Benefits, harms, calorie content of blueberries per 100 grams

Goji berries, green coffee, quinoa seeds and other exotic products are inferior in benefits to the beautiful northern berry of an unusual color, pleasant taste with a slight sourness. We are talking about blueberry, gonobobel, drunkard - a swamp berry that retains its properties in any form. It is tasty, healthy, indicated for adults and children, and allowed during pregnancy. Let's talk about the beneficial properties of the berry and the rules for its use.

The blueberry has another interesting name - gonobobel. Blueberries are often mistaken for blueberries. Despite the external similarity, the fruits are different: gonobobel is larger and has slightly greenish flesh that does not stain the mouth. You can safely eat handfuls of healthy berries, not be afraid to walk around with blue lips and tongue, and enjoy the pleasant sweet and sour fresh taste.

Blueberries have unique beneficial properties. Gonobobel has many healing qualities, and it is widely used both in cooking and in folk herbal medicine in fresh, dry, and frozen forms. Wine is often made from blueberries and useful extracts are obtained. Blueberry extracts are then added to creams and medications.

What blueberries look like

Blueberry is a small shrub whose height rarely exceeds one to one and a half meters. In early June, small berries with a dense skin of a rich blue color with a slight iridescence ripen on the bush. Blueberries are harvested all summer long – the bushes bear fruit until August, so it’s easy to stock up on these delicious, medicinal fruits all summer long.

Berries drunks

The common blueberry looks picturesque, representing a bush with fluffy leaves. The branches of the bush are curved, long, and during the flowering period they are literally strewn with beautiful white or pink flowers that resemble miniature bells. The flowers fall, and then the fruits set. The color of blueberries is blue, covered with a white coating, somewhat similar in appearance to snow. As soon as the berries ripen, they turn into a real treat - vitamin bombs. Blueberries inside are filled with vitamins and microelements valuable for health. It is curious that shrubs live for a very long time. The lifespan of each sometimes reaches 100 years.

Where do blueberries grow?

The common blueberry belongs to the heather family, and its closest relative is the healthy lingonberry. Like lingonberries, gonobobel loves to grow in marshy areas, peat bogs, and tundra. The fruit's favorite climate is cool, which is why it is often called the northern berry. Blueberries are highly valued by residents of Canada, North America, England, Iceland, and even Japan. There, the healthy berry grows in the East and is revered by the residents as a natural healer for many diseases.

In addition to gonobobel, blueberry has other names: drunkard, water drunkard, fool, doveberry and drunken berry. It is believed that if you overeat berries, you can easily fall into a dope like intoxication.

Biologists have found out that it is not the blueberry itself that is intoxicating, but the wild rosemary. It often grows near bushes, its esters end up in the spores of the dove, which gives the berries mild intoxicating properties.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Since ancient times, healers and herbalists have known the benefits of blueberries and use the berry to improve health. Firstly, the berry is able to compensate for the deficiency of ascorbic acid in winter and spring, when there is a catastrophic lack of fresh vitamins. Secondly, she is considered a fighter against obesity. Since it contains nicotinic acid and thiamine, constant consumption of healthy berries helps to lose weight or at least stabilize it, preventing it from rising.

Finally, the juice was always given for acute febrile conditions and as an ambulance for stomach pain. The mild “intoxicating” effects of blueberries quickly relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and have a calming effect on humans.

blueberry benefits

Beneficial properties of blueberries for women

Gonobobel was always recommended to eat while expecting a baby. All thanks to microelements that have a complex beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Gonobobel contains folic acid. Blueberries are recommended for pregnant women in the early stages, even in the planning stage of pregnancy, the substance helps the formation of new cells. The fetus develops better, internal organs are formed according to all standards, and a strong and healthy baby is born. Another property of blueberries is their ability to regulate blood pressure. This serves as an excellent prevention of gestosis - a direct threat of premature birth in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Vitamin C protects the expectant mother and fetus from colds, harmful bacteria and viruses. Gonobobel berries are indicated for toxicosis. They stop the urge to vomit, and the pregnant woman does not feel strange tastes.

Blueberries during breastfeeding

Blueberries contain rutin and exculin, which are beneficial for heart and vascular diseases. Plus, this healthy berry always improves brain function, cleanses the blood, relieves swelling and regenerates the retina. All these qualities deservedly made the berry useful even during breastfeeding. With mother's milk, microdoses of beneficial components reach the baby, strengthening the little body.

Gonobobel berry allows you to avoid such a phenomenon as postpartum depression, when young mothers feel empty and lost. The berry stimulates the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, so that women endure the first months after the birth of a child much more pleasantly: they feel cheerful, cheerful, and get better sleep. Of course, all these benefits are real only if two main conditions are met: moderation and careful use.

Benefits for weight loss

One of the glorified properties of blueberries is their low calorie content; 100 g of fresh product contains only about 40 kcal. Thanks to this nuance, blueberries can be safely included in the diet menu without fear of gaining excess weight.

The berry is known for its fat-burning properties due to its polyphenol content. These substances promote the breakdown of fats already present in the body and prevent the formation of new fat depots.

So, at least, some scientists say. The fact is that blueberries are useful for weight loss; they can diversify your diet and significantly reduce its calorie content. Blueberries, when consumed regularly, help combat constipation, being a powerful stimulator of intestinal motility. Thanks to its astringent effect, it helps eliminate toxins in the human body.

blueberry leaves

Wild blueberries are famous not only for their healthy berries. The leaves are also very often included in herbal teas for their unique composition. Dried and fresh leaves contain tannins and steroids that can fight several ailments at once.

How the leaves help:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic;
  • stop heavy bleeding, for example, during a woman’s menstrual period.
  • regulate blood pressure, so hypertensive patients are advised to drink teas as part of complex therapy for the disease;
  • normalize blood sugar, indicated for diabetics against insulin surges;
  • relieve inflammation during gastritis, saving from acute pain in the stomach:
  • gently and delicately improve digestion during constipation;
  • relieve joint pain;
  • help relieve symptoms of arthrosis.

Brewed teas from leaves and berries are very good for those who have recently suffered from a cold and want to quickly restore strength. Since the leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, they restore energy and strengthen the immune system no worse than many expensive medicines.

It is with a decoction of the leaves of the dove that they recommend rinsing your hair: it becomes clean, strong, shiny and manageable.

How many calories are in blueberries?

Here's how much:

The calorie content of fresh blueberries per 100 grams is 35 kcal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh blueberries in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.0

Fats – 0.0

Carbohydrates – 8.2

How is this berry useful? Great video!

And further:

This wild berry is a real treasure for women, as its high antioxidant content makes it top of the list of anti-aging foods. Blueberries and blueberries contain a lot of anthocyanins - powerful antioxidants that help fight premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Another plus: one glass of this delicious berry contains only 80 kilocalories, so you can snack on it and satisfy your sweet cravings without feeling guilty.

How and when is the best time to eat berries?

Wild blueberries are delicious in any form: frozen or fresh. The berries are delicious in fruit drinks, compotes, and honey. The berry acquires an unusual taste in jams, which are tender and not cloying. Blueberry jelly has a pleasant berry color; it gently envelops the stomach, quickly relieving any irritation of the mucous membrane.

Top 5 best recipes

  1. Decoction of leaves. Dry leaves are poured with a glass of warm water, boiled for 5 minutes, and then infused. Drink 5-7 times 50 ml before meals.
  2. Grated berries. The blueberries are covered with a small amount of sugar or honey and ground. Eat fresh with tea 2-3 times a day. Recommended amount 1-2 tbsp.
  3. Blueberry compote. The berries are covered with sugar, filled with clean water and heated. As soon as the water is covered with small bubbles, it is turned off and the drink is allowed to brew. You can drink chilled 2-4 glasses a day at any time of the day.
  4. Blueberry and cottage cheese smoothie. The berries are mixed with 0% fat cottage cheese or natural yogurt and blended in a blender. Eat instead of dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Blueberry jelly. The berries are rubbed with a sweetener and the juice is allowed to stand out. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve. Dissolve gelatin, according to the instructions on the package, in the required amount of water, mix with juice. Pour the resulting mixture into bowls and cool in the refrigerator. Serve with whipped cream for dessert after a hearty dinner. Dessert is recommended for everyone who suffers from obesity and diabetes.

Wild blueberries in some countries are loved by raw foodists and are used together with shoots for salads and teas: they are crushed, dried, and then drinks are brewed from them. These healthy and tasty berries are recognized as a powerful medicine against problems with the heart and blood vessels.


Blueberries are harvested for raw consumption, actively frozen and processed. It is used to make jam, jelly, compote, jelly, jam, juice, and wine. Berries are added to desserts, fruit salads and dairy products.

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Contraindications and harm of blueberries

Marsh blueberry has a minimum of contraindications and is indicated for people from 3 to 80 years of age or older. People with blood diseases, benign and malignant neoplasms during pregnancy and lactation should consume this healthy berry with caution. Despite the permission of obstetricians and gynecologists, it is better to consult with them and use them in the dosage indicated by them. Since gonobobel reduces blood pressure, it can cause a sharp decrease in strength in hypotensive patients.

If you have a great love for the healthy blueberry, you should enjoy it a little at a time - no more than one glass of berries per day. It is better for people with greater weight to refrain from desserts with berries containing white sugar, replacing it with sweeteners or honey in small quantities. However, the main commandment of any herbal medicine is moderation, caution, wisdom and consumption of the berries during the season when the beneficial properties of blueberries are manifested in maximum concentration.

Enjoy the beautiful, healthy blue berry: gonobobel, durnik, drunkard, treat yourself with natural healthy vitamins and delicious food and be healthy.

Restrictions and contraindications

Beneficial bluish-blue berries can cause harm in certain diseases. Contraindications for the product include:

  • stomach ulcer and pancreatitis in acute stages;
  • gastritis with high acidity in a state of exacerbation;
  • tendency to gas and bloating;
  • individual allergy to berries;
  • lactation - you should not eat blueberries while breastfeeding, it can harm the baby.

It is also recommended to follow small daily dosages of berries - if you eat too many tasty berries, it will lead to diarrhea. Fresh berries are not recommended for consumption with coffee and strong black tea, since the benefits and harms of blueberries in this case become ambiguous, and the combination can cause nausea.

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