Tips: how to choose a suitable dating offer and pp for draining

Detox cocktail with greens

This is a fermented milk drink that is perfect for a light snack. Experts recommend adding cilantro as one of the main components. It is very beneficial for the liver. But if you don’t like this type of greenery at all, you can replace it with parsley or mint.

To prepare a healthy cocktail you will need:

  • two glasses of kefir;
  • a quarter cup of chopped greens;
  • half a lemon;
  • a little ground cumin.


  1. Pour kefir into a blender container, add coarsely chopped herbs and cumin.
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
  3. Whisk everything thoroughly and drink immediately after preparation.

If desired, the cocktail can be salted.

Avocado smoothie

This fruit is very often used in dietary nutrition. It is used for preparing not only salads and main courses, but also for delicious drinks. The result is a nutritious and tasty smoothie that won't add pounds.

To prepare a diet smoothie you need to take:

  • half a ripe avocado;
  • one banana;
  • 20 almond kernels;
  • a handful of arugula.

To make the cocktail shake better and not be too thick, you can dilute it with water. Moreover, it is worth pre-soaking the almonds. This will make the smoothie more tasty and healthy.

Everything is prepared very simply. Peeled banana, avocado, arugula and almonds must be placed in a blender bowl and chopped thoroughly. The thickness of the drink is adjusted by adding water.

Basic principles of proper, healthy nutrition

Eat regularly (4-5 times every 3-4 hours).

Proper meal frequency is an important element of a healthy diet. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and gallstone disease have been shown to be significantly more common in those who typically eat 1-2 meals per day compared to those who eat more meals per day.

A healthy person should regularly eat 4-5 times a day, with breaks between them should be 3-4 hours. This habit helps reduce the number of snacks you take in and also helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Breakfast should be eaten within 1-2 hours of getting out of bed, and dinner should be eaten about 3 hours before bed.

For some diseases, more meals are recommended. Patients with type 1 diabetes typically eat 6 small meals a day. Everyone who cares about their health not only chooses a variety of unprocessed foods, but also tries to eat regularly at certain times.

The food pyramid is a guide that determines what foods and how many servings per day should be delivered to the body.

Eat slowly

Why is eating slowly so important for the body?

Digestive juices, which form in the stomach, are produced only when they receive a signal from the brain that food has begun to be consumed. This reaction occurs as a result of chewing and swallowing food - so when you throw food at yourself, your body is unable to cope with digestion.

Eating food quickly usually results in poor crumbling - large pieces take longer and are less digestible than those that are thoroughly chewed. Consequently, symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, and sometimes even stomach ulcers or reflux may appear.

Physical activity

Sport is extremely important in everyday life - it helps to maintain a fit, slim figure and good health. Physical activity has a great impact on human health - it improves blood supply to the body, increases lung capacity, and also improves the condition of joints and skin.

There is a reason why exercise is at the base of the health pyramid - you should dedicate at least 30-40 minutes every day to light physical activity (such as a long brisk walk or walking up the stairs).

Vegetables and fruits

These two foods should be in every meal you eat during the day and make up 50% of what you eat during the day. Proportions are also important - 3/4 of which should be vegetables, and only 1/4 fruit (due to the large amount of sugar). It's also important to choose these foods wisely - for example, skip potatoes, which contain no nutritional value other than fiber, and instead opt for beets, a good source of folic acid and iron.

Cereal products

They should cover no more than 25% of all foods consumed during the day, that is, take 2-3 meals. The term includes both grains and the products that are made from them - bread, pasta, flour, rice and cereals. It is recommended to eat whole grains - dark bread is definitely more nutritionally beneficial than white bread. Grain products are a good source of dietary fiber - something to consider when planning your menu to avoid consuming too much of it throughout the day.


Dairy products are a valuable source of protein in the diet, so you should find good sources. 2 cups of milk, natural yogurt or 120 g of cottage cheese is enough to satisfy the body's daily needs. Also remember that protein is also found in other foods you eat - such as eggs, legumes, grains, nuts and even bananas.

Protein sources

Good sources of protein include meat, fish, legumes and eggs. Their consumption should be about 10%-20% of all food during the day, that is, it should be included in 1-2 meals. It is important to avoid eating meat every day - you should replace it with fish or increase your consumption of legumes and eggs.

Healthy diet - but what about fat?

For years, there has been a myth that a high-fat diet should be avoided. Today we already know that fats are necessary for the body - they have a huge impact on the functioning of the brain, participate in the production of hormones and enzymes, and also ensure the transport of vitamins A, D, E, K.

However, it is worth remembering that you should consume healthy fats, for example, found in marine fish (mackerel, cod, salmon, herring, tuna), cold-pressed vegetable oils (sunflower, flaxseed) and olive oil, nuts, almonds, avocados, eggs or flax seeds. These foods are rich in unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Experts recommend eating healthy fats up to 150 g per day, 2-3 times a week.

Is salt harmful?

The body needs salt - the sodium it contains regulates water and electrolyte balance and affects the acid-base balance.

However, consuming too much salt can be harmful to your health and contribute to serious diseases such as hypertension.

According to the World Health Organization, daily salt intake should not exceed 5 g, which is equivalent to a flat teaspoon. Healthy eating principles not only limit the addition of food, but also the consumption of foods rich in salt, such as processed snacks, prepared soups and sauces, bouillon cubes and sausages.

Drink plenty of water

The human body is 70% water, which performs an extremely important function - it helps dissolve metabolic waste and remove toxins, promotes digestion, promotes the absorption of nutrients and regulates body temperature. It's worth remembering that we use around 2 liters of water every day, so you need to top up your water level regularly.

Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of still water per day and increasing this amount in hot weather. Low-mineralized water, which you drink in small sips, will be the most beneficial.

Kefir drink with apricot and banana

This cocktail can be drunk at any time of the year. Bananas are on the shelves all year round, and apricots are used even frozen. The drink is low in calories and very beneficial for the digestive system.

To prepare a cocktail, you need to take:

  • 10 apricots;
  • a couple of bananas;
  • apple;
  • 250 ml low-fat kefir;
  • a little sugar for those with a sweet tooth.


  1. Wash the fruits, chop and place in a blender. There is no need to remove the skin from the apricot, but you definitely need to get rid of the pit.
  2. Beat all ingredients in a blender, then drink the drink immediately.

What can and cannot be eaten?

The name itself, the PP (healthy nutrition) diet, suggests that the basis of the diet is made up of healthy foods. But you will have to forget about harmful “chemical” dishes.

Products that should be included in the PP diet

Let's list the main food groups we need every day.

  1. Cereals and potatoes are the main source of carbohydrates in the form of starch. They also supply vitamins and minerals (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron) to the blood. The fiber found in potatoes and grains makes you feel full and speeds up your metabolism.
  2. Fruits and vegetables are the best source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  3. Milk and dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese) mainly provide us with complete protein and easily digestible calcium.
  4. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs are valuable sources high in protein, essential unsaturated fatty acids (especially fish), fat-soluble vitamins (A, D) and vitamin B12. In addition, these products ensure easy absorption of iron, which is very important for the prevention of anemia.
  5. Oils and fats (butter, cream, lard, fat, fish oil, vegetable oils) are a source of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and in the case of vegetable oils (sunflower, rapeseed, olive oil) - vitamin E, necessary for youthful skin.
  6. Bee honey is a valuable food product, as it contains easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) and bacteriostatic agents.

Please do not forget that the nutritional value of food products depends largely on the method and conditions of their storage and preparation.

List of prohibited products

The PP diet does not recognize foods such as:

  • sausage, frankfurters, canned food;
  • chips, crackers, salted fish, soups and instant noodles;
  • store-bought mayonnaise;
  • salty seasonings (so-called bouillon cubes, Maggi, etc.);
  • chocolate bars, candies with flavors or bright colors;
  • alcohol (you can still drink red wine in small quantities).

Do not overuse salt, flour products and dairy products (due to excess casein).

Ginger tea

Those who want to lose weight should pay attention to such a useful component as ginger. It will come in handy at any time of the year. Drinks with it perfectly quench thirst in the summer, and in winter they increase immunity, so the body can more effectively fight seasonal diseases.

The easiest way to use ginger to make a drink is as a tea. You need to take:

  • 1 tsp. tea (black or green);
  • a slice of ginger;
  • half a lemon wedge.

Making this tea is very simple. You need to place all the ingredients in a cup, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

The result is not just a tasty drink, but a real vitamin bomb, which, with constant use, will make a person absolutely immune to colds and other unpleasant diseases. An additional benefit is that ginger helps you lose weight. Therefore, tea with this magical root will help you quickly get rid of extra centimeters on your waist.

Reviews about proper nutrition

An example of the correct percentage of nutrition during the day looks like this:

  • bread, pasta, cereals - 25%
  • vegetables (seasonal) - 20%
  • fresh fruits – 10%
  • legumes and nuts - 15%
  • sweets - 5%
  • olive oil – 7%
  • cheeses and yoghurts - 7%
  • fish - 5%
  • poultry and eggs - 3%
  • lean meat - 2%
  • high quality wine – 1%

Nutritionists define an hourly proper nutrition plan as follows:

  • 8 a.m.—breakfast
  • 11 a.m. - second breakfast
  • 2 pm - lunch
  • 5 pm - afternoon tea
  • 7.30 pm - dinner
  • 10 pm - snack before bed


Proper nutrition is the most important thing. When I was faced with the problem of excess weight, I tried all sorts of diets, but they were not very effective, although they gave little result.

Then I just started eating healthy food, ate almost everything, only prepared in a more dietary way, and noticed that the result of weight loss was no worse than after the diet.

Now I adhere to the same principle and hope for a positive result. I’ll also take note of your recommendations; I learned a lot of useful things from the article.


Pay attention!

FORGET ABOUT NOT EATING ANYTHING WHEN LOSSING WEIGHT!!!!!!!!! This is the stupidest mistake of people who are illiterate in the matter of losing weight. I am amazed. Are you really that lazy to spend an hour of your time and understand the issue thoroughly??!!

In a nutshell: when you start abruptly going on a stupid half-starvation diet, your body doesn’t know that you’re trying to lose weight! He is sure that you are in conditions where there is no food.

And since our smart body is configured to maintain our life, it turns on economy mode and sharply slows down the metabolism. In general, I gave a hint, I’m too lazy to write and explain, it will take a long time.

Anyone who wants to google it and figure out what’s what and what I’m talking about.

Good luck with your weight loss. Gym to help! And eat! eat eat! as many times a day as possible in small portions! before 13 o'clock carbohydrates, after and before night - mainly proteins!!!! And water! water 2.5-3 liters daily! Otherwise you won't lose weight. And if you lose weight, you will undermine your health for the rest of your life. In addition, the kilograms will soon return, maybe even more than they lost. Good luck.



: gives health.


: sometimes you want harmful things.

Indeed, the best diet is proper nutrition. Unfortunately, nowadays it is very difficult to find healthy foods. Sometimes you buy fruits and vegetables in the supermarket and think how much nitrates they contain, but that’s a different story.

I started thinking about proper nutrition for weight loss when all the diets stopped working and my weight started to rise. Also, the birth of a child pushed me to the fact that the family should eat right.

To begin with, I tried to remove all harmful foods: white rice, white flour, store-bought deli meats, sauces, sweets, margarine. That is, all products that have gone through too much heat treatment were thrown away. You need to learn to read the labels that products contain.


: We have the most common oatmeal, mine is on water, my husband and child are on milk.


- 1 apple.


— boiled meat and salad, but
I have
cottage cheese or soup for dinner (when I come home from work).

The most important thing is not to forget that the correct carbohydrates should be 40% in the diet, 30% each of proteins and fats.

It is important!

Proper nutrition will give you not only a figure but also longevity, these are all the secrets of the best diet.

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I was on proper nutrition for a year, small portions as expected, giving up everything possible, running 3 times a week.

I lost 2 kg in the first month, and 3 kg over the next 11 months. Considering that my height of 160 accounts for a weight of 72 kg (this is a lot) - there is no result.

As a result, I lost up to 48 kg on strict diets and took vitamins. It is good to maintain weight on proper nutrition; I personally did not succeed in losing weight.



: without much torture.


: They are not here.

I decided to take charge of myself, because... extra pounds appeared. My height is 166, my weight was 67.5 kg.

In general, I chose for myself a diet of proper nutrition and calorie counting. In one of the magazines I read how many calories a person should absorb per day at a certain height. So I want to share it with you.

We take into account the metabolism of women aged 30 to 60 years. We carry out the calculation (8.7 × for your body weight) + 829. This will be the daily dose of calories if you do not want to lose weight. If you decide to lose excess weight, then subtract 30% from the amount received to get the number of calories you should consume to lose weight.

Calories are distributed daily as follows:

  • in the morning 30% of the amount received is due
  • lunch accounts for 40-50% of the amount received
  • dinner accounts for 20-25% of the amount received

You need to exclude flour, chips, crackers, sweets (sweets, cakes). It is better to use honey instead, it is very useful. Eat home-cooked, freshly prepared food. Everything else can be eaten, but in moderation.

To control how much you eat, buy yourself a kitchen scale and weigh everything you eat. Plus, on each product it is written how many kcal are contained in 100 grams. You'll get used to it later. I practically eat everything that I cook myself. Of course, I don’t eat after 6 in the evening. I also drink Santi Min tea.

In general, in 2 weeks I lost 2 kg. The skin has become much smoother on the thighs, the skin of the face has improved without any pimples. In general, I'm satisfied. I eat everything I ate before, only a little less.


I am simply perplexed that people exist in a half-starved, faint state in order to lose weight.

Just give up fast food, quick snacks, hamburgers, pizza, sweet rolls. Eat small portions 5-6 times a day. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water. And do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. And not “after 18.00”. What kind of fool came up with this?

By the way, you don’t have to exhaust yourself at the gym, half an hour walks are enough, and you should forget about the elevator.



: You don’t have to study in a hungry faint. The weight is not gained back.


: You'll have to be patient.

At one time I tried a lot of diets, and came to the conclusion that the best diet is proper nutrition. A wonderful diet... with virtually no restrictions.

Helpful advice!

The only foods that need to be excluded are all dishes prepared with large amounts of oil, smoked foods, soda, sugar, flour products (in particular wheat bread).

In general, this diet is suitable for everyone, but like any diet, it has its secrets.

  1. You need to eat when you want to eat.
  2. Eat at the table (not in front of the TV) and chew your food slowly and thoroughly. Since the signal to the brain about the arrival of food arrives only after 20 minutes.
  3. It's better to get bored than to overeat.
  4. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of water acidified with lemon.

To enhance the effect of the diet, you also need to include sports. Even basic exercise in the morning tones your body and improves metabolism.

Try it, love your body. And most importantly, don’t doubt it. You will succeed!!!

White fluffy


: effective.


: My breasts have also lost weight.

I started eating right about six months ago. Before that, I followed a diet: “don’t eat after 6 pm.” I remember that several years ago I was a plump girl with breast size 4 and weighed 60 kg, then I weighed 52 kg. There was no specific goal to lose weight, the kilos just somehow went away and I would like to stop at 52. And recently I discovered that I weigh 49 kg, and my breast size is between 2-3.

What to exclude when eating properly:

  • fatty and fried foods
  • too salty and peppery dishes
  • rye bread and rolls
  • full-fat cheese (use only light, low-fat cheese)
  • carbonated drinks
  • alcohol
  • coffee and strong tea
  • chocolate
  • cakes and pastries
  • all types of processed meat: sausages, sausages, stewed meat, ham...
  • canned food
  • pickles and pickled dishes: pickled and marinated cucumbers, pickled beets, salted fish...
  • seeds, nuts
  • first boil broths
  • bananas and grapes
  • mayonnaise and ketchup

What to eat:

  • rolled oats porridge on water
  • grain bread
  • casserole
  • stewed vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli...)
  • boiled vegetables (beets, carrots...)
  • stewed and boiled chicken
  • pasta
  • boiled potatoes (every day is not recommended)
  • fish stew
  • fruits (except bananas and grapes)
  • vegetables in the form of salads: tomatoes, cucumbers
  • fruit drinks and compotes
  • kefir and yoghurts without additives
  • second boil broths
  • sour cream
  • olive oil
  • any greens

What you can eat with proper nutrition, but in limited quantities:

  • sweet dishes in the form of marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, jam, honey
  • baked goods made with butter rather than margarine
  • milk when added to omelettes and baked goods

Interesting: Exercises for quick weight loss

You need to eat as often as possible, but the portions should be small. Don't eat before bed. Drink more water, up to 2 liters per day. Every day there is soup for lunch. Eat about 800 grams of fruits and vegetables per day.


I have been following a healthy diet for several years now, at first I did it to lose weight and I succeeded, but now I just want to be healthy. I also eat healthy, but my daily caloric intake does not allow me to lose weight.

I decided to reduce my portion sizes to start losing weight again, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to get enough of such small portions

Irina Gorbacheva

I have been struggling with excess weight for many years, as it caused major health problems. I tried, well, to be honest, at least 7-8 diets. And after any diet, soon she began to eat like crazy and gained weight again.

Then I switched to proper nutrition. I've been on it for 3 years now.

I'm delighted with the results! It's both tasty and healthy! Proper nutrition has become a way of life. I never go hungry! Plus I play sports and have lost a lot of weight.

GIRLS, fuck these diets! Better eat right, exercise and everything will work out

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