I don’t lose weight by eating right and exercising

Photo: How to lose weight with proper nutrition

Today a healthy lifestyle is in fashion. On the covers of magazines and television screens there are people in excellent physical shape. What should those who are overweight do? Should you come to terms with and stop envying slender young ladies, reassuring yourself that in the Renaissance such a figure was considered an ideal? If the latter is not an option for you, then stay with us and read how to lose weight with proper nutrition (PP) and maintain the achieved result for life.

Basic principles of proper nutrition to lose weight

If you have made a firm decision to part with extra pounds and join the ranks of healthy lifestyle followers, keep in mind that PP is based on the following rules:

  1. Fractional meals, i.e. the break between meals should not exceed 4 hours. Otherwise, the body will begin to store fats for future use.
  2. The amount of Kcal consumed per day is calculated individually, depending on your activity. Lack of sufficient physical activity is often the answer to the question: why can’t you lose weight with proper nutrition?
  3. The calorie breakdown is as follows:
  • breakfast – 30% of the daily requirement;
  • lunch – 35%;
  • dinner – 20%;
  • snacks between main meals – 15%.
  1. The menu should be varied and balanced so that the body does not experience a deficiency of vitamins and important microelements.
  2. There is no need for fasting days.
  3. Optimal BZHU ratio:
  • proteins – 25%;
  • fats – 20%;
  • carbohydrates – 55%.
  1. Water consumption is at least 2 liters per day.
  2. Refusal of fast food, fried, salty, canned food and other junk food.
  3. You can eat sweets for up to 12 hours, giving preference to fruits and berries.
  • Cereals must be present in your daily diet, since slow carbohydrates are an irreplaceable source of energy.

Important! Proper nutrition is not a diet. It's a way of life. By eating up to six times a day, you will not experience a constant feeling of hunger. The variety of permitted products allows you to avoid breakdowns. Do you really want chocolate? Don't deny yourself. The main thing is to remember that you can only eat it in the first half of the day.

If you are not yet eating right, but want to change your diet to a healthy one, I suggest reading the article “Detailed instructions on how to switch to proper nutrition easily and simply.”

I'm not losing weight by eating right

Why am I not losing weight: reasons for slow weight loss

You can stick to an optimal diet and exercise and still not see results. Why am I not losing weight? – Those who have tried all the methods, but have not been able to achieve weight loss, are looking for an answer to this question. Experts believe that the main reasons for this are unhealthy habits and small mistakes of those losing weight. If corrected, diet and exercise will immediately produce visible results.

1. Wrong diet. Eating in the afternoon and a hearty dinner contribute to the deposition of excess fat. It is better to eat high-calorie dishes for breakfast and lunch, while dinner should be more modest; it is recommended to eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you are really hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple. You shouldn’t go hungry forever, it’s dangerous for your health. Besides, if you lose your temper, you might just overeat. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions.

2. The next mistake dieters make is snacking. What happens if you eat a small piece at the computer, TV or while cooking? Even if the portions are small, they will still take a toll on your body. And then the question will arise again: “Why aren’t you losing weight on a diet?” It is necessary to give up snacks or reduce their number as much as possible. An alternative to seeds/candy/sausages should be dried fruits and nuts.

3. Low water consumption. If a person drinks enough water, his gastrointestinal tract function, metabolism improves, and calories are burned. Scientists have proven that water promotes the breakdown of fats! Therefore, drink at least 1.5 liters of purified or still water.

4. Incorrect assessment of the calorie, fat and carbohydrate content of food. You can gain extra calories if you overdo it with diet foods. Most people believe that diet foods can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In fact, this is not the case, so it is necessary to control your food intake.

Carbohydrates may be hidden. For example, there are quite a lot of them in vegetables and fruits. It’s good to eat them, but you shouldn’t go overboard with special zeal. Fats can also appear in those foods that initially seemed dietary. Often we do not pay attention to the composition of dishes. But mayonnaise in a vegetable salad can add 1-2 cm to your waist.

5. Another reason for slow fat burning is insufficient sleep. During a night's rest, a person loses weight. You need to sleep at least 7 hours every day. If you play sports, then extra pounds can be confused with gaining muscle mass. If this is the case, there is no need to worry, you need to continue training and eat right.

6. Eating monotonous food can also be a reason for slow weight loss. Rapid swallowing of food leads to the fact that a person eats more than he needs. In turn, eating monotonous food in the future can lead to a deficiency of certain substances, and you will want to eat both this and that... Experts recommend eating a varied diet and taking your time eating food, chewing it thoroughly and enjoying the taste.

7. The last important reason that you cannot lose excess weight is a slow metabolism. This is what prevents most people from losing weight. It is better to consult a doctor on this issue; in parallel, to speed up metabolic processes in the body, we recommend the following: visiting a bathhouse and sauna, contrast showers, air and sun baths, massage, sex and vivid emotions.

Don’t rush to despair, just analyze the situation, find your mistakes and correct them. You will definitely succeed!

Combination of foods with proper nutrition to lose weight

Since childhood, we are accustomed to eating chicken with mashed potatoes or spaghetti with meat, but for those who want to lose weight, this is disastrous. Proteins and carbohydrates cannot be combined in one dish, as the body will not be able to absorb them at the same time.

When protein food enters the stomach, acid is released to digest it. To absorb carbohydrates, use an alkali, which neutralizes the acid. As a result, food remains undigested and is stored in the form of fat deposits. As a result, weight increases and health deteriorates.

See the table for what to eat with what.

ProductsCompatibleNot compatible
Animal proteins
(meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs, soy, peas, mushrooms, nuts, legumes, grains)
Non-starchy vegetables, greensFats


Sour and sweet fruits

(pasta, bread, cereals, baked goods, potatoes)
(oils, cream)



Important! Any liquid consumed with food reduces the concentration of gastric juice. As a result, food is digested less well.

The second reason is the lack of physical activity.

This is true, no matter how trite it may sound. As Professor Seluyanov says, “in order to improve a person’s health, he needs to be renewed.” Our body is constantly renewed. Old cells are eaten, and new ones appear. The more active you are, the more intensely your cells are renewed, the higher your level of health and the better your hormonal levels, because sufficient amounts of some hormones, including the main fat-burning hormone, growth hormone, are very difficult to achieve without physical activity. Very often it is not possible to lose weight precisely because of the lack of at least basic physical activity. Moreover, I would give the main role here to strength exercises, which in a short time cause maximum hormonal response. This can even be basic exercises at home, 2-3 times a week. And against this backdrop - walking. All this load, taken together, will significantly boost your metabolism and change your hormonal levels for the better. I recommend doing strength training, even with your own weight, at home at least 2 times a week.

Why can't I lose weight?

Sometimes, despite all efforts, the weight does not want to budge. Or the results are disproportionate to the effort expended. Why can’t you lose weight if you put so much effort, time, and sometimes money into it? In fact, there can be a lot of reasons. The most common of them are:

  • heredity;
  • body features;
  • problems with the endocrine system.

In addition, other diseases can cause excess weight gain. Before you begin active weight loss, you need to consult with a specialist, take the necessary tests and draw up a nutrition and training program. Such an integrated approach will allow us to detect pitfalls at an early stage and avoid their manifestation in practice. So, why can’t you lose weight if you start struggling with excess weight on your own?

Wrong diet

You still haven’t given up foods that cause obesity. No, we're not talking about hamburgers and pizza, but about homemade dishes. For example, about fried potatoes, soups with rich broth and other dishes. In addition, during sports, a person begins to eat more, because with intense exercise, appetite increases. This is natural. But instead of loading up on high-calorie foods, you should choose healthier alternatives. For example, lunch or dinner can be replaced with a Formula 1 protein shake from Herbalife Nutrition. This tasty and nutritious product contains up to 11 g of protein and up to 99 kcal per dry product (depending on taste). The cocktail is the basis of a weight loss program***, helps fight overeating and saturates the body with all the necessary nutrients. A good way to start losing weight without resorting to strict diets.

Regular stress

A real vicious circle from which it is so difficult to get out! You get nervous because you don’t eat enough, you break down and start worrying again, but this time about overeating. What to do when stress occurs? Fight it in the simplest ways: take a warm bath, meditate, do yoga. This seems trivial, but in practice it still works.

This is interesting! Studies confirm that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids help cope with depressive disorders**.

This means that fish oil is suitable for combating stress. You can get many useful substances from the Herbalifeline Max product*. It contains omega-3. Using such a supplement will not only help you cope with stress more easily, but also strengthen the entire nervous system, increase cognitive function of the brain and normalize heart function.

Wrong motivation

If you really want to lose weight, then most likely you won't succeed. The fact is that motivation often works against us. If you're losing weight to improve your health, that's one thing. And if you set yourself a deadline of two weeks, during which you need to get rid of ten kilograms, squeeze into a dream dress and amaze your former classmates at a high school reunion, then you are triggering the stress mechanism. What this leads to is already written above. This means that to lose weight you need the right motivation. So you should put yourself, your own well-being and comfort first. And if you feel great at your current weight and can boast of excellent health, this means that you may not need to lose weight at all.

Lack of sleep

At night, the body produces the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for normalizing all processes, including metabolic processes. Active production time begins at eight in the evening and lasts until four in the morning. Therefore, you need to go to bed no later than eleven so that the hormone has time to work. Otherwise, you will experience a drop in immunity, general weakness and other unpleasant consequences of lack of sleep. In addition, melatonin is afraid of light. That is, you need to sleep in a dark room where there is no lighting, including night lights and gadget screens. And for a smooth and healthy sleep, the room must be well ventilated. Having trouble falling asleep? Stop overeating at night. Replace your usual dinner with Formula 1 Evening Cocktail from Herbalife Nutrition. It's tasty, filling and low in calories. It also helps you fall asleep because the product contains tryptophan.

Lack of fluid

When the body is dehydrated, it cannot cope with the elimination of waste and toxins. This means that harmful substances are deposited in the organs, which can provoke the appearance of excess weight. To normalize the water-salt balance, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, ideally clean water. Sometimes it can be supplemented with Herbalife Nutrition's Herbal Drink or Aloe Drink. Such a product will not only help prevent dehydration, but also normalize digestion processes, helping to quickly remove harmful substances from the body.

There is simply nowhere to lose weight anymore

Unrealistic beauty standards require women to have long, slender legs, thin waists, and full breasts, even when nature intended them to have a completely different body type. Therefore, many women who are losing weight do not want to stop there and consider themselves fat in size S, although in their case they should have gained weight. Therefore, try to track these moments and understand where is truly healthy weight loss for the sake of improving your well-being, and where is the race for non-existent perfection. By the way, BMI is calculated based on the body weight standards of an adult, physically active man. It is not suitable for women, as it does not take into account the peculiarities of their physiology.

Refusal of harmful

First you need to give up junk food, just stop eating junk food. This step really gives a lot, and you will feel it yourself if you follow it.

Obesity and problems with excessive body weight in modern people largely arise from junk food:

  • fast food;
  • store-bought canned goods;
  • snacks;
  • sodas;
  • processed food and processed foods;
  • sweets with chemical additives.

Note. Refusal of harmful things also includes bad habits that should be eliminated from your everyday life.

The essence of this refusal is to cleanse the body of the habit of various harmful additives and too much sugar, sweeteners, and preservatives. Over time, you will notice how you choose more natural products, how your taste changes and you are more drawn to healthy foods.

Why you can’t lose weight: the main causes of excess weight not related to nutrition

One of the reasons why you can’t lose weight is the reasons for excess weight that are not related to nutrition. To eliminate them, diets and exercise will be useless. Causes of excess weight not related to nutrition are usually the following:

  • Hormonal disorders. Weight is influenced by thyroid hormones and insulin. In addition, the stress hormone cortisol, as well as ghrelin, the hunger hormones, can hinder weight loss. Increased appetite occurs in humans due to an excess of leptin. Ideally, those who are unable to lose weight should have a blood test for all these hormones. If any of them is outside the norm, you need to consult a doctor;
  • Genetic predisposition. Genetic predisposition has a huge influence on body type and weight. If all the relatives in the family were curvy, most likely this is one of the main reasons why you cannot lose weight. This does not mean that being overweight will be a lifelong death sentence. But to get rid of it, it will take much more effort than for a person with no heredity;
  • Health problems, slow metabolism. Some diseases interfere with weight loss. If you cannot lose weight while following a diet and moderate physical activity, you should ask your doctor to prescribe the necessary examinations;
  • Frequent stress, depression. Such conditions provoke increased production of cortisol, which, in turn, promotes the deposition of fatty tissue. Under stress, the body feels threatened and therefore, as it were, “stocks up” for a rainy day;
  • Incorrect sleep pattern. One of the reasons why you can't lose weight is chronic lack of sleep. Our body burns the most calories during sleep. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of it, the weight will not go away;
  • Taking medications. Some medications cause excess weight as side effects. Most often these are antidepressants, antipsychotics, cortisone, contraceptives, medications for allergies and blood pressure disorders. However, the body’s individual reaction in the form of excess weight can occur to any other drug.

Sometimes the reason why you fail to lose weight is that your goals and expectations are too high. For example, a person wants to lose 5 kilograms in a week, but only loses 1 kg. This situation does not mean that you cannot lose weight. The weight just comes off slowly and gradually. The same goes for people with normal body weight who want to lose even more weight. In this case, the weight may not go away simply because the body no longer needs it.

What's stopping us?

Why can't I lose weight? Italian doctor Andrea Ghiselli, author of a famous book on healthy eating and the Mediterranean diet, explains why weight stays the same, analyzing the reason for unsuccessful attempts to lose weight.

In her opinion, the most common mistake is that a person eats little, but incorrectly.

The main problem is that the focus is on food rather than physical activity. People need to consider both how much they eat and how much energy they expend.

Physical activity patterns are just as important

, as well as diets.

In addition, the creation of weight loss programs for those who are unable to lose weight should occur exclusively using an individual approach.

She argues that some diets are inherently wrong and unacceptable.

In her opinion, these include separate meals, the Atkins diet, grapefruit and soup diets. The Mediterranean diet consists of consuming large amounts of greens, limiting fruit intake, and reducing carbohydrates and fats.

Domestic experts in the field of weight loss also noted that often girls want not just to lose weight, but to lose weight in a certain place. Their opinion is that there is no effective localized exercise to eliminate fat in specific problem areas.

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