What is useful and how to cook rabbit meat for the New Year

Rabbit meat is a dietary product. It is not as popular as beef, pork and even lamb, but it can increasingly be seen on the shelves of meat departments in stores.

This is explained in the rapid development of rabbit breeding and the appearance of articles in which doctors talk about the positive aspects of its use.

Meat composition

Rabbit meat contains numerous components. It belongs to the category of white meat along with chicken, turkey and veal. It contains protein, a small amount of fat, vitamins and minerals.

Rabbit meat protein contains 19 amino acids. It is important that their quality is not affected by heat treatment during the preparation of various dishes from them. The age of the rabbit has little effect on the amino acid content. Rabbit meat holds the lead in the amount of vitamins and minerals. It contains almost twice as much iron as pork. Per 100 grams of rabbit meat there are 220 milligrams of phosphorus, 25 milligrams of magnesium and cobalt. It has a sufficient amount of zinc, fluorine, manganese, potassium, and copper.

A huge amount of vitamins makes rabbit meat irreplaceable in dietary nutrition. It contains the following vitamins, the deficiency of which has a detrimental effect on human health:

  1. A. Lack of retinol reduces immunity and body tone.
  2. C. If the amount is insufficient, constant fatigue follows, diseases of the gums and teeth appear, and muscle and joint pain occurs. Skin and hair become dry.
  3. E. If the amount of tocopherol is insufficient, this will lead to poor vision, infertility, decreased libido, and the appearance of wrinkles.
  4. IN 1. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to disturbances in the functioning of the heart, fatigue, memory loss, and headaches.
  5. AT 2. A lack of riboflavin can cause an increase in colds, dizziness, hair loss, insomnia, and depression.
  6. AT 6. Lack of pyridoxine leads to increased blood pressure, memory loss, and fatigue.
  7. AT 9. An insufficient amount of folic acid reduces appetite and worsens mood. Leads to inflammation of the gums and the appearance of acne.
  8. AT 12. A lack of cobalamin can cause mental disorders and sclerosis.
  9. RR. Niacin deficiency leads to irritability, neuroses, muscle weakness, and weakened immunity.

Rabbit meat contains little cholesterol, and, importantly, there is a large percentage of choline, which controls cholesterol levels in the blood.

Among the microelements one can highlight chromium, iron, manganese, cobalt, and copper. Macroelements include sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, and potassium. Sulfur takes an active part in metabolism, calcium and phosphorus strengthen cat tissue and hair condition, chlorine is a regulator of water and electrolyte balance, and magnesium and potassium improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Harm and contraindications

The structure of rabbit meat consists of 85% muscle tissue, which is significantly more than that of other varieties. The fat content in rabbit meat is no more than 9-10%. This amount of fat is even considered healthy by nutritionists.

The calorie content of rabbit meat is only 183 kcal per 100 g. The amount of protein is 21.2 g, and this is almost the same as that contained in chicken breast. The weight of fat in 100 g of rabbit meat is 11 g, water - almost 67 g. Rabbit meat, unlike chicken and other varieties, is almost completely absorbed by the body (90%).

This dietary meat contains important vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, rabbit meat acquires the highest nutritional value. It contains macroelements such as potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Rabbit meat, the harm and benefits of which are determined by a number of factors, is a source of important microelements. Among them, iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, etc. are considered especially valuable.

In terms of beneficial properties, rabbit meat is ahead of other well-known varieties. This is determined mainly by the unique amount of vitamins and minerals that rabbit meat contains.

Rabbit meat, the harm and benefits of which are under the control of nutritionists, contains a minimal amount of nitrogen compounds compared to other varieties. That is why rabbit meat is allowed to be consumed in small quantities even by gout patients.

This product contains a small amount of fat and cholesterol, so it is recommended for dietary nutrition and normalization of metabolism, for ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Rabbit meat is hypoallergenic meat that is easily digested by the body. It is an ideal source of protein for nursing mothers and children after one year of age. Rabbit meat contains antioxidants, so it is recommended to be consumed for the prevention of cancer. It has been proven that rabbit meat contains substances that can reduce the dose of radiation received. It is recommended to be included in the diet of people undergoing chemotherapy.

Rabbit meat that has not reached seven months of age is considered especially useful, since it is not “stuffed” with antibiotics and growth hormones. That is, this is truly natural dietary rabbit meat, with the maximum amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Rabbit meat, the harm and benefits of which allow all people to consume it in moderation, is a valuable dietary product. It has no significant contraindications; it is allowed to be included in the diet of both adults and children.

You can buy meat both at the market and in the store. In any case, the criteria for choosing high-quality rabbit meat remain the same:

  • The color of the meat should be white, with a slight pink tint. Fresh rabbit meat has a dense and elastic structure.
  • The smell in the fresh product is practically absent or barely perceptible, characteristic of any fresh meat. If a rabbit smells strongly of hay, it means it is old. It is better to refrain from such a purchase.
  • You should pay attention to the paws: at least one of them should remain with fur. Unscrupulous sellers often sell a cat carcass under the guise of rabbit meat.
  • When purchasing frozen meat, you should pay attention to the packaging. It is best if it is vacuum. The meat should retain its natural color, be light pink, without bruising.

Rabbit meat, the benefits and harms of which are preserved during the cooking process, has a specific taste, which soaking helps get rid of. To do this, the rabbit meat is immersed in water for 3 hours and only then they begin to cook according to the recipe.

Rabbit meat is increasingly appearing in store windows; many are interested in the benefits of rabbit meat and what recommendations exist for consuming the product. Eating rabbit meat allows you to:

  • Improve skin;
  • Normalize sugar levels;
  • Accelerate recovery after illness;
  • Reduce intraocular pressure;
  • Strengthen bone tissue;
  • Improve oxygen exchange in brain cells;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

The beneficial properties of rabbit meat are especially necessary:

  • In childhood. The body does not have enough vitamins and microelements obtained from fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to start the first complementary feeding with rabbit meat. The composition of the product helps strengthen and grow bones, teeth, nails, and hair.
  • In old age. The components of the product contribute to cell regeneration, maintaining the functioning of human internal organs and systems, and slowing down the aging process.
  • During pregnancy and lactation. Promotes the harmonious development of the fetus, replenishes nutrients without risk to health.
  • Athletes. The minimum fat content allows you to consume dietary meat, subject to a strict regime, to gain muscle mass and replenish energy.
  • When fighting excess weight. The rabbit's calorie content is suitable for nutrition during diets. At the same time, rabbit is easily digestible and saturates the body.

The attending physician may prescribe a diet using rabbit meat if you have:

  • Diabetes;
  • Colitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Radiation sickness;
  • Stomach ulcers;
  • Hypertension;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Tumors;
  • Anemia.

Rabbit fat also has a number of beneficial properties: it helps restore skin, nails, hair, acts as an antiseptic, and helps with diseases of the nasopharynx and lungs. Used in cosmetics and folk medicine for rejuvenation.

  • Gout;
  • Tendinitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Disturbance of the gallbladder.

Some meat components negatively affect joints, tendons and bile flow. With excessive consumption of meat, all the benefits for the child can result in neuro-arthritic diathesis. Therefore, it is recommended to consume the product in moderation and monitor your health.

The product is not suitable for low protein diets and severe kidney disease. Rabbit allergies are rare. The main rule when including a rabbit in the diet is to follow the norm, cooking technique and choose the right product.

Dietary rabbit meat, the benefits of which have been proven by medicine, is distributed mainly among young mothers, adherents of a healthy diet, athletes who want to lose weight and people with chronic diseases.

Everyone finds their own advantages in it. For athletes it is a valuable protein, for young mothers the best complementary food for children, those losing weight value low calorie content, and for some patients it is the only type of meat food that is available for consumption.

Understanding the question of whether rabbit meat is beneficial or harmful, we will try to find an objective assessment and correlate all the pros and cons. Let us list the beneficial properties of rabbit meat:

  1. When an animal is raised until the age of seven months, its body does not absorb particles of heavy metals, strontium, pesticides and herbicides. Even if the elements enter the animal’s body through food, they are not deposited in the carcass. This property is especially useful in oncological diseases and rehabilitation after radioactive radiation. The product reduces the level of radiation received.
  2. Close in composition to human cells. Thanks to this, the product is absorbed by 96% (beef by 60%). This beneficial property is actively used by athletes to build muscle mass. They receive almost completely digestible protein from their diet.
  3. Compared to beef and pork, rabbit meat has the highest protein content - 21% and the lowest fat content - 15%.
  4. The low content of sodium salts makes it possible to obtain the benefits of rabbit meat in your diet. With constant use, the low calorie content of the product stimulates the normalization of fat and protein metabolism.
  5. The abundance of lecithin with a minimum of cholesterol makes the product indispensable for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  6. Helps regulate blood glucose levels.
  7. Variety of micro, macroelements and vitamins: Fluoride
  8. B12 – cobalamin
  9. Iron
  10. B6 – pyridoxine
  11. Manganese
  12. C – ascorbic acid
  13. Phosphorus
  14. PP – nicotinoamide
  15. Cobalt
  16. Potassium

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Type of meatContent in %mg per 100 g
Rabbit meat59,820,814,925

The main reason why women prefer rabbit meat is its low calorie content. Followers of diets prefer this meat product to others in order not to deny themselves the consumption of animal protein and reduce the amount of fat. It should be remembered that the muscle tissue of an animal older than three months grows with fatty fibers and its dietary properties decrease.

Due to its hypoallergenic properties, rabbit meat is recommended for girls during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This will allow the baby to replenish the body with energy without harm.

  • The formation of the body's muscles occurs with the absorption of protein from food - therefore, rabbit meat is a necessary aid in building muscle mass. Of this, only 10% of the protein is not absorbed - the rest goes to building the body. Let’s compare – cattle meat is digestible by 65%. Therefore, rabbit meat is an indispensable product for those who build muscle mass, for example, for athletes or simply people involved in physical training.
  • Suitable for people who care about their appearance - because meat does not contain fat and therefore does not create unwanted fat deposits.
  • Rabbit does not contain heavy metals! Therefore, eating rabbits under the age of seven months does not introduce additional radiation into the body and is recommended for patients with cancer.
  • The consumption of rabbit meat is allowed in the postoperative period and in general for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. The meat does not cause flatulence or indigestion - it is easy to digest, safe meat.
  • In the first months of breastfeeding, to ensure the quality of mother's milk, some nurses adhere to a special diet that prevents the baby from having tummy problems. In such a diet, rabbit meat has its place - it is rich in vitamins and microelements, but does not cause colic or bloating.
  • Rabbit meat does not cause allergies. The internal fat from a rabbit carcass does not cause allergies, so it is used for making cosmetic ointments.
  • Rabbit meat to some extent reduces blood sugar levels, so it is suitable for the diet of diabetics.
  • When consuming rabbit meat, immunity increases, the intestines are cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances.
  • Metabolism when consuming rabbit meat (due to a large amount of B vitamins) improves, as does the nervous system. Affects stress resistance, as well as cures depression, improves sleep.
  • The minerals contained in meat affect the skeletal system, as well as the condition of teeth, hair and nails.
  • In general, meat that is contraindicated for gouty conditions comes in different types. Rabbit meat is also suitable for people with gout; the product contains no uric acid. Just don't overdo it.
  • Microelements such as potassium contained in rabbit meat are beneficial for the functioning of the heart and the entire circulatory system.
  • There is no cholesterol in rabbit meat. Among other things, it removes cholesterol plaques and fights the initial manifestations of atherosclerosis.

Calorie content of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is a low-calorie product. Its calorie content, depending on the breed, is approximately 180 kilocalories contained in 100 grams of meat.

This allows you to include rabbit meat in your diet for weight loss. The exact caloric value can be determined by knowing the age of the rabbit and its breed. Caloric content may also change depending on how the meat was prepared. The lowest calorie content is present in rabbits under three months of age. Then, as it grows, it begins to increase.

Useful qualities of rabbit meat

By introducing rabbit meat into your daily diet, the benefits of its consumption provide significant results:

  • the brain is enriched with oxygen;
  • mental capacity increases;
  • bones are strengthened;
  • skin condition improves;
  • promotes rapid recovery after illness or surgery;
  • prevents diabetes by normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • has a positive effect on metabolism;
  • reduces eye pressure.

The high protein content accelerates the growth of muscle mass, which is important for athletes. Its use is not prohibited for diseases of the digestive system. The good news for gout sufferers is that rabbit meat does not contain many purine compounds.

Rabbit meat can be used in the diet of young children and the elderly: the benefit of this is that it is well and quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, rabbit meat is a product that does not cause allergenic reactions.

Rabbit meat stimulates the digestive system. It promotes the secretion of pancreatic juice, reduces the viscosity of bile, prevents its stagnation in the ducts and bladder, and normalizes intestinal motility.

Rabbit meat has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It helps improve the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of their walls, normalizes blood viscosity, and increases hemoglobin levels.

If you start comparing the different effects on the body of people who consume rabbit meat, the benefits and harms will not be the same. A significant advantage will be on the side of benefit.

Rabbit meat: benefits and harm to the body, composition, use, recipes

Rabbit meat is not as popular as pork or chicken. And some consider meat a delicacy. But doctors recommend replacing them with other types of meat. This is justified by the fact that rabbit meat is a dietary product. And the amount of nutrients in it will improve your health. So what components justify the benefits and harms of rabbit meat?

The calorie content of rabbit meat allows you to consume the product while losing weight. It contains a large amount of protein, which is a building material for muscles. That doesn't mean it's not enough for athletes.

On the contrary, after eating meat there is enough energy, and the composition of BZHU is ideal for stress and achieving the desired shape.

It is worth noting that the exact calorie content can only be found out if the age of the animal and even its breed are known, since the indicators vary significantly depending on factors:

  • in stewed rabbit - 189 calories;
  • boiled – 172 calories;
  • baked - 141 calories;
  • fried - 175 calories.

Since the carcass consists of 85% muscle tissue, there is plenty of protein in the product. The benefits of rabbit meat for the body are due to the presence of vitamin C, B3 and B12. Rabbit is rich in iron, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine and manganese. Nutritionists pay special attention to the low percentage of cholesterol.

Meat products must be present on the menu to achieve normal functioning of the body. Especially such a delicacy as rabbit meat.

What are the benefits of rabbit meat in human nutrition:

  1. Saturates brain cells with oxygen.
  2. Increases mental capacity.
  3. Strengthens bones and joints.
  4. Improves the condition of the dermis.
  5. Restores the body's strength, accelerates rehabilitation after operations and illnesses.
  6. Acceptable for pathologies of the digestive system.
  7. Allows you to normalize blood sugar levels.
  8. It does not contain purine compounds, which means it is not prohibited for gout.
  9. Low calorie content.
  10. A large amount of protein allows you to accelerate the growth of an athlete’s muscle mass, and also helps people recover after heavy loads.
  11. Meat is well and quickly absorbed by the body, so it is allowed in the diet of young children and the elderly.
  12. Eating rabbit meat prevents atherosclerosis.

For men

For the male body, rabbit meat is primarily beneficial for its high protein content. It is this property that allows you to quickly restore strength after training and heavy loads.

Rabbit meat is recommended for those who work in heavy industries and deal with environmental pollution and even radiation. The greatest benefit comes from meat no older than three months. Further, the amount of fat in it increases.

And the taste leaves much to be desired.

Important! When buying rabbit meat in a supermarket, you should not hope for improved health.

In this case, the animals were raised under artificial conditions. The feed they received was loaded with estrogen. And this is a female hormone, which will be completely inappropriate in the male body.

For women

For women, the benefits of rabbit meat are great. It is not for nothing that nutritionists insist that chicken, and especially pork, should be replaced with a more healthy and dietary product, and very often this is rabbit meat. Low calorie content will attract anyone who wants to watch their diet.

We must not forget about the vitamin composition. The beneficial substances in this product allow the skin to look firm and youthful at any age. Homemade face masks are made from rabbit fat. But the product is used not only in home cosmetology, but also professional. It is not difficult to find in the composition of cosmetic products.

For children

Rabbit is an animal whose meat can be given to children even up to one year old. After all, it is very easily absorbed even by children, despite the weak gastrointestinal tract. It does not contain a large amount of fat, which is harmful to the baby. And the protein is not heavy at all. At the same time, the product contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are needed for the growth and formation of a small organism.

To confirm the benefits, on store shelves you can find baby food containing rabbit meat, not cow or pig meat.

A pregnant woman's menu should be designed in such a way that the expectant mother gets a lot of benefits from it for herself and her baby. Therefore, rabbit meat is allowed during this period. And even breastfeeding is not a hindrance to the delicacy.

Advice! Pediatricians and gynecologists recommend introducing it into the diet of a new mother from about the 10th day of feeding, provided that the baby does not have allergies.

However, this happens extremely rarely. After all, rabbit meat is hypoallergenic and can even eliminate allergy symptoms. In the first days, the amount of product should not exceed 40 grams. It should be steamed and stewed without spices or mayonnaise. It is advisable to choose a carcass that is less than three months old, it has more protein and less fat.

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Excessive consumption of rabbit meat is fraught with negative consequences. There are standards for the consumption of rabbit meat. It is recommended to consume the dish no more than 3-4 times a week.

Daily norms:

  1. A woman has 150 grams.
  2. For a man - 180 grams.
  3. In children - from 50 to 100 depending on age.
  4. For older people – 100 grams.

Rabbit meat is the best choice for weight loss. If you take a young carcass, it will have a minimal amount of fat. But you shouldn’t be afraid of adults either, since fat cannot be completely excluded from the diet during a diet. Low calorie content and high amounts of protein are not the only advantages. The substances included in the composition have a positive effect on digestion and speed up metabolism.

It is recommended to eat not only rabbit fillet, but also its liver. The product is rich in iron. Therefore, it must be eaten if you have anemia. Liver is low in calories and contains a lot of protein.

Accelerates digestion, has a good effect on the condition of nails, hair, and skin. Elderly people especially need to pay attention to it.

Rabbit liver is beneficial and does not pose a threat to human health. However, provided that there is a lot of it in the diet, you can also notice a negative effect. After all, any product contains not only useful, but also harmful substances. For everything to go well, it is advisable to use the product no more than once a week.

Useful properties of bream

Rabbit broth is a healthy drink during illness, recovery, and postoperative periods. It has the same properties as the fillet itself. Will not cause harm if consumed in moderation, one to three times a week.

Rabbit meat is suitable for all types of processing. It can be stewed, boiled, fried, grilled. And the pate turns out very tender and aromatic. Combines with vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, fruits. Fennel, thyme, bay leaf and ginger add a piquant taste.

However, before cooking it is important to get rid of the specific taste. You can soak in milk, water, white wine for about three hours. The front part of the rabbit reveals the flavor well after boiling and stewing. But it is advisable to fry the back one. It is worth noting that each part, depending on the type of processing, requires a certain time.

Rabbit meat has many positive properties. However, there are cases in which you should refuse the delicacy. This applies to patients with kidney disease, arthritis, some gastrointestinal disorders and psoriasis. No cases of allergies have been reported since rabbit fat contains substances that suppress reactions.

A large amount of purine substances becomes uric acid, which is deposited in the joints. And amino acids tend to oxidize the body. All these problems can arise due to frequent consumption of meat. Those who carefully taste the delicacy are not in danger.

Rabbit meat brings not only benefits, but also harm to the human body. To get the maximum benefit, you need to choose the right carcass. If you buy bad meat, you can even harm yourself.

Particular attention is paid to color and smell. The shade should be slightly pink, delicate, uniform. Rabbit meat has no smell at all. If you try really hard, you can catch a very light aroma.

But if the carcass smells of hay, it means the rabbit is old.

The carcass itself does not weigh more than 1.5 kilograms. Its surface is ideally elastic, not winded, not slippery. A rabbit can be confused, but often a foot with fur is left on the butchered carcass.

It is advisable to buy fresh meat, but if this is not possible, and there is frozen meat nearby, then it should be in a vacuum.


The benefits and harms of rabbit meat are determined by the substances that are in its composition. This dietary product is useful at any age, is suitable for babies up to one year old and does not cause allergic reactions. The delicacy is suitable for boiling, frying and stewing. Goes great with vegetables and even fruits.


Olga Kravchenko, Syzran Rabbit meat is very tasty! This is one of its main advantages. But besides this, it is dietary and healthy. I like that I didn’t have to limit myself to it while breastfeeding.

Sergey Arsenyev, Dnepropetrovsk Rabbit meat is one of the most favorite dishes. Pairs surprisingly well with applesauce. The whole family often bakes meat, fries, steams, and cooks. During illness, we give the child broth. By the way, the nutritionist recommended this to his wife, and not chicken. Was this article useful to you?

Rabbit meat, the benefits and harms of the product are the subject of discussion among nutritionists around the world. Rabbit meat is considered light, healthy, easily digestible by the body of adults and children. It does not accumulate harmful substances and contains a minimal amount of fat. A variety of tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from the product, recommended for the nutrition of sick, losing weight and healthy people.

Nutritional value of rabbit meat (per 100 g):

  • 21.142 g proteins;
  • 10.799 g fat;
  • 66.689 g water;
  • 1.114 g ash;
  • 39.155 mg cholesterol;
  • 0.357 g omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 2.721 g omega-6 fatty acids.

Vitamins in rabbit meat (per 100 g):

  • 0.176 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 9.783 mcg retinol equivalent (A);
  • 115.578 mg choline (B4);
  • 0.768 mg ascorbic acid (C);
  • 7.659 mg folate (B9);
  • 0.468 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.114 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 11.547 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 4.294 mcg cobalamin (B12);
  • 0.473 mg pyridoxine (B6).

Meat composition

Eating rabbit meat for various diseases

It is recommended to consume rabbit meat, of course, in reasonable quantities for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • anemia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastritis;
  • oncology.

The use of rabbit fat is varied. It has beneficial qualities such as anti-inflammatory and wound healing. It can also be used for diseases of the lungs and throat, and if you want to improve the condition of your hair, skin, and nails.

It is recommended to include rabbit meat in the diet for diseases of the liver and pancreas. The intestines begin to function better. If there are problems with stomach secretion, then rabbit is the only type of meat that can be consumed in this case. Eating rabbit meat prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis and arrhythmia.

Harmful properties of rabbit meat

Caution should be exercised when using this product. Despite the fact that it has undoubted advantages, there are nuances when consuming rabbit meat. Its benefits and harms often depend on the individual characteristics of a person.

People with gout should limit its use. The amount of meat in this case should not exceed 150 grams per day, otherwise it may provoke an attack. It can cause harm to gout if consumed fried or even stewed. When cooking a piece of meat, you need to change the water twice to get rid of purine substances.

Rabbit meat should not be overcooked. This will cause the formation of hydrocyanic acid, which is harmful to the body. Children suffering from diathesis should not overuse rabbit meat.

When consuming rabbit meat, the benefits and harms depend on its quantity. The recommendation of nutritionists is that excessive consumption of this product can be harmful. It should be consumed no more than 3-5 times a week. The portion should not be too large. It should be the least amount for children and the elderly, not exceeding 100 grams per day. For women, 150 grams are allowed, and for men - 180 grams per day. It is recommended to consume rabbit liver no more than once a week. Moderate consumption also applies to rabbit broth.

Popular recipes

There are many recipes for cooking rabbit. But its meat is especially tender if you stew it in yogurt.

Cut half a rabbit carcass, weighing about 1 kg, into portions, wash and dry. Then salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. After this, fry the rabbit meat in vegetable oil until golden brown. Without removing the meat from the pan, fill it completely with water or broth and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour.

Rabbit meat prepared according to this recipe, the benefits and harms of which, according to nutritionists, are incomparable, turns out tender and juicy. This is an excellent, easy-to-prepare dish for the diet table.

In general, in dietary, postoperative and hospital nutrition, much attention is paid to the process of preparing meat. Since we are talking about healthy eating, only the cooking process is noted. In any case, it is better to cook rabbit meat in several waters and not overcook it. This kind of meat suits absolutely everyone.

If you don’t worry about the healthfulness of the meat you’re preparing, then we can say that you can fry, steam, bake, and perform other cooking processes on meat. It is good to make meatballs, cutlets, and add it to salads.

Rabbit meat is seasoned with the same seasonings as other types of meat. Pairs well with various types of side dishes.

To make the meat tasty and tender, it is important to cook it correctly. Before cooking, the carcass is processed:

  1. First you need to soak it in cold water. The soaking procedure takes 7 hours. To completely eliminate bitterness and harmful components, the water is changed several times during the soaking process. The same processing technique is used for the hare. To improve the taste, some housewives soak the carcass in milk. The rabbit meat turns out softer and juicier.
  2. When cutting up a carcass, it is worth sorting out the pieces of the back and front parts. The tender back one is suitable for stewing and frying, the front one is tougher and is used for preparing first courses.
  3. To eliminate the characteristic odor, add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the soaking water.
  4. It is better to cook rabbit meat not whole, but to divide it into portions, so the dish will turn out juicy and tender.
  5. During the cooking process, set the average temperature. When baking it is 170 °C.

Having the carcass of an adult rabbit at home, a person can prepare a variety of dishes that are suitable for the festive table for the New Year; more recipes can be found here: https://kashevar.com/recipes/new-year .


To make homemade cutlets from this product you will need the following products:

  • fresh meat – 400 g;
  • milk – 1/3 cup;
  • fresh lard – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • bread – 150 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 70 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • greens (dill and parsley) – 15 g each.

Rabbit meat is perfect for dietary nutrition. It is low in calories, easily digestible and contains many vitamins.

The rabbit meat is separated from the bones, washed, dried and ground together with lard in a meat grinder. Then you need to soak the bread in milk for 5 minutes. After time, squeeze out and mix with beaten egg. The resulting mass is poured into a bowl with minced meat. Then all this needs to be peppered, salt to taste, mixed well and formed into cutlets. They are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil.

The cooked cutlets are placed on a dish and decorated with sprigs of herbs. This dish is served with any side dish and vegetable salad.

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You can cook a delicious and healthy soup for the whole family using the following recipe:

  1. The front part of the animal is cut into portioned pieces, unnecessary fragments (fat, veins) are removed, washed and placed in a pan.
  2. The meat needs to be cooked over medium heat for half an hour until half cooked.
  3. The boiled rabbit meat is removed, cooled, separated from the bone and cut into medium pieces, sent back to the broth.
  4. Add peeled and diced potatoes. After boiling, salt the broth and add a couple of pinches of pepper.
  5. Rice is washed in several waters (1-2 tablespoons). After 10 minutes, when the potatoes are almost ready, add rice, after which you need to cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. During this time, the frying is prepared. Peel the onion, finely chop it, sauté in oil. After a couple of minutes, add peeled and finely grated carrots. Fry until soft and transfer to soup.
  7. At the end add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, finely chopped dill or parsley. After 3 minutes, turn off the burner and remove the pan from the heat.

This dish will be a great addition to the holiday table. It is suitable for adults; rabbit meat will not harm children either. To prepare it you will need the following:

  • fresh meat separated from the bone – 400 g;
  • mayonnaise – 200 g;
  • a mixture of frozen or fresh vegetables - cauliflower, broccoli, leeks, carrots, peas;
  • medium-sized potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • any greens.

The white rabbit meat, divided into portions, must be salted, peppered and coated with mayonnaise, after which it is left for an hour. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the rabbit meat, mix. The pickled products are placed in a sleeve, a mixture of vegetables is placed on top, sprinkled with herbs and sent to the oven for baking.

The cooking time at a temperature of 170 °C is 1-1.5 hours, it depends on how fresh the dietary rabbit meat is. During the cooking process, you need to check its readiness. This dish contains only 217 calories, so everyone can eat it, even those who want to lose weight.

It’s not difficult to prepare this healthy, satisfying and tasty salad from dietary meat; the recipe is inexpensive and quick. Required ingredients:

  • 300 g of rabbit meat fried in a frying pan;
  • canned zucchini or zucchini – 200 g;
  • canned peas – 100 g;
  • pickled rutabaga – 100 g;
  • boiled chicken eggs – 3 pcs.

To prepare the dressing you will need 100 g sour cream with mayonnaise, sugar, salt, a mixture of chopped dill and parsley weighing 50 g. Cut the fried rabbit meat into cubes. Zucchini and rutabaga are chopped in the same way. Place the slices into one deep bowl. Open the peas, drain the water, and add to the dish.


How to Cook a Rabbit | How to Cook Rabbit

Secrets of cooking rabbit. Super recipe!

TOP 6 Benefits of rabbit meat in human nutrition

WEIGHING RABBITS (live weight and meat)

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