Prohibited foods for athletes

The essence and requirements of the Mirimanova diet minus 60

  • Breakfast is a must. Since after waking up, with its help, all metabolic processes of the body are launched. It is recommended to have breakfast no later than an hour after waking up.
  • Until 12 noon, you can eat almost everything, including sweets and flour products. The main thing is to ensure that the portions are approximately the same in volume and saturation in all 3 meals.
  • It is not recommended to have dinner later than 18:00, the deadline is 19:00. If at first it doesn’t work out because you are used to having a late dinner, then gradually shift it to an earlier one. Still, this is a matter of habit.
  • The best part is that you don't have to count calories for any of your meals. This is especially noted by adherents of the minus 60 system.
  • Can I have sugar, jam and honey? Of course yes, but only until noon. If it’s really hard for you without sugar, replace it with sweeteners, for example, xylitol.
  • Salt and spices are not prohibited, but it is worth remembering that salt retains water in the body and you should not over-salt your dishes.
  • Snacks are not welcome, only if you are very hungry, permitted fruits or vegetables (1 fruit per meal), low-fat kefir or sugar-free yogurt are allowed.
  • You can drink water if you wish and a little dry red wine (1-2 glasses).
  • There are no painful and monotonous fasting days. The menu during the day resembles separate meals. There are no strictly prohibited foods (only milk chocolate cannot be eaten; it is better to choose bitter chocolate or avoid it altogether).

The minus 60 system diet implies strict adherence to these simple rules in order to lose weight comfortably and maintain weight for many years.

Product Compatibility Chart

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, the Mirimanova minus 60 diet is suitable for those who have a sweet tooth. People who, for medical reasons, are contraindicated from sudden weight loss and adherence to stricter diets, including mono-diets. Elderly people and teenagers, pregnant women can also eat according to the system.

For people who are professionally involved in fitness, whose goal is to have an athletic, sculpted figure, and those who like drastic, quick weight loss, they are unlikely to like the long wait for visible results. The minus 60 system diet is designed for the patient and does not give quick results.

The main tasks of proper nutrition for weight loss

If you decide to lose a couple of kilograms or lose a fair amount of weight, you need to set yourself several goals. Nutrition, which must perform several functions and meet a number of requirements and criteria, can help in this matter.

Taking into account all the principles of proper nutrition guarantees a solution to any issue and a slim figure.

Basic rules of the minus 60 system

  • Fried in oil is prohibited. Therefore, we stew, bake, cook, grill.
  • We prepare soups strictly without potatoes.
  • Do not mix pasta and potatoes with meat and fish products. Replace your usual pasta with whole grain or shirataki pasta or wild rice. Avoid mayonnaise and sauces.
  • After dinner only tea. Hot tea dulls the feeling of hunger. Go to bed on time. It is a scientifically proven fact that after getting enough sleep, you then want to eat less often during the day.
  • It is necessary to adhere to strict time frames, having breakfast, lunch and dinner at specially designated hours. Breakfast until 12, lunch until 14 and dinner until 18.
  • When visiting, ask the hostess to prepare you an appetizer of low-fat cheese in advance and take with you a bottle of wine (dry red) to avoid the temptations of mouth-watering food and high-calorie alcohol.

List of permitted products

Breakfast (until 12 o'clock)

There are no restrictions, even if you want to eat a cake or pie. Lunch (from 12 to 15 hours): The menu is compiled on the basis of the rules of separate meals. For example, you cannot eat meat and potatoes at the same time.

Lunch food list

  • soy products;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables (potatoes and corn rarely);
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • dairy/lactic acid products.

Dinner (until 18 o'clock)

Here you can choose one of the following options:

  • fruits and dairy/lactic acid products;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • fruits and cereals;
  • vegetables and dairy/lactic acid products;
  • vegetables and cereals;
  • meat and fish products (low-fat);
  • dairy/lactic acid products, cheese (up to 50 g), crisps (rye).

Diet system minus 60 - table of permitted foods

Detailed menu of the Mirimanova system for the week

Day 1

Lunch: fish soup without potatoes, eggplant stuffed with lean meat, carrot and cabbage salad with garlic and sour cream. Dinner: aspic with chicken and boiled egg.

Day 2

Lunch: vegetable soup, dark rice pilaf with vegetables. Dinner: baked or stewed fish.

Day 3

Lunch: fish soup without potatoes, vegetable stew with mushrooms, fresh tomato. Dinner: baked apple with cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt without sugar or kefir.

Day 4

Lunch: chicken soup with vegetables, cucumber + tomato salad with a small amount of vegetable oil. Dinner: tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese, add garlic and herbs or your favorite seasonings.

Day 5

Lunch: cabbage soup without potatoes, buckwheat porridge, beetroot-garlic salad. Dinner: steamed fish cutlets.

Day 6

Lunch: chicken breast stew with vegetables, fresh cucumber or green tomato. Dinner: salad of cottage cheese and permitted fruit, low-fat yogurt without sugar or kefir.

Day 7

Lunch: stuffed peppers, vegetable salad with herbs. Dinner: low-fat meat kebab.

Sample breakfast menu

Sample menu for lunch

Sample dinner menu

Atkins diet table of foods to eat with caution

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Clean Calories
Red caviar241733264
kefir 1%
milk 1%3.414.94.942
whole milk (3.25%)
cream 10%31044118
sour cream 20%2.82033206
parmesan cheese35.825.83.23.2392
ricotta cheese111333174
squash Cavier18.46.44105
White cabbage1.
green onion (feather)
bulb onions1.10.19.3641
Bulgarian pepper10.26.35.627
celery (root)
green beans1.
Sauces, seasonings
mayonnaise 50%0.2504.74.7471
mayonnaise 72%0.6724.94.9670
light mayonnaise 30%0.3230.57.27.2304
Soft drinks
tomato juice0.
light beer0.203.53.535
dark beer0.305.55.548
semi-dry champagne0.304.54.574
Other products
black olives0.8116.33.1115
Nuts, seeds
Brazilian nut14.366.412.34.8656
pumpkin seeds30.24910.74.7559

System efficiency minus 60

According to nutritionists and doctors, the minus 60 diet is considered quite effective and safe. Due to the free and varied menu, the diet can confidently be classified as balanced. There are no direct contraindications or duration restrictions. And also an important advantage is the absence of the need to cook and eat separately.

But, nevertheless, despite the large number of advantages, there is something to pay special attention to and warn supporters of the minus 60 system.

For people prone to overeating and poor self-control, it is especially important to monitor the size of portions, because with fairly loose nutrition rules, there is a risk of eating more.

We must not forget that a smooth reduction in the number of calories is still expected and plan your menu wisely.

There are no specific portion sizes; it is important to eat enough, but not to overeat. According to the creator of the diet, you should not switch to saucers, but you should also avoid huge plates. The portion should be approximately the same in the morning, lunch and evening, equal in saturation. You need to remember about daily exercise and skin care while losing weight.

Skin care for weight loss

  1. Sudden weight gain or loss can harm your skin . Excess weight stretches the skin and when you lose weight quickly and dramatically using various diets, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag.
  2. Being overweight requires careful selection of diet and exercise that promotes slow and steady weight loss. Gradual weight loss will be relatively less harmful to the skin. The minus 60 system diet took care of this too. There are several ways to keep your skin looking better even after losing weight.
  3. Maintaining a healthy weight is key to maintaining skin elasticity and thus preventing sagging skin. Although this is quite difficult to do, especially if you are trying to lose weight. As mentioned earlier, the skin loses its elasticity due to rapid weight loss and therefore loses its ability to adjust to the new weight. However, following Mirimanova’s weight loss plan exactly, this will not happen. During the diet, you will be able to take care of your skin to increase its elasticity and therefore allow it to adapt to your new weight.
  4. Working out promotes muscle building and weight loss . An appropriate exercise plan will help burn fat and calories, build strong muscles that will make your skin look more attractive and your figure sexier.
  5. Gradually moisturize your skin with lotion or oil on a regular basis . Consume watery foods and plenty of water. Massage also helps make the skin firmer. Exfoliating your body at least twice a week will help keep your skin smooth and firm and will also prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

A cycle of exercises for all muscle groups using the “System Diet Minus 60” from Ekaterina Mirimanova

Recommended Exercises

  1. If you decide to implement exercise to lose weight, start slowly, with the understanding that it will take some time to see results. Don't be discouraged if your goals are not achieved after the first week. The one who follows slowly but surely wins.
  2. Check and record your weight before you start a new exercise cycle, and then try limiting yourself to checking only once a week. If you monitor your weight changes frequently, you will be disappointed if you don't immediately see drastic changes.
  3. When you notice changes, reward yourself. No, not treats, chocolate or candy. Reward them with a trip to the cinema on a day off or shopping.
  4. You can and should take a day off from training every week. Make it part of your workout. Your body needs a break from strenuous exercise, so be sure to schedule it.
  5. Try gathering information about exercise and fitness or researching different types of exercise.
  6. Try to get someone to do the exercises with you. This could be someone who is also trying to lose weight. Another benefit is that you can discuss your successes and fears with another person. A great way to motivate yourself and lose weight faster.
  7. Listen to your body and don't exercise too often to avoid harming yourself.
  8. Stick to your workout program. For some people, this is easier said than done. Most of us have such busy schedules that it is quite difficult to find a time to workout. But your body, your whole body, it needs exercise and fitness. Choose a template to suit your lifestyle. Try following workouts that are right for you. And even age is not a hindrance. You can read about fitness in older age here.

Ekaterina Mirimanova

Additional recommendations

Before you start following the Dukan diet and leave only permitted foods in your daily diet according to the stages, you should consult with your doctor if you have chronic pathologies.

What contraindications can prevent you from losing weight according to the method of a French nutritionist:

  • Heart failure
  • Vascular diseases
  • Pathologies of the urinary system, renal failure
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Oncological neoplasms
  • Allergic reactions
  • The period of bearing and feeding a child
  • Age up to 18 years

If the Dukan diet has been successfully applied in practice, in the future the most difficult task is to maintain the weight that was achieved as a result of long-term work on oneself. To maintain attractiveness for a long time, you should adhere to simple principles:

  • Eat small meals often, following the advice of a French nutritionist
  • Drink clean, unboiled water at least two liter bottles per day
  • It is useful to limit food once a week to relieve the body: these can be proteins, fermented milk products, buckwheat
  • Move independently, do not use vehicles, come up with an active hobby
  • Consume 3 tablespoons of bran
  • Play sports, smile more often

Diet system minus 60 - recipes

Pancake cake made from buckwheat flourWe prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour. Ingredients: 1 glass - buckwheat flour; 1.5 cups - cold water; 1 piece - chicken egg; 1 teaspoon - olive oil. Mix all ingredients, beat and bake pancakes. You can make the flour yourself by grinding the buckwheat kernels in a coffee grinder. Filling: yogurt without additives and sugar; 1 PC. - Grate the apple. Mix everything and coat each pancake, stack it in the form of a cake.
Chicken rollsCut the chicken fillet diagonally and beat it slightly.
Sprinkle with your favorite seasonings and salt. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar (optional). Twist the rolls and secure with toothpicks or tie with kitchen thread. Place in the oven. It is also especially tasty to marinate the rolls in yogurt or kefir before baking. This makes them especially soft and fragrant.
Stuffed applesCut out the core of the apple and stuff it with cottage cheese, which has previously been mashed with a fork.
Wrap in foil, leaving the top slightly open, and place in the oven or slow cooker for baking.

You can also add a little cinnamon or vanillin to the cottage cheese for flavor.

I would like to listen to supporters and opponents of the Mirimanova weight loss method. What results and for how long did you achieve? How do you maintain weight? Have there been any breakdowns? What do you like and dislike?

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