Diet minus 60 by Ekaterina Mirimanova, basic rules, table, recipes, menu for the week

  • September 25, 2018
  • Diets for weight loss
  • Elina Mva

Many representatives of the fair sex have been trying in vain to lose excess pounds for many years. Ekaterina Mirimanova proves from her own experience that everything is possible. The text provides complete information about the “Minus 60” diet and a table with permitted foods. It is also suggested to read the reviews. It is also worth adopting the “Minus 60” diet menu for a day, week or month. Its author, nutritionist and author of the book Ekaterina Mirimanova, believes that diet is a way of life, and not the introduction of temporary bans on the consumption of certain foods.

general information

Before and after

The diet called “Minus 60” was created by a girl, Ekaterina Mirimanova. The power system received its name due to the result of its author. Ekaterina Mirimanova herself lost 60 kilograms. Her initial weight was 120 kg. It is worth noting that the girl is neither a nutritionist nor a doctor. According to Ekaterina Mirimanova, the diet was created thanks to her personal experiment. She herself tested various principles of nutrition and diet, and their combinations. This was the beginning for the development of this nutrition system and the creation of the optimal “Minus 60” diet menu. Ekaterina Mirimanova also advises gradually incorporating physical activity into your life. You can start with walking, gradually introducing fitness classes or some other sport.

System "Minus 60" during pregnancy and lactation

Many women during pregnancy are afraid to go on a diet, believing that excess stress is harmful to the mother’s body. There is also an opinion that women who limit themselves in food can harm the unborn baby, who will “starve” in the womb, not receiving enough nutrients.

Any diet is associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals entering the mother’s body, which will negatively affect her well-being and health after childbirth.

However, do not forget that excess weight is also harmful for women. The kilograms gained during pregnancy, when the mother “eats for two,” are difficult to lose after childbirth, when the mother returns to daily routine activities.

However, even more dangerous and unpleasant are the harmful eating habits acquired while expecting a baby , lack of self-control, chaotic snacking, and eating large amounts of junk food. After the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, many women cannot give them up, and the accumulated kilograms remain with them for many years, if not forever.

The minus 60 diet, which is not associated with strict restrictions, is almost ideal for weight control during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Naturally, a woman can make some minor adjustments to the system. For example, breastfeeding requires the consumption of a large amount of liquid (tea with milk, compote, fruit juice), which according to the system is equivalent to a snack.

While breastfeeding, you are allowed to drink as needed. During pregnancy, the expectant mother can sometimes treat herself to forbidden foods that she really wants to eat. The absence of disruptions in the minus 60 system is also suitable for following a diet during pregnancy. The minus 60 system provides psychological comfort along with physical convenience, which is important during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Those losing weight who strictly adhere to a diet gain 4-5 kg ​​during pregnancy. Repeated mothers report positive changes, less weight gain and better health. Doctors do not find any contraindications or reasons to prohibit the diet for pregnant women. Some obstetricians and gynecologists advise adhering to a reasonable nutrition system while expecting a child.

After stopping breastfeeding, women who do not change their diet and adhere to the minus 60 system during pregnancy and lactation can easily lose unnecessary pounds after returning to normal life. Physical activity on the “Minus 60” diet

An integral part of the minus 60 system is physical exercise.

With a relatively large weight, physical activity should be moderate; joints and ligaments should not be overstrained. Ekaterina Mirimanova presents her own system of exercises, combined with the lifestyle and nutrition of people losing weight.

The first rule of the “Minus 60” diet

Author of the diet Ekaterina

The first rule of the diet is as follows: “Tune in to the process of losing weight correctly.” The author of the diet began to follow it without much preparation, in other words, the author advises not to put off your plans until tomorrow or next Monday. In addition, Catherine advises losing weight for yourself, and not for some upcoming event or for the sake of another person. Every woman should sometimes, in the routine of everyday affairs and problems, remember about herself and devote more time to her beloved. This applies to both proper nutrition and personal care in general: skin, hair, nails, and so on.

The second rule of the “Minus 60” diet

Author of the -60 diet

The second rule is as follows: “It is better to rebuild taste habits gradually, step by step moving towards a new life.” In other words, you need to switch to proper nutrition gradually and introduce healthy foods into your diet in doses. Also, the diet should teach you to choose adequate portions, not to overeat, and not to go looking for more.

It is better to remove large plates. It is also advisable to eat in silence, without watching movies or TV. Because in this case the person only swallows the food. Ekaterina also advises identifying your favorite unhealthy product, gradually trying to replace it with a more correct one that is similar in taste.

Chicken with rice

Ekaterina Mirimanova also warns that you should not expect instant results; you should not punish yourself if you do not see a quick effect. In addition, you need to remember that excess weight did not appear in one day, so it will not disappear so quickly either. Also, do not forget that for the fair half of humanity, eating behavior is directly dependent on mood, as well as directly dependent on the menstrual cycle, so it is important to listen to your body and be able to distinguish needs from your own whims. In general, the “Minus 60” diet is considered a fairly flexible and feminine method.

Reviews from those who tried the diet

Yulia Brezhneva. On the minus 60 diet, I lost 30 kg in six months. This system really works! After two pregnancies, I gained a lot of weight. I weighed more than 100 kg and wore size 56 clothes. But this nutrition system completely changed me. I managed to lose weight. At the beginning it was hard, especially not eating after 6. But the habit can be developed in three weeks.

I saw the first results a month later, I was inspired, I lost the first 5 kg. I wanted more. Overall, I really liked this diet. You can eat absolutely anything for breakfast. I recommend it to overweight people. You will enjoy life again. My shortness of breath went away, it became easier to walk, I started playing sports. Thanks to the author of this diet!

Larisa Savina. I've been chubby all my life. As I grew older, my weight continued to grow rapidly. My husband and I were thinking about having a child. The doctor said I need to lose weight in order to conceive a healthy baby. The minus 60 diet came to my aid. I managed to lose more than 40 kg. She works. I'm incredibly happy. We will soon become parents. And all thanks to nutrition.

Svetlana Sorokina. I was used to playing sports, but the weight began to increase. I ran 5 km every day, continued to gain weight, because I was drawn to all sorts of harmful things. I lost 20 kg on the minus 60 diet, and I’m not going to give up this system. I will continue, it helps me stay slim, because it’s a balanced diet.

Clara Khamova. The minus 60 diet changed my life. I went from wearing size 50 to wearing size 42. This is a unique nutrition system. You can eat absolutely anything for breakfast. Lunch excludes fatty, fried, sweet, starchy foods and you cannot combine a number of foods, for example, pasta with meat. I managed to lose a fair amount of weight. Then I returned to normal food. The weight started to gain. Therefore, I realized that it is worth sticking to this system all my life.

I will continue to follow the minus 60 diet. Sometimes I allow myself red wine, in principle, this is not prohibited. I drank cognac for my husband’s birthday; slight deviations are not critical. I wish everyone who is losing weight success!

Natalya Volkova. The minus 60 diet is a real discovery for me. I tried teas for weight loss, various diets, but the weight did not go away. Every year I became bigger and bigger. I was gaining weight. I decided to try Ekaterina Mirimanova’s system. As a result, I lost 50 kg in a year.

This is an amazing result. I will continue to adhere to this nutrition system. I immediately wanted to update my wardrobe and show off in sexy outfits. Well, you understand me!

Victoria Kapustina. It was hard for me to get used to this diet at the beginning. It was also hard because in the evenings I cooked delicious, hearty dinners for my husband and son, for example, meat and potatoes. At first I was upset, but gradually I learned to control myself. I’ve been on a diet for two months, the weight has gone off, but not right away. I'm thinking of starting to play sports to have a greater effect. I bought a dress two sizes smaller and I can already fit it in. It’s very nice that there is such a modern, effective diet, without compromising your health.

Katya Voroshilova. I immediately liked the diet. It's easy to understand. No need to count calories. There are a lot of recipes. I managed to lose 20 kg. It's mind boggling! Nonsense! I've tried everything. Various nutrition systems, sports. But it remained full. The minus 60 diet changed me completely. Life became easier and more fun for me. I even began to think about children; recently my boyfriend proposed to me. He showers me with compliments. I really look very good.

My friend also became interested in the diet. Now she has lost her first 6 kg. I'm also pleased with the result. This once again proves that with proper nutrition nothing is impossible.

The third rule of the “Minus 60” diet

Rule number three is: “It is important to keep track of time.” According to the rules of the diet, up to 12 hours you can eat whatever your heart desires. The only exception is milk chocolate. You should exclude fried foods from your diet at lunchtime. If a meal is planned before two o'clock in the afternoon, then you are allowed to eat one spoon of sour cream. You cannot combine meat or fish with potatoes and pasta in one plate. It is best to choose vegetables, rice or buckwheat as a side dish for meat or fish. Vegetable or meat soup should also not contain potatoes.

Fruit juices

For dessert, you can eat various fruits, for example, all kinds of citrus fruits, pineapples, apples. For dinner, it is best to steam the meat. Rice with vegetables is also an excellent option. You can have dinner with dairy products and fruit. However, it is worth remembering that according to the rules of the “Minus 60” diet, dinner must be no later than six o’clock in the evening.

Contraindications to the nutrition system

(both acute and chronic stages) as contraindications

  • gallbladder;
  • pancreas;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • anemia.

Abusing sweet and fatty foods for breakfast puts additional stress on the pancreas. If you do not limit harmful foods, you can get an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Often, people who are hungry misunderstand the call “Everything is possible before 12” and eat excessively and excessively.

Not eating after 6 pm can lead to stagnation of bile and the formation of gallstones . People with low hemoglobin levels will find it difficult to increase their levels - the minus 60 diet does not contain a large amount of iron-rich foods.

Steps to your ideal weight: steps 1, 2, 3

The first step to your ideal weight is eating the right breakfast. According to the author of the diet, breakfast should never be skipped. It allows you to activate metabolic processes in the body. Ekaterina assures that breakfast does not have to be heavy, it is best to listen to your own body. For your morning meal, you can choose porridge or coffee with crackers.

Menu on a diet

Step 2. Alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee are allowed. If a person really likes to add regular white sugar to tea and coffee, then gradually it should be replaced with cane sugar. It is also necessary to reduce the amount. As for alcohol, it is better to give preference to dry red wine.

Step 3. It is best to replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate, but it is not necessary to completely give up sweets.

Steps to your ideal weight: steps 4, 5, 6

Step 4. It is best to choose rice or buckwheat as a side dish. At the very beginning of the diet, you can afford steamed rice; later it is best to switch to brown rice. Frozen vegetables are also a great option. They cook quite quickly, but contain almost the same amount of vitamins.

Step 5. White bread is best excluded from the diet. At the very beginning you can afford it, but only in the first half of the day.

Step 6. The diet does not prohibit the consumption of pasta and potatoes. It is best to include them in your morning diet. It is not recommended to consume these products in the evening.

Steps to your ideal weight: steps 7, 8, 9, 10

Step 7. The earlier the last meal, the greater the effect of the diet. However, it is also not recommended to have dinner before five o’clock in the evening. It is advisable to shift meal times gradually so that the body has time to get used to it.

Step 8. Ekaterina Mirimanova is sure that there is no one exact amount of water that needs to be consumed. For some, one is enough, for others, two liters of water a day is not enough. It is best to focus on the sensations of your own body.

Step 9. It is important to pay attention to the compatibility of products in one serving. Also, do not forget about the lightness of the dish and the serving size. For example, a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil is a great option.

Step 10. It is better to remove fried foods from your diet. But if you want, then strictly before noon. After all, there are many other cooking methods - stewing, grilling, boiling and others.

Diet "Minus 60": table of allowed foods

We bring to your attention a table of foods allowed for breakfast (first meal). Breakfast must be served before twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Authorized ProductsAllowed drinks
Cereal porridge Berry juice
Muesli with fruitTea
Potatoes with sauceCoffee
Pasta with sauceFruit juice
bitter chocolate
A couple of sweets or a small portion of cake

What can you eat for second breakfast according to the rules of the “Minus 60” diet? The table of allowed products will help you.

Authorized ProductsAllowed drinks
Low-fat fermented milk productsTea without sugar
A small handful of nutsSugar free coffee
1 fruit

The table below provides a list of foods that can be eaten for lunch. You don’t have to go hungry; it is varied and varied.

Authorized ProductsAllowed drinks
Fruits allowed: apples up to 2 pieces, up to 6 pieces. prunes, up to 2 pieces of watermelon, up to 4 plums or oranges, up to 2 kiwis, avocados, up to 2 pieces of pineapple. Dry red wine
Any vegetables are allowed. Quantity limit: corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms. Coffee without milk
Meat, fish and eggs are allowed: steamed cutlets, sausages, boiled eggs, seafood, crab sticks, lean meat, boiled sausage, lightly marinated shish kebab. Dairy products
The following cereals and legumes are allowed: rice, rice noodles, peas, buckwheat, corn grits, couscous, lentils, beans.Tea
Fruit and vegetable juices

Below we offer you a list of foods allowed for dinner (table). The “Minus 60” diet prescribes that the last meal should be no later than six o’clock in the evening.

Authorized ProductsAllowed drinks
From fruits: up to 2 apples, up to 6 pcs. prunes, up to 2 pieces of kiwi, up to 2 pieces of watermelon, up to 4 oranges, up to 4 pieces of plums, up to 2 pieces of pineapple. Fresh juice
Everything is allowed from vegetables except potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants, corn, pumpkins, peas, and sweet potatoes. Dry red wine
From meat, eggs, fish: low-fat fish, seafood, lean meat, meat broth, boiled eggs, omelet.Tea
From dairy products: cheese with bread, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt.Coffee

What can you eat according to Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet?

Mirimanova system: permitted products

The menu according to the healthy nutrition system minus 60 is compiled taking into account the list of permitted products. When determining your diet, do not forget about the restrictions on combining foods with each other. For example, any meat is allowed to be consumed, but it is advisable to remove sausages, sausages, and other similar semi-finished products from the diet or eat them very rarely. When eating according to this system, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you are going to eat chicken for breakfast or dinner, remove the fatty parts and skin from it. Fish and seafood are allowed to be consumed in the Mirimanova system, but crab sticks should be excluded or eaten rarely. You can eat all vegetables, mushrooms and legumes. It is better to keep potatoes to a minimum, as well as pasta. If you like pasta, buy those made from durum wheat.
  2. The menu of the Mirimanova minus 60 nutrition system contains any nuts, fruits, dried fruits and berries: plums, citrus fruits, apples, watermelon, prunes (no more than 6 pieces throughout the day), avocado and pineapple. Due to their sweetness and large amount of starch, bananas can be eaten in small quantities only before 12:00. Dairy is allowed provided that you consume products with a low fat content. When eating according to this system, it is preferable to drink whole milk with any percentage of fat before 12.00. Eat cheese of any fat content, but not more than 50 g per day.
  3. Season with sour cream, mayonnaise, olive or vegetable oil only those dishes that you eat before 14 hours, but in quantities up to 5 ml (1 small spoon). When eating according to the Mirimanova system, a variety of ready-made sauces (mustard, ketchup, horseradish, balsamic and soy sauce) must be consumed in the morning. All available natural herbs for weight loss and spices, garlic and herbs can be added to dishes without restrictions.

List of allowed foods for breakfast

Ekaterina Mirimanova pays special attention to morning meals in her system. It is necessary to eat on time (before 12.00). Breakfast cannot be skipped. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, keep your food intake to a minimum at this time by eating toast, yogurt or a piece of rye bread with cheese. According to the rules of the system, everything is allowed for breakfast; it is not necessary to eat in small portions, but you should not overeat either. The amount of salt and sugar is also not limited. However, you can replace sugar with fructose.

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Recommended foods for lunch

Mirimanova system: food for lunch

You must start lunch before 14.00. At this meal you can eat soups, borscht, cooked both in water and in broth. In Mirimanova’s system, it is allowed to grill, stew or bake food, as well as use mayonnaise, sour cream or sauces. Prepare first courses without adding potatoes - the only exception is lean vegetable soups. In addition to lunch, eat fruits: citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, apples, plums, watermelon.

For dinner

Mirimanova system: food for dinner

Have dinner no later than 18.00. If time is lost, you will have to sleep on an empty stomach. After 18.00, those who want to lose excess weight using the proper nutrition system minus 60 are prohibited from eating. If there was absolutely no opportunity to eat before this time, include light foods (kefir, fruits, vegetables) in your dinner. But you should eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Menu for the day

“Minus 60” is a diet whose menu is very varied. This is one of the possible options. As already mentioned, it is best to have breakfast before noon. The author of the diet suggests boiling two chicken eggs. Rye bread in combination with butter and cheese is also allowed. Drinks include coffee (you can add milk and sugar to it).

Glass of water

For lunch, give preference to buckwheat porridge. The serving size is no more than 200 grams. Also add boiled meat and beet salad to buckwheat porridge. Drinks include tea without sugar. Lunch should be no later than three o'clock in the afternoon. It is advisable to eat dinner before six o'clock in the evening. The menu includes low-fat cottage cheese. You can add grated apple.



Today, Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet has millions of followers. It is equally effective for those who are just starting to lose weight, or have already tried dozens of other programs. But there is a small pattern - the greater the initial weight, the faster the extra pounds disappear.

Men and women leave positive reviews about this system. It is praised for its simplicity and lack of strict rules, which is very important in modern times. Many note its effectiveness in combination with physical activity.

Interesting fact. Despite the huge number of positive reviews, the diet will not give results if you do not set yourself up correctly. You need to properly motivate yourself and rely only on yourself. Only in this case will you achieve your dream figure, as Ekaterina Mirimanova did.

“Minus 60”: diet menu for the week

The recommended volume of one serving is no more than 300 grams. It is better to use small dishes. The weekly menu for the “-60” diet in the table is easier to perceive, so the author advises compiling them, printing them, and then hanging them on the refrigerator. This way you won't forget anything.

Monday Banana + sandwich with smoked sausage + 100 grams of Napoleon cake Baked potatoes with vegetables, beetroot and carrot salad with yogurt dressing Vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, dressed with yogurt
Tuesday Persimmon + fried potatoes with mushrooms Baked pork chop, garnished with rice and vegetable salad Boiled shrimp, baked trout
Wednesday 2 pancakes with halva and cottage cheese and shortbread Stewed pike perch in its own juice and salad of bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots with olive oil Vegetarian cabbage rolls
Thursday Scrambled eggs + butter sandwich + banana Baked fish with buckwheat Low-fat cottage cheese and baked apples
Friday Sweet cottage cheese + a portion of soft waffles Beans and vegetable salad of cucumber, tomato, bell pepper and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil Low-fat cottage cheese, apple and tangerine
Saturday A serving of oatmeal and 50 grams of dark chocolate Boiled meatballs, garnished with buckwheat and apple Aspic
Sunday Semolina pudding and cheese toast Stewed chicken with pineapples and rice as a side dish Apple, grapefruit and low-fat cottage cheese

It is better to prepare a detailed menu for each day for the Mirimanova diet in advance, this will save time. In addition, this way you can include your favorite breakfast foods in your schedule.

Diet “Minus 60”: diet for a month

The weekly menu table for the “Minus 60” diet can be taken as a basis for creating a nutrition plan for the month ahead. It allows you to train willpower and develop healthy eating habits. The weekly menu for the “Minus 60” diet can be varied, but you should not violate the basic rules - time restrictions for meals. The menu does not include an item on clean drinking water, but you should not forget about it. It is best to drink at least one liter of water per day.

Correct menu

Principles and effects on the body

About the rules of the Minus 60 diet and its durationThe program does not aim to strictly limit the diet. On the contrary, you can eat all foods , including simple carbohydrates (sweets).
This diet is used by women of all weight categories. The basis of the diet is the relationship between the time of day and the absorption of different types of foods. Numerous responses from people who have tried the method on themselves indicate the following indicators: on average, they lose weight by 5 kg per month . Some people lose more weight, some less. But the average value is just that.

The nutrition system does not have a specific duration . You can stick to this program for the rest of your life (like Dr. Dukan’s diet, which is discussed here). The main thing is to follow the rules developed personally by E. Mirimanova.

General diet rules:

  • “Eat breakfast yourself . Morning meal is mandatory, it starts all processes in the body. If necessary, the diet provides two breakfasts: one – light, the second – full. Breakfast is practically unlimited in the diet.
  • Confectionery delights for breakfast are allowed . It is advisable to choose dark chocolate from all the variety of sweets.
  • Tea, caffeine, alcoholic drinks . In the morning, the program allows you to drink a cup of tea or coffee with sugar (find out the benefits of coffee). From alcoholic drinks, it is better to choose wine. Of all alcohol, dry red wine has the lowest calorie content.
  • Rice is best cooked steamed . Boiled rice tastes the same, but its beneficial properties are inferior to steamed rice.
  • Bread . For breakfast you can eat white bread. In the future, you can use one piece of wholemeal bread.
  • Potatoes and pasta . Allowed only in the morning. Sometimes at lunchtime.
  • Early dinner . The final appointment should be as early as possible. Ideally - from 17 to 20 hours. It all depends on the daily routine. If dinner is missed, the body faces a hungry night. Products for dinner should be simple, not overloaded - meat, fish, poultry without side dishes.
  • You can eat everything until 12 noon . After 12 days - boiled, stewed, steamed.
  • Clean drinking water . You need to drink according to the needs of the body. There is no need to force water into yourself. But a lack of moisture is also unacceptable.
  • Salt and spices are allowed in reasonable quantities.
  • Daily physical activity is necessary.

Benefits of Ekaterina Mirimanova's weight loss system Minus 60

Advantages of Ekaterina Mirimanova’s nutritional system - the “Minus 60” diet:

  • No age limit.
  • Allowed for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Allowed for sick people after consulting a specialist.
  • All recommended products are available.
  • No counting calories eaten. You can eat anything until 12.
  • No harm to the body.
  • There is no feeling of hunger, irritation, apathy, or weakness.

You can stick to the program as long as you think necessary. It has no time limits.

In this video, E. Mirimanova talks about the principles of her weight loss system:

Diet recipes

There are a large number of recipes for the “Minus 60” diet. For example, a recipe for cottage cheese casserole with prunes and apples. The list of ingredients includes: low-fat cottage cheese, 50 grams of pitted prunes, 50 grams of plain sweet yoghurt, cinnamon and one green apple. At the very beginning, you need to peel the apple. Next, cut all the fruits into small pieces. You need to mix them with cottage cheese and yogurt. Pre-grease the baking dish with oil. The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. The mass must be placed in a mold and baked for approximately 15 minutes until fully cooked. There is a wide variety of menus and recipes for the “-60” diet from Ekaterina Mirimanova. Having carefully studied its principles, rules and list of permitted products, you can easily come up with something of your own.

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