Stewed potatoes with meat calorie content

Boiled chicken

Calorie content of boiled chicken

The easiest way to cook chicken is to boil it. Boiled chicken meat is very healthy and low in calories - 100 grams contains 170 kcal, but without skin. It is undesirable to eat the skin, it contains a lot of fat. The calorie content of meat with skin is almost twice as high - 215 kcal. Boiled chicken contains many nutrients; athletes love to eat it - its high protein content promotes muscle growth.

Calorie content of potatoes cooked in different ways

Potatoes are a type of tuberous perennial herbaceous plant from the nightshade family. Potato tubers are an important food item on every table.

Speaking about the calorie content of potatoes, it should be said that they contain a lot of protein, which includes almost all the amino acids, which are essential for the body.

If you eat three hundred grams of boiled potatoes a day, you can provide the body with potassium, phosphorus and carbohydrates. One hundred grams of young potato tubers contain twenty milligrams of vitamin C. It should be noted that when potatoes are stored, the vitamin C content gradually decreases. By spring, a third of the original vitamin C content remains in potato tubers.

Useful properties of potatoes

Potatoes contain a huge amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. These are vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iodine, selenium.

Potato starch contained in the vegetable reduces cholesterol levels in the blood serum and liver, in other words, has anti-sclerotic properties.

Due to the high potassium content in potatoes, all excess fluid is removed from the body, so it is recommended for people with kidney and heart problems.

The potato-egg diet is especially useful for people with simple forms of chronic renal failure.

Use raw potato juice to rinse your mouth for laryngitis and pharyngitis. Due to the healing properties of potato juice, periodantosis, which is second in prevalence only to cancer and cardiovascular diseases, is receding.

Drinking raw potato juice during headaches is beneficial as it contains acetylcholine. The juice is also great for heartburn and constipation.

In addition, it is an effective remedy for healing stomach and duodenal ulcers, reduces stomach acidity and treats gastritis.

Buying potatoes

When buying potatoes, you need to pay attention to the fact that the tubers are firm, even and uniformly colored. A green side on a potato means it has been exposed to light. This greenery contains a toxic substance - solanine, so such places in the potatoes must be cut off.

Sometimes sellers choose older potato tubers that are cleaner and pass them off as new potatoes. In this case, scratch the skin of the potato with your fingernail; if it comes off easily, it means the potato is young.

Calories in potatoes

Many people are probably interested in the question: how many calories are in potatoes? This question is especially relevant for those who want to keep their figure in shape.

To accurately answer the question - how many calories are in potatoes, it is necessary to consider what substances they consist of. The calorie content of potatoes includes starch, so consuming them in large quantities during a diet is not recommended.

Standard raw potatoes contain a large amount of carbohydrates - 20 grams per hundred grams of potatoes. Based on this, it follows that the calories in potatoes are contained in the amount of 83 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

In addition to the question of how many calories are in potatoes, people are interested in another question regarding the change in the calorie content of potatoes after heat treatment.

Let's look at a few examples of popular dishes that can be prepared from potatoes, namely fried, boiled, stewed potatoes and French fries.

The calorie content of fried potatoes depends on what exactly is added during frying. On average, fried potatoes contain 280-320 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. But this caloric value of potatoes can be even greater if a lot of oil is used during frying.

Now let's look at the calorie content of French fries. The calories in French fries are higher in quantity as compared to the calories in fried potatoes.

The fact is that this dish is prepared in oil, which some unscrupulous cooks do not change for a long time, so the calorie content of French fries is 500 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

In addition, French fries are considered harmful due to the formation of carcinogens in them.

Calories in boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes contain minimal calories, and it is in this form that the flavor palette of potatoes is revealed. Boiling is the easiest, fastest and most inexpensive way to cook potatoes.

Young boiled potatoes with butter, herbs or fried onions are very popular. Only in this case, the calories in boiled potatoes will be contained in greater quantities due to high-calorie additives.

According to nutritionists, the benefits of boiled jacket potatoes are greater than in peeled form. Additionally, sweet potatoes such as sweet potatoes or yams should only be boiled with their skins on.

With this processing method, sweet potatoes can be eaten. The benefits of boiled jacket potatoes after heat treatment do not change compared to fresh vegetables.

And, conversely, only half of the vitamins and beneficial compounds contained in the original natural material remain in peeled potatoes.

The calorie content of boiled potatoes is 86 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Such a low calorie content of potatoes, as well as the vitamin and mineral composition, give every reason to include this product on the list of dietary products.

The benefits of boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes are enriched with vitamins B, C, E, K, PP. In addition, boiled potatoes contain zinc, magnesium, copper, choline, potassium and calcium.

Boiled potatoes are a universal food product that serves as a main dish and a side dish, is an ingredient in various salads and a filling for pies and pastries. But in order to get healthy and tasty potatoes, you need to remember some rules with which you can prepare excellent boiled potatoes.

Firstly, the potatoes need to be cooked over low heat, because in this case the vegetable will cook evenly.

Secondly, young potatoes should be immersed in boiling water, and old ones in cold water. In addition, there is no need to overcook the potatoes or re-cook them.

Calorie content of stewed potatoes

If boiled potatoes contain 75 kilocalories, then the calorie content of stewed potatoes is calculated by adding the calorie content of those additional products that are part of the stewed potatoes.

On average, the calorie content of stewed potatoes is 250 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. If, when stewing potatoes, fatty meat products were added, then in this case, the calorie content of the stewed potatoes will be higher.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup

Chicken soup is a very popular dish in Russia. Probably everyone has been familiar with its rich and appetizing broth since childhood. People who follow a healthy diet try to include this soup in their diet every day. To reduce the calorie content of the broth, all the skin is cut off from the carcass and boiled. The first broth is drained, the second is used for dietary soups. The calorie content of the soup will directly depend on its constituent products. Chicken soup with potatoes

Chicken soup with potatoes25 kcal
Chicken soup with rice37 kcal
Shchi with chicken71 kcal
Chicken noodle soup70 kcal
Soup with vegetables27 kcal
Dumpling soup52 kcal
Calorie content of borscht with chicken47 kcal

* Kilocalories are indicated per 100 grams.

A chicken in the oven

Calorie content of chicken in the oven

Large, fried chicken with a golden brown crust straight from the oven is a frequent guest on the table. However, in addition to its high calorie content (238 kcal), this dish affects the gastrointestinal tract, so people with sensitive stomachs should avoid baked chicken. But by depriving it of skin, you can reduce the load on the organs.

Grilled chicken contains almost the same amount of calories, besides it is very harmful and not at all healthy. The high content of carcinogens in it harms the stomach.

The only thing that will help reduce the calorie content of chicken prepared this way is to remove the skin and thoroughly coat the chicken with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Of course, these procedures will not make it super dietary, but the calorie content will be slightly reduced.

Potatoes + chicken = maximum benefits and minimum calories!

This dish, of course, cannot become a frequent guest on the diet menu. However, from time to time it is simply necessary, because it contains many “useful things”. You can reduce the calorie content of the treat if you replace the chicken thighs with fillet.


  • chicken thighs - three pieces;
  • carrots - two pieces;
  • frozen mixed vegetable mixture – 150 g;
  • potatoes – 0.8 kg;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • purified vegetable oil - three tablespoons. spoons;
  • onion - head;
  • garlic - five cloves;
  • greenery.

Advice! You can use fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones. Opt for tomatoes, zucchini and bell peppers.


  1. Wash and dry the chicken thighs.
  2. Cut them into medium-sized pieces.

  3. Pour purified vegetable oil into the cauldron.
  4. Let's warm it up.
  5. Place the thighs in the cauldron.
  6. Let's salt them.
  7. Fry the thighs on a high burner until they are golden brown (five minutes on each side).

  8. When the thighs are browned, add boiling water to the cauldron until it covers the meat.
  9. Cover the cauldron with a lid. Let the meat simmer for ten minutes on a high burner. Then reduce it to medium level and then for another fifteen minutes. If the water boils away, you need to add it.

  10. Peel and wash the carrots. Chop it into medium sized cubes.

  11. Peel the onion and grate it. You can cut it into rings.

  12. Add assorted vegetables to the carrots. It includes tomatoes, sweet peppers and zucchini, as well as asparagus. But you can choose any other mixture. There is no need to defrost it first.

  13. When there is about two fingers' worth of liquid left in the cauldron with meat, put carrots and assorted vegetables in it.

  14. Stir. Cover the cauldron. Simmer the meat and vegetables for ten minutes.

  15. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut it into medium sized cubes.

  16. Add the potatoes to the rest of the ingredients.

  17. Let's salt the dish.
  18. Sprinkle with black pepper and stir.

  19. Let's add boiling water. It should cover the components.
  20. We wait until the liquid comes to a boil. Simmer on a medium burner until the tubers are ready. This will take about fifteen minutes.

  21. Peel the garlic and grate it.

  22. Wash and dry the greens. Let's chop it up. Choose cilantro, parsley, and dill. They will give the dish an alluring aroma and piquant taste.

  23. Add the greens with garlic to the cauldron. Let's stir.

  24. Let's turn off the burner. Cover the treat with a lid and leave for ten minutes so that it, as they say, arrives.
  25. Ready!

Calorie content of chicken shawarma

Calorie content of chicken shawarma

Many people often allow themselves to snack on shawarma. Indeed, the dish is easy to prepare and cooks quickly. According to the rules, no ketchup or mayonnaise is added to real shawarma. It is prepared with kefir sauce. In such shawarma, the calorie content will be 115 kcal per 100 grams. With the addition of mayonnaise, it will sharply increase to 180 kcal. Lavash with chicken and vegetables, without sauce, contains 80 kcal.

How many calories are in potatoes

Potatoes are an everyday food for residents of the Old and New Worlds. Potatoes appeared in Europe in the 16th century. after the discovery of America by Columbus, but she did not immediately become the queen of the European diet. In France, for example, potato bushes were grown as an ornamental crop.

At the end of the 18th century. Potato tubers saved the French from starvation, and since then they began to safely eat it. For Russians, potatoes became “second bread” only in the middle of the 19th century. As a necessary ingredient, it is included in more than 200 thousand recipes. Information about how many calories are in potatoes is useful for including dishes from them in your diet.

Composition of potatoes

Potato tubers are extremely well balanced by nature in terms of the composition of BJU and valuable elements, and provide various needs of the body.

  • Proteins make up 1.2-2% of tubers and contain essential amino acids. In composition and digestibility, potato protein is close to animal proteins and can partially compensate for the lack of meat and fish, eggs and milk.
  • There is very little fat in potatoes - 0.4%.
  • Carbohydrates in potatoes 16-18% are starch, which is a source of energy and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. In its composition, starch is a complex carbohydrate, but it breaks down very quickly in the body. If the energy needs immediately after eating are insignificant, the breakdown product of starch, glucose, is converted into adipose tissue. The rapid absorption of starch (high glycemic index) makes potatoes an undesirable food for those trying to lose weight.

You need to add dietary fiber to the BZHU - a potato tuber contains about 3 grams of it. Fiber gently cleanses the intestines without irritating its walls. And in terms of vitamin and mineral composition, potatoes are one of the most valuable vegetables for health.

Vitamin and mineral composition of potatoes:

Microelementsmg/100gDaily value (mg)
AT 60,243
IN 10,082-2,5
AT 20,032-3

As you can see, potato tubers contain a lot of vitamin C, but heat treatment destroys it. Only raw young potatoes are useful as a source of ascorbic acid. During storage, the vitamin reserves of tubers are reduced by 3 times. Most of all, potatoes contain potassium; it regulates the functioning of the heart, relieves blood pressure, removes excess water, and reduces acidity.

Potato dishes are good for heart patients, hypertensive patients, those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and kidney failure. Tubers contain rare metals: nickel, zinc, molybdenum, which are needed to stabilize hormonal levels and strengthen the immune system.

Important: the highest concentration of minerals is concentrated in the peel and upper layers of the pulp, so the healthiest potatoes are boiled or baked in their jackets.

Potato calorie content for various processing methods

Potato tubers consist of 70-80% water and in their raw form have low energy value.

When processing potatoes, the change in glycemic index is of great importance - the higher it is, the faster starch is absorbed and fat reserves from carbohydrates are formed.

Such food increases appetite and promotes rapid weight gain. The calorie content of potatoes depends on the method of preparation.

Raw potatoes

Nutritionists say that raw potatoes are most beneficial for the body, because up to 70% of the valuable elements of tubers are lost during heat treatment.

The calorie content of raw potatoes is 80 kcal/100 grams, and a young 100-gram tuber contains only 61 kilocalories. The glycemic index of the raw product is 40 units.

It cannot be said that such potatoes have high taste qualities - you can’t eat too much of them.

But 1 mashed, unpeeled tuber for breakfast will help:

  • restore immunity:
  • fight chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • strengthen gums and prevent the development of periodontal disease.

Raw potatoes can be eaten from early summer until February. During long-term storage, starch and solanine accumulate in the tubers, they sprout and lose their healing properties. With low acidity and diabetes, raw potatoes are contraindicated.

Stewed potatoes

You can stew potatoes with different products: vegetables and mushrooms, butter and meat. Depending on the ingredients, the energy value of the finished dish will change:

  • with mushrooms - 65.5 kcal/100 grams;
  • with vegetables – up to 84 kcal/100 grams;
  • with meat - 140 kcal/100 grams.

Mushrooms or cream increase the calorie content of a potato dish by 10%. And meat can double the calories. When losing weight, it is recommended to stew potatoes in water without cream, with a drop of vegetable oil and the addition of onions, carrots, and herbs. The calorie content of this dish is 72 kcal/100 grams.

Potatoes, peeled and boiled whole

Young potatoes are especially popular in the summer - peeled, boiled, seasoned with herbs. The calorie content of 100 grams of this dish is 78 kilocalories.

Old tubers are boiled without peeling and pre-soaked to reduce the amount of starch. The calorie content of boiled potatoes is 86 kcal/100 grams, and the glycemic index is 65 units.

It is ideal for those who want to lose weight; it is moderately absorbed by the body without immediately turning into fatty tissue.

Jacket potatoes

In potatoes boiled in their skins, vitamins are destroyed, but microelements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.) are preserved better and do not pass into the broth.

It is important to rinse the tubers well before cooking; it is better not to cook old ones that have sprouted with green spots of solanine in their uniforms. The dish is very simple and quick to prepare; the calorie content of boiled potatoes in water is low - 74 kilocalories per 100 grams.

For a diet, this is a completely acceptable option, since the dish has an average glycemic index and is absorbed gradually.

Mashed potatoes

Crushed potatoes are a dietary dish for gastrointestinal diseases, as they do not injure the walls of the stomach and intestines. It helps in treating cough, especially in children. Historically, mashed potatoes were the first potato recipe in Europe. The boiled tubers were pounded, adding milk and butter.

The calorie content of puree on water is 81-88 kcal/100 grams, and when milk and butter are added, the nutritional value increases to 105 kilocalories. Mashed potatoes have the highest glycemic index, are quickly absorbed by the body, and promote fat accumulation.

This product is harmful for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds.

Potatoes baked in the oven

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like baked potatoes. Since the maximum concentration of nutrients is concentrated in the peel, it is recommended to bake and eat it without peeling. The calorie content of such a dish is 110 -112 kilocalories per 100 grams.

When baked, starch transforms into an easily digestible form, and in baked potatoes the glycemic index jumps to 80 units. These potatoes are good for heart patients (they contain a lot of potassium).

People who are overweight are not recommended to get carried away with delicious baked tubers - they will only increase fat deposits.

: in the 19th century In the literary community, there was a recipe for potatoes “a la Pushkin.” Cold, whole-boiled tubers were placed in a frying pan on a layer of oil and fried in a Russian oven. This method was invented by an exiled poet when he returned home late one day, but did not want to wake up his nanny to warm up dinner.

Fried potatoes

Fried potatoes - in vegetable oil, in lard - are a favorite dish of children and adults. But is it good for health? When fried, the calorie content of potatoes per 100 grams increases almost 3 times compared to the raw product and amounts to 205-225 kcal. Potatoes absorb fat well, which increases their nutritional value.

When experiencing a strong feeling of hunger, you can quickly allow yourself to get enough of fried potatoes, but their constant presence in the diet is harmful to both health and figure. The high taste of a dish causes addiction to it and forms eating habits that lead to obesity.

Nutritionists say that it is not fried potatoes themselves that are harmful, but the habit of eating tasty and plentiful meals.


Translated from English, “fries” means “fried.” For the first time, US President T. Jefferson treated his guests to this dish. Thinly cut potato strips are deep-fried over high heat for only 4-5 minutes.

Please note: The amount of fat increases from 0.4% (in the raw product) to 13-17%, i.e. more than 40 times! Calorie content ranges from 249 to 400 kcal/100 grams.

Abuse of such food is detrimental to the pancreas; it clogs the blood vessels with cholesterol and leads to obesity. For the momentary pleasure of delicious food and quick satiation, a person pays with his own health.


Another American invention - chips - are thinly sliced ​​potatoes cooked in boiling deep fat. The calorie content of such a product is huge - 540 kcal/100 grams. The harm is increased by the abundance of salt and seasonings that are used to flavor thoroughly fried potatoes.

Industrially produced chips are not even made from potatoes, but from flour - corn or wheat - combined with soy starch. Product with a glycemic index of 80 units. is quickly absorbed and contributes to obesity.

In addition, a passion for chips creates a risk of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and stroke.

Energy value of popular potato dishes

Potatoes are used in the preparation of appetizers and salads, become a filling for flour products, and an ingredient in soups and main courses.

The most popular of them have the following calorie content per 100 grams of product:

  • Potato pie – 208 kcal;
  • Pies with potatoes – 253 kcal;
  • Potato stew with meat – 132-140 kcal;
  • Fried potatoes with mushrooms – 120 kcal;
  • Dumplings with potatoes – 150 kcal.

Daily potato consumption rate

The daily intake of potatoes varies and depends on the health characteristics of each person. The method of processing the tubers for consumption is also important.

Nutritionists advise eating 300 grams of potatoes 3-4 times a week.

The body will receive the necessary microelements contained in potatoes, but this will not lead to weight gain if you choose the right cooking method and follow the daily calorie intake.

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Chicken with potatoes

Calorie content of chicken with potatoes

The calorie content of stewed chicken with potatoes is 115 kcal. But many people’s favorite French potatoes contain as much as 260 kcal and are not recommended for consumption by people watching their weight.

Fried chicken calories

Stewed chicken contains 220 kcal. However, different parts of the body have different calorie content. Breast – 180 kcal, legs – 185 kcal, chicken thigh – 150 kcal, chicken fillet – 180 kcal.

Meat dishes for those watching their figure

Almost all weight loss systems recommend not giving up meat products, but giving preference to white poultry meat. However, this does not mean that you need to give up on red, forever and ever giving up cutlets, cabbage rolls, kebab and even stewed potatoes with meat, which contain as much as 180 kcal per hundred grams. You just have to approach the issue of preparing it and combining it with other products wisely.

  • First, of course, among the heat treatment methods, make a choice in favor of a double boiler, multicooker or oven. Try not to fry in a pan, or do it without adding oil. In addition to the fact that the “weight” of the dish and its fat content increase, a significant portion of the beneficial properties disappears in this way.
  • Secondly, try not to overdo it with mayonnaise, sour cream or butter: it is better to marinate the meat in vinegar or lemon juice, which will allow it to remain juicy, but will not increase cholesterol levels and will not cause food to be deposited in problem areas.
  • Thirdly, it is best to combine animal protein with vegetables. Of course, if the “heaviness”, difficulty of digestion and calorie content of potatoes and meat do not stop you, you can eat them together, but it is advisable to stew them, and also add ginger, garlic or at least pepper to stimulate digestion and make the dish easier to accept by the body. Variations with cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini are well received. It will work great in tandem with pumpkin or cabbage. You don’t have to worry about the calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat or stuffed peppers, since it will show no more than 214 and 180 kcal, respectively, and will vary depending on whether pork, beef, veal or lamb is used. But fears should be dispelled not so much by the numbers as by the nutritional value of the dish and the fact that most vegetables neutralize the severity of meat products, thereby preventing them from turning into excess weight.

Chicken noodles

Chicken noodles calorie content

Chicken is prepared as a side dish for a variety of noodles; the calorie content of chicken meat depends both on the noodles and on the additives to it.

  • Calorie content of rice noodles with chicken - 235 kcal;
  • buckwheat – 80 kcal;
  • egg – 140 kcal;
  • wheat – 150 kcal.

The Italian dish pasta is very popular. These are noodles with chicken in sauce and cheese. Calorie content – ​​130 kcal.

Pea soup with chicken

Calories in pea soup with chicken

The calorie content of pea soup will directly depend on its composition. Pea soup, which is based on chicken broth and contains peas, carrots, onions, potatoes and herbs, will contain only 55 kcal.

Even if you leave potatoes, and the main ingredient is peas, and add smoked meats, sweet peppers, garlic and various seasonings, the calorie threshold will not exceed 110 kcal. Many people prefer to experiment and prepare creamy pea soups based on milk. Greens, carrots, onions, and dill are added there. Such soups have a low calorie content - 50 kcal.

Take note! To know the calorie content of chicken, you need to find out the tricks of its heat treatment. Poultry from the counter must be soaked for a couple of hours.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, chicken meat can be cooked in different ways, plus there are a lot of chicken dishes in cooking. Soups, salads, hot dishes - the list goes on and on.

Huge selection of pastries, cutlets, dumplings. The chicken is baked whole or in pieces, stuffed with vegetables and fruits, and sauces are made for various side dishes. Chicken will always be a valuable product on the table, it will delight you with its taste and aroma. Raising chickens is not a difficult matter; almost every farmer raises chickens in his own backyard.

The harm of stewed potatoes

For some people, stewed potatoes provoke heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and bloating. To prepare such dishes, you should not use potatoes with greenish tubers, the smell of dampness, traces of mold, or spoilage. Such potatoes, even after heat treatment, can cause serious food intoxication.

Stewed potatoes with butter and vegetable oil are characterized by a high fat content. This must be taken into account when preparing potatoes during weight loss.

No matter what vegetarians say, no matter how much those who lose weight refuse, it is difficult to live without meat. If only because the body definitely needs animal fats and protein, otherwise if you get the dream figure, it will resemble anorexic rather than fragile and thin. In addition, due to the fact that meat takes a long time to digest, it satisfies for a long time, allowing you not to be afraid of hunger. And contrary to the fears of those who have no idea how many calories there are in meat, it is much less harmful than chocolates and cookies. True, even despite this, during the period of weight loss you should approach the choice of this product wisely, as well as the very process of its use. The calorie content of cabbage rolls with meat, for example, may not frighten those who have decided to lose excess weight, due to the correct combination of products. But the calorie content of potatoes with meat, alas, if it plays into your hands, it will only help you gain kilograms.

Of course, many animals and birds are suitable for food, but only the main ones will be considered, those that most often appear on store shelves and subsequently on dinner tables. It makes no sense to separate species as rare as snake meat, for example, by bones, because the only place where you can try it is in an expensive restaurant. And there most likely simply won’t be the time or desire to scrupulously calculate how many calories are in meat and accompanying products.

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