Milk cocktail recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Milkshake calorie content per 100 grams

Composition and calorie content of miracle chocolate

The “Miracle Chocolate” cocktail is a pleasant drink thanks to its rich milk chocolate taste and thick consistency.
The cocktail contains the following products: milk, sugar, cocoa powder and stabilizer. The calorie content of the drink depends on its variety; on average, 100 g contains 86–100 kcal. “Milk Miracle Chocolate” has the highest energy value.

Composition of nutritional components (BJU) per 100 g:

  • proteins – 3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 14–16 g;
  • fats – 3 g.

In addition, the cocktail contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body.

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 8 servings or - the number of products for the servings you need will be calculated automatically!'>


Composition weight:100 gr
Calorie composition:234 kcal
Belkov:8 g
Zhirov:15 g
Carbohydrates:19 g
Used:19 / 36 / 45
N 11 / C 0 / B 89

Read also: Chicken kebab in tandoor
Cooking time: 1 hour

Assortment presented in stores

On store shelves in 2020 you can find a wide range of “Miracle” milkshakes with chocolate flavor:

  • "Chocolate";
  • "Milk Chocolate";
  • "Chocolate";
  • "White Chocolate".

The first three milkshakes on the list contain cocoa powder and have a characteristic chocolate taste, color and aroma. “Miracle Chocolate Milk” is a little lighter than just “Chocolate”. And “Miracle Chocolate White” does not contain cocoa powder; it contains only cocoa butter and flavorings to give it “chocolateiness”.

The shelf life of the drink at temperatures from +2 °C to +6 °C is up to 6 months from the date of production.

Classic performance

Milkshake “Miracle Chocolate” - homemade recipe is described below.


  • fresh milk – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • starch – 20 g.


  1. Heat 1 tbsp. milk.
  2. Add all the dry ingredients of the recipe to it.
  3. When they dissolve, add another 1 tbsp. milk.
  4. Bring until thickened, stirring constantly.

Instead of cocoa powder, you can use natural dark chocolate, chopped into pieces, in the recipe. You will need about half a bar - 50 g of chocolate.

Simple milkshake with strawberries, a selection of recipes

It will be difficult to imagine modern cuisine without healthy and tasty desserts and drinks, because they have long occupied their own niche.

This is not surprising - nowadays few people are surprised by juicy smoothies made from fruits or even vegetables, and a milkshake with strawberries is generally wildly popular, both among children and adults. A delicious chilled dessert drink from childhood is the best treat for dessert, so I hasten to offer the best options.

What are the benefits of strawberry milkshake?

Photos of such cocktails on the Internet or in a restaurant menu always whet the appetite - who would ever refuse a sweet with a creamy taste, flavored with fresh ripe berries? Strawberry milkshake is loved all over the world, and according to statistics, it is the most popular dessert cocktail.

The only thing that can compete with it is a milkshake with banana.

The calorie content of such a drink is low, even if it is prepared with ice cream. So one glass of a delicious cocktail will certainly not harm your figure. But if you carefully monitor your diet and strive to consume a minimum of calories, then simply use skim milk for preparation and do not put ice cream in the blender bowl.

Ripe strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C, a substance that is rightfully considered a modulator of our immunity. Red fruits also contain B vitamins, which support the beauty of skin and hair.

Fiber, which strawberries are rich in, is especially useful for those who want to lose a couple of extra pounds. If you make yourself a delicious shake with low-fat milk and ripe berries, you will be able to simultaneously suppress your hunger, enjoy the pleasant taste of the cocktail, and take care of your digestion.

How to make a delicious strawberry milkshake at home

Most often, a classic milkshake is prepared from three ingredients - cow's milk, strawberries and creamy ice cream or ice cream. However, this does not mean that this option is the only correct one.

If you like original drinks, then you can add raspberries and even raspberry jam to the blender bowl, because strawberries go wonderfully with this component.

Often milkshakes are mixed with strawberries and banana, and you can also add grated chocolate to a glass, whipped cream and cinnamon. In a word, there is no limit to the culinary imagination here - the recipe is a matter of taste.

The method of preparing milk and strawberry shakes may also vary. Most often, such a cocktail is ground and crushed with a blender, since this is most convenient. However, you can prepare the drink with a mixer - just first crush the strawberries into a puree with a fork.

If you are preparing a cocktail from strawberry jam or topping, then you can completely beat the shake with an ordinary whisk by hand.

Strawberry cocktail with ice cream and milk, favorite recipe

This is perhaps the most common dessert option, which is served even in cafes and restaurants.

How to make your own strawberry milkshake in a blender

In order for your milk-strawberry shake to turn out great, it is better to let the ice cream soften first and defrost it slightly. If this is not done, the ice cream in the glass will form small pieces of ice and the cocktail will be less tasty.

Therefore, the first thing we do is cut off a piece of ice cream and put it on a plate so that it melts.

  • In the meantime, thoroughly wash a handful of ripe strawberries, remove the green “caps” from the fruits and remove with a knife all rotten or too soft places so that the drink does not have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Place our strawberries along with the softened ice cream into a blender bowl and grind with a blender at medium speed to obtain a homogeneous puree. This is important because the consistency of the cocktail according to this recipe is more airy than if you whipped all the ingredients at once.
  • After this, pour the milk into the bowl and beat the mixture thoroughly until the cocktail becomes fluffy and acquires a uniform, uniform color. It is considered correct if the shade of such a shake resembles pink cotton candy - then the taste will be soft and pleasant, but if the color of the drink is dark or bright, then you have gone too far with strawberries.
  • We decorate the top of the whipped milk shake with whipped cream, making the drink an appetizing cap. You can do this from ready-made commercial cream from a can, or by making homemade whipped cream with your own hands - this is at your discretion.

Serve this delicious dessert immediately by placing a large straw in a transparent glass.

How to make a drink at home from milk and frozen strawberries

  • First, melt half of the milk chocolate bar in a water bath, first breaking the ingredient into pieces.
  • We wash frozen berries in cold water to remove excess ice or possible debris.
  • Soften the ice cream a little by taking it out of the refrigerator so that there are no pieces of ice in the glass.
  • Now we grind the frozen strawberries with the ice cream in a blender, and it is important to ensure that no ice lumps appear, so it is best to beat the ingredients for at least a minute.
  • Pour cow's milk into the melted chocolate and mix the mixture thoroughly, then place it in a blender cup.
  • Whisk all the products together thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous consistency.

You can offer such a drink by decorating the side of the glass with a whole strawberry, cut in half.

How to whip up a delicious aromatic cocktail from strawberry jam or topping

  • First, chop and mash the strawberry topping or jam along with the ice cream. To do this, let the last component melt slightly, then beat the ice cream with topping until smooth.
  • After this, pour the cooled milk into the blender bowl and beat the cocktail thoroughly until smooth and even in color.
  • You can also use a mixer - it is even preferable in this recipe, since it does not require chopping the fruit. Place the ingredients in a convenient suitable container and whisk until foam forms on the surface.

You can also add raspberry jam - it will turn out even tastier and more aromatic.

And if you like thicker cocktails, then increase the amount of ice cream in the recipe.

The secrets of a delicious and successful milkshake with strawberries just like in a restaurant

  • It is impossible to beat excessively frozen products - they will form crispy lumps in the milk. So let the ice cream soften before adding it to the shake.
  • The correct consistency for a milkshake with fruit is one that resembles liquid sour cream. Not everyone likes the too thick drink due to the abundance of ice cream.
  • Usually, a strawberry milkshake is topped with whipped cream - this gives it more flavor and a more expensive, restaurant look.


With added banana

A ripe banana is a sweet fruit, so you don’t need to use sugar for this cocktail. Two interesting recipes will definitely suit your taste.

Banana smoothie recipe with yogurt, milk and cocoa

  • low-fat yogurt – 100 g;
  • boiled milk –3/4 tbsp.;
  • cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • banana – 1 pc.


  1. The banana is peeled, cut into slices and placed in a blender bowl.
  2. Yogurt, milk and cocoa are also poured there.
  3. Beat everything with a blender until a homogeneous, foamy mass.

The finished drink is poured into a glass and served chilled.

Strawberry milkshake - 3 detailed recipes

Summer is approaching, which means we'll soon be quenching our thirst with delicious vitamin drinks, although we don't have to wait that long. At any time of the year, when your heart desires it, you can make a strawberry milkshake at home.

Additionally, you can add other berries, fruits and even ice cream to the soft drink. We will tell you more about this later in the article.

Strawberry milkshake with ice cream: classic recipe

Absolutely anyone can prepare such “nectar”. You just need to have the necessary ingredients and a blender on hand, with which we will turn these very products into a cocktail. The first recipe includes only 3 ingredients, which does not prevent the drink from being nutritious, healthy and tasty. Let's try!


  • Ice cream (any) – 100 g.
  • Milk – 300 ml.
  • Strawberries – 100 g.

Classic strawberry milkshake with ice cream

Strawberry and milk cocktail with your favorite ice cream in a blender

  • We sort the strawberries, wash them, and remove the sepals (if they are fresh). Frozen fruits just need to be allowed to thaw a little, after which they can be used. After all, all of the above steps must be completed before freezing.
  • Blend the strawberries at high speed with an immersion blender, turning the fruits into puree (the consistency should be homogeneous).
  • Add ice cream and milk to the puree, beat the ingredients again at high power.
  • Pour the finished drink into glasses/glasses, place one strawberry on top, garnish with a mint sprig and serve for tasting.

The quantity indicated in the product list will yield approximately 2 servings.

If you need more, just increase the number of ingredients.

Original strawberry cocktail with banana, ice cream and milk

This recipe is more exotic, because we will dilute the taste of strawberries not only with ice cream and milk, but also with banana. The drink will turn out very rich, satisfying, and the taste of the cocktail will become even richer and brighter.

Strawberry milkshake with banana step by step at home

  • Peel the banana and cut it into slices to make it easier to beat.
  • Prepare strawberries (described in detail in recipe No. 1).
  • Mix banana with strawberry fruits, add sugar, milk, ice cream. Beat all these products until smooth.
  • Pour into beautiful glasses, insert umbrellas and straws into them, throw in halves of strawberries and serve for tasting. If desired, add ice cubes whole or crushed.

The easiest way to refresh a drink is to leave the homemade berry and milk treat in the refrigerator for a few minutes, but this is only if you have the time and desire to wait for it to cool.

You will spend an average of 10 minutes on everything, but you will drink an exceptionally tasty fresh product, the quality of which you will be sure of.

Milk-based cocktail with strawberry jam, condensed milk and cottage cheese

This recipe is distinguished by the absence of ice cream in it. Instead, we will take cottage cheese and condensed milk. Such a replacement will have a positive effect on the drink, making it even more unusual: both externally and in terms of internal content.

Prepare an exclusive strawberry jam milkshake step by step

  • Combine cottage cheese with condensed milk, beat at the highest possible speed.
  • Next, pour in the syrup from the jam and also beat the ingredients for a short time at high power.
  • Now you need to pour in cow's milk, which should first be warmed up a little. It should not be hot, just make it slightly warm.
  • Beat the dairy product with the previously added ingredients at good speed for about a minute - foam should appear.
  • At this point the preparation is completed, all that remains is to cool the drink and decorate it at your discretion.

Tips for making strawberry milkshake

And although there is nothing difficult in creating a homemade cocktail, there are secrets that will help you make it even better and more varied.

Frozen or fresh berries: what to choose

If it’s summer outside, it’s simply stupid to take frozen fruits. But out of season, as a rule, there is no choice. It is unlikely that you will find fresh strawberries on store or market shelves in winter, and if you do, you cannot be sure of their quality. Therefore, stocking up in the summer is simply necessary.

Which ice cream will make a cocktail tastier?

There can be no definite answer here, because there are no comrades according to taste and color. To prepare a homemade drink, you can use any type of ice cream with any flavor filling: pure cream, ice cream, milk, coffee, nut, vanilla, chocolate, fruit, etc.

How to make the right strawberry milkshake

What goes best with strawberries?

You can make a classic cocktail - from milk and strawberries, or you can spice it up by including, in addition to the main ingredients indicated, additional ones:

  • lime;
  • sesame;
  • lemon;
  • banana;
  • raspberries;
  • cherry;
  • strawberries;
  • blueberries;
  • kiwi;
  • orange;
  • mint;
  • honey (for example, instead of sugar and condensed milk);
  • jam, puree, syrup or preserves from any berries and fruits.

The list goes on and on: there are no restrictions. It all comes down to your author’s vision, imagination and gastronomic preferences.

How to Reduce Calories in a Strawberry Milkshake

The exact amount of calories in each individual recipe will be different: it all depends on the components of the drink. For those for whom the “weight” of the drink is important, we can give some simple tips on how to reduce the total calorie content of any smoothie cocktail:

  • Change the proportions: take more milk and less ice cream (or eliminate it altogether).
  • Choose for yourself those fruits and berries that are lower in calories. You may have to give up sugar or, as we wrote above, replace it with a small portion of honey.

How to reduce the calorie content of a cocktail

  • Take less ice cream and milk. Instead, pour in some freshly squeezed fruit, berry (or use a combination of them) juice.

How simple and unburdened everything is, especially if you have the necessary kitchen appliances. Spend 10-15 minutes preparing - you will get more benefits and pleasure than from simply buying barely natural store-bought juice.


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