Recipe for boiled beets with sour cream. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Boiled beet salad is not only healthy, but also tasty, and also very affordable. Herring under a fur coat, vinaigrette, “Violetta”, exquisite, hearty “General” - all these salads are easy to prepare, and the result will certainly please you. We'll tell you the best recipes for beet salads.

Beetroot salad with garlic is easy to prepare for dinner: just boil the beets the day before and grate them. Every housewife can also find a salad dressing - you can choose sour cream, mayonnaise, or mix these two sauces together: the taste will be more delicate, and the calorie content will be significantly reduced.

Baked and boiled beets go perfectly with feta cheese: try combining them, we're sure you'll become a fan.

For the salad we will need:

  • two large beets;
  • 2 cloves of garlic (if you like it spicy);
  • salt;
  • pepper to taste;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise – 100 g.

Boil the beets until soft and cool. We peel the root vegetable from the top “skin” and grate it on a coarse grater. Squeeze two cloves of garlic through a garlic press (you can grate them on a fine grater), add salt and pepper. Season with sour cream mixed in equal proportions with mayonnaise. Decorate with sprigs of parsley or dill. Serve as an appetizer for dinner: the salad is in perfect harmony with baked chicken, pork cutlets and mashed potatoes, buckwheat and goulash. The salad will taste better if you cool it first.

Boiled red beet salad will acquire a different taste if you do not grate the root vegetable, but cut it into small cubes, no larger than 2 mm: the taste will be different, but no less interesting. The garlic is not squeezed into the salad, but chopped into tiny pieces with a knife - the vegetables and garlic are mixed and acquire a delicious taste.

You can season it with traditional mayonnaise, but try replacing it with low-fat natural yogurt - the taste will pleasantly surprise you. The amount of garlic can be varied at your discretion. We suggest the following proportion: for two large beets, three cloves of garlic - the dish will be moderately spicy, and you won’t have to be afraid of the bright garlic aroma.

All supporters of a healthy diet will certainly appreciate a salad of boiled beets and carrots. We will need boiled beets, but fresh carrots. Preparing the salad is very simple: boil large beets and let them cool. Grate large carrots on a coarse grater, and do the same with the chilled beets.

Mix the salad, add fresh parsley, cut into small pieces, squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic. Let's choose a low-fat salad dressing: sour cream with 10% fat, matsoni or natural yogurt. You can decorate the salad with grated hard cheese - it will add piquancy. The dish will be especially tasty if you let it brew a little (for an hour) and cool thoroughly before serving. Bon appetit!

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Beneficial properties of beets

At all times and among all peoples, beets were considered a very healing vegetable. Indeed, it is difficult to overestimate its benefits. It contains a significant content of iron, phosphorus, zinc, B vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Due to the beneficial effects of these elements, metabolism in the body improves, and, as a result, heart function is normalized and cholesterol levels are reduced. Beetroot contains natural antiseptics that help treat certain infectious diseases. A couple of centuries ago, doctors often prescribed gargling with beet juice for sore throats. Due to its fairly high magnesium content, the vegetable stabilizes the functioning of the heart valve. Ensures stable intestinal function and helps restore liver cells. Beetroot is indispensable in baby food, as it prevents the occurrence of rickets. Contains folic acid, so it is recommended for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Beets are a low-calorie product and are perfectly absorbed by the body. It goes well with both other vegetables and various types of meat. The list of dishes with beets is huge and varied. All of them are distinguished by high taste and ease of preparation. It is one of those vegetables that can be stored all winter without any problems. In the spring, when the human body begins to experience vitamin deficiency and fatigue, and there are no young fresh greens yet, various beet salads will help not only diversify the family menu, but also support the immune system. Later in the article we will look in detail at salad options based on beets and sour cream.

Beetroot with garlic: the benefits and harms of your favorite table salad

Beetroot salad with garlic is especially popular during cold season. The point is its beneficial properties: it increases immunity, helps cleanse the blood, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and helps with weight loss. Add to this the taste familiar from childhood, and the dish will become a frequent guest on your table. olhaafanasieva.

Enhanced composition and calorie content

Beetroot salad with garlic contains many beneficial nutrients for humans.

  • Antioxidants have general strengthening properties, have a positive effect on well-being, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Fiber cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes digestion, and lowers blood sugar levels.
  • B vitamins ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, and support brain activity.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3) is useful for diabetes, cardiac diseases, and nervous disorders. Removes poisons from the body, reducing the load on the liver. Improves cellular and tissue respiration.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) strengthens the immune system and regulates cell division.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of inflammatory diseases, and exhibits antioxidant properties.
  • Betaine and vulgaxanthin (from beets) improve the functioning of all organs of the digestive system, cleanse blood vessels, normalize metabolism (including lipids), promote weight loss, and neutralize harmful components from food.
  • Allicin (from garlic) exhibits antibiotic and antiparasitic properties. It has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels: it gently reduces blood pressure and resists the formation of blood clots. Effective against more than 60 types of fungi and 20 types of bacteria.
  • Minerals. Iodine, potassium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, chromium, selenium have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. In terms of iron content, garlic ranks first among plant foods, and beets - second. That is why a dish with these ingredients is used to prevent and treat anemia.

The calorie content and BJU content depend on the salad dressing. On average, 100 g of food contains:

RefuelingKcalProteinsFatsCarbohydratesin grams

+ mayonnaise1182710,6
+ sour cream56,31,71,98,6
+ vegetable oil621,52,38,8

Effect on the liver

Its ability to filter harmful substances directly depends on the condition of the liver. Beetroot salad with fresh garlic is good for this organ because:

  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • destroys free radicals;
  • renews liver cells (hepatocytes);
  • removes harmful substances;
  • extinguishes inflammatory processes;
  • improves bile flow.

Antihelminthic properties

Thanks to the allicin contained in garlic, this spicy salad is a good home remedy against helminths (pinworms, roundworms), Giardia and other parasites.

Beetroot is also credited with antihelminthic properties, but there is no scientific evidence for this yet.

Other natural foods with anthelmintic properties: pumpkin seeds, pineapple, papaya pulp and seeds, onions, hot peppers, fermented foods (sauerkraut, beet kvass, kombucha, raw milk kefir), desiccated coconut, carrots and carrot juice.

For women

Beetroot with garlic is also beneficial for women's health and provides:

  • prevention of breast and uterine cancer;
  • increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is especially important during menstruation;
  • prevention and treatment of infertility;
  • restoration of hormonal balance, including during menopause;
  • increased libido.

Pregnant and lactating

It is worth noting several benefits of salad that are relevant during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

  • promotes weight normalization;
  • replenishes folic acid deficiency in the body of mother and child;
  • is the prevention of constipation - a frequent companion of pregnancy;
  • helps fight mood swings caused by hormonal changes;
  • exhibits bactericidal and antiviral properties during a period when most drugs are prohibited.

Attention! Avoid eating salad during late pregnancy. Since garlic can cause muscle contraction and, as a result, premature birth.

During lactation, caution is required:

  1. Beets are an allergenic product that can cause an undesirable reaction in infants.
  2. Another possible side effect is problems with bowel movements in the baby.
  3. Garlic also raises doubts: the essential oils it contains can change the taste of milk, adding bitterness to it.

Advice. While breastfeeding, follow the rule: try a salad with beets and garlic little by little and watch the baby’s reaction.

Can it be given to children?

It is better to wait until 3-4 years to introduce such a salad into a child’s menu, because fresh garlic is contraindicated for children. It can cause an allergic reaction and/or irritate the delicate gastric mucosa.

Starting from the age of 3, you can gradually introduce salad into the children's diet, but there is no need to make it a frequent guest at the table.

Application for weight loss

This dish will appeal to those who are watching their weight. Dietary qualities:

  • Vegetable fiber normalizes digestion, removes toxins, excess salts and water from the body.
  • Beetroot betaine normalizes liver function, accelerates metabolism, participates in the breakdown of fats and the removal of excess fat from the body.
  • Allicin, contained in chopped or crushed garlic, is involved in the breakdown of fats and accelerates metabolism.
  • A mild laxative effect helps cleanse the intestines and reduce weight.

Beetroot with garlic is a dietary dinner option. It is important to eat a small amount no later than 3-4 hours before bed, adding a few drops of olive oil and some fresh herbs.

Fiber will give you a feeling of fullness at night, and in the morning the body will cleanse itself naturally.

In a month, thanks to this simple diet, you can lose 3-4 kg.

What to choose: boiled or raw beets

It is believed that raw fruits and vegetables are healthier. But with beets it's the opposite. It contains short-chain carbohydrates (fructans or FODMAPs) that can cause diarrhea and colic, which are destroyed during cooking.

Lifehack. During heat treatment, important substances are preserved in the vegetable, namely betalain pigments (betaine and vulgaxanthin). You just need to boil the root vegetable correctly: save the tail, add cold water, and put on low heat.

Possible harm and contraindications

Beetroot with garlic is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If consumed in excess, side effects may occur:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • decreased absorption of micronutrients;
  • the formation of kidney stones due to the oxalates contained in beets;
  • bituria - red or pink coloring of urine, occurs in 5-15% of the adult population of the planet, but may indicate problems with iron metabolism;
  • redness of the stool (more common in children).

Tips for use

To begin, select a gas station:

  • It is not advisable to use high-calorie mayonnaise for dressing. Trans fats in its composition settle in the liver and on the walls of blood vessels. Plus preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers - the harm to the body is obvious.
  • A healthier alternative is sour cream. But due to its relatively high fat content, it is not recommended for people with liver disease and overweight.
  • A healthier option for your figure is unsweetened yogurt.
  • The best vegetable dressing is cold-pressed olive oil.

Advice. To avoid side effects, eat beet salads no more than 2-3 times a week, in portions up to 200 g.

Great additions: fresh herbs, prunes, crushed walnuts, pomegranate seeds.

Pickled garlic: benefits and harm to the body.

Where and how much to store

It is better to eat beets and garlic right away. But if this is not possible, try to follow simple rules:

  • Pack the salad in a container and close the lid tightly;
  • store only in the refrigerator;
  • add the dressing just before serving the dish.

If these conditions are met, the shelf life will be 2-3 days.

Attention! It is advisable to consume the salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream within 12 hours.

Beet salad with garlic is not just a tasty dish, but also a source of such rare and valuable nutrients as betaine and allicin.

What are the benefits and harm to the body from vinaigrette.

Beetroot with garlic: the benefits and harms of your favorite table salad Link to main publication



According to this recipe, beets with sour cream are made as follows. Cook the beets until ready. We clean and chop it on a coarse grater, put it in a small salad bowl, sprinkle with sugar and pour in sour cream so that it completely covers the bottom layer. You can decorate with shavings of boiled beets and a sprig of parsley.

The calorie content of beet salad with sour cream is 65 kcal.

Boiled beet salad with chicken fillet

Chicken fillet increases the nutritional value of the dish, but the calorie content of the salad does not increase significantly. Recipe below.

What ingredients will you need?

This recipe includes:

Main componentsQuantitative indicator
Boiled beets without peel3 pcs.
Boiled chicken fillet400 g
Garlic cloves (peeled before cooking)3 pcs.
Walnut kernels60-80 g
Salt. It is recommended to prepare small white ones. 7-10 g
Mayonnaise40-60 ml

To decorate the salad, you can leave some of the walnuts or use mustard leaves.

Step-by-step cooking process

If the beets and meat are boiled in advance, then the process for preparing the salad is as follows:

  1. The beets should be cut into thin slices and placed in a dish.
  2. It is recommended to cut the chicken meat into small cubes and add it to the beets.
  3. The garlic cloves need to be finely chopped with a knife and added to the rest of the ingredients in the dish.
  4. The nut kernels need to be dried in the oven or in a frying pan. After this, the nuts need to be chopped (with a knife, blender or in a food processor). If nuts are used for decoration, then approximately 20 g of nuts should be set aside until chopping.
  5. Mix nuts with salt and mayonnaise. Pour the prepared sauce into the contents of the dish and mix thoroughly.

Place the salad in a flat dish and sprinkle with nuts or garnish with mustard leaves.

Cooking sequence

Clean and rinse beets and carrots. Cut into strips and add finely chopped parsley root. If you like, you can replace the parsley root with celery root.

Place the vegetables in a saucepan, season with vegetable oil and vinegar, add a little water and simmer over low heat for an hour under the lid, remembering to stir.

Bring to readiness, add flour and stir. Then add sour cream, sugar and bay leaf, mix and simmer for another 10 minutes. Let cool slightly and serve.

The calorie content of the dish is 126 kcal.

Boiled beet salad without mayonnaise

A salad recipe without mayonnaise is considered dietary. And thanks to the use of vegetable oil, the taste of boiled beets does not change.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dietary version of cooking beets, you need to prepare:

Product NameRecommended Quantity
Boiled and peeled beets1 PC.
Boiled potatoes without peel1 PC.
Apple of soft sour-sweet varieties without peel and seeds1 PC.
Cheremsha. Can be replaced with garlic feathers. 20-30 g
Salt. You can use sea water. 3-5 g
Ground white pepper1 g

To dress the finished salad, it is recommended to use odorless oil. The approximate volume of the product is 40-50 ml.

Step-by-step cooking process

It is recommended to prepare a dietary version of beet salad according to the following algorithm:

  1. It is advisable to cut the beets into small cubes and place them in a deep container. If you want to prevent the remaining ingredients from becoming colored by beet juice, then immediately season the beets with oil and stir.
  2. It is also recommended to cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the beets.
  3. Cut the wild garlic/feathers of garlic with a knife or scissors and place in a container with beets and potatoes.
  4. It is also recommended to cut the apple into cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add white pepper and salt to the salad. If the oil has not yet been added, then it must be added at this point. Mix the ingredients.

The salad does not need to be kept in the refrigerator before serving; it can be immediately transferred to a salad bowl and placed on the table. Also, the salad does not require additional decoration.

Beetroot salad

An original salad with a slightly spicy flavor is sure to find a place in the heart of any gourmet.


  • 500 g beets;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 50 g horseradish;
  • 1 tbsp. lie Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. lie vinegar;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • cinnamon and salt as desired.

Let's look at the technological map of beet salad with sour cream. Boil thoroughly washed vegetables, peel and cut into thin slices. Sprinkle with vinegar so they don't lose color. Chop the mint and mix with sour cream, grated horseradish, cinnamon, salt and sugar. Dressing the salad.

The calorie content of the dish is 125 kcal.

Boiled beet salad with prunes

Beet salad with prunes contains a rich supply of nutrients, so it is recommended to use it for vitamin deficiency and during colds.

What ingredients will you need?

The main components in the salad are prunes and beets, and additional ingredients are required in the following proportions:

Main and auxiliary productsQuantity of ingredients
Boiled and peeled beets400 g
Prunes washed from dirt100 g
Walnut kernels40-50 g
Garlic cloves2 pcs.
Low-fat sour cream50 ml

Walnut kernels are used to decorate the salad. It is not recommended to include other ingredients in the product list.

Step-by-step cooking process

It is recommended to prepare beetroot-prune salad according to the following algorithm:

  1. Nuts should be placed in a dry frying pan and dried on low heat on the stove.
  2. Approximately ¼ of the nuts should be set aside to decorate the salad. And grind the remaining ones with a blender. Transfer the chopped nuts to a dish.
  3. Then the prunes should be placed in a container with boiling water for approximately 2 minutes.
  4. Dry the soaked prunes and chop finely. Transfer prunes to nuts.
  5. It is recommended to grate the beets and add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with sour cream. Season the salad with the prepared sauce.

Place the finished salad in a serving dish and sprinkle with nuts. To make the salad more juicy, it should stand for about 30 minutes before eating.

Layered salad of beets and pink salmon with sour cream

This light festive, unusually juicy salad will leave an unforgettable impression and decorate any table.


  • 1 beet;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g canned pink salmon;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • salt, optional.

Preparing beet salad with sour cream:

  1. Grind the boiled beets on a coarse grater and place on a wide flat dish.
  2. Finely chop the dill, salt it and mix with sour cream. Lubricate the beet layer with the resulting dressing.
  3. Grate and place the cheese on the dish as a second layer. If you can't find feta cheese, you can replace it with any soft cheese of similar consistency.
  4. Evenly distribute half of the finely grated whites. Lubricate with our dressing.
  5. Chop pink salmon and cover with sour cream mixture.
  6. Place the remaining egg whites and spread the rest of the dressing evenly.
  7. Sprinkle the salad with crumbled yolks and chopped nuts. Decorate with dill sprigs.

The calorie content of the dish is 253 kcal.

Herring under a fur coat

A salad made from boiled red beets and herring is loved by thousands of Russians: it is simply impossible to imagine a New Year's table without herring under a fur coat. But the beauty of the salad is that the ingredients are available and inexpensive, which means you don’t have to wait for the holidays and it’s easy to treat yourself to this delicate, spicy appetizer from time to time.

You can cover not only herring with a beet-vegetable coat; a very interesting version with smoked mackerel (you can use any smoked version).

How to cook herring under a fur coat?

  1. We cut the herring, remove the skin, carefully remove even the smallest bones.
  2. Cut the herring into small cubes.
  3. Place three boiled potato tubers on a large flat dish.
  4. Place the herring on the potatoes.
  5. Sprinkle with finely chopped onion.
  6. Three boiled carrots.
  7. Sprinkle with grated eggs.
  8. Three boiled beets.

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You can repeat the layers. Each layer must be greased with mayonnaise, and laid out with a thin mesh. This way the layers will turn out fluffy and airy, and the herring under the fur coat will be even tastier. Housewives who prefer to spread mayonnaise with a spoon make a mistake: the layers come out dense, and the ingredients do not share flavors with each other. However, you are free to do as you are used to. The main thing is not to serve the salad right away, but to let it brew for several hours in the cold.

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