Cherry jam: benefits and harms, calorie content, recipes

Jam is a wonderful dessert and an excellent natural home remedy for treating many inflammatory processes. For everyone, such a delicious, wonderful dish is a surprisingly touching memory of the past summer, and for many, an unforgettable childhood.

Jam is a dish made from fruits and berries using sugar. Usually both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Therefore, you should always remember that you should use this type of preparation wisely. This dessert is a great pleasure, but it can also cause some harm.

In this article we will try to find out how many calories are in jam in general and in particular in wonderful strawberry jam.

About calorie content and composition of jam

The more sugar added to the finished product, the higher the strawberry flavor, like any other fruit or berry dessert.

In general, the calorie content of any preparation made from fruits or berries varies depending on the sweetness of the fruits used, which contain different amounts of fructose. It is also noted that this also depends on the method of preparation, in which boiling occurs, leading to a significant reduction in mass. Ultimately, with different methods of making this dessert, one spoon of finished jam has a different carbohydrate content.

In any case, eating a couple of spoons of jam every day does not add extra pounds, but it gives a boost of energy and benefits the body, because it is a medicine during colds. But eating a whole jar of jam in a short time, of course, can cause significant harm to health.

Despite the insignificant calorie content of the berries themselves (30 kcal per 100 g of product), this indicator becomes significant in the finished jam. The average calorie content of strawberry jam is 280 kcal per 100 grams of product. Thus, a jar of strawberry jam (500 ml) contains a total of more than 1,500 kilocalories.

Per 100 g of prepared product there are: proteins - 0.3 g, fats - 0.17 g, carbohydrates - 74.5 g.

How many calories are in jam? Calorie content of strawberry jam

Food and drink June 5, 2016

Jam is a wonderful dessert and an excellent natural home remedy for treating many inflammatory processes. For everyone, such a delicious, wonderful dish is a surprisingly touching memory of the past summer, and for many, an unforgettable childhood.

Jam is a dish made from fruits and berries using sugar. Usually both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Therefore, you should always remember that you should use this type of preparation wisely. This dessert is a great pleasure, but it can also bring some harm.

In this article we will try to find out how many calories are in jam in general and in particular in wonderful strawberry jam.

Briefly about strawberries

The name of this wonderful berry was born in connection with the spherical shape of the fruit. It comes from the old Russian word “club”, meaning “rounded” or “spherical”.

The benefits of this tasty, amazingly beautiful berry have long been proven. It contains many antioxidants and vitamins that can combat various inflammations, prevent brain aging, and reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

About calorie content and composition of jam

The more sugar added to the finished product, the higher the calorie content of strawberry jam, like any other fruit or berry dessert.

In general, the calorie content of any preparation made from fruits or berries varies depending on the sweetness of the fruits used, which contain different amounts of fructose.

It is also noted that this also depends on the method of preparation, in which boiling occurs, leading to a significant reduction in mass.

Ultimately, with different methods of making this dessert, one spoon of finished jam has a different carbohydrate content.

In any case, eating a couple of spoons of jam every day does not add extra pounds, but it gives a boost of energy and benefits the body, because it is a medicine during colds. But eating a whole jar of jam in a short time, of course, can cause significant harm to health.

Despite the insignificant calorie content of the berries themselves (30 kcal per 100 g of product), this indicator becomes significant in the finished jam. The average calorie content of strawberry jam is 280 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Thus, a jar of strawberry jam (500 ml) contains a total of more than 1,500 kilocalories.

Per 100 g of prepared product there are: proteins - 0.3 g, fats - 0.17 g, carbohydrates - 74.5 g.

Jam and diseases

We found out the calorie content of strawberry jam. Now let’s decide whether there is any benefit from this type of dessert.

As noted above, jam is a good medicine. Fruits and berries, which contain a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, can have a great effect on health and help in the treatment of diseases.

For example, many people know how useful raspberry jam is for fever, colds and coughs.

And the composition of strawberry jam includes fiber, organic acids, beta-carotene, mineral salts, B vitamins, minerals (iron, magnesium and manganese).

Beneficial properties of strawberry jam

Due to the large amount of useful substances contained in berries, desserts made from them have a positive effect on human health.

Strawberry jam exhibits the properties of a natural antioxidant, increases hemoglobin, calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, fights insomnia, vitamin deficiency, removes harmful substances from the body and helps strengthen blood vessels.

Also, the use of this product helps improve brain activity, normalize blood pressure, maintain visual acuity and increase libido.

Comparison of calorie content of different types of jam

To understand how the calorie content of strawberry jam differs from others, let’s look at the options for this delicious dessert made from different berries.

Below is the calorie content of different types of jam per 100 grams of the finished product:

  • currant – 284;
  • raspberry – 273;
  • apple – 265;
  • cherry – 256;
  • gooseberry – 220;
  • plum – 280.

Rowan jam, which has relatively low calories, contains a lot of useful phosphorus. And barberry, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, walnut and dogwood are also low-calorie species, but at the same time they also have excellent medicinal properties. However, when using them you should know when to stop.


Despite the rather high calorie content of strawberry jam, this very tasty dessert can be called one of the favorites for most people. And yet one should remember about its harm.

During the cooking process, the content of vitamins and many other useful substances decreases due to temperature treatment.

When eating a berry dessert, sugar is transformed into fat, which gradually accumulates in the body. The latter causes health problems, including obesity. To avoid such consequences, you can use less harmful jam recipes. For example, add less sugar, boil the jam less, or simply grind the berries with sugar.

Source: .ru

Source: //

Jam and diseases

We found out the calorie content. Now let’s decide whether there is any benefit from this type of dessert.

As noted above, jam is a good medicine. Fruits and berries, which contain a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, can have a great effect on health and help in the treatment of diseases. For example, many people know how useful it is for fever, colds and coughs. And the composition of strawberry jam includes fiber, organic acids, beta-carotene, mineral salts, B vitamins, minerals (iron, magnesium and manganese).

What are the calories in strawberry jam?

Strawberries are one of the richest berries in vitamins. 100 g of berries contain more than the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is so necessary for health. Strawberries strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels. It is on this basis that strawberry jam is also considered one of the richest in vitamins. It contains calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium and other necessary substances. The calorie content of strawberry jam may vary. It depends on the amount of sugar used: the higher the amount, the higher the calorie level. The amount of sugar also affects the amount of carbohydrates, this should not be forgotten.

On average, the calorie content of strawberry jam is 284 kcal. Strawberries are often the basis for diets, which is why strawberry jam is also recommended for weight loss. But you need to strictly follow the norm.

Beneficial properties of strawberry jam

Due to the large amount of useful substances contained in berries, desserts made from them have a positive effect on human health. Strawberry jam exhibits the properties of a natural antioxidant, increases hemoglobin, calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, fights insomnia, vitamin deficiency, removes harmful substances from the body and helps strengthen blood vessels.

Also, the use of this product helps improve brain activity, normalize blood pressure, maintain visual acuity and increase libido.

Comparison of calorie content of different types of jam

To understand how the calorie content of strawberry jam differs from others, let’s look at the options for this delicious dessert made from different berries.

Below is the calorie content of different types of jam per 100 grams of the finished product:

  • currant - 284;
  • raspberry - 273;
  • apple - 265;
  • cherry - 256;
  • gooseberry - 220;
  • plum - 280.

Rowan jam, which has relatively low calories, contains a lot of useful phosphorus. And barberry, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, walnut and dogwood are also low-calorie species, but at the same time they also have excellent medicinal properties. However, when using them you should know when to stop.

About calorie content and composition of jam

The more sugar added to the finished product, the higher the calorie content of strawberry jam, like any other fruit or berry dessert.

In general, the calorie content of any preparation made from fruits or berries varies depending on the sweetness of the fruits used, which contain different amounts of fructose. It is also noted that this also depends on the method of preparation, in which boiling occurs, leading to a significant reduction in mass. Ultimately, with different methods of making this dessert, one spoon of finished jam has a different carbohydrate content.

In any case, eating a couple of spoons of jam every day does not add extra pounds, but it gives a boost of energy and benefits the body, because it is a medicine during colds. But eating a whole jar of jam in a short time, of course, can cause significant harm to health.

Despite the insignificant calorie content of the berries themselves (30 kcal per 100 g of product), this indicator becomes significant in the finished jam. The average calorie content of strawberry jam is 280 kcal per 100 grams of product. Thus, a jar of strawberry jam (500 ml) contains a total of more than 1,500 kilocalories.

Per 100 g of prepared product there are: proteins - 0.3 g, fats - 0.17 g, carbohydrates - 74.5 g.

Calorie content of strawberry jam

» Jam » Calorie content of strawberry jam

Jam is a dessert that is obtained by boiling berries, fruits, vegetables, flowers with sugar. Its distinguishing feature is its appearance.

The term “boiling” itself appeared in ancient Rus', which meant a boiled delicacy (calorizer). Strawberry jam has a wonderful taste and smell, in addition, it also has many medicinal properties.

The calorie content of strawberry jam is 285 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of strawberry jam

Strawberries contain many useful substances, such as vitamins B, C, carotene, fiber, folic acid, pectins and organic acids and many chemical elements: iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and many others. In addition, it does not contain any fat or cholesterol.

What properties does strawberry jam have? This is a good preventative against vision impairment, as well as dry eyes, degeneration of the optic nerves and susceptibility to various infections.

Since strawberries are a good detoxifier, they help remove harmful substances from the human body, and also cleanse joints of salt deposits and help prevent gout and arthritis (calorizator). Due to the presence of vitamin C, quartzetite, folate, anthocyanin and kaemferol, it has anti-cancer properties and slows down the growth of cancer cells.

Strawberry jam helps lower blood pressure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, and normalizes the functioning of our nervous system.

In order not to gain extra pounds, you should regulate the amount of strawberry jam eaten at one time.

Strawberry jam: calories, benefits and harm

Strawberry jam, whose calorie content is of concern when trying to lose weight, is a favorite dessert of many, with a sweet taste and bright aroma. This is not only a tasty treat, but also a healthy product. After all, strawberries contain many vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances.

You can make strawberry jam yourself or buy it at the store. Interestingly, the technology for making jam has not changed since ancient times - strawberries with added sugar are boiled over low heat for a long time.

Calorie content of strawberry jam

Strawberry jam is rightfully considered one of the richest in nutrients and vitamins. It contains iodine, calcium, iron and other substances necessary for the body. The calorie content of jam depends on the amount of sugar used during cooking. The more sugar, the more caloric the jam will be.

On average, 100 grams of strawberry jam contains 284 kcal. In this case, the protein content is 0.3 g, fat – 0.1 g, carbohydrates – 74 g. Do not forget that sugar is simple carbohydrates. Accordingly, the less sugar is added to the jam, the lower the carbohydrate content will be and the less caloric the finished jam will be.

Benefits and harms for those losing weight

Strawberries are a real treasure trove of vitamins and beneficial amino acids. Strawberries contain citric and malic acids, phenolic compounds, tannins, as well as a number of vitamins such as A, C, B and others.

Considering the low calorie content of strawberries and the high content of nutrients, strawberries can be consumed as a dietary food. Strawberry jam is an excellent treat for those who watch their figure.

You can eat it even during fasting days. By consuming strawberry jam you can not only lose weight, but also improve your immunity.

Strawberries contain increased amounts of vitamin C, which helps the body resist viruses and infections.

Despite all the positive properties of strawberries, one cannot help but mention their harm. Eating large amounts of strawberry jam may cause an allergic reaction. In addition, the high content of fruit acids can harm people with stomach or intestinal diseases.

When consuming jam while losing weight, it is important to remember the sugar content in it. It is best to add as little sugar as possible or replace it with natural sugar substitutes, such as stevia. When consuming strawberry jam, the main thing is to observe moderation, then you can not only gain a beautiful figure, but also good health.

Calorie content of jam

Jam is a dessert made from whole fruits and berries with added sugar. Traditionally it is prepared in European countries and the Caucasus. Jam prepared according to the classic recipe cannot a priori have low calorie content. Therefore, overweight people should use the treats with caution.

How many calories are in jam

Any jam has a fairly high calorie content, this is due to the high sugar content. As a rule, the sweet component is taken at a 1:1 ratio.

Occasionally, with some fruits, a slight reduction in the amount of sugar is allowed.

However, there are no recipes with a negligible sugar content, since if there is not enough sugar, fermentation processes begin and the product becomes unfit for consumption.

The final energy value of the finished jam is also influenced by the method of preparation and the duration of thermal manipulations. With prolonged boiling, the ratio of carbohydrates per 100 grams of finished product increases significantly.

How many calories are in currant jam?

The benefit of blackcurrant is that it contains a large amount of vitamin C. Trying to stock up on vitamin C for the winter, jam is made from the berries. True, many people forget that under the influence of temperatures, ascorbic acid tends to collapse. Therefore, to preserve the beneficial properties of black berries, it is recommended to grind fresh currants with sugar and store them in a cool place.

The calorie content of currant jam is practically no different from strawberry jam and is 285 kcal per 100 g. The delicacy, prepared without heat treatment, helps strengthen the immune system and protects the body from viral and colds. In addition, the dessert retains iron, potassium, vitamins B, K, P, E, and folic acid.

Blackcurrant jam helps remove traces of radiation. It is also useful for kidney problems, as it has an anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effect.

Helps with intestinal disorders, enhances the effect of medications, in particular antibiotics, and also has a destructive effect on fungal bacteria.

How many calories are in raspberry jam?

Raspberry jam has been given folk medicine status. It has a positive effect on colds, bronchitis, sore throats, and elevated body temperature.

At the first signs of a cold, you should dilute the jam with hot water, drink the resulting hot tea and cover yourself with a blanket, as the product promotes increased sweating.

When taking raspberry tea in a timely manner, it is often possible to avoid complications and taking medications.

Raspberry jam regulates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and is well absorbed. In addition, it has an antimicrobial effect and inhibits the action of staphylococcus and other fungi. Raspberry jam is useful for anemia, hypertension, and nervous disorders. The calorie content of raspberry jam is 270 kcal per 100 g.

Energy value of cherry jam

The calorie content of cherry jam differs little from previous desserts and is 260 kcal per 100 g. In terms of its beneficial properties, I compare it to an antibiotic. It contains vitamins B, E, PP, C, organic acids, and minerals. The product strengthens the cardiovascular system, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and improves sleep quality.

Cherry jam has a powerful bactericidal effect, is used as an expectorant to remove sputum from the respiratory system, and is also used as a mild laxative.

The product strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, reduces blood clotting and is a preventive measure for varicose veins.

It is impossible not to mention the beneficial effects on metabolic processes and cleansing the body of toxins.

How many calories are in apple jam?

Apple jam's calorie content does not exceed 250 kcal. This product is rich in pectin, fiber, vitamins B, K, PP, E, A.

It is used in the treatment of colds, as a prophylactic agent to strengthen the cardiovascular system, and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

With increased or decreased acidity of the stomach, the raw materials for making jam are of great importance. In the first case, it is better to use sweet apples, and with low acidity, you should give preference to sour fruits.

Papaya calories Why can't you lose weight?

Strawberry jam - calories

Strawberry jam is one of the most delicious and popular types of jam. Both adults and children love him. Strawberry jam can be used as a dessert, or as a filling for pies.

The benefits of strawberry jam

Strawberry jam is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins: group B, including folic acid, C and carotene;
  • cellulose;
  • antioxidants;
  • pectins and organic acids;
  • minerals: phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium.

Due to its composition, strawberry jam has the following beneficial properties:

  • increases energy, restores strength;
  • improves mental activity;
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • saturates the body with iodine, preventing problems with the thyroid gland;
  • improves the body's defenses;
  • improves sleep. To do this, you need to eat 1-2 tbsp after dinner. jam;
  • useful in the prevention and treatment of colds;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • improves the condition of atherosclerosis and anemia.

How many calories are in strawberry jam?

Desserts are a risk group for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The presence of a large amount of sugar in the jam leaves no doubt that the product contains a considerable amount of calories.

The exact calorie content of strawberry jam depends on what type of berry and how much sugar was added. The most high-calorie jam will be made from sour berries, as they will require more sugar.

On average, the calorie content of strawberry jam ranges from 250 to 280 units. This is quite a lot, so you should not eat more than 100 grams of this delicacy per day.

99% of the caloric content of the product comes from carbohydrates - this point should be taken into account by those who use a low-carb diet.

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Source: //

Jam and diseases

We found out the calorie content of strawberry jam. Now let’s decide whether there is any benefit from this type of dessert.

As noted above, jam is a good medicine. Fruits and berries, which contain a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, can have a great effect on health and help in the treatment of diseases. For example, many people know how useful raspberry jam is for fever, colds and coughs. And the composition of strawberry jam includes fiber, organic acids, beta-carotene, mineral salts, B vitamins, minerals (iron, magnesium and manganese).

Beneficial properties of strawberry jam

Due to the large amount of useful substances contained in berries, desserts made from them have a positive effect on human health. Strawberry jam exhibits the properties of a natural antioxidant, increases hemoglobin, calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, fights insomnia, vitamin deficiency, removes harmful substances from the body and helps strengthen blood vessels.

Also, the use of this product helps improve brain activity, normalize blood pressure, maintain visual acuity and increase libido.

Comparison of calorie content of different types of jam

To understand how the calorie content of strawberry jam differs from others, let’s look at the options for this delicious dessert made from different berries.

Below is the calorie content of different types of jam per 100 grams of the finished product:

  • currant - 284;
  • raspberry - 273;
  • apple - 265;
  • cherry - 256;
  • gooseberry - 220;
  • plum - 280.

Rowan jam, which has relatively low calories, contains a lot of useful phosphorus. And barberry, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, walnut and dogwood are also low-calorie species, but at the same time they also have excellent medicinal properties. However, when using them you should know when to stop.

Types of brew and approximate amount of calories in it

This product has a large number of varieties

. The most popular are:

  • raspberry;
  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • apple and others.

Vegetable jams are also made, but they are very rare.

The number of calories is affected not only by the composition of the product, but also by auxiliary components, in particular sugar.

Canned food contains a large number of useful substances, which are much more important than its calorie content, many of them have medicinal properties, are rich in microelements and vitamins

. They are often offered to patients with colds, coughs and high temperatures.

The calorie content of any brew is very high. On average, this figure ranges from 200 to 400 kcal per 100 grams of product and also depends on the sugar and the method of preparing the product. If it is made on the basis of fructose, then the number of calories will be lower, approximately 152 kcal per 100 grams. Do not overuse this product to prevent obesity. Even with a diet, a couple of spoons of delicacy will not pose a serious danger to your figure, but you will saturate your body with useful substances.

Calories in raspberry jam

Raspberry jam is considered one of the healthiest. All this is thanks to the huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins. It perfectly helps the body cope with colds, headaches, reduces fever, etc. In order to find out how many calories are in raspberry jam, just use the calorie table. But this figure will be inaccurate, since it is necessary to know the exact amount of sugar, as well as the method of preparing the jam.

The calorie content of raspberries, like berries, is 42 kcal. The average calorie content of raspberry jam is 273 kcal. This jam is also quite often used during diets. It helps charge the body with positive energy. It is great for replacing sweets, chocolates and other sweets.

Strawberry jam: calories and benefits

Strawberries contain a large amount of vitamins. So, 100 grams of these berries contain more than the daily norm of vitamin C. Strawberries also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the immune system

. Strawberry jam also contains:

  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium and much more.

The calorie content of this product can vary and depends on how much sugar you put in it. Sugar also affects the amount of carbohydrates. On average, the calorie content of strawberry jam is about 284 kcal.

Canned strawberries are allowed to be consumed within reasonable limits even during diets.

Nutritional value, benefits and calorie content of jam

Perhaps not everyone in childhood read the good fairy tale “Carlson, who lives on the roof,” but, probably, everyone watched the cartoon “The Kid and Carlson.” Carlson's main delicacy in this cartoon was jam.

The name of this dessert originated in ancient Russian times, it was then that the first jam began to be made. If you remember the classic composition of jam (sugar, water, berries, fruits), you can see how Old Russian jam differed from the modern version. In Ancient times, berries and fruits were cooked not in water, but in honey or sweet molasses.

Moreover, there were unusual combinations of ingredients in the jam. For example, radish and nut jam, rosehip and dandelion jam.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of jam is high, its benefits have been tested by time and lie in the natural vitamin component.

Many people, due to the presence of sugar in the jam recipe, consider it high in calories. But you can reduce the calorie content of jam by adding honey instead of sugar.

The calorie content of jam, which is made from the same fruits and berries, may be different. For example, there are naturally sweet berries to which you can add less sugar, thereby changing the calorie content of the jam. There are a huge number of types of jam, it all depends only on the imagination and taste preferences of the housewives.

The following beneficial properties and types of jam are better known. Jam is made from currant berries, which has excellent anti-cold properties due to its high content of vitamin C.

Strawberry jam is a natural antioxidant, and raspberry jam is rich in iron, calcium and is considered a real “aspirin” for colds.

Blueberry jam is rich in vitamins B, PP, A and C, organic acids and iron, which affects vision, as well as human health in general.

The benefits of jam

The caloric content of jam is high, but despite this, it is rich in vitamin composition and excellent satiating properties. After all, there are few people who can eat ten spoons of jam at one time, but chocolate candies, which are much higher in calories than jam, can sometimes be eaten even a kilogram at a time. It should also be noted that in addition to the benefits, there are also harms to jam.

Harm of jam

In addition to the fact that jam is high in calories, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates. On average, sixty-eight percent of carbohydrates are contained in one hundred grams of jam.

This is where its harm to the human body lies. After all, large consumption of high-carbohydrate foods contributes to the development of diabetes. Therefore, there is no need to rely heavily on jam.

It should be consumed only in moderation as an alternative to chocolate and other sweets.

Calorie content of plum jam and its effect

For 100 grams of plum product there is:

  • 288 kcal;
  • 0.4 g proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 74.2 g carbohydrates.

Preservation based on plums contains large amounts of vitamin P

or as it is also called, routine. This component of the product helps to improve a person’s blood pressure, helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system, and it also acts as a conductor of vitamin C, which helps strengthen our immune system.

Plum jam also has the following beneficial properties:

  • helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the stomach begins to work better;
  • The problem of constipation is solved due to the laxative effect of boiling. It is achieved thanks to the presence of plums, which themselves have such an effect.

In plum jam, the element potassium is fully preserved; it is useful because it has a diuretic effect and can free the body from excess fluid or salt. That is why this type of jam will be extremely useful for those who suffer from kidney ailments and edema.

The plum delicacy also contains the following useful ingredients:

  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

They have a beneficial effect on metabolism, help with anemia, help improve memory and strengthen the skeletal system. Just a few spoons of sweetness - and you will get rid of stress and depression.

Plum jam also contains large amounts of vitamin E, which is responsible for beauty. It is a strong antioxidant that slows down the aging process of our cells. In addition, this vitamin has a good effect on blood circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Strawberry jam: calorie content per 100 grams - 219.4 Kcal

Energy value (calorie content) of Strawberry jam is 219.4 Kcal

per 100 grams of product (edible part).
The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: PropertyValue

Calorie content, kcal219,4
Proteins, g0,3
Carbohydrates, g58
Fats, gr0,07

Product calculator

Enter the amount of “Strawberry Jam” product to calculate its nutritional value

PropertyValue% of norm

Calorie content, kcal219,410.9510.95%
Proteins, g0,300%
Carbohydrates, g5823.223.2%
Fats, gr0,0700%

Micro- and macroelements in strawberry jam

Strawberry jam contains the following elements: Ash, Water, Dietary Fiber, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulfur, Copper, Boron, Iodine, Manganese, Chromium, Fluorine, Molybdenum, Vanadium, Cobalt, Zinc, Iron, Chlorine.

Micro- and macroelementValue

Zola, Mr.0,4
Water, city87,4
Dietary fiber, g.2,2
Sodium, mg18
Potassium, mg161
Phosphorus, mg23
Magnesium, mg18
Calcium, mg40
Sulfur, mg12
Copper, µg0,13
Boron, µg185
Iodine, mcg1
Manganese, mg0,2
Chromium, µg2
Fluorine, mcg18
Molybdenum, mcg10
Vanadium, mcg9
Cobalt, µg4
Zinc, mg0,1
Iron, mg1,2
Chlorine, mg16

Are there any benefits from strawberry jam?

The benefit of jam lies in the vitamin composition of the berries themselves, and sugar acts as a preservative. Strawberry jam contains antioxidants, which are known for their ability to stop cancer tumors, as well as a useful set of macro- and microelements.

Jam can cause harm if it is abused. After all, half of its composition is occupied by sugar, which is a source of “fast” carbohydrates.

This can lead to extra inches at the waist and dental problems. You should avoid jam if you have diabetes, obesity, or allergies. The dish is high in calories. 100 g of the finished product contains 220 calories.

Composition: proteins – 0.30 g, fats – 0.18 g, carbohydrates – 53 g.

Most useful

We are not against sugar ( Savory life: always want something sweet? It’s all in the neck! ), but we still think that its amount could be reduced, especially since the berries themselves are incredibly tasty!

To preserve the vitamins and nutrients of the berries, the jam is prepared almost cold. Such jam, as a rule, is best made from sour berries: red currants, gooseberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, lingonberries and viburnum. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year!

We have collected interesting recipes for you:


There’s no need to describe anything here, the recipe is simple: take 3 parts berries, 1 part sugar and mix everything with a blender. It will be better if you add not all the sugar to the berries at once, but gradually, 4 times, as you chop the fruit. This will allow the sugar to mix more evenly with the berry puree.

We simply pack the vitamin preparation into pre-sterilized jars, cover with lids and put it in the refrigerator for storage (up to 3-4 months).

Recipe 2: delicious wild strawberry jam

If the harvested strawberry crop is quite small, then you can make jam from strawberry berries along with the stalks.

  • strawberries - 4 cups
  • granulated sugar - 4 cups
  • citric acid - 1 g
  • water - 1-2 glasses

We place the collected strawberries in a large deep basin and begin to gradually sort them out. We throw away all unnecessary leaves and twigs. Then wash the sorted berries very carefully. If the delicacy will be prepared with the stalks, then it is better to rinse the berries several times. Next, the washed berries should be dried with a towel.

We send the dried strawberries into a container in which the jam will be cooked, after which we fill it with sugar. Following the sugar, we add citric acid, but first dilute it in one tablespoon of water. It is due to the addition of citric acid that the strawberry delicacy will remain bright and rich in color.

Now we set the container with the berries in a convenient place for several hours, or better yet, overnight, so that the strawberries release as much of their own juice as possible.

After the specified time, put the raw jam on low heat and cook for five minutes. During this, use a spoon to skim off the resulting foam. After five minutes, remove the container with jam from the stove, after which we put it in a suitable place for a day.

After a day, we put the aromatic delicacy on the stove and cook it until fully cooked. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and immediately cover them with lids.

on how to cook strawberry jam step by step

The jam turns out thick with whole berries.

Pour directly into small jars for quick and convenient eating.

Apple jam: calorie content and composition

Jam made from apples has a calorie content of 265 kcal per 100 grams of product

. It contains the following components:

  • vitamins of different groups;
  • minerals;
  • coarse fiber.

Unlike other jams, apple jam can be consumed even by those who are afraid of gaining extra pounds.

Most vitamins (groups A, I, P, PP, K) are preserved when the fruit is cooked, but vitamin C almost completely disappears, but it can be restored if you add rose hips to apple jam when cooking. The finished product also contains pectin

, which helps remove cholesterol from the body. It is known that apples themselves are a source of potassium and iron, and they are recommended to be consumed for cardiovascular diseases.

Apple jam is also very useful for colds, but it should be used with extreme caution by those who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis. If your acidity is high, then cook it from sweet varieties of apples, and if it is low, then you need to prepare sour varieties of fruit.

It is good because it retains most of the beneficial characteristics of the fruit on which it is prepared. And if it is “raw”, then it is the best source of vitamins during the cold season. This product is also a strong source of glucose.

. Different types have their own characteristic beneficial properties:

Whatever option you choose, and no matter how high in calories it is, remember that this product is healthier than cookies or chocolate

, and causes much less harm to the figure.

productcalorie contentsquirrelsfatscarbohydrates
melon jam197 kcal0.3 g0.1 g44.7 g
plum jam288 kcal0.4 g0.3 g74.2 g
cherry jam256 kcal0 g0 g64 g
apple jam265 kcal0.4 g0.3 g68.2 g
Sloe jam248 kcal0 g0 g62 g
pear jam273 kcal0.3 g0.2 g70.8 g
raspberry jam273 kcal0.6 g0.2 g70.4 g
lemon jam240 kcal0 g0 g60 g
quince jam273 kcal0.4 g0.2 g70.6 g

Jam has always been considered one of the favorite homemade winter treats. But, as you know, any jam is prepared on the basis of fruits or berries with the addition of a large amount of sugar, so the calorie content of the jam is usually high.

Calorie content of jam: how many calories are in strawberry, raspberry, cherry or apple jam

Jam is an unusually tasty preparation; it is prepared by preserving fruits or vegetables. Fruit jams are loved by both adults and children.

But many are forced to give up this delicacy due to its high calorie content. And it depends on the sugar and what kind of fruit is used to prepare the preserve.

How many calories are contained in this product from this or that fruit, we will tell you below.

This product has a large number of varieties . The most popular are:

  • raspberry;
  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • apple and others.

Vegetable jams are also made, but they are very rare.

The number of calories is affected not only by the composition of the product, but also by auxiliary components, in particular sugar.

Canned food contains a large number of useful substances, which are much more important than its calorie content; many of them have medicinal properties and are rich in microelements and vitamins . They are often offered to patients with colds, coughs and high temperatures.

The calorie content of any brew is very high. On average, this figure ranges from 200 to 400 kcal per 100 grams of product and also depends on the sugar and the method of preparing the product.

If it is made on the basis of fructose, then the number of calories will be lower, approximately 152 kcal per 100 grams. Do not overuse this product to prevent obesity.

Even with a diet, a couple of spoons of delicacy will not pose a serious danger to your figure, but you will saturate your body with useful substances.

Strawberry jam: calories and benefits

Strawberries contain a large amount of vitamins. So, 100 grams of these berries contain more than the daily requirement of vitamin C. Strawberries also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the immune system . Strawberry jam also contains:

  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium and much more.

The calorie content of this product can vary and depends on how much sugar you put in it. Sugar also affects the amount of carbohydrates. On average, the calorie content of strawberry jam is about 284 kcal.

Canned strawberries are allowed to be consumed within reasonable limits even during diets.

Canned cherry product is the lowest in calories , but at the same time it contains a lot of useful things.

Thus, its components help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. On average, the calorie content of this dish is about 230 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritionists advise using it instead of chocolate, since it contains many useful substances and is easily digestible.

Raspberry jam and its energy value

Raspberry jam is considered the most useful because it contains many vitamins and microelements; it is recommended for colds, high fever, headaches and other ailments.

The exact number of calories depends on the amount of sugar and the method of preparing the dish. On average, this is 273 kcal per 100 grams . Raspberry jam is often recommended for dietary purposes instead of chocolate, sweets and other confectionery products.

Calorie content of plum jam and its effect

For 100 grams of plum product there is:

  • 288 kcal;
  • 0.4 g proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 74.2 g carbohydrates.

Preservation based on plums contains large amounts of vitamin P or, as it is also called, rutin. This component of the product helps to improve a person’s blood pressure, helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system, and it also acts as a conductor of vitamin C, which helps strengthen our immune system.

Plum jam also has the following beneficial properties:

  • helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the stomach begins to work better;
  • The problem of constipation is solved due to the laxative effect of boiling. It is achieved thanks to the presence of plums, which themselves have such an effect.

In plum jam, the element potassium is fully preserved; it is useful because it has a diuretic effect and can free the body from excess fluid or salt. That is why this type of jam will be extremely useful for those who suffer from kidney ailments and edema.

The plum delicacy also contains the following useful ingredients:

They have a beneficial effect on metabolism, help with anemia, help improve memory and strengthen the skeletal system. Just a few spoons of sweetness - and you will get rid of stress and depression.

Plum jam also contains large amounts of vitamin E, which is responsible for beauty. It is a strong antioxidant that slows down the aging process of our cells. In addition, this vitamin has a good effect on blood circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Apple jam: calorie content and composition

Jam made from apples has a calorie content of 265 kcal per 100 grams of product . It contains the following components:

  • vitamins of different groups;
  • minerals;
  • coarse fiber.

Unlike other jams, apple jam can be consumed even by those who are afraid of gaining extra pounds.

Most vitamins (groups A, I, P, PP, K) are preserved when the fruit is cooked, but vitamin C almost completely disappears, but it can be restored if you add rose hips to apple jam when cooking.

The finished product also contains pectin , which helps remove cholesterol from the body.

It is known that apples themselves are a source of potassium and iron, and they are recommended to be consumed for cardiovascular diseases.

Apple jam is also very useful for colds, but it should be used with extreme caution by those who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis. If your acidity is high, then cook it from sweet varieties of apples, and if it is low, then you need to prepare sour varieties of fruit.

Beneficial properties of jam in general

It is good because it retains most of the beneficial characteristics of the fruit on which it is prepared. And if it is “raw”, then it is the best source of vitamins during the cold season. This product is also a strong source of glucose . Different types have their own characteristic beneficial properties:

  • cherry products help best with infections among other folk remedies;
  • apricot helps improve memory and helps increase hemoglobin levels;
  • from pears – has an antipyretic effect, helps with atherosclerosis and kidney diseases;
  • fruit preservation with vitamin C - helps stimulate the immune system.

Whatever option you choose, and no matter how high in calories it is, remember that this product is healthier than cookies or chocolate , and causes much less harm to your figure.

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The benefits of various types of jam and its harm

The high calorie content of jam is not a reason to give it up altogether, because jam is not only a tasty and sweet dessert that is ideal for tea drinking and making pies, it is considered a real home medicine. If you prepare it correctly, preserving as much as possible all the beneficial substances of fresh fruit, then such jam will bring you more benefits than calories.

Almost all types of jam contain a lot of vitamin C, which allows them to be considered the best remedy in the fight against colds and strengthens the immune system. In order not to destroy the vitamins during heat treatment, it is recommended to cook the jam in several stages, i.e. Boil for 5-7 minutes, then let it stand for several hours.

Raspberry jam is a record holder in the medicinal field, because it is extremely effective for colds, bronchitis, sore throat, flu and fever. For medicinal purposes, you should drink several cups of hot raspberry tea (boiling water with raspberry jam), after which you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket and sweat thoroughly. Raspberry jam also contains ellagic acid, which prevents the appearance and proliferation of cancer cells. Pear jam is useful for various kidney diseases; it is recommended for atherosclerosis, as well as for improving blood composition.

The considerable calorie content of jam still allows it to be consumed in small quantities for disorders of the functioning of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Plum jam reduces the acidity of gastric juice, swelling, and enhances intestinal motility. Apricot jam also effectively fights swelling, but it is also especially useful for nervous disorders and stress. But strawberry jam is prescribed for anemia, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Due to the high calorie content of jam, it is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes and obesity.
It should be used with caution during exacerbations of diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and biliary tract, after consulting a doctor. In any case, do not overuse jam, even if you are absolutely healthy, and also do not give this sweet treat to children under 5 years old. views

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