Kefir diet for 7 days. Types of kefir diets

What are these fruits hiding?

Apples contain fiber, fruit acids, vitamins: A, C, H, E and five elements of group B (from 1 to 9).

The valuable complex is complemented by the following elements:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese.

Weight loss is due to the properties of insoluble fiber and pectin. They fill the stomach and the body becomes full faster. Organic acids remove excess fluid and promote the breakdown of fat deposits.

Pectin normalizes intestinal microflora, regulating its motor function. Another property of the polysaccharide is to cleanse the body of waste, toxins and excess fat that accumulate over a long time. Glucose and fructose reduce cravings for sweets and provide energy.

Apples also have a slight choleretic effect, help get rid of constipation, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve blood circulation. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous system and strengthen the immune system.

Doctors recommend using them for people with chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and joints. “Gifts of nature” are necessary for the prevention of hypertension, gout, eczema, atherosclerosis and rheumatism. However, their properties may vary depending on the variety.

What results can the kefir-apple diet achieve for 3, 7 and 9 days?

Every day a huge number of temptations await us. Coffee shops with delicious cakes, fast food, restaurants - all this only adds pounds. You can find many methods whose authors promise quick results, but have strict limitations. The kefir-apple diet is one of them.

The essence of techniques for rapid weight loss

The harsh reality is that you can lose weight either by completely changing your lifestyle and changing your diet forever. Or, from time to time, resort to short-term strict diets, the visual result of which is noticeable within a few days.

Among short-term diets, mono-diets are the most popular. Their essence is to use the same product for several days. There are a lot of such methods, so everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves, taking into account their favorite products.

Features of the program

One of the most popular and effective mono-diets is kefir-apple diet. As the name implies, its essence lies in the use of only these products. The daily diet consists of apples, fresh or baked, and low-fat kefir. These products are low in calories and very healthy, so a bonus for losing weight will be cleansing the body and skin and increasing overall tone.

Important! It is better to choose kefir with a small percentage of fat content, but in no case low-fat! It won't do any good.

Why these products

Apples and kefir are extremely healthy products. They are low in calories, but full of nutrients and vitamins.

Kefir is one of the most popular dietary products. It forms the basis of many mono-diets. It contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria that restore intestinal microflora. If you drink kefir every day, it will improve the quality of sleep and strengthen the immune system. And with all its benefits, its calorie content is 56 kcal per 100 g.

Apples are simply a treasure trove of vitamins and microelements. They are high in water and fiber, and fiber fills you up and helps fight hunger. As the English proverb says, one apple a day will help you forget about doctors. Apples contain:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins and organic acids.

Two such useful products together act even more effectively and have a healing effect on the body. The main thing is that you like these products, and then following such a diet will not be difficult, although it applies to those who are quite “hungry”.

It is very good to replace store-bought kefir with real farm kefir. It contains only natural ingredients and many more useful substances. And if you make kefir yourself, using sourdough, the benefits will be even greater.

Menu options

During the diet, there are several menu options:

  1. The kefir-apple diet for 3 days involves alternating apples and kefir throughout the day. With this option, one meal consists of one apple or one glass of kefir. There should be a total of six meals a day. In addition, you need to drink up to two liters of water.
  2. The kefir-apple diet for 7 days involves both separate and combined consumption of products. You can make a salad from grated apples, bake apples, or make a kefir-apple cocktail. Baked apples are also very healthy, they give you a feeling of fullness and make it easier to stick to your diet.
  3. The kefir-apple diet for 9 days is the toughest option. For the first three days you only need to drink kefir. For the next three days you need to eat 1.5-2 kg of apples. Apples can be consumed both green and sweeter, red varieties. And for the remaining three days, just drink kefir again. This is the hardest diet option, but also the most effective.

What and how to eat

The set of products for the kefir-apple diet is simple and inexpensive:

  • fresh apples, preferably green varieties;
  • kefir;
  • still water.

A day you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of apples, drink 1.5 liters of kefir and 1.5-2 liters of water.

Duration and result

The kefir-apple diet can last 3, 7 or 9 days. According to reviews, you can lose up to 10 extra pounds. If your health worsens, you should stop the diet!

Physical activity

While fasting, you should not overload yourself with physical activity. People who ignored this rule noted in their reviews that the kefir diet is very difficult for the body to tolerate during intense exercise. Regardless of whether you stick to it for 3, 7 or 9 days.

It is better to give up strength training, running, and intense exercise. Instead, walking in the fresh air, swimming, stretching exercises, and yoga will have a positive effect.

Interesting! The diet will bring the greatest benefit in early autumn, during the season of fresh apples.


For all its positive qualities, the kefir-apple diet, like any other, has contraindications:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity degree II and III;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For healthy people, a diet will only bring benefits, enrich the body with vitamins and improve general condition.


In order for the kefir-apple diet for 7, 3 or 9 days to bring greater results and be easier to tolerate, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules:

  1. do not forget to drink still mineral water, up to two liters per day;
  2. divide foods so that you get at least 6 meals a day. You need to eat every two to three hours, according to the principle of fractional meals;
  3. alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited;
  4. if you can’t imagine your life without coffee, then you can allow yourself one cup in the morning, of course, without sugar;
  5. It’s better to end your day with kefir, because apples can provoke an appetite;
  6. if the feeling of hunger becomes too strong, you can drink a cup of green tea with a spoon of honey;
  7. be sure to establish a daily routine, go to bed early and get enough sleep;
  8. do not forget about physical activity - walking in the fresh air and swimming will help maintain a positive attitude;
  9. You need to prepare for the diet by slightly reducing the caloric content of your diet. Don't overeat the day before.

Saving the result

Humans are designed in such a way that after the end of fasting, we again want to eat a lot. Therefore, the results of the kefir-apple diet are threatened by an acute desire to compensate for the restrictions set for oneself by going to the store for something tasty.

With this approach, all the kilograms will gradually return, taking with them more.

To prevent this from happening, you need to exit the diet correctly. Gradually, you need to add lean meat, soups, and vegetable salads to your diet. The body will get used to healthy and wholesome food, and you will no longer want harmful things that cause your sides and weight to increase. Love yourself, appreciate your efforts, and then the old weight will not return to you!

How much weight can you lose?

If you follow all the recommendations, the diet will be easy and without harm to your health, and the result will be simply amazing.

Important! You also need to exit the diet gradually. Overeating, firstly, will quickly return lost kilograms, and, secondly, can lead to digestive problems.

Following the kefir-apple diet menu for 3 days will allow you to lose up to 3 kg, and in 9 days you can lose 10 kilograms!


Reviews of the results of the apple-kefir diet emphasize that it is not at all difficult to adhere to the restrictions, and the results are visible not only by the number on the scales.

Irina, 35 years old: “I love both kefir and apples, so my diet was quite easy. I ate apples fresh and baked, and bought kefir from a farm store near my house. After the diet, the heaviness in my stomach disappeared, my complexion became fresher, and in general, I began to feel more energetic.”

Katya, 27 years old: “The diet is not bad, the products are healthy. But I was very hungry. That's why I only lasted 5 days. During this time, I lost 3 kilograms, so I’m quite happy. But I don’t want to repeat it yet.”

Olga, 29 years old: “I adore this diet, I follow it before holidays and important events. Even the apple-kefir diet tightens my stomach for just 3 days, and I look slimmer. It’s my birthday soon, I’ll have to get ready again ;).”

Yulia, 38 years old: “And every fall at the dacha I only eat apples and drink kefir. Very good. The only problem is that I can’t live without coffee at all, so I drink a couple of cups a day. Even with sugar, I still don’t get enough calories, I’m losing weight.”


Despite the fact that kefir and apples are very healthy, and the kefir-apple diet is quite easy to tolerate, such a diet must be started with careful preparation. A few days before starting the diet, limit your diet and prepare yourself mentally. After finishing the diet, exit it gradually. Reconsider your old eating habits.

And in order to stay in shape, you can repeat the kefir-apple diet several times a year. Don't forget about physical activity. If you follow all these simple rules, the diet will bring you only benefits and excellent results.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight.

In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether.

In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months.

And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Subtleties of choice

Research by scientists has confirmed that green “fruits of paradise” are more suitable for weight loss. They have less sugar and are the leader in iron content. The absence of bright colors reduces the risk of allergies.

The most common:

  • White filling;
  • summer white;
  • bratchud;
  • gold Crown;
  • Moscow later.

Red varieties do not irritate the gastric mucosa. The acid content in them is reduced, but carotene is present - an indispensable element for strong immunity and beauty. An important point when choosing a variety is juiciness. Juice contains more vitamins.

Another criterion is appearance. The apples should not have dents, signs of rot, or dark or brown marks. It is better to peel fruits with a waxy coating or discard them in favor of fruit crops grown without the use of chemicals.

It is recommended to consume the fruits unpeeled, as the peel contains a large amount of flavonoids. These substances slow down aging, protect cells from infections, and prevent the development of malignant tumors. Having decided on the variety, you can begin to create a slender waist.

Diet menu

Dietary meals are designed for 3, 7 and 9 days.

For 3 days

A quick diet for 3 days involves a significant restriction of the diet. In this case, the menu may be as follows:

Apples can be used to make applesauce

  1. Day 1: morning meal - 1 baked apple with 1-2 drops of natural honey, green tea with a slice of lemon; lunch - 2 fresh apples, 250-300 ml of clean water; lunch - 1 apple puree with 1-2 drops of honey and lemon juice, a cup of black unsweetened coffee; afternoon snack - 1 glass of fresh kefir, 1 tsp. wheat bran; dinner - a mixture of 200–250 ml of fresh kefir and 1 apple fruit, 250–300 ml of water.
  2. Day 2: breakfast - 1 apple puree, poured with 200 ml of fresh kefir; lunch - 200–250 ml of kefir with the addition of 1 tsp. wheat bran; lunch - 1 baked apple with lemon juice and 2-3 drops of honey; afternoon snack - 1 apple fruit, green tea with lemon juice without sugar; dinner - 1 tsp. natural bran and 250–300 ml of kefir.
  3. Day 3: breakfast - 2 fresh apples, a cup of black coffee without added sugar; lunch - a mixture of 250 ml of kefir and 1 fresh apple; lunch - applesauce with honey and lemon juice, 200-250 ml of chilled water; afternoon snack - 1 apple and 250 ml tea; dinner - 0.2 liters of kefir with the addition of 1 tsp. bran.

Bran with kefir
Kefir with bran - a light and nutritious dish

For 7 days

The 7-day diet is more gentle due to the increased duration. In this case, kefir can be replaced with yogurt or fermented baked milk, and apples with any other fruit, with the exception of avocado, grapes and bananas. The menu for 7 days will be as follows:

  1. Day 1: morning meal - 100 g of fresh salad from green peas and cabbage (Peking), 1 glass of kefir; lunch - 1 grapefruit, a cup of tea with lemon; lunch - 1 baked apple with 1 tsp. honey; afternoon snack - 0.2 liters of yogurt with the addition of 1 tsp. natural bran; dinner - puree from 2 green apples with the addition of 1 drop of honey and lemon juice.
  2. Day 2: breakfast - 0.1 kg of vegetable stew, 0.2 liters of fermented baked milk; lunch - 1/2 pomelo, 250 ml unsweetened chicory; lunch - 2 apples, 0.2 ml kefir; afternoon snack - a mixture of 0.15 liters of kefir and 1/2 part of an apple, 1 tsp. wheat bran; dinner - 2 apples, 100 ml of fresh kefir.
  3. Day 3: breakfast - 0.15 kg of carrot puree with garlic, 250 ml of green tea with honey; lunch - 1 tsp. bran and 0.25 liters of fresh kefir; lunch - salad of apple, grapefruit and tangerine with the addition of 100 ml of natural fermented baked milk, 1 tea without added sugar; afternoon snack - 2 apples, 200 ml water; dinner 1 0.25 liters of fermented baked milk with bran.
  4. Day 4: breakfast - 150 g of chopped beets, 1 cup of unsweetened coffee; lunch - 0.2 liters of kefir with bran; lunch - baked apple with lemon juice; afternoon snack - 200 ml water, 1 grapefruit; dinner - 200–250 ml of kefir and 1 apple.
  5. Day 5: breakfast - 0.15 kg of tomato and cucumber salad, 0.2 ryazhenka; lunch - 0.2 liters of kefir with a teaspoon of bran; lunch - salad of 1/2 pomelo, 1 apple, 1 grapefruit and yogurt; afternoon snack - 2 apples, 250 ml water; dinner - 250 ml of kefir with bran.
  6. Day 6: breakfast - 0.1 kg of vegetable stew, 0.15 liters of kefir; lunch - 1 apple, 1 glass of clean water; lunch - 0.4 kg pomelo, 0.2 liters of kefir; afternoon snack - a glass of fermented baked milk; dinner - a mixture of 0.2 liters of kefir, 1 apple with bran.
  7. Day 7: breakfast - 0.15 kg of chopped beets with curdled milk and garlic, 1/2 cup of kefir; lunch - a glass of fermented baked milk and 1 grapefruit; lunch - a glass of curdled milk with bran; afternoon snack - 2 apples and 250 ml of water; dinner - a cocktail of 1 apple and a glass of kefir.

For 9 days

The nine-day diet is the most gentle nutrition plan using kefir and apples. It assumes the following menu:

  1. Day 1: morning breakfast - 100–150 g of cottage cheese, 1 apple, 250 ml of coffee; lunch - 1 grapefruit, 150 ml kefir; lunch - 0.2 kg of boiled chicken breast with vegetables, a cup of green tea with a slice of lemon; afternoon snack - a glass of fermented baked milk with bran, 1 apple; dinner - a cup of iced tea, 0.2 kg of steamed tilapia with the addition of vegetables.
  2. Day 2: breakfast - 1 baked apple with cinnamon and cottage cheese, a cup of chicory; lunch - 2 apples, a glass of fresh kefir; lunch - 0.25 kg of vegetable stew, a glass of kefir; afternoon snack - 2 apples and 200 ml of kefir; dinner - salad of peas, carrots and cabbage, a cup of tea.
  3. Day 3: breakfast - 0.25 kg of grapefruit, apple and yogurt puree, 250 ml of tea; lunch - 200–250 ml kefir; lunch - 0.25 kg of vegetable stew with the addition of chicken breast, tea with lemon; afternoon snack - 1 grapefruit and a cup of tea; dinner - steak with vegetables and steamed cod, 250 ml of tea with lime.
  4. Day 4: breakfast - 250 g of cottage cheese and 1/2 grapefruit; lunch - 2 apples and 100 ml of kefir; lunch - 0.2 kg of stewed cabbage, 150–200 ml of kefir; afternoon snack - fruit puree, bran; dinner - 200 g cucumber and tomato salad, 100 g boiled breast, 1/2 150-200 ml kefir.
  5. Day 5: breakfast - a mixture of 1 apple and 0.2 liters of fermented baked milk; lunch - 1 grapefruit, black tea; lunch - 0.2 kg of a mixture of garlic, curdled milk and carrots; afternoon snack - 200 ml kefir with bran; dinner - half a glass of kefir and 0.2 kg of tuna and vegetable salad.
  6. Day 6: breakfast - salad of 2 tsp. fermented baked milk, 1 apple and 1 grapefruit; lunch - a glass of curdled milk with bran; lunch - 150–200 g of vegetable stew with the addition of chicken breast, half a glass of fresh kefir; afternoon snack - 2 apples, 200 ml water; dinner - steamed cod steak, a glass of fermented baked milk.
  7. Day 7: breakfast - 1 apple and 150-200 g of natural cottage cheese, black coffee; lunch - 1/2 pomelo, 1/2 cup kefir; lunch - 180–200 g of stewed cabbage, a glass of fermented milk product with bran; afternoon snack - a mixture of yogurt and 1 grapefruit; dinner - 100 g of boiled chicken breast and a glass of fermented baked milk.
  8. Day 8: breakfast - 1 apple, baked with 1-2 drops of honey and cottage cheese; lunch - a glass of fermented baked milk, 1/2 apple; lunch - 200 g of boiled beets and half a glass of fermented milk drink; afternoon snack - a mixture of apple and curdled milk with bran; dinner - 0.15 g of steamed tilapia and a glass of fermented baked milk.
  9. Day 9: breakfast - 0.2 kg of cottage cheese with the addition of 2 tsp. fermented baked milk, black coffee; lunch - vegetable stew; lunch - 0.2 kg stewed chicken breast, 1 grapefruit; afternoon snack - 2 apples and 1 glass of water; dinner - 1 apple and 1 glass of fermented baked milk.

Lose weight in 24 hours

An apple fasting day is the best way to quickly lose weight and keep fit in the future. Weight loss occurs due to a sharp reduction in incoming calories. The body uses up its own reserves.

Unloading is also recommended as preparation for a diet. With its regular use, metabolic processes are accelerated and fat deposition is reduced.

Basic rules of the mode:

  1. Carry it out no more than one day a week;
  2. Skip dinner the night before or keep it light;
  3. On the day of fasting, stop training;
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

Result: loss from 200 g to 1.5 kg per day. There are several types of diet.

The classic menu includes 1 kg of fresh apples and 2 liters of drinks: plain or mineral water, green tea, herbal infusions. Fruits should be divided into 6 equal parts and eaten at regular intervals (1.5-2 hours). Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.

The second popular method is baked apples. Heat treatment reduces the acid content. Fiber and other beneficial substances are preserved. The daily diet consists of 5-7 baked fruits and 1.5-2 liters of water. For a tougher option, you will only need 1.5-2 kg of juicy apples. During the day, even drinks are excluded.

Combined fasting is also possible when the menu includes foods that promote weight loss: buckwheat, oatmeal, yogurt, muesli. However, the optimal way to lose weight without consequences for the body is to combine apples with fermented milk drinks.

Types of diet

Nutrition program for three days:

  1. A diet of kefir and apples, designed for three days, is a hard fasting with an appropriate diet, which includes 6 glasses of kefir and 6 medium-sized green apples. One meal will be like this: eating fruit, half an hour later drinking kefir.
  2. The break between meals is no more than three hours. During this time, you are allowed to drink water and herbal decoctions. The first glass of water should be drunk immediately after waking up in the morning.

Diet for 7 days:

A weekly diet will help you get rid of 5 extra pounds. The diet here is not much different from the three-day version. But in order to make your diet varied and more fully provide the body with the necessary substances, you need to eat vegetables or other fruits for breakfast, with the exception, of course, of bananas and grapes.

The most complex type of all presented. To adhere to this nutrition program, you must be firmly confident in your own health. The hard option of losing excess weight using kefir and apples is considered the most effective, but for those who are afraid of such a meager diet, there is a softer method.

For 9 days, the menu should be like this:

  1. In the first 3 days – 6 glasses of kefir.
  2. The next 3 days - only apples, one and a half kilograms per day.
  3. In the last 3 days, only kefir is consumed again.

You need to exit such a menu with great caution. Next week only low-fat and low-calorie dishes will be allowed

Soft type of diet:

  1. The first three days - any amount of fermented milk drink plus a portion of rice for lunch;
  2. After three days we again drink as much kefir as we want, and during the day we are allowed to eat about 100 grams of chicken;
  3. On other days, you can eat apples and drink kefir.

Additional foods during this diet can only be eaten at lunchtime.

Products that can be consumed:

  1. For variety in the menu, fruits can be baked in the oven or microwave, the main thing is not to add sugar.
  2. You can add oatmeal to kefir.
  3. Clean drinking water without gas, green tea without sugar or herbal decoction are required. In rare cases, a cup of weak coffee will be useful.

Kefir-apple diet

A menu based on two dietary products will help you lose 5-9 kg. Kefir neutralizes the acidity of fruits, relieving discomfort, and serves as a source of protein. The essence of the diet: consume 1-1.5 kg of apples and one and a half liters of kefir per day.

In order for the digestion process to proceed correctly, foods are alternated. At least half an hour should pass between taking one and the other. After 18:00 it is better to drink only kefir. Apples whet your appetite, and it will be more difficult to maintain the restriction.

The kefir-apple diet lasts from 3 to 9 days and includes several laws:

  1. Compliance with drinking regime. Be sure to drink still water.
  2. Choose kefir with low fat content. Shelf life: no more and no less than 2 days.
  3. Eliminate alcohol and coffee. Unsweetened green tea is allowed.
  4. It is allowed to increase portions to avoid breakdown.
  5. Returning to a normal diet takes no less than a weight loss course.

Upon completion of the course, the following are gradually introduced: cereals, vegetables, bread. If desired, replace kefir with other fermented milk drinks: yogurt, fermented baked milk, acidophilus. You can soften rigid boundaries without breaking the rules with the help of useful recipes.

An apple dessert with cinnamon for an afternoon snack will energize you. For 100-140 g of sweet and sour fruits you will need:

  • ground cinnamon - two pinches;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml.

Peel the apples from the core and peel. Cut into slices, sprinkle with juice and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake at 180°C.

A quick and healthy apple dessert will come in handy in the morning. Grate the apple slices. Pour a few spoons of kefir into the puree and add one spoon of oat muesli. For fans of variety, let's consider other options for losing weight using the “fruits of paradise.”

Kefir diets for weight loss

The kefir diet for weight loss is probably the most common among all possible diets. Recipes for the kefir diet can be found on all websites and in print publications dedicated to weight loss and health, and they are very diverse, and reviews and results of the kefir diet indicate the effectiveness of each option.

Kefir diet for 7 days, 9, 5 and 3 days, kefir-apple diet, etc. This article contains the most popular and effective types of kefir diet, and decide for yourself which diet is more effective and convenient for you to use.

Kefir diet 9 days

The kefir diet lasts 9 days, the result is minus 9 kg. The diet is carried out in cycles of 3 days, which is why it is sometimes called: “kefir diet 3 3 3”.

Kefir diet menu for 9 days:

  • — 3 days unsalted rice (100 g), kefir (1%) without restrictions
  • — 3 days unsalted chicken breast (100g), kefir (1%) without restrictions
  • — 3 days apples and kefir (1%) without restrictions

This is a strict diet, but very effective.

You need to exit the 9-day kefir diet carefully, gradually increasing the calorie content of the foods you consume.

Kefir diet for 7 days

Reviews about the kefir diet for 7 days say that you can get rid of 5 kg in a week. This is a strict and effective diet, but it should not be used more often than once every 3 months. A special feature of the kefir diet for a week is the complete exclusion of sugar and salt.

Kefir diet for 7 days, menu:

  • - Monday. Boiled potatoes (5 pcs.) and kefir (1.5 l.)
  • - Tuesday. Chicken fillet (100 g.), kefir (1.5 l.)
  • - Wednesday. Veal (100 g.), kefir (1.5 l.)
  • - Thursday. Boiled low-fat fish (100 g.), kefir (1.5 l.)
  • - Friday. Fruits (except bananas), kefir (1.5 l.)
  • - Saturday. Kefir (up to 2 l.)
  • - Sunday. Non-carbonated mineral water without restrictions.

The kefir diet for 7 days involves consuming 1 tbsp of kefir. at 3 - 4 o'clock. You can drink any water, but in order for the diet to quickly and effectively help you get rid of excess weight, and for the results of the kefir diet to please you, exclude tea, coffee and compotes on these days.

Kefir diet for 5 days

Just like previous kefir diets, this quick kefir diet for 5 days will help you lose 1 kg. per day. The essence of the 5-day diet is eating at a strictly defined time.

  • * 7:00 Tea (unsweetened)
  • * 9:00 Grated carrots (2 pcs.), sprinkled with oil
  • * 11:00 Chicken breast (beef) – 100 gr.
  • * 13:00 Green apple
  • * 15:00 Boiled egg
  • * 17:00 Green apple
  • * 19:00 Prunes (10 pcs.)
  • * 21:30 1 tbsp. kefir and 1 tab. "Iodine-active"

The 5-day kefir diet is fast and effective, and positive reviews about it indicate that if you stick to these eating hours, the results will be excellent.

Kefir diet for 3 days

Kefir diet for 3 days is a mono-diet. For 3 days, you can only consume kefir with minimal fat content. You can drink about 1.5 liters per day, dividing the total amount into 5 - 7 doses. This is the fastest and most effective diet, with which you can quickly get rid of 3 – 6 kg.

Not everyone can maintain such a diet, since the kefir diet for 3 days prohibits the consumption of all foods except kefir, and you will feel constant hunger. But, having endured it, you will be able to confidently answer the question of which diet is more effective, and boast of the slim figure you gained in three days.

Kefir-apple diet

This diet, like the 9-day kefir diet, is divided into 3-day cycles, but you can only consume kefir and apples. With the help of the kefir-apple diet you can also get rid of 9 kg, and the result will last for a long time.

  • – 1 cycle – kefir (1.5 l.)
  • – 2nd cycle – apples (1.5 kg.)
  • — 3rd cycle — kefir (1.5 l.)

The kefir-apple diet is quite difficult to tolerate and if you feel weak, you can add some proteins or carbohydrates to the menu.

There are quite a lot of varieties of diets in which kefir is the main product. It is quite difficult to say for sure which diet is more effective, since everything depends on the characteristics of the body.

But it is obvious that every kefir diet for weight loss gives excellent results. Don't overdo it and don't go on diets all the time, so as not to harm your health.

Listen to our recommendations, and the effect will exceed your expectations. The doctor promises!

Kefir 9 day diet reviews

Apple diet for 3 days

The course lasts 72 hours and allows you to adjust your diet according to individual needs. It includes: bread, vegetables, cereals, lean meat. Products are alternated and replaced, however, you should not exceed the specified norm in portions and cancel meals. The result of your efforts will be a weight loss of 3 to 5 kg.

1st day.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese (20 g), bread, 3 apple slices.
  • Lunch: bread and apple.
  • Lunch: you will need an orange, an apple, celery and boiled fish. Grind everything and mix. Salt the dish and season with low-fat yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and apple.
  • Dinner: hard cheese and two slices of rye bread.

2nd day.

  • Breakfast: 300 g of muesli and grated apple, pour milk (150 ml). You can add raisins.
  • Lunch: big apple.
  • Lunch: prepare a pancake. Lightly beat the egg, mix with six tablespoons of milk, add 35 g of flour. Filling: grated apples.
  • Dinner: add half a banana and 3 tbsp to the main fruit. l. boiled rice.

3rd day.

  • Breakfast: apple 40 g cottage cheese, bread.
  • Lunch: add apple pulp and cinnamon to the fermented milk mixture.
  • Lunch: 100 g of chicken fillet or beef is baked with the addition of apple slices and sweet pepper. Season the finished dish with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: carrot-apple salad. Cheese and raisins are added to grated vegetables and fruits. Dressing – cream diluted with milk.

Vegetables (carrots, peppers) can be replaced with others. You should also monitor the fat content of dairy drinks and add a minimum amount of vegetable oil when preparing dishes.

Apple-kefir diet for 9 days

This option is suitable for the most resilient people who want to achieve colossal results. One of the important points is not to harm your own health, so you are allowed to diversify the menu a little and add several types of products to it - chicken (it is best to eat breast, always without skin), eggs, pumpkin, low-fat cottage cheese.

After a week of following the kefir-apple diet, the 8th day menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast : smoothie made from low-fat kefir and pumpkin with an apple.
  • Second breakfast : 300 ml kefir.
  • Lunch: egg whites from two chicken eggs, apples.
  • Afternoon snack : 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, green tea.
  • Dinner : low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Last meal : a glass of kefir, 1 apple.

The 9th day menu should be like this:

  • Breakfast : oven-baked apples and low-fat kefir.
  • Second breakfast : shrimp, herbal tea.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese with berries.
  • Afternoon snack : kefir soup.
  • Dinner : pumpkin-apple smoothie.
  • Last meal : 300 ml of kefir.

Apple diet for 7 days

The seven-day course is characterized by the addition of foods high in vitamins, protein, and other elements important for the body. The second difference is that the daily diet is based on one ingredient. Let's find out a sample menu:

Apple Monday.

  • In the morning: season grated apples (2 pcs.) and walnuts with lemon juice.
  • In the afternoon: grate a hard-boiled egg and apples. Mix with chopped parsley (20 g) and green onions (30 g).
  • In the evening: 3 medium or 2 large apples.

Rice Tuesday.

  • Morning: unsalted rice. 3 apples.
  • In the afternoon: rice (200 g) with boiled apple pulp (boil the slices until soft).
  • Evening: unsalted rice porridge.

Wednesday “Curd”

  • In the morning: cottage cheese and 2 apples.
  • In the afternoon: add cottage cheese with apple slices, walnuts, honey and lemon juice.
  • In the evening: cottage cheese.

Morning and evening servings of side dish for two days - no more than 100 grams.

Thursday “Carrot”.

  • In the morning: carrot and apple puree.
  • In the afternoon: add a little honey to the morning side dish.
  • In the evening: baked apples.

Pour honey over the cored fruits and bake for 5-7 minutes.

Beetroot Friday.

  • In the morning: apple-beet salad.
  • In the afternoon: oatmeal, boiled egg, boiled beet salad.
  • In the evening: carrot puree with honey.

Saturday – Monday’s menu is repeated.

Sunday - the diet is the same as Tuesday.

Return to normal eating gradually. Avoid fried and fatty foods for another week. Try not to overeat and monitor your health.

Diet on kefir and apples (kefir-apple) for 1, 3, 7 and 9 days: tips, reviews and photos of results

Of the many diets, it is difficult to choose the safest and most effective. After all, it is important not only to lose weight, but not to harm your health.

A diet based on kefir and apples is the most effective way to quickly lose weight. And no one doubts the beneficial properties of apples and fermented milk drinks.

Both kefir and apples are valuable sources of vitamins , fiber, and minerals.

Due to their availability and unique properties, these products can be consumed daily.

Kefir contains beneficial probiotics - bifidobacteria, which cleanse the intestines and restore its function.

This product should be regularly consumed by people with disorders of the liver, heart and blood vessels, kidneys, obesity, and gastrointestinal diseases.

The substances contained in kefir significantly improve the condition of hair and skin.

Apples (especially sweet and sour ones) are a complete source of organic acids, vitamins, pectin, minerals, fructose and fiber.

Fruit properties:

  • normalize digestion;
  • stimulate intestinal function;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • cleanse the liver;
  • have strong choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Apples contain a lot of acid , which irritates the stomach and destroys tooth enamel.

Therefore, any apple diet must be combined with fermented milk products.

The kefir-apple diet will allow you to quickly get rid of 5-9 kg; it can last 1 day (fasting), 3, 7 or even 9 days.

But you shouldn’t eat apples and kefir alone for longer. This can result in severe stomach upset and serious deterioration in health.

What are the benefits of pear for pregnant women? We'll tell you! There is a lot of useful and interesting information in our article.

What should you eat after gallbladder removal surgery? Look for the answer to the question in another publication.

And this article talks about what foods contain vitamin B17.

Pros and cons, contraindications

The undoubted advantages of the diet are that it does not require large expenditures and does not take time to prepare food.

Apples with kefir will help you lose weight, cleanse your intestines well, and improve your well-being.

This method also has disadvantages: long-term consumption of apples can cause bloating, flatulence, stomach discomfort, exacerbation of colitis or gastritis.

And the acid they contain harms teeth and stimulates the stomach, which increases appetite.

The effect of losing weight does not last long, all the lost kilograms can return. But this happens due to the wrong way out of the diet.

There are few contraindications for such nutrition:

Before using the diet, you should consult a nutritionist.

Rules, permitted and prohibited products

To lose weight quickly, you must strictly adhere to the following rules :

  • It is advisable to drink low-fat or one percent kefir;
  • apples should be fresh and only sweet and sour green varieties;
  • There is no need to cut the skin off the fruit, with the exception of waxy apples coated with a special carcinogenic substance - biphenyl;
  • Choose kefir with a short shelf life (no more than 4-5 days).

Fresh kefir has a strong laxative effect , and drinking the “three-day” drink leads to constipation. It should not be “older” than two days.

While on a diet, you can only eat apples and kefir.

To slightly diversify the diet , fruits can be baked in the oven or microwave, but without sugar. And you can add oatmeal to kefir.

The diet includes pure water (still) , unsweetened green tea or herbal decoction. Sometimes you can drink a cup of weak coffee.

Read about which foods contain vitamin D in a detailed article on our website.

Do you know about the beneficial properties of bird cherry fruits? Find out more!

And this article discusses in detail the diet for gout: menu for the week, contraindications, doctor’s recommendations.

Menu and diet

It is difficult for an unprepared person to withstand prolonged fasting. To facilitate the adaptation process, it is recommended to start with a one-day diet .

For 1 day

This short-term kefir-apple diet includes 1 liter of kefir (low-fat) and a kilogram of apples per day. Weight loss - 2-3 kg.

Each of the six meals should consist of one glass of fermented milk drink and one fruit. In between meals, you should try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

If the fasting day goes well , you can increase the duration of such nutrition to 3 days.

For 3 days

The diet is still monotonous. The entire daily diet consists of kefir (1.5 l) and green sweet and sour apples (1.5 kg) . It is better to drink kefir half an hour after fruit.

Nothing else is on the menu. Some sources offer a different power option.

On the first day , drink only low-fat fermented milk drink (at least a liter). On the second day you are allowed to eat only apples (1.5 kg) and drink clean water. Third day - kefir.

In this mode, you can lose 3-4 extra pounds in three days.

For 7 days

The diet does not change and consists of 6 meals . During the day you need to drink about 1.5 liters of low-fat drink and eat 2 kg of fruit.

The consumption of water and tea (unsweetened) is not limited. Maintaining such a weekly menu is not easy.

You can diversify your diet with a small portion of vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast. You can easily get rid of 7 kg of weight.

For 9 days

It is considered the most difficult test for an unprepared person. There are two varieties: hard and lightweight.

In a gentle version, you are allowed to eat a little boiled chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, rice, and light vegetable soup.

The 9-day menu will look like this:

  • the first three days - unlimited consumption of fermented milk drink and 100 g of unsalted rice porridge or cottage cheese for lunch;
  • in the next three days, the porridge can be replaced with a small piece of lean boiled chicken or vegetable soup (without salt);
  • in the last days of the diet - only fruits and kefir, but without restrictions.

The introduction of additional products is possible only at lunch.

Hard option

During such a diet, you can easily lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. It consists in the separate consumption of products.

For the first three days they drink only kefir (6 glasses). From the fourth day they switch to green apples (1.5 kg). The final part (days 7-9) is devoted to kefir.

During the entire period, the diet should include still water, herbal infusions and tea (2 l). At this time, it is necessary to limit physical activity and take walks in the fresh air more often.

In order not to harm your health, you need to exit the diet gradually.

Recommendations from nutritionists and doctors

Long-term adherence to such a regimen can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases and lead to a weakening of the body's defenses.

A strict diet is best used for fasting days.

Elena, nutritionist: A three-day kefir diet with apples is considered optimal for emergency weight loss.

It is safe, balanced, and very effective. But you don’t need to eat like this for more than 3 days.

Olga, nutritionist: A diet of kefir and apples helps you lose weight quickly. The 9-day option is especially effective.

The disadvantages of this method include increased appetite and weakness. Therefore, I often do not recommend losing weight using this method.

Zucchini juice: harm and benefits, contraindications and methods of use can be found in our article!

And another article will tell you whether bell pepper is valuable for health, what its beneficial properties are, and what are the contraindications.

What medicinal properties does pumpkin oil have? How to use it, to whom it may be contraindicated? Read in our publication.

Expected results, exit tips, photos

If you have enough willpower to stick to the diet , then in a week you can get a noticeable result and lose 6-10 kg.

The body is cleansed of harmful accumulations , stools are normalized, a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength appear.

To prevent lost weight from returning, you must follow the rules for gradually exiting the diet .

The exit from the kefir-apple diet is gradual: you should not immediately start eating your usual foods. For the first few days, lean meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, and yogurt are gradually added to the diet.

After 2 weeks, you can add eggs, bread, fresh milk, fruit. Meals should be frequent, but small.

It is necessary to finish each meal with a slight feeling of hunger, avoid eating fried, spicy, fatty foods. Fermented milk drinks and products cannot be excluded.

Photos before and after losing weight on this diet:

Reviews from those who have tried it

Irina: For the first time I decided to try emergency weight loss using kefir with apples. The result was pleasing: in 10 days – 10 kg.

The only downside I think is the constant increase in appetite. I tried to drink more water, tea, and be distracted by something.

Anna: I’ve always been critical of diets. I believe that you can only lose weight by eating right and exercising. But long-term fasting will not bring results.

I use apples or kefir only for fasting days.

Inna: I tried a lot of ways to lose weight. None of them brought results. Eating fruit and kefir for a week allowed me to lose 4 kg, but it came back very quickly.

Zoya: I really liked losing weight with the help of a fermented milk drink and green apples. I didn’t experience any discomfort. I lost 7 kg in a week without any problems.

At the same time, I reconsidered my eating habits. I began to eat little by little, eliminating fatty and starchy foods.

Every diet has its pros and cons, but the apple-kefir diet is one of the strictest and most effective.

To prevent lost weight from returning , you need to periodically arrange fasting days, and the rest of the time adhere to the principles of moderate, balanced nutrition.

Precautionary measures

People with high stomach acidity or gastritis need to be careful with this diet. As a result, gastrointestinal diseases may worsen. You should not resort to the diet if your kidneys are impaired, as well as for pregnant and lactating mothers.

During the course you are required to give up bad habits and excessive physical activity. A mono-diet on apples is unacceptable for diseases:

  • acute infectious processes;
  • diabetes;
  • disruption of the biliary tract;
  • anemia.

If weakness, colic, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms occur, it is better to return to your normal diet and consult your doctor.
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Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this nutrition system is the rapid loss of excess weight. In addition, the kefir-apple method allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as stabilize the functioning of the intestines and metabolic processes.

Among the negative aspects, those losing weight note the rigidity of this method for express weight loss and the constant feeling of hunger when following it. In addition, the disadvantages of the nutritional system include a low content of carbohydrates and proteins in the diet, which can negatively affect well-being.

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