the first settlers. The Indians collected the fruits of nutritious nuts to make “medicinal” milk. They gave it to children, old people and sick people. The drink gave them strength and strengthened their immunity. The nut was considered valuable; it replaced money.

More than 80% of the world's pecan reserves are concentrated in the southeastern United States. The nut is also collected in the Caucasus, Australia, Central Asia and Crimea. Pecans grow on a tall, spreading tree as oval-shaped fruits. The edible part is hidden under the shell. Pecans are similar in appearance to walnuts, but have a brighter brown color. It is also flat, slightly flattened and elongated. Pecan tastes sweeter and more tender than walnuts, it lacks bitterness.

Ingredients: vitamins, calories and KBJU

Pecans have a rich chemical composition, rich in vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins A, B (full group), E
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • zinc
  • magnesium.

Nuts have a high fat content (up to 70%), their peculiarity is that they do not go rancid if stored unshelled.

They are sweet, consumed in their natural form, and also used in delicious desserts. But their benefit lies in the healing effect on the body.

This is the most nutritious variety in the family, the calorie content of pecans is 736 kcal per 100 grams.

BJU ratio:

  • protein – 9.2
  • fats – 71.2
  • carbohydrates – 12.3.

The rest of the volume is occupied by minerals - up to 1.6 g and vitamins - up to 3.1.

The composition of the nut is a natural composition that is valuable for the human body. But with benefit, you can also get harm - if you constantly eat more than the norm.

Appearance and growing areas

Before we talk about how the product differs from others, let's start with the appearance. Many consumers do not know the appearance of the benefits or harm to the human body. Since hazel trees grow in America, Americans know that the tree reaches 40 meters in height, the width in diameter is 2.5 m with a spreading crown and elongated leaves. The nuts look similar to walnuts. Their surface is covered with a brown shell. The nuts in the shells are red, oblong, and have a delicate, creamy taste. The walnut is American, not Chinese.

Consumers ask how pecans are different from walnuts, whether they look similar, and which product to purchase. Choose based on the required properties and price.

Benefits of pecans

Many people will like the nut - it is sweetish, with a slight tartness. Grown in Crimea, Asia, Abkhazia. Trees grow even in Ukraine and can withstand frost and bad weather.

They believe that it is not only tasty, but also healing. With its help, many diseases are cured. With regular consumption, the beneficial properties of pecans appear, which affect all body systems.

The positive activity of the healing composition on people with cancer problems has been noticed. This is facilitated by the antioxidant activity of the product. Vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein and other natural compounds neutralize the effects of toxins and free radicals. This is a strong and effective prevention of cancer, as well as viral and infectious diseases. Everything a product can do for the body will fill a whole book. But it can also cause harm if you do not pay attention to warnings.

Heart and blood vessels

Nuts are used to normalize blood cholesterol. This is beneficial for blood vessels, which are cleared of plaques and deposits and begin to function fully. This reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. The composition contains oleic fatty acid, which has a good effect on cardiac function.

For normal heart function, magnesium is necessary, which enters the body when eating nuts. Improving the condition of the cardiovascular system brings blood pressure to normal levels. A few nuts a day are enough to be beneficial.

Gastrointestinal tract and normal weight

Plant fiber activates the intestines, making it work better. Consumption of the product helps the digestive system cleanse itself, which is important for the body.

Calorie content does not interfere with normalizing weight. Diets often include nuts, which play the role of a metabolism accelerator. Snacking on small amounts of pecans will keep you full for longer.

Losing weight usually means increasing physical activity. Snacking on pecans will help you exercise and move around with less fatigue and muscle pain.

At the same time, the condition of the teeth and bone apparatus will improve, because the body will receive enough calcium in an easily digestible form. This is especially beneficial for children and the elderly. It is important to check whether there is an allergic reaction, so that instead of pleasure you do not get problems and harm.


The benefits of nuts for the body do not end there. A unique combination of elements gradually increases the regenerative abilities of organs and tissues. Sluggish and chronic inflammatory processes turn into restorative processes, increasing immune defense. A complex of amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids creates a barrier to the occurrence of cancer, and also prevents the appearance of many age-related diseases (Alzheimer's, arthritis and arthrosis).

Once you start eating pecans regularly, you will quickly notice that the increased well-being of your body is reflected in your appearance.

The appearance of the skin improves, as the body receives many vitamins and other important elements. But it’s not just nutrition that’s important. Delicate plant fiber, which the nut is rich in, also affects the health of the skin. With its help, toxins are removed not only from the intestines. The epidermal tissues are also gradually cleansed and get rid of accumulations of harmful substances and compounds. It completely removes acne, blemishes and irritations on the face and body.

Zinc and antioxidants stop inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin and in the deeper layers, launching recovery processes. If this healthy product is present in the diet, skin aging slows down. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the color becomes even, without spots or pigmentation.

Along with the skin, the hair transforms. They begin to look better within a few days because they easily respond to the supply of nutrients. Healthy hair is an indicator of a good balance of vitamins. Beauty benefits are a quality that will interest women.

This nut is the best remedy for a beautiful hairstyle. It contains a unique substance L-arginine, which strengthens hair and even treats alopecia in men. The action of the active substance is based on the activation of blood supply to the scalp, which provides enhanced nutrition to the follicles. This effectively stops hair loss and weakening.

The benefits for both men and women of having pecans in their diet include increased libido as well as the production of sex hormones. This is especially important for the body after 50 years. But at this age you need to be careful about your weight - if you overeat, the product also causes harm in the form of extra pounds.

During pregnancy

The nut is a balanced product containing vitamins, minerals and fats in quantities sufficient for two. The beneficial properties of the product must be used for the health of the unborn child and mother.

During the breastfeeding period, it is recommended to start eating nuts when the baby is at least 4 months old. In this case, you need to carefully consider his behavior and reaction. If an allergy has not manifested itself, then the daily dose should not exceed 5 nuts.

Homemade Pecan Remedies

Two simple recipes will help you recover faster and strengthen your immune system.

Nut decoction

To prepare, you need pecans (5 pieces) and one and a half glasses of hot water. They need to be cooked over low heat for 30 minutes, and then left covered until cool. Helps with exacerbation of gastritis, diarrhea, inflammation in the mouth and sore throat.

Nut tincture

Chopped nuts are poured with vodka - 20 pieces per 0.5 liter. You need to insist for at least a month in a dark place, and then take a tablespoon daily. The course of treatment lasts until the prepared tincture runs out.

Drink to strengthen the immune system, with vitamin deficiency and increased susceptibility to viruses and colds. Valuable medicine for the body using nuts can be prepared up to 2 times a year.

Impact on the body

There are more than enough benefits from such a product! Its regular use will have a significant impact on the general condition of the body and will help in getting rid of specific problems.

Beneficial features

What is the benefit of the pecan nut and why is it worth spending money on buying it, if you can buy a similar nut without unnecessary costs and difficulties, is a pressing question. In fact, the effects of walnuts and pecans on the body are different. Among the beneficial properties of the latter are the following:

  • It has been proven that the fatty acids in the nut have anti-cancer properties and prevent the formation of cancer. They are especially effective in the fight against breast, prostate, and lung cancer.

  • It cleanses the blood of blood clots and sclerotic plaques, reduces the level of “bad cholesterol” and increases “good” cholesterol, increases the amount of hemoglobin, and normalizes glucose levels. Prevents atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, heart attack, anemia. Folic acid improves blood flow.
  • Antioxidants, which are so abundant in pecans, have the greatest anti-aging properties. After regular use, the skin will become smooth and elastic, nails will stop peeling, hair will become stronger and shine. Scientists have found that people who take these kernels throughout their lives have much less wrinkles.
  • Prevents age-related eye diseases (even cataracts and glaucoma) and vision loss due to the presence of carotene in the composition. If your professional activity involves a lot of eye strain, it is recommended to take pecans periodically.
  • Calcium in the nuclei strengthens the musculoskeletal system and all tissues of the body as a whole. Counteracts arthrosis, arthritis, rickets in children.
  • Copes with disorders of the liver and kidneys, helps cleanse them of toxins.
  • During periods of stress and the off-season, it is able to restore immunity and performance, overcome fatigue, and also stimulates brain activity and improves concentration. With its regular use, the psycho-emotional background will also improve. It will be useful for both adults and children to fight viruses, bacteria and infections. It will also help to recover from a long-term illness, replenish energy reserves and lack of nutrients.
  • The beneficial properties of the pecan nut for women are that it counteracts the formation of breast cancer, increases the likelihood of getting pregnant, and improves the nutritional properties of breast milk (again, be careful - it is allergenic).
  • For the stronger sex, the nut will be effective in increasing testosterone levels and, in general, in imparting male strength and normalizing sexual function.
  • Children can be given a couple of nuts before meals in order to work up an appetite. You should not overuse it, since the kernels are highly allergenic. Taking this product will enhance the learning abilities of children.

The nut can be consumed both in its pure form and as decoctions, infusions and tinctures.

Harm and contraindications

Pecan nut, the benefits and harms of which will depend on the amount eaten, does not have many contraindications. Most often, harmful consequences occur due to individual intolerance and allergies, since such a product is extremely allergenic. It is better not to give it to children under the age of 5, but should begin to include it in the diet gradually (including adults). In addition, such kernels are not suitable as a snack, since, on the contrary, they can cause a brutal appetite.

It is advisable for people suffering from obesity to give them up altogether. When overeating, side effects can manifest themselves in heaviness of the abdomen, diarrhea, bloating, headaches, and rash in the mouth. Therefore, the main rule of admission is moderation.

Harm and contraindications

Pecan nuts are not capable of causing harm to health or harm, but individual intolerance to the product may occur. In this case, an allergic reaction is possible, accompanied by nausea, skin rashes, and attacks of dizziness.

If you are obese or have liver problems, it is better to avoid pecans.

Children can consume nuts only from 4-5 years old. It will provide the growing body with everything it needs, increase mental activity and protect against diseases.

Such is the pecan nut, the benefits and harms to the human body are still the subject of study. But it can be argued that there are almost no contraindications.

What are the benefits of pecans for the body?

The benefits and harms of pecans were studied by nutritionists back in the 19th century. This healthy fruit has numerous medicinal properties and helps fight diseases. Pecans have many positive qualities, and all of them are used by healers and clinic doctors.

Beneficial properties include:

  1. Reducing cholesterol levels. This property is provided by oleic acid.
  2. Protecting the body and skin from aging. The rejuvenating effect is achieved thanks to the content of pecans, natural antioxidants.
  3. Prevention of coronary disease, myocardial infarction and cancer. This result is given by fatty acids, which are a preventive agent against cancer.
  4. Strengthening vision, preventing cataracts. A useful component in this case is carotene. It prevents age-related eye diseases and reduces eye pressure.
  5. Purification of blood from impurities. Carotene cleanses the walls of blood vessels from oxidation products and prevents the appearance of symptoms of atherosclerosis.
  6. Prevention of cancer. The anti-cancer properties of pecans are effective against breast, lung, and prostate cancer.
  7. Normalization of hormone and testosterone levels in men.

Doctors also recommend eating nuts for those who suffer from vitamin deficiency or apathy. Pecans are also useful for complaints of poor appetite, fatigue or stress.

Daily norm

The average portion of nuts for an adult does not exceed 30-35 grams. In this case, you need to take into account the high amount of oils in the product - when consuming it, you need to calculate how much you need to reduce the amount of fatty foods in your diet in order to maintain the required calorie content.

In terms of nuts, this amounts to 18 pieces.

But the diet cannot include only delicious pecans; the harm of overeating will manifest itself in fat folds. One hundred grams is the maximum that the body can absorb. Exceeding this amount will lead to rapid weight gain.

Reference! This is the most high-calorie nut. For those who eat more than normal, information - to burn the calories contained in one hundred grams of pecans, you need to run 8 km.

It is recommended to eat nuts in the morning. This is much healthier than sandwiches or pastries.

The product is thoroughly chewed or pre-chopped. Can be soaked and also eaten in combination with salads and herbs.

How to select and store

A high-quality product - with a clean and smooth shell, without cracks. If the nuts are already peeled, then the color should be brown, without spots. There should be no cracks or chips.

Pecans should be placed in a glass jar and kept in the refrigerator. In this case, the preservation of beneficial properties is guaranteed for at least 5-6 months. They will keep even longer in the freezer. Once frozen, nuts are very easy to peel.

Nuts in the shell are stored for several years - there is no shelf life limit. But when buying an uncleaned product, you need to choose packaging only after a thorough inspection - there should be no cracks in the shell. If there is damage, the nuts may dry out and damage to the product has already been done.

Pecans in cooking

You can't help but like this natural delicacy. Its taste is attractive both raw and roasted. It is added to salads, porridges, cottage cheese, and enriches meat, mushroom and fish dishes.

Interesting! American Indians did not comply with consumption standards and ate nuts instead of meat.

The product is used to prepare desserts, the taste of which is unique. Americans prepare an amazing pecan pie based on it, which, along with hamburgers, represents the cuisine of the country.

The famous American pie is a pastry with a thin dough and a slightly sticky caramel filling with pecans. The description of the recipe varies, but the main thing about it is the delicate filling.

Caramel is made from corn syrup, brown sugar and butter, with rum and vanilla added for flavor. At this stage, the opinions of experts are divided, because many consider maple syrup to be classic. But if you don’t have either one or the other on hand, you can use invert sugar.

The composition of the filling varies according to the wishes of the cook, but the main ingredient - pecans - remains unchanged. A properly baked pie has melt-in-your-mouth dough and crunchy nuts.

Pecans can be used to make soft, rich milk; this is what they like to do in Mexico.

And with a small amount of nuts, you can easily bake maple pecans - these are puff pastries that take no more than half an hour to prepare. The syrup can be replaced with invert sugar or honey. Walnuts can be used instead of pecans.

Fast and easy

We use ready-made puff pastry and maple syrup, as well as:

  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon
  • 100 g nuts, pecans or walnuts
  • egg
  • powdered sugar.


  • Preheat the oven.
  • Pecans are crushed and mixed with syrup and cinnamon.
  • The dough is rolled out and cut into rectangles, approximately 10 by 15 cm.
  • The edges of each rectangle are cut 2 cm.
  • The filling is laid out in a thin layer in the middle.
  • The cut edges are wrapped in a pigtail.
  • Let the semi-finished products stand until the dough rises.
  • Before baking, the surface of each puff pastry is brushed with egg and decorated with pecans.
  • Bake at 1800 - no more than 15 minutes.

There are many ways to prepare maple pecans, but this is the basic recipe.

A simple recipe made from available products will make you forget about confectionery.

Apples with pecans

For 4 apples you will need:

  • brown sugar – 50 g
  • teaspoon cinnamon
  • tablespoon butter
  • nut – 50 g (35-40 nuts)
  • raisins – 50 g.


  • Preheat oven to 1900.
  • Wash the apples, dry them, remove the core - the walls should be about 1.5 cm.
  • Chop the nuts and mix with sugar, cinnamon and raisins.
  • Fill the apples with the mixture.
  • Place them on a baking sheet, placing a piece of butter on each.
  • Pour about a glass of boiling water onto a baking sheet and bake for half an hour.

The apples are baked until golden brown.

Pecans can be replaced with walnuts. Their flavors are not radically different, which is why many cooking guides specify that pecans or walnuts are acceptable.


Pecans are versatile in cooking. This nut is also wonderful as an independent dish. It can be consumed raw, dried, fried.

Pecans are great as an addition to salads, fish, rice and poultry. Walnut oil tastes like olive oil; it can be used to dress salads or combine with other oils and vinegar.

In addition to cooking, pecan oil is widely used in cosmetology and in the treatment of skin damage.

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Nut for weight loss

The calorie content of pecans does not interfere with its consumption during diets. Eating 30 pieces eliminates the feeling of hunger and gives the body everything it needs for physical and intellectual activity.

Weight loss is facilitated by the product’s ability to stabilize the nervous system. Nervousness and irritability, which often lead to breakdowns and overeating, disappear. For the body, the product is a complete source of vitamins.

With high-calorie and nutritious nuts, weight returns to normal faster, but you need to consume it correctly. For weight loss, pecans are beneficial and harmful at the same time. You will have to show willpower not to eat more of it than you need.

Interesting Facts

  • Pecans are called the king of nuts, but they are second only to peanuts.
  • You can safely call the nut a source of manganese, since one hundred grams of the product contains 245% of the daily value. There is also a lot of everything else - that’s why its composition is considered unique.
  • Pecan month is April, as they announced in America. In Texas, it has become a legislatively established state plant - about 70 million specimens grow there, and can be considered a major part of the flora.
  • Experts who have studied its composition claim that pecans are a means to survive in any conditions. They can reduce toxicity and environmental harm.

Pecan nut: benefits and harm, popularity and high cost - all in one composition.


NutsBlack walnut: benefits and harm to human health

Calorie content, chemical composition

Before moving on to the topic - pecan nut: benefits and harm to the body - it is worth learning about the chemical composition, the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, since the set of positively affecting compounds determines the effect on the body, indications for use and dosage.

Calorie content

The energy value of one hundred grams of fresh kernels, not roasted, is 691.0 kilocalories, which corresponds to 44.1% of the daily requirement. High calorie content indicates the need to limit the amount consumed per day to avoid weight gain.

Pecan: BJU

Nutritional value for one hundred grams of product, grams/percentage of daily requirement:

  • proteins/9.2/9.8;
  • fat/72.0/104.5;
  • carbohydrates/4.3/3.0;
  • dietary fiber/9.6/48.0;
  • water/4.0/0.14.

Pecans are high in fat and fiber, which gives them:

  • fast saturation;
  • cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins.

The removal of foreign substances promotes weight loss, but only when consumed no more than 30 grams/day.

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