Dried cranberries calorie content per 100 grams. Calorie content of cranberries

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Cranberry is a berry, the fruit of an evergreen creeping shrub, common in the moist, often marshy soils of the Northern Hemisphere. Its English name is “Cranberry”

cranberry received thanks to its flowers, which resemble the neck and head of a crane. The red berries can be spherical, ellipsoidal or ovoid, with a pronounced sour taste and fresh smell.

The USA and Canada have the most extensive plantations for growing cranberries; cranberries are cultivated in the Scandinavian countries, Belarus, and Karelia. Some types of cranberries have an air chamber inside the berries, so they do not drown in water, which makes harvesting much easier. The plantation area is filled with water, the water is foamed with special combines, and the ripe berries are torn off and can be collected from the surface of the water.

Calorie content of cranberries

The calorie content of cranberries is 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The beneficial properties of cranberries extend literally to the entire body. Cranberry reduces the development of carious processes; the berry has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy against scurvy. Cranberries contain indigestible dietary fiber, which gently cleanses the intestines and helps eliminate toxins and waste. Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants, ursolic acid, which is responsible for the stable growth of muscle tissue (calorizator). Cranberry has the property of slowing down the development of atherosclerosis and is a uroseptic, the only berry indicated for cystitis. Cranberries contain substances that prevent E. coli from attaching to the walls of the bladder (which is the cause of the development of cystitis). Eating cranberries is recommended for any infectious diseases of the urinary system. Cranberries are rich in vitamins, lower blood sugar levels, and promote comfortable weight loss.

Harm of cranberries

Excessive consumption of fresh cranberries can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel; it is not recommended for those diagnosed with stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. The red color of the berries makes cranberries a product that can cause allergic reactions. Cranberries have antiseptic and antiviral effects; the berries are used for colds and as a prophylactic during seasonal colds.

Selection and storage of cranberries

When buying cranberries, you should pay attention to the dryness and integrity of the berries, the absence of signs of rotting and the presence of mold, fresh cranberries should not be caked. Frozen berries should pour out without forming one or more lumps. Fresh cranberries can be filled with clean cold water and stored in this state for a month at room temperature and up to six months in a cool place (cellar). Ripe fresh cranberries are frozen by laying them out in a single layer on a flat surface, then pouring them into bags or plastic containers. Frozen berries retain their taste and beneficial properties for 12-20 months.

Cranberries are a valuable medicinal and food product. For Americans, cranberries are a holiday berry; no Thanksgiving celebration can take place without it. In addition to its sour taste and bright color, cranberries are unlike other berries due to their particularly high content of vitamins, which are considered the strongest antioxidants.

Cranberries contain four to five percent sugars (mostly fructose and glucose). As for organic acids, among them are benzoic, citric and malic. Just the same, benzoic acid is characterized as a natural preservative and assistant in terms of preserving cranberries in their original form; to do this, you just need to pour boiled water over them. The berries contain tannins and pectin, as well as many micro- and macroelements.

Like other sour representatives of nature, cranberries have a greater effect compared to vitamin complexes in tablets, as they contain a huge variety of phytonutrients, vitamins and other nutrients that disappear after processing. Moreover, nature ensures a perfect balance of nutrients and their optimal absorption.

Cranberry extract and berries are used as an antiscorbutic, cooling and antipyretic agent, as well as to increase the effectiveness of the effects of sulfonamides and antibiotics.

The calorie content of cranberries is 26 kcal. The composition also contains carbohydrates - 6.8 g and proteins - 0.5 g.

After eating cranberries, digestion and appetite improve. Gastric juice and pancreatic juice are produced better. Thanks to this, it is possible to treat gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice, just like inflammation of the pancreas. Cranberry has a bactericidal and diuretic effect, and is also useful for pyelonephritis.

Cranberry syrup and juice are used as an antifever, for inflammatory diseases, vitamin deficiencies, to quench thirst and lower temperature. It is used to treat rheumatism, respiratory diseases, and is eaten with honey for sore throats.

Cranberry juice and jam from these berries are perfect for the winter-spring period. Cranberry is considered a wonderful remedy for preventing vitamin deficiencies and increasing immunity.

Cranberries boast the ability to fight inflammation and infectious diseases. They effectively resist genitourinary infections, gum and stomach diseases. Proanthocyanidin contained in berries does not allow pathogenic bacteria to remain in the body for a long time. Fresh cranberry juice is used to prevent heart and vascular diseases, as well as cancer.

In certain places, fresh cranberries are available for purchase almost throughout the year. Cranberries grown using organic methods are the healthiest. Cranberry desserts and sauces contain virtually no beneficial properties of fresh berries.

Among the products there are real champions in healing and dietary abilities. One of them is cranberry. No one needs to prove how useful this berry is. It perfectly quenches thirst and treats colds, but for those who are struggling with excess weight, it is much more important to know how many calories are in cranberries. The answer will definitely not disappoint you!

Doctor Cranberry: a berry that will protect against illnesses

For Russians, cranberries are their original product. It is often called “swamp grapes,” although in terms of beneficial properties it is far superior to this berry. The taste of raw cranberries is not very high. It has a sour and bitter taste, for which it was given another name - “northern lemon”. But in dishes (pies, mousses, jelly) it is simply magnificent.

It is worth noting one more unique property that cranberries have: its calorie content is so scanty that it is suitable for most diets, and even helps in weight loss.

What are the calorie content of fresh, dried and frozen cranberries?

In addition to their bright scarlet color and sour taste, fresh cranberries differ from many other berries in their high vitamin content and low calorie content. How many of them the cranberry will reward depends on the method of its processing. The energy value of these berries (per 100 g) is as follows:

  • fresh berries – 26-28 kcal;
  • dried (dried) – 308 kcal;
  • frozen – 17 kcal.

Thus, for those who decide to lose weight, a natural and frozen product is more suitable, but dried cranberries, whose calorie content is 11 times higher than fresh berries, are not suitable at all! Drying robs the gift of bogs and gardens of its dietary abilities and transforms it from a low-calorie to a super-nutritious food.

Dried cranberry recipe

When used correctly, cranberries help cope with excess weight. First of all, weight loss occurs due to fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Dried cranberries

Making your own dried cranberries is easy. Selected ripe berries (350 g) are washed, dried, placed in a frying pan and 200 ml of water are added. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5–7 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 10 minutes. The berries are spread in an even layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment, placed in the oven and dried for 6-8 hours at low temperature.

A longer cooking method is drying the fruits in the fresh air for 2-3 weeks, followed by processing in the oven.

Dried cranberries are included in the diet as a diuretic and an additional source of nutrients that restore digestion. But do not forget that such a berry contains a lot of calories.

Pickled cranberries

Preparing pickled cranberries is an ancient method of preparation. The berries are thoroughly washed, placed in any container and filled with boiled water at room temperature. To make the fruits less sour, water is replaced with sugar syrup or sugar.

To add aroma and taste, various spices (cinnamon, cloves) are added. But it is necessary to take into account that spices can provoke an increase in appetite.

Frozen cranberries

Preparing frozen cranberries is easy and simple. The berries are washed, dried, packaged in bags and placed in the freezer for storage. Frozen fruits practically do not lose all their beneficial properties (even after defrosting), so they are used for weight loss in the same way as fresh ones.

You can add cranberries to almost all dishes. The berry goes well with meat, fish, and vegetables. Not only tea is prepared from cranberries, but also cocktails and smoothies for weight loss.

To prepare tea, both fresh and dried, frozen, and soaked berries are used.

The classic tea recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • cranberries - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - to taste.

Wild berries are mashed with a spoon and seasoned with honey and boiling water is added. The resulting composition is mixed and left to infuse for 3–5 minutes. This tea not only promotes weight loss, but also tones well.

To prepare mint-cranberry tea you will need:

  • frozen berries - 100 g;
  • peppermint - 10 leaves;
  • natural honey

The berries are ground together with honey, mint and boiling water are added. To obtain a richer taste, the drink is infused for 15–20 minutes.

This is the fastest drink to prepare. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach and before each meal.

Popular fruit drink recipes:

  1. Traditional. The fruits are washed and crushed, water is added. Place the mixture on the fire and cook for 2-3 minutes. The resulting drink is rubbed through a sieve. Sugar or honey is added for sweetness.
  2. With rose hips. This fruit drink is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, only instead of water, a rosehip decoction is used.
  3. With lemon. Juice and grated lemon zest are added to the pureed cranberries. Boiling water is poured into the resulting mass and left until it cools completely.


Cranberries are often used to make cocktails. Popular recipes:

  • milkshake with cream or sugar-free ice cream;
  • a fruit drink based on cranberry, apple and pineapple juice with the addition of mineral water and ice;
  • unsweetened yogurt, whisked together with cranberry juice and vanilla extract.

A smoothie is a sweet, thick drink that is made by mixing several ingredients in a blender until smooth. For preparation, you can use a combination of the following ingredients:

  • banana, cranberry, honey, milk;
  • milk, cranberries, spices (anise, cinnamon, cloves);
  • apple, pear, raspberry, apple juice, ginger, honey, mint leaves;
  • cranberries, mint, orange or lemon juice, honey;
  • mineral water, apple juice, apples, honey.


To prepare this dish you will need:

  • cranberries (1 tbsp);
  • sugar (5 tbsp);
  • starch (1.5 tbsp);
  • water (1 l).

The fruits are washed and lightly squeezed. The resulting cake is boiled in water with added sugar for 10–15 minutes, then the broth is filtered, starch and squeezed juice are added. Place on the fire again and cook until done.

For a variety of taste, various spices and candied citrus fruits are added to cranberry jelly.

For external use, cranberries are crushed in a blender and used for purulent wounds. It performs the function of an antiseptic and heals the skin.

In cosmetology, decoctions based on dried fruits are often used. They wipe the skin like a lotion or freeze it and use ice cubes for the face and neck. The berry has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces redness, inflammation, acne and pimples, and tightens pores.

  1. It is necessary to carefully select the berries. They must be ripe and undamaged.
  2. You need to wash cranberries very carefully under running water. To get rid of debris and dirt.
  3. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 60 C.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sugar syrup.
    Half a liter of ordinary water is poured into the container. Do not heat it too much and add 2 cups of sugar. The contents are brought to a boil. Advice! The boiling mixture should be stirred constantly so that the sugar does not stick to the walls of the dish. Otherwise, it may burn and the syrup will have a burnt taste.
  2. The finished syrup is poured over 1 kg of fruit. Place on the stove and cook over low heat. The process continues until they begin to burst.
  3. Afterwards the container is removed from the stove. Wait until the contents have cooled completely.
  4. Remove the finished berries from the syrup onto a paper towel so that it absorbs unnecessary liquid.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out the prepared fruits in one layer and place in the oven (60 C).
  6. The cranberries simmer for 4 hours.

After the specified time, the dried cranberries are ready for use. The remaining syrup after cooking can be useful for baking cakes or muffins. It is used to impregnate cakes.

Dried fruits have a beneficial composition of vitamins and microelements. They contain B vitamins, which help improve the functioning of the digestive system, strengthen the body's immune system, and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Nicotinic acid takes part in the oxidative and reduction processes of the body. Provides protection to the cardiovascular system, preventing the development of thrombosis and normalizing blood pressure levels.

Vitamin K in the dried product improves blood clotting. Neutralizes the formation of cancer cells, removes harmful toxins accumulated in the liver.

Dried cranberries are beneficial for the body as a whole. It also contains vitamin C, which provides protection against colds, especially in the autumn and winter.

With regular use, mental abilities increase, the condition of nails and hair improves. For men, dried berries are useful for their ability to restore potency.


Persons with individual intolerance to the components are prohibited from consuming the dried product. It is not recommended to consume berries for people with increased secretion of gastric juice, so as not to provoke complications.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better not to eat dried fruits to avoid harmful effects on the child. Before introducing candied cranberries into your baby’s diet, you should consult your pediatrician.

Important! Excessive consumption of dried berries causes digestive disorders. Due to the high content of organic acids, tooth enamel is damaged.

There are 308 kcal per 100 g of cranberry berries. When sugar is added, the calorie content will increase depending on the amount. It is not recommended for obese people to overuse the dried product.

Storage methods

The most suitable storage place for cranberries is the refrigerator. With its help, dried berries retain vitamins and minerals for up to 2 years. A dry place without direct sunlight is also suitable, but the beneficial properties remain for up to 1 year.

Chefs have long appreciated the unusual sour taste of the fruit and use it as a sauce for meat and fish dishes. Bakery and confectionery products are baked with berries. Manufacturers add crushed dried or dried cranberries to sweet yoghurts, cheese curds and ice cream.

We invite you to read the article by dermatologist Fominykh S. Yu.

In restaurants, the product is often used as a decoration for the main culinary product or drink. It is also consumed separately, as an independent dish.

Dried and dried cranberries are included in the list of food products that are actively used in culinary recipes. How to eat healthy cranberries?

Berries are the basis of fruit drinks and vitamin teas. Kissel, compote, and kvass are prepared from them. Prepared from northern grapes, they give a boost of vital energy, strengthen the immune system, and bring taste pleasure.

Candied fruits are prepared from dried cranberry fruits; they are added to salads, stews, porridges, cottage cheese, and confectionery. The berry is part of mousses and sauces. Sour fruits add a piquant taste to pilaf, pork steak, chicken dishes, and cheese.

Candied cranberries

To prepare candied fruits from dried cranberries, take half a liter of boiling water, one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar, and boil the syrup. Then the dried fruits are poured into a bowl with syrup. The boiled mixture is simmered over low heat for half an hour, stirring constantly.

The cooled berries are boiled again for about 20 minutes after boiling. 5 minutes before readiness, you can add lemon juice. Freed from syrup, the fruits are placed on a baking sheet, placed in the oven, and dried at a temperature of 45-50 degrees for three to five hours. The finished candied fruits are rolled with powdered sugar.

Dried cranberry fruits are added to various salads.

Dried cranberry fruits are used as a medicinal and cosmetic product.

Dried cranberry fruits are useful for heart disease, because the vitamin-mineral complex strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Vitamin deficiency, various infectious and skin diseases, colds, fever, rheumatism are indications for the use of healthy dried fruits.

Is it possible to ruin your figure with cranberry dishes?

If you look at how many calories there are in dried cranberries, beloved by many, natural suspicions will arise: aren’t dishes prepared from these berries just as high-calorie? When they cease to be an independent dish, but turn into an ingredient, their calorie content becomes as follows:

  • cranberry juice – 46 kcal;
  • fruit drink – 41.08 kcal;
  • jelly – 53 kcal;
  • mousse – 140 kcal;
  • sauce – 101 kcal;
  • cranberry smoothie – 21 kcal;
  • cranberries in sugar – 187 kcal;
  • cranberry pie – 390 kcal.

Gourmet diet: how to lose weight on cranberries?

The calorie content of cranberries (if we are talking about fresh berries) is only 26 kcal or 1% of the daily value, so it is used in dietetics. There is a special cranberry diet. It is very simple: in the morning (before meals) drink a glass of cranberry juice, and before each meal, also eat a handful of berries or drink fruit juice. In order for such a nutritional system to produce results, you should adjust your diet: exclude fatty and fried foods from it and eat a portion of sauerkraut at lunch.

A little about the benefits

It is wrong to consider cranberries solely from the standpoint of low calorie content. After all, this is a very healthy berry, a recognized healer. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiscorbutic effects. Helps with sore throat and pharyngitis. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, and prevents the formation of stones. It “works” as an antipyretic and enhances the effect of antibiotics. Being a real storehouse of vitamins, cranberries become a natural preventative against colds.

It is useful to eat berries for those who suffer from high blood pressure and who have a predisposition to glaucoma. “Swamp grapes” also found a place in dermatology. It is recommended to be taken for psoriasis, allergic rashes and baldness.

What are the benefits of dried cranberries?

So, let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of dried cranberries:

  1. Dried cranberries have many beneficial properties, and, first of all, it should be noted that it is an incredible antioxidant power, which means that it prevents the formation of free radicals in the cells of our body. And this has a beneficial effect on health and rejuvenates the body at the cellular level!
  2. Thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, the immune system is strengthened, and we have powerful protection against viral infections and colds.
  3. At high temperatures, cranberry tea effectively helps fight colds. This is due to the fact that such a drink removes harmful substances through sweat and urine, as a result of which the body temperature decreases and the body is cleansed.
  4. It has been proven by experience that eating cranberries can heal even advanced forms of a disease such as cystitis.
  5. This berry helps improve the condition of blood vessels, thanks to the content of vitamins C and PP. If you regularly consume cranberries, you can significantly improve your well-being and help prevent the formation of cholesterol “plaques” on blood vessels, the appearance of varicose veins and blood clots (or improve the situation if they exist), strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  6. During pregnancy, dried cranberries are simply necessary: ​​its consumption will promote excellent blood circulation, which will have a beneficial effect on the healthy development of the fetus.
  7. Dried cranberries are often used as a natural antibiotic due to their tannin content.
  8. The use of this berry is effective for purulent skin diseases, lichen, scrofula, skin arthritis and psoriasis.

Consumption of dried cranberries is recommended for the following problems:

  • for problems with the kidneys and bladder,
  • if there is a threat of cancer cells forming in the stomach,
  • with an ulcer,
  • with weak digestion and poor appetite,
  • for bleeding disorders,
  • with a decrease in physical activity and mental performance,
  • if there is an imbalance in the acidity level in the body,
  • for diseases of the liver, intestines, pancreas.

Being a completely natural product and a natural antioxidant, dried cranberries prevent early aging by effectively and quickly recognizing and destroying free radicals that impair cellular metabolism and provoke the emergence of many dangerous diseases.

Many who consume cranberries in their diet on a regular basis note a significant improvement in the quality and condition of their skin, hair and nails.

Also noted was the acceleration of skin regeneration after damage (mechanical, chemical and solar) and a slight lifting effect on the skin.

All lovers of this berry have a more youthful face and the absence of fine wrinkles, compared to those who neglect to eat it!

If you have skin problems in the form of red spots, pimples, blackheads, rashes, allergies, “blackheads”, increased oily skin – eat cranberries! If you want to improve the condition of your hair and nails, the recommendation is the same.

And if you want to enhance the beneficial effects of dried cranberries on your body, then use an integrated approach in this case, combining the internal and external use of this berry (as part of cosmetic care products).

Regular consumption of dried cranberries strengthens bones and teeth, prevents the development of caries and the appearance of tartar.

Remember that, according to Chinese medicine, honey enhances the effect of any healing agent, so eat cranberries along with honey.

American experts recommend consuming about 1/3 cup of dried cranberries daily.

An exceptionally powerful feature of cranberries is their ability to cleanse the body, which is why nutritionists often include them in detox programs.

In addition to the fact that cranberries make the intestines work smoothly and regularly (which already contributes to good cleansing), it also cleanses the body at the cellular level!

Therefore, without even turning to a nutritionist, you can perfectly cleanse your body on your own, freeing it from various kinds of “deposits”: toxins, poisons and various parasites in the blood, tissues and internal organs. As a result, you will feel much better, look better, which means you will have much more energy and enthusiasm, a desire to live and act with joy, and not under “coercion”!

According to my personal observations, since I began to regularly consume cranberries, I have noticed positive changes in the form of more energy, increased efficiency, and mental activity.

Dried Cranberry perfectly tones and refreshes a tired body!!!

I also noticed an excellent detox effect, which manifested itself in the fact that the condition of the skin became better!

She felt fresher and more toned, which is what I needed so much after the cold winter period, with very few sunny days!

Therefore, I think that dried cranberries worked in this case!

Is it possible to give cranberries to children?

Before three years it is better not to do this, but after three years it is not possible, but even necessary!

Accustom your child to healthy and nutritious food as early as possible, and you will save him a lot of health, and also add many new resources: having a strong immune system and healthy digestion from childhood, your child will grow up healthier.

And this means that he will have more chances to become a successful and happy person in this life, since the weak and sick have no time for this...

If you are breastfeeding your baby, then do not neglect this product.

Many young mothers, “playing it safe just in case,” deprive themselves (and their baby!) of many valuable food products.

The best solution is to just try a little and see how your baby reacts.

If everything is in order, there are no rashes or loose stools - then eat to your health, replenish your body and your child’s body with valuable nutrients that strengthen the immune system, this is so important for both you, for better recovery after childbirth, and your baby for his active and healthy development!

Who doesn't like cranberries?

Not for everyone, the berry can be an assistant in acquiring a “wasp” waist. The cranberry menu is not suitable for those over 60. The berry is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity. If strong teeth are as important to you as a model figure, then it’s better not to get carried away with cranberries. The acids it contains can destroy tooth enamel. The berry can also cause heartburn.

A berry like cranberry grows mainly in swampy areas. Distributed in many countries. There are a huge number of varieties of berries: in Karelia there are only 22 of them. Cranberries are also universal. It is used to prepare:

  • salads - goes well with fresh crispy vegetables;
  • drinks (juice, fruit drink, jelly) - has a pronounced taste;
  • desserts (jelly, pies, jam) - gives the dish a sour note.

The nutritional value

Cranberries are a valuable source of a large number of nutrients, which, along with their low calorie content, makes them a very popular food product. The berries contain pectin substances, various organic acids, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, ash, many vitamins, minerals and other macro- and microelements. Their presence indicates the obvious benefits of the “northern lemon” for human health.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Cranberry fruits are consumed not only fresh, but also in processed form. Since the calorie content of berries changes as a result of any processing, the content of basic macronutrients in them also varies. Thus, the amount of BJU per 100 g, depending on the condition of the berries, will be as follows:

In the latest:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.7 g.

In frozen:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.9 g.

In dried:

  • proteins - 0.1 g;
  • fat - 1.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 76.5 g.


  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fat - 0.55 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57 g.

Important! We should not forget that the content of BJU, as well as the calorie content of cranberries in their natural form, that is, fresh or processed without the addition of sugar and other components, remains unchanged in terms of pure weight. Shrinkage (moisture evaporation) or absorption of pure water only changes the concentration of the main macronutrients, but does not affect their ratio in any way.

Macro- and microelements

The richness of macro- and microelements puts “northern lemon” on a par with natural medicines. These berries are especially rich in such important elements as:

  • potassium - improves the functioning of cardiac and skeletal muscles, is functionally related to sodium, when interacting with which it promotes the development of membrane potential, the occurrence of muscle contractions, maintaining acid-base and normalizing water balance;
  • sodium - functionally related to potassium and performs the above actions;
  • magnesium is a cofactor of a significant part of enzymatic reactions, maintains the normal state of the nervous system and heart muscle, has a vasodilating effect, increases intestinal motor activity, stimulates bile secretion;
  • calcium - regulates blood clotting and various intracellular processes, including hormone secretion, muscle contraction and others;
  • phosphorus - strengthens bone and dental tissue;
  • iron - improves the blood formula, increases the supply of oxygen to cells.

The unique properties of cranberry fruits are determined by their content not only of minerals, but also of some specific substances. Thus, benzoic acid contained in cranberries is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also very successfully fights the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the presence of which in the stomach causes the development and exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. But this berry can only be used for prevention, since it is contraindicated in the presence of such diseases.

In addition, benzoic acid can enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics and is recommended in complex treatment to speed up results. Additional antimicrobial protection is provided by tannins and phenol contained in cranberry fruits, which are more abundant in this plant than in any other berries. Phenol also has pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties that help treat various infectious diseases.

Another valuable component of the product is ursolic acid. Its beneficial effects are to normalize metabolism by stimulating insulin production. For this reason, cranberry juices and fruit drinks are recommended for consumption if you have diabetes. In addition, such drinks are also recommended for healthy people, since they energize you just as well as energy drinks, but do not give any side effects typical of caffeine-containing products.


Cranberry is included by American doctors in the list of the most beneficial foods for humans. This is due to the fact that its fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • C – helps strengthen capillaries, is one of the main participants in the process of formation of nonspecific immunity;
  • K - a group of vitamins that ensure protein synthesis, without which it is impossible to maintain a sufficient level of coagulation (blood clotting);
  • A and β-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, especially useful for people in a state of peroxide stress, which can be caused by chronic diseases, poor diet, old age, etc.;
  • E is an important antioxidant and antihypoxant that can not only protect cell membranes from oxidative damage, but also stabilize the mitochondrial membrane, ensuring economical oxygen consumption by cells;
  • B1 - accelerates metabolic processes, supports normal functioning of the heart, nervous, digestive and hormonal systems;
  • B2 - participates in the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, regulates growth, human reproductive functions and the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • B6 - stimulates metabolism, regulates protein absorption, accelerates the production of blood cells and hemoglobin, ensures a uniform supply of glucose to cells;
  • B9 – participant in various metabolic processes, stimulates the synthesis of amino acids;
  • PP – participates in redox reactions, promotes the formation of enzymes, accelerates the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in cells.

These healing properties and low calorie content of cranberries help improve health, maintain youth and a slim body. It is recommended to include it in the diet of all people, regardless of age and health status. A contraindication to the use of “northern lemon” can only be individual intolerance or acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, if there is any doubt, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist, and also carefully monitor the body’s reaction after eating the berries.

Composition and calorie content of cranberries

Cranberries are a low-calorie product - 46 kcal. There are practically no proteins and fats: 0.39 g, 0.13 g. Carbohydrates are also present in small quantities - 7.6 g. Cranberries are eaten fresh, frozen for the winter and even dried. In dried form, the calorie content of the berry reaches 308 kcal - this product contains practically no water.

Cranberries contain a wide variety of vitamins: C, representatives of group B, PP, K1. There is a lot of potassium in the berry. There is phosphorus, calcium, and 20 more micro- and macroelements. Together they improve digestion. And cranberry juice can be used as an antipyretic.

Cranberry in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics and athletes

For pregnant women

cranberries are extremely beneficial. It has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, eliminates swelling and improves immunity. In addition, berries and cranberry juice improve blood circulation in the uterus, which is undoubtedly beneficial for the fetus. Nursing mothers should refrain from eating cranberries, as they can cause severe allergies in the baby.

For children

It is also not recommended to give cranberries in any form to children under three years of age.

And for diabetics

very useful. Firstly, it contains a minimal amount of glucose. Secondly, it normalizes hormonal levels thanks to ursolic acid. You can eat a glass of cranberries a day, taking into account bread units.

Cranberries are no less useful for athletes

. It will supply the body with the necessary number of vitamins. If you need to lose weight before a competition, cranberry, as a dietary product, is ideally suited as a component of dietary nutrition.

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