Daikon: benefits and harm, calorie content

“Japanese radish”, “foreign white radish” - they call daikon in different ways.
Today this vegetable is no longer considered exotic, since it can be grown in our climate without any problems. We love daikon very much among nutritionists and those who strive to normalize weight and eat healthy - the root vegetable has a unique composition (it can easily provide a daily dose of vitamin C) and low calorie content.

Today, in the homeland of daikon, Japan alone, there are more than a hundred varieties of the plant. Among the features of the root vegetable that make it popular not only in Japanese cuisine, but also for preparing salads or other dishes, it is worth highlighting the main ones.

What do you need to know about daikon, what benefits does it bring and can it cause harm to health? Let's get to know the root vegetable better!

Daikon - beneficial and medicinal properties

While culinary experts come up with new masterpieces, botanists agree that this vegetable is a type of radish, and the ancient Japanese developed daikon through selective breeding, which explains its health benefits.

  • Due to the absence of mustard oils in this radish, its taste and aroma are quite delicate, so you can eat it every day.
  • Daikon contains a lot of phytoncides that stimulate the immune system.
  • High pectin content.
  • Special substances were found in daikon - the enzymes esterase and amylase.

Such a balanced composition determines the health benefits of daikon. The root vegetable contains sucrose, so it is acceptable even for some types of diabetes. In addition, it allows you to remove waste and toxins from the body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the digestion of food.

Unlike other varieties of radish, daikon practically does not absorb toxic substances from the soil, so it remains “clean”. Daikon is also indispensable for lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cancer, and strengthening the nervous system. Phytoncides help reduce blood pressure, stimulate the body's defenses, increase performance and relieve fatigue.

Useful properties of daikon

Daikon is a very valuable crop. Its benefits are determined by the content of a large number of biologically active substances necessary for our body every day. Particularly noteworthy is the presence of B vitamins, as well as manganese - all these elements play a critical role in many metabolic processes, ensuring the proper level of energy, adequate absorption of nutrients, clarity of thoughts and vigor, the process of breakdown of old and synthesis of new cells. In addition, the health benefits of daikon lie in its high content of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects us from many diseases and is involved in the production of collagen, ensuring our youth. Phytoncides play the role of a natural antibiotic, enzymes help to better absorb food, fiber normalizes intestinal motility. In general, everyone will find their benefits in daikon.

Benefits of daikon for men

Daikon for men

It is claimed that Japanese radish contains special substances that have a positive effect on increasing potency and libido in men. In the East, it is used as an aphrodisiac, acting, however, not only on men, but also on women.

Daikon has the property of drawing strong toxins from the body, such as heavy metals, since many male professions involve interaction with harmful factors, this property is especially valuable for the stronger sex. Potent toxins that daikon can counteract include alcohol metabolites.

It is impossible not to note the positive effect of the vegetable on the heart - it normalizes rhythm and blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, so it is very important for men to include daikon in their diet, since the statistics of heart attacks among men, even young ones, are inexorable.

It is believed that in general, Japanese radish increases performance, which is important for the stronger sex, which, of course, exposes itself to much greater physical activity than women.

Benefits of daikon for women

One of the main factors in this case is the low calorie content of daikon. For women who like to take care of their slimness, this is a very important parameter. In addition, the vegetable not only does not provide extra calories, but also helps speed up metabolism, removing accumulated waste and toxins from the body.

The beneficial properties of daikon are also found in the synthesis of hemoglobin; the vegetable prevents the development of anemia, which is especially important for girls who lose a certain amount of blood every month during menstruation.

Vitamin C contained in the vegetable stimulates collagen synthesis, helping women maintain their youth longer - elastic, firm skin, strong joints, strong hair.

The product calms the nervous system well, which is also important for women who are highly active.

Useful properties of daikon for children

The high content of vitamin C in daikon protects children from various diseases, stimulates the immune system, while phytoncides (powerful natural antibiotics) help fight the disease in its infancy, without leading to complications. An additional antibacterial effect is provided by a specific fruit enzyme - lysozyme.

The vegetable has a good effect on the epidermis, saving from pimples, acne, and irritation, which helps teenage children get rid of skin problems that arise due to hormonal changes.

Benefits of daikon for pregnant women

Daikon is able to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, which is very important for expectant mothers. To improve your condition, you can not only introduce the product into your diet, but also chew a small piece of radish in your mouth to relieve nausea.

What else is daikon useful for pregnant women is its diuretic effect. Edema is a fairly common problem that a woman faces, especially in the later stages. Radish helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The low calorie content makes daikon an excellent dietary product: 100 g of radish contains only 20-22 kcal. This vegetable has a rich chemical composition.

SubstanceAmount per 100 g of daikon
Vitamin complex
2-2.2 mg
C32 mg
19 mcg
0.8 mg
0.2-0.3 mg
B52.2 mg
0.3 mg
18 mcg
2.1 mg
Calcium28 mg
Selenium0.8-0.9 mcg
Magnesium9 mg
Manganese0.74 mg
Zinc0.2 mg
Copper10 mg
Iodine2 mcg
Iron0.85 mg
Phosphorus27 mg
Chlorine8 mg
Sulfur6 mg

How is daikon used for weight loss?

The root vegetable is an excellent product that can be used in diets. Its popularity is explained primarily by its low calorie content, and also by the fact that daikon stimulates the breakdown of foods in the gastrointestinal tract into simple and easily digestible compounds.

A high content of vitamin C also plays a positive role: its lack in the body can be one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight. Daikon can be used in many diets, replacing vegetable salads with it. It is better not to use this root vegetable for mono-diets, since such a menu will not be very balanced and can harm the body.

Eastern models boil daikon until soft and mix it with basmati and wild rice in equal proportions - this dish is perfect for quickly losing a couple of kilos before an important event. Chinese nutritionists advise eating a salad made from this root vegetable with rice and boiled fish - such a diet will provide the body with everything it needs. You can follow it for up to one week.

You can also use daikon for fasting days, preferably in combination with other vegetables. The daily dose of daikon is about 100-150 g, and in total you can eat up to 0.5 kg of vegetables.

How to use and use daikon

There are several options for using daikon:

  • it is eaten in salads, mixed with other vegetables or simply seasoned with olive oil, sour cream, soy sauce;
  • The boiled root vegetable can be served as a side dish for sea fish dishes;
  • Daikon marinates well;
  • If desired, the root vegetable can be baked or cooked in the microwave.

Most often, this product is consumed as a component of salads. It is peeled, washed, and grated on a coarse grater. It is not necessary to heat-treat the root crop, but it is acceptable. Most often, it is boiled until soft, after peeling and cutting into large pieces.

For pickling, the raw root vegetable is finely grated or chopped, and then poured with marinade (from soy sauce and wine vinegar, fish broth and vinegar).

The Japanese eat not only the “roots”, but also daikon greens, adding them to salads for piquancy. This vegetable goes best with onions, herbs, apples, lettuce leaves, and cucumbers. It is an excellent addition to seafood (shrimp, shellfish) and sea fish.

How do you eat daikon?

The taste of daikon depends on the variety, however, one way or another, it is similar to radish, but since it does not contain mustard oils, its taste is more pleasant, aromatic and subtle.

Daikon is of particular value for Japan; it appears on the tables of the inhabitants of this country as often as on our potatoes. It is prepared as a side dish - boiled, stewed, fried, added to salads, soups, sashimi, pickled. It is present both on the table of the poor and on the table of the rich.

Japanese radish goes great with any food, but there are especially good combinations in each category. If you are preparing a meat dish with daikon, choose chicken or beef; if you are making a salad, use ingredients such as eggs, corn, cucumber, cheese, herbs, sesame seeds, nuts, garlic. For dressing, use vegetable oil, honey, lemon juice, soy sauce, sour cream.

It is noteworthy that Japanese radish also goes well with fruits, especially pears, apples and oranges.

How to select and store a product

If you decide to try daikon for the first time, first of all pay attention to the type of root vegetable. The summer harvest is stored much worse than the autumn harvest. It is better to choose root vegetables that are not damaged, of medium size (here you should focus on the variety), elastic and smooth. It’s a good idea if daikon is sold with a small amount of greens - this reduces moisture loss.

During storage, the enzymes contained in daikon become more active , although some of the pectin and fructose are lost. As for storing root vegetables, the easiest way is to do this in the refrigerator at temperatures up to +5 degrees.

For the winter, it can be placed in the basement (preferably mixed with carrots) or wrapped in plastic wrap and left on an insulated balcony (frost is not allowed) or in the cellar.

The Japanese often store the root vegetable in the form of pickles called takuan.

Contraindications and harm

In some cases, daikon radish may not only not be beneficial, but also cause harm to the body. Do not forget that this root vegetable is not suitable for everyone.

avoid daikon , despite its beneficial properties and features:

  • kidney or urinary tract diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Expectant mothers and nursing women should avoid this root vegetable.

Daikon is a Japanese variety of radish that is high in minerals and vitamins and low in calories. Salads and main courses are prepared from it, pickled and salted. Have you tried daikon? Share your recipes in the comments.

How to use

Daikon is used in the same way as radish:

  • Fresh: the tops are peeled, the fruit is cut. If you want, add it to the salad.
  • Subject to heat treatment. This is undesirable because vitamins and nutrients are destroyed.

Juice is also made from daikon - a specific method of consumption.

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