Vietnamese chicken with lemongrass and noodles

About the recipe

Italian Cuisine.

  • Yield:
    2 Servings
  • Preparation:
    10 min
  • Preparation:
    20 min.
  • Ready in:
    30 minutes

Author: Sergey DzhurenkoMain dishesSave the recipe for your friendsRate the recipe

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To prevent the paste from sticking together, you need to add either 40 ml to the water (2.5 liters). lemon juice, or 1 tbsp.

a spoonful of vinegar. The acid prevents the starch contained in the paste from disintegrating too much in the water. To prevent the pasta from sticking together.

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To prevent food from sticking to the pan while frying, do not place it in a cold pan. The oil must be hot before you add other ingredients for frying. To prevent the formation of smoke during frying.

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If you brush the bird carcass with sour cream, you will get a golden brown crust during baking.

Seafood noodles are a dish that is very popular in Asian countries. The chef of each individual state prepares the food in his own way, thereby giving it a special flavor. Chinese seafood noodles are most famous in European countries.

This happened thanks to popular films starring Jackie Chan. His heroes always devoured the contents of bright boxes with such appetite! Today everyone can enjoy a delicious Chinese dish.


Main Ingredient

The main component you need to create a Chinese dish is the noodles themselves. Please note that regular pasta will not work for this recipe. To make homemade seafood noodles, you will need a Chinese (Japanese, Vietnamese, etc.) product. Today, this ingredient is presented in a wide range on the shelves of large stores.

Chinese noodles come in different varieties: rice, wheat (udon), egg, buckwheat (soba) and even glass (funchoza). You can make a delicious dish from any. However, all these types differ in their taste, time and method of preparation, as well as in combination with other components. Seafood noodle recipes will help you understand all the nuances of the popular Chinese dish.


What is WOK

When faced with Chinese cooking, you can often hear the name “wok noodles”. People who don't know Asian cuisine well don't understand what it is. It's actually simple.

Wok is not the name of the dish, but a frying pan, which is made in the form of a cauldron with wide sides and a flat bottom. The main difference between such cookware and conventional frying devices is the cooking time and conditions.

Products placed in a wok pan will become golden brown in a matter of minutes, but will not lose their beneficial qualities. This is why most Chinese dishes are prepared in this vessel. Thus, wok noodles are funchose, udon, soba, egg or rice product fried in a special frying pan.

If you don’t have such utensils in your household, you shouldn’t be upset. After all, instant noodles with seafood can be made in a regular frying pan. It won't take much longer, and the taste will remain almost the same.


Udon noodles with seafood

This Asian delicacy will appeal to those who prefer dishes with a twist. The dish turns out to be quite spicy, appetizing and very aromatic. The recipe for noodles with seafood and vegetables is very simple and straightforward, and the dish is prepared in a matter of minutes. To create Chinese food you will need:

  • Pack of instant udon noodles (400 grams).
  • 40 milliliters of soy sauce.
  • Three large sweet peppers (necessarily fleshy ones).
  • 50 milliliters of odorless vegetable oil.
  • Two medium carrots.
  • One tablespoon of thick teriyaki sauce.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • One tablespoon of grated ginger.
  • Five stalks of green onions.
  • A quarter kilogram of peeled shrimp.
  • Salt.


Homemade udon noodles with vegetables and chicken

This recipe will allow you to create a complete lunch in literally 25 minutes. It contains everything you need to stay full all day long. Thanks to the traditional set of sauces and spices, the dish becomes very appetizing and is eaten faster than it is prepared. Check it out and see for yourself

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