Calorie content of peanuts per 100 grams

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Peanuts in coconut glaze according to the classic recipe

You need to purchase coconut milk in specialized stores.
For 300 g of nut kernels, take up to 50 ml of this concentrate, as well as 70 g of sugar and 120 g of powder. Cooking peanuts in coconut glaze comes down to these simple steps:

  • fry the fruits until golden brown (20 minutes);
  • separate them from the husk;
  • mix sugar with coconut milk;
  • Bring the mixture to thicken over low heat;
  • pour the cooled syrup evenly over the nuts, stirring thoroughly;
  • Sprinkle the thickened caramel with powdered sugar;
  • leave for 24 hours.

The calorie content of peanuts in coconut glaze is 550 kcal. This dessert is consumed in moderation, as nuts and coconut can cause allergies.

Some recipes for preparing peanuts in coconut milk add 60 g of starch to the main ingredients.
The product is heated in the microwave at maximum temperature for about 2 minutes. This procedure will help get rid of the unpleasant taste of dampness. Then the familiar procedures are carried out:

  • granulated sugar (150 g) is dissolved in coconut milk;
  • the resulting mixture is boiled until a thick consistency is formed;
  • after the syrup has cooled, the fried peanut kernels are unloaded into it;
  • At the same time, starch is added evenly, stirring constantly.

The resulting dessert is placed on a wire rack and left in this state for a day.

The exotic delicacy is stored at a temperature no higher than 20˚C, but the air humidity should be about 70%.

The composition of peanuts in coconut glaze largely depends on the technology for preparing the sweets. Some confectionery factories often add food flavorings, vegetable oil, wheat flour, milk, and vanillin.

Peanuts: beneficial properties

Before we start talking about the beneficial properties of peanuts, we should identify the stakeholders who funded the research on this product. These are mainly companies that produce food products like peanut butter, Snickers, roasted nuts for beer, etc. Therefore, in our opinion, one should approach the conclusions of researchers who studied peanuts with great caution.

Moreover, all the beneficial properties of peanuts described below apply exclusively to small portions of this product - up to 10 “nuts” per day. If you eat more, you will get harm, not benefit. Keep this in mind when, after reading about the wonderful healing properties of peanuts, you imagine whole mountains of this affordable fried delicacy, while feeling a pleasant rich salty taste in your mouth...

So, according to scientists working at a research laboratory at Florida State University, peanuts are capable of the following feats:

  • Peanuts dilate blood vessels, which means they will be useful for people suffering from surges in blood pressure.
  • When consumed regularly, peanuts reduce the rate of cell destruction and also promote their regeneration, but this does not apply to cancer cells, which are mercilessly destroyed by the antioxidants contained in this product
  • This “bean nut” activates neurons in the brain, causing it to work more productively (think about Snickers advertising, as well as research clients)
  • Peanuts are an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, since the active substances included in its composition rid the human body of bad cholesterol and increase vascular tone
  • Like all legumes, groundnuts normalize blood sugar levels
  • Due to the presence of tryptophan, peanuts have a “cheerful” effect, or rather, they can suppress depression, because tryptophan is the raw material for serotonin (the hormone responsible for a person’s good mood)
  • Moreover, this product regulates the hormonal balance of the entire body, thanks to which even infertility is treated in men and women
  • The abundance of fiber contained in groundnuts helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, as well as maintain normal microflora in the small intestine.

In addition, peanuts are useful for bodybuilders and weightlifters, as they contain a lot of protein, which is a building material for muscles.

It is curious that, according to the same scientists, the most beneficial are not raw peanuts, but boiled ones. Because it contains 4 times more antioxidants than raw milk.

However, despite all the delights outlined above, in some cases peanuts can greatly harm a person. Moreover, in this case it is much more important to know about the harm than about the beneficial properties.

Composition and benefits for weight loss

Fun fact - this is the most popular nut in the world, although technically it belongs to the legume family. While we won’t remember how many calories are in peanuts, let’s better appreciate its certainly rich chemical composition, because the following vitamins are hidden in each kernel:

  • Thiamine – regulates the metabolic processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Nicotinic acid – normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • Choline - stimulates brain function, supports the nervous system;
  • Riboflavin - restores tissues of internal organs, regulates metabolism;
  • Pyridoxine – helps cellular processes;
  • Pantothenic acid - has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes cell growth;
  • Tocopherol - strengthens the walls of arteries and blood vessels;
  • Ascorbic acid - activates iron production, improves the functioning of the immune system.

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It also contains minerals - it is important to know about the following elements:

  • Copper improves the absorption of iron and has a disinfecting effect;
  • Manganese is responsible for the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • Magnesium normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, increases the tone of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Calcium has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves blood clotting;
  • Phosphorus. Strengthens bones, normalizes metabolism and promotes proper liver function;
  • Selenium strengthens the immune system;
  • Sodium. Improves kidney and gastrointestinal function;
  • Potassium. Normalizes water balance;
  • Iron normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • Zinc helps metabolism and strengthens the skeleton.

Although it is important to know the calorie content and nutritional value of peanuts, it is equally important to know its composition - you could be convinced of the exclusivity of the selected components!

Harm of raw peanuts

The delicacy is difficult to digest by the digestive system. Excessive consumption of nuts that are too high in calories can cause weight gain and provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, and diseases of the stomach and intestines. Peanuts are a highly active allergen and can be deadly for a certain category of people.

By violating the storage technology, you can provoke the formation of aflatoxins - toxic substances - in the nut. The kernels are consumed in small portions, carefully monitoring the body's reaction.

Allergy symptoms:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • spasms in the peritoneum;
  • rashes;
  • urticaria, itching;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Important! Not everyone can include raw nuts in their diet because of their ability to thicken the blood. People suffering from vascular diseases should choose an alternative to groundnuts.

Raw peanuts are contraindicated for the following pathologies:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased platelet count in the blood.

Nutritionists strongly do not recommend consuming the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It can negatively affect the development of the fetus and infant.

There is a category of people who cannot consume peanuts even in minimal quantities. A small amount of nuts in a cake or salad sauce can cause a serious reaction in the body and lead to death. If a person has an individual intolerance to raw peanuts and products prepared in any way, he should inform others about this. The first signs require immediate medical intervention.


Many people like to eat peanuts as an independent dish. Roasted peanuts with added salt are popular. Various snacks are prepared from it, added to salads and confectionery. Everyone knows the benefits and excellent taste of peanut butter. In the USA, a very popular product is peanut butter. Due to its high calorie content, pasta should be limited in consumption; it is ideal for breakfast.

Peanuts can be added to any dish, including soups, pasta, and fish. Grated peanuts will decorate any dessert.

Many people believe that frying weakens the beneficial properties of peanuts. However, it is not. On the contrary, the amount of polyphenols increases during frying.

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Peanut bju

The balance of groundnut BJU is dominated by protein and fat elements. The protein contained in peanuts is easily digestible and can completely replace the same component of animal origin - this quality is used by vegetarians. Fats help speed up the removal of excess bile from the body and have a positive effect on the course of ulcers.

100 g of product contains:

  • carbohydrates – 10.05 g;
  • fats – 46.4 g;
  • protein – 25.32 g.

The preponderance of the last two ingredients indicates that fats cover 63% of the daily diet, subject to a diet of 2000 kcal per day, protein - 37%. Suppression of hunger occurs when eating peanuts as an intermediate meal, while at the same time the body is enriched with substances beneficial to it.

Experts recommend using the product as a dessert at work - it has a positive effect on concentration, calms the nervous system, speeds up mental processes, and improves memory. The calming effect on increased nervous excitability allows you to solve the problem of insomnia, causeless fatigue, and increases libido in men and women.

How many calories are in 100 grams?

To find out how many calories are in peanuts, you need to refer to the reference charts or package directions. In tables, it is common to place peanuts in the "Nuts" section rather than the "Legumes" section. They list the calorie content of peanuts per 100 grams. The energy value of a product depends on the form in which it is consumed. So, raw, fried, salted peanuts have different calorie content per 100 grams.

Raw nuts

The easiest way to find out how many calories are in a particular raw peanut is by looking at the packaging. This will be accurate information. Nutritional tables give a range of caloric content of peanuts per 100 g from 440 to 630 kcal. It depends on the variety and storage conditions. The most common caloric value for raw peanuts is 551 kcal. Sometimes the tables give two indicators - peanuts (551 kcal) and dried peanuts (611 kcal).

If we compare the product with other nuts, it turns out that it is inferior to pecans (861 kcal), hazelnuts (703-707 kcal), American nuts (703 kcal), hazelnuts (656 kcal), and almonds (640-694 kcal). Since peanuts are not the most high-calorie type of nut, they are chosen for weight loss. Banana diet.


Those who love a rich taste, but are concerned about excess weight, are interested in how many calories are in roasted peanuts. Raw peanuts resemble the taste of beans, which is why eating roasted nuts is much more popular. They do not lose many useful qualities when frying, but gain some. For example, the amount of antioxidants and polyphenols increases. The latter improve vascular tone, prevent cholesterol plaques from depositing, and prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Roasted peanuts with salt

The difficulty in comparing the calorie content of roasted and raw peanuts lies in the significant difference in values ​​in different reference books. It would be correct to compare data from the same source. For example, if the table indicates 551 kcal for raw peanuts, then for blanched peanuts the value rises to 580 kcal. When analyzing different sources, an increase in energy value of approximately 3-5% can be noted. Knowing how many calories are in raw peanuts, you can calculate the calorie content in roasted peanuts when processed at home. It should be borne in mind that when frying in oil, the calorie content depends on its quantity and type. It can reach 630 kcal. For weight loss, it is better to choose raw or oven-roasted peanuts.

In a salty product

Fans of bright taste prefer nuts roasted with salt. This dish is especially popular with beer. Reference data on the calorie content of salted peanuts report 580 kcal. According to other sources, the energy value reaches 611 kcal. Salted nuts are prepared by roasting on a baking sheet with salt or frying in salted oil. In the second case, the calorie content is higher.

1 Description

The historical homeland of peanuts is South America. Even the ancient Incas appreciated the taste and beneficial properties of the plant, revered it, and decorated their homes, furnishings and textiles with images of beans. After the conquest of the American continent by the Spaniards, peanuts began their “journey” to other continents. Nowadays, this crop, capable of growing in poor soils, is grown everywhere: in the countries of the East, Africa and Europe.

Groundnuts are also cultivated in Russia. An unpretentious annual plant manages to bloom during the season with yellow-red or whitish flowers and form swollen, elongated fruits covered with a cobweb pattern in September-October. Inside each indehiscent pod, 2 to 6 cm long, are peanut seeds. Their number is usually 2-4 pieces.

The so-called nuts are covered with a thin skin, and its color depends on the variety: the shell of the kernels can be colored cream, grayish-yellow, light pink or dark red.

Appearance of the plant

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6 Contraindications

Despite the fact that groundnuts have an impressive list of beneficial properties, not everyone can eat them. This primarily applies to people with hypersensitivity to the protein components contained in beans. In recent years, an increasing number of cases of allergies to peanuts and their processed products (oil, paste) have been recorded. An allergic reaction manifests itself with different symptoms:

  • itching;
  • sneezing;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • bronchospasm;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • hives;
  • eczema;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • cardiac arrest;
  • anaphylaxis.

The appearance of even the slightest sign of allergy should be an absolute contraindication to eating ground nuts: the amount of allergen tends to accumulate in the body and can be fatal. True, deaths from anaphylactic shock caused by peanuts are rare.

Those who suffer from obesity or overweight should not overload on nuts: although the high-calorie product is used in some diets, if consumed excessively it will only worsen weight parameters.

Peanuts can cause harm to health in the following pathologies:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • herpes;
  • flatulence;
  • gout;
  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Patients suffering from the listed diseases are recommended to first consult with their doctor: only he will be able to make a final decision about how dangerous the product is and what is the maximum number of nuts per day that can be eaten in each specific situation.

Pancreatitis occupies a special position in the list of contraindications. In the chronic course of the disease in the stage of stable remission, patients are allowed to eat no more than 10-20 g of peanut seeds. During an exacerbation, the product must be completely excluded from the diet, as it can increase inflammation, cause nausea, diarrhea and excruciating pain.

If the substances contained in the skin enter the human stomach, they can cause diarrhea, so before consuming peanuts, they must be removed mechanically or by soaking.

Use while losing weight

And now a little about losing weight. Many doubt that the product can be eaten on a diet; nevertheless, the caloric content of raw shelled peanuts and the caloric content of fried nuts is quite high. We dispel your myths! The substances included in the composition are perfectly absorbed by the body:

  • Promote quality absorption of food;
  • Helps reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat;
  • Normalize cholesterol levels;
  • Helps burn fat deposits.

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You can and should eat nuts - the main thing is to remember the norm. If you want to achieve results, lose weight and improve your health, you need to follow certain rules - we will talk about them below.

BJU of raw peanuts

Groundnut kernels are a product that should be consumed with caution. Oversaturation can cause allergies due to the concentration of protein in the structure.

The amounts of B, F, U in peanuts are described in the table.

Proteins and amino acids Fats Carbohydrates
Name Quantity/g Name Quantity/g Name Quantity/g
Irreplaceable Saturated Total carbohydrates 16, 13
Arginine 3, 09 Myristic 0, 03 The low carbohydrate content provides a low glycemic index, which contributes to a smooth increase in blood glucose levels. Diabetics can eat peanuts in small quantities
Valin 1, 08 Palmitic 5, 15
Histidine 0, 65 Stearic 1, 1
Isoleucine 0, 91 Monounsaturated
Leucine 1, 67 Palmitoleic 0, 01
Lysine 0, 93 Oleic 23, 76
Methionine 0, 32 Gadoleic 0, 66
Methionine+cysteine 0, 65 Polyunsaturated
Threonine 0, 88 Linoleic 15, 56
Tryptophan 0, 25 Raw peanuts are quite fatty. It is grown as an oilseed crop and used to produce peanut butter.
Phenylalanine 1, 34
Phenylalanine+tyrazine 2, 39
Aspartic 3, 15
Glycine 1, 55
Glutamic acid 5, 39
Proline 1, 14
Serin 1, 27
Tyrosine 1, 05
Cysteine 0, 33

If the digestive organs are not affected by pathological foci, peanuts are recommended to be consumed raw. The natural, unprocessed kernel contains a large number of enzymes that help to fully digest food and absorb nutrients into the walls. Since groundnuts are heavy on the stomach, they must be crushed before use.

Chemical composition

A high-calorie product such as peanuts, which contains vitamins, minerals, protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and phytosterols, is widely used not only in everyday life, but also in medicine. An emulsion is produced from groundnuts, which is used for patients on parenteral nutrition.

Raw peanuts can cause digestive disorders. The protein elements and fatty acids included in the composition can cause the development of allergies.

The mineral composition of peanuts is presented:

  • calcium - the element normalizes the rate of blood clotting, accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses, suppresses allergic and inflammatory reactions in the body;
  • magnesium – designed to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, increase the tone of the cardiovascular department, accelerate regeneration processes at the cellular level;
  • sodium – normalizes the functionality of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, takes part in the production of certain enzymes;
  • phosphorus – strengthens bones, affects the nervous system, kidneys, metabolism;
  • iron – necessary for hematopoietic processes, responsible for hemoglobin levels;
  • zinc – improves metabolism, accelerates the healing of wound surfaces, increases the strength of bone tissue;
  • copper – normalizes the rate of iron absorption, has the ability to disinfect;
  • manganese – used in the production of enzymes, normalizes the functionality of the nervous and reproductive departments;
  • selenium – prevents the development of cancer, improves the performance of the immune system.

The seeds contain amino acids:

  • essential (36.8%) – isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine;
  • replaceable (31.6%) – arginine, glycine.

The high content of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic acid, covers the body's daily requirement when consuming 65 g of peanuts. Monounsaturated omega-9 oleic acid helps protect blood vessels from cholesterol and has a preventive effect against atherosclerotic disease.

The product contains large amounts of phytosterols, the main part of which is beta-sitosterol. The chemical composition of peanuts contains a large number of additional useful ingredients; it is represented by fiber, pectin, starch, sucrose, and oxalic acid.

Peanut vitamins

Vitamins in peanuts are represented by the following elements:

  • nicotinic acid - designed to stimulate blood circulation in small vessels, stabilizes the performance of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • thiamine – used for the normal functionality of the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • riboflavin – takes part in metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration and growth;
  • choline – stabilizes the functionality of brain activity and the nervous system;
  • pantothenic acid – has a wide spectrum of action, participates in metabolic processes, reduces inflammation, activates the formation and growth of cellular structures;
  • pyridoxine - with its help metabolic processes take place at the cellular level;
  • ascorbic acid - the element normalizes the activity of the immune system, activates the production of collagen, accelerates wound healing, and the absorption of iron by the body;
  • tocopherol – provides nutrition to cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the main antioxidants.

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In terms of the spectrum of antioxidant action, peanuts are second only to pomegranate seeds, being on a par with blackberries and strawberries. The polyphenols contained in the composition help prevent the development of heart pathologies, coronary, atherosclerotic diseases, malignant neoplasms, and early aging.

Peanuts have a rich chemical composition and high calorie content. 100 g of raw product contains 552 kcal, dried - 611 kcal. Peanuts contain a lot of protein and fat, which gives them high nutritional value. The detailed chemical composition of peanuts is given in the tables.

Table - Nutritional value, vitamins, micro- and macroelements

Nutritional valueg in 100 gVitaminsmg per 100 gMicro - and macroelements, per 100 gmg per 100 g
Fats45,2IN 10,74Potassium658
Squirrels26,3AT 20,11Phosphorus350
Carbohydrates9,9AT 452,5Magnesium182
Alimentary fiber8,1AT 51,77Calcium76
Water7,9AT 60,35Sodium23

Table - Amino acids, fatty acids

Essential amino acidsg in 100 gNonessential amino acidsg in 100 gSaturated fatty acidsg in 100 g

The daily intake of the product is individual for each person and depends on health status, age, and gender. On average, women can eat no more than 50 g of peanuts per day, men - up to 70 g per day. Abuse provokes the development of allergies and negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract.

Calorie content

Peanuts are a high-calorie product. But despite this, it is used in cooking, medicine, and also in the production of oil. Nutritionists say that when consumed correctly and within the daily requirement, groundnuts provide great benefits to the human body.


Nutritionists advise including peanuts in the daily menu of people who are overweight or have health problems. According to experts, it is better to eat a small amount of nuts per day than to eat fatty foods.

Due to the presence of a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in peanuts, the product can be consumed by those people who have given up meat and completely switched to food of plant origin. Groundnuts will saturate the body with essential fats, which will allow the body to work properly and smoothly.

In raw peanuts

Peanuts are high in calories, so they are suitable for snacking between meals. A small amount of nuts will quickly satisfy your hunger and satiate the body, which will help restore lost energy and give you a boost of energy for a long time.

Raw peanuts have the following characteristics per 100 grams of dry product:

Many people think that raw foods retain much more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. This does not apply to peanuts. Unprocessed nuts can cause digestive problems for some people.

In roasted peanuts

Nutritionists recommend roasting nuts to get maximum benefit from the product. As a result of heat treatment, a special protective layer is created on peanuts, which prevents the destruction of vitamin E and also increases the concentration of antioxidants. The main thing is to correctly perform the process of roasting groundnuts. This is done over low heat and without adding salt, oil or other additional ingredients.

The calorie content of peanuts in this case increases slightly. But it also retains a large amount of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. Nutrition and kcal per 100 grams of peanuts:

To properly roast groundnuts, you must follow the following rules:

  1. First of all, the process begins with the fact that the peanuts should be carefully sorted
    . There should be no husks, shells or other excess debris left in it. Also, spoiled and stale nuts are not roasted.
  2. Once all the peanuts have been selected, they should be washed
    . You can use a regular kitchen ladle for this.
  3. You cannot fry wet fruits. dry
    faster , place the nuts on a paper towel.
  4. Heat the frying pan and only then place the peanuts in it. In order for it to cook
    , you need to spread the fruits in a small layer and stir them constantly. The heat should be set to low.

After the peanuts have undergone the roasting procedure, they should be placed in a prepared container. Here the fruits will still take some time to arrive, after which they can be safely introduced into the daily menu.

In salted peanuts

Many people are interested in how many calories are in the salted peanuts that are sold in packaged stores. It depends on the manufacturer, but mostly per 100 grams. peanuts account for 633 kcal, including:

  • proteins – 28.9 g;
  • fats – 53 gr.;
  • carbohydrates – 11.1 g.

This product is not beneficial for the body. It contains a large amount of salt, which can lead to swelling. People with the following diseases should not eat these peanuts:

  • varicose veins;
  • gout;
  • arthritis.

It is best for women who are expecting a baby to completely avoid salted peanuts. It can provoke the development of an allergic reaction and also cause swelling in both the expectant mother and the child.

Chocolate covered peanuts

The nutritional value of the product is 580 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The content of protein, fatty and carbohydrate groups is in the following ratio: 13/42/37, respectively.

The product has both beneficial properties and harm for the body. Peanuts contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. But due to the presence of chocolate, the calorie content of peanuts per 100 g increases noticeably, which can cause extra pounds and the development of diabetes.


Chocolate covered peanuts can hardly be called a low-calorie product. If you start eating them in unlimited quantities, it can lead to obesity.

Sweetness, despite the presence of a large number of calories in peanuts, can be consumed by people in small quantities only if they do not have allergic or other negative body reactions to the product. Otherwise, peanuts in chocolate must be completely excluded from your diet.

In peanut glaze

The energy value of the product in sugar glaze is 490 kcal per 100 grams. Peanuts contain 32.9 grams of fat. It contains 18.5 grams of protein and 29.1 grams of carbohydrates.

Due to their sugar content, nuts are not the healthiest product for the human body. It is better to eat peanuts with lower calorie content.

Many people know the beneficial qualities of nuts. Peanuts have enough calories per 100 grams to replace animal fats. Therefore, many vegetarians include fruits in their daily diet. In order not to cause harm to the body, the permissible daily dosage of fruits should be strictly observed. It is better to eat no more than 20-25 pieces per day. Thanks to this norm, you can notice the following positive changes in the body:

  1. Normalization of the circulatory and digestive systems.
  2. Smoothing the skin from fine wrinkles, as well as restoring the natural color of the skin.
  3. Saturation of the body with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  4. Getting rid of extra pounds.

Peanut calories

Groundnuts have a fairly high nutritional and energy value. Patients undergoing a diet are wary of peanuts - if you consume 300 g, the daily calorie requirement will be completely closed.

Nutritionists say that seeds are among the best options for intermediate meals, which have absolutely no effect on body weight and improve the condition of the body. These features correspond to the truth only if the measure is observed, calculating the kcal in peanuts (when consuming different types of product) - glazed, with sugar, salt, unroasted or fried.


100 grams of roasted nuts contain 603 kcal:

  • protein – 26.9 g;
  • fats – 49.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 13.2 g.

The increase in energy value when processing seeds balances between 3-5% compared to raw peanuts. When following a diet, it is recommended to use oven-roasted kernels.


The calories in salted peanuts vary depending on how they are prepared. When purchasing a store-bought package, the nutritional value is 633 units; 100 g contains:

  • protein – 28.9 g;
  • fats – 53 g;
  • carbohydrates – 11.1 g.

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When calcined in an oven with salt, the number of calories is 550, when cooked in salted oil - 611-630 kcal.

Peanuts in chocolate

When eating peanuts in chocolate, the calorie content is 580 units for every 100 grams:

  • protein – 13 g;
  • fats – 42 g;
  • carbohydrates – 37 g.

Peanuts in glaze

Sugar-coated peanuts, whose calorie content is 490 kcal, contain:

  • protein – 18.5 g;
  • fats – 32.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 29.1 g.

Peanut butter contains 530 calories per 100 g - Nutella is an example, the product contains:

  • protein – 6.8 g;
  • fat – 31 g;
  • carbohydrates – 56 g.

It contains sugar, vegetable oil, low-fat cocoa powder, hazelnuts, skim milk, and whey. In addition to these ingredients, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Terms and conditions of storage

Although raw peanuts are a legume, they, like nuts, release fat when stored for long periods of time. Over time, the oil begins to become bitter and emit an unpleasant odor, which indicates the functioning of the fungus. This product is unsuitable for consumption and, if it enters the digestive system, can cause poisoning.

At home, raw peanuts are stored as follows:

  • storage containers must be clean and dry (not made of plastic);
  • when stored in fabric bags, the shelf life of raw peanuts is reduced;
  • before scattering peanuts into containers, they are sorted out, any remaining husks and debris are removed to prevent the growth of mold;
  • if raw peanuts have changed their appearance, an unpleasant odor and coating have appeared - the nuts are no longer suitable for food;
  • if the nuts have not changed in appearance, but the taste is clearly bitter, the raw peanuts have deteriorated and are no longer edible;
  • before putting the container with the product into the pantry, raw peanuts in the shell or shelled, it is worth heating in the oven for about 10 minutes at 50 degrees;
  • Before distributing into glass jars, the containers must be sterilized.

Having created optimal conditions, peanuts in the shell are stored for a year. If the shell is removed, without access to light in a cool place, the kernel retains its properties and taste for up to 9 months. If you place legumes in the freezer, the fruits can be consumed for up to 9 months, in the refrigerator - up to 4.

Packaged raw peanuts are stored for as long as stated on the packaging by the manufacturer.


Of the fat-soluble vitamins, only vitamin E is present in peanuts. Of the water-soluble vitamins, there are vitamins B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, B5, B6 and B9.

Vitamins, contentShare of the daily norm for 100 g
Vitamin A0.0 µg0,0%
Beta carotene0.0 µg0,0%
Alpha carotene0.0 µg0,0%
Vitamin D0.0 µg0,0%
Vitamin D2n/a0,0%
Vitamin D3n/a0,0%
Vitamin E8.3 mg57,1%
Vitamin K0.0 µg0,0%
Vitamin C0.0 mg0,0%
Vitamin B10.6 mg53,3%
Vitamin B20.1 mg10,4%
Vitamin B312.1 mg75,4%
Vitamin B452.5 mg10,5%
Vitamin B51.8 mg35,3%
Vitamin B60.3 mg26,8%
Vitamin B9240.0 mcg60,0%
Vitamin B120.0 µg0,0%
Fat soluble Water soluble
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