Vitamin salad from cabbage and carrots

Vitamins and their benefits

vitamin salad recipeThe benefits of vitamins and microelements in our diet are indisputable and proven by modern science.
Vegetables are useful for their low calorie content, biological value, and their positive effect on the entire digestive system. They contain vitamins C, K, group B, carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements. In their raw form, vegetables are much healthier and are better absorbed by the body. The fiber contained in them is necessary for good intestinal motility. Flavoring and aromatic substances stimulate appetite and add variety to our table. A vegetable salad will provide the required volume of the dish and maintain the acid-base balance in the body, and will also have a stimulating effect on the glands of the oral cavity and stomach, pancreas and liver.

Delicious salads with vegetable oil

Listing all the salad recipes that are seasoned with vegetable oil would be an impossible task. We can only highlight a few of the most popular dishes that are prepared in any family:

  • Vegetable vinaigrette.
  • Oriental snack.
  • Salad Hutsulochka.
  • Vitamin salad.

These dishes are very tasty and are also good for health. Since the dishes consist only of vegetables and are seasoned with vegetable oil, they have only a positive effect on the human body.

A complex of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances allows you to tone the entire body and help strengthen the immune system.

Since homemade salads are completely devoid of chemical components, they do not cause harm to the body. In addition, they very rarely cause allergic reactions and are also suitable for serving to vegetarians.

Salad delivery

This simple dish can take a long time to prepare. All products must be prepared, washed, cut accordingly, seasoned and mixed. And such a procedure can be very lengthy and labor-intensive.

This is not a big problem for clients. The company provides the opportunity to order salads with vegetable oil. Delivery of the finished product will be carried out the next day after ordering, and you can pay for it in cash or make a cashless payment through Sberbank online.

The right vitamin salad

Salads are prepared from raw vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, white cabbage, apples and herbs. Beetroot salad has its own characteristics: it is most often prepared from boiled root vegetables. There should be a vitamin salad on the table all year round, the recipe of which can consist of just one vegetable or several “gifts of nature”. It can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat, fish, and poultry. It is necessary to remember that salads are prepared before serving, and they are seasoned immediately before eating, as the appearance and taste of the dish will deteriorate.

Vitamin salad with pine nuts

Adding one single ingredient to a familiar dish can completely change its taste. If children love nuts, you can try making them a regular salad of fresh vegetables with nut additives.

The ingredients you will need are:

  • Piece of soft pumpkin 200 g.
  • One medium carrot.
  • One small apple.
  • Two large spoons of nuts (preferably pine).
  • Lemon juice - one spoon.
  • Herbs and vegetable oil to taste.

Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, sprinkle a little lemon, place in vegetable oil. Peel apples and carrots and cut into strips. Add herbs, chopped nuts, mix all ingredients in one cup until soaked. You can serve it on the table in small bowls.

Vitamin recipes for adults

Vitamin salad is very healthy and tasty. The recipe with vinegar is relevant both in summer and winter. It is suitable for white or red cabbage. The cabbage is finely chopped, salt and vinegar are added and, stirring, heated over low heat. As soon as the cabbage becomes slightly soft, remove it from the heat and cool. Then add sugar, vegetable oil and green onions. If desired, you can add cranberries to this salad. The number of ingredients in the salad is unimportant; all components can be put “by eye” and guided by your taste. But you shouldn’t add a lot of cranberries: they add acidity to the salad, which is enhanced by vinegar.

Salad “Parade of Vitamins”

The vitamin salad, the recipe for which follows below, consists of vegetables, berries and fruits. For it, 200 grams of carrots and celery are cut into thin strips, one large fresh green apple, one tomato and one cucumber are sliced, add half a handful of pitted cherries. Season with sour cream, salt to taste, add sugar and lemon juice. The finished salad is placed in a heap in a salad bowl, and around it is decorated with beautifully cut pieces of fruits and vegetables that make up the dish. You can add canned green peas to this vitamin salad, the recipe of which is original and unusual.

Vitamin salad recipe - step by step photos

Step 1 Separate the large, first leaves of savoy cabbage - they will be useful to us at the very end. And we need to chop the rest into thin strips - or as you prefer.

Step 2

Wash and peel the kohlrabi.

To make the salad look beautiful, grate the cabbage using a Korean vegetable grater.

Step 3

The salad will turn out more attractive and appetizing if we use bell peppers of all colors - green, yellow and red.

There are only 2 colors in our recipe, but they also refresh the dish so wonderfully. We cut the peppers into thin strips, like all other vegetables.

Step 4

Our recipe contains carrots, the benefits of which are legendary.

These could be fresh fruits, or maybe Korean-style carrots, if you have already been allowed to eat such dishes.

To make the spices lose their pungency, soak it in water for an hour or two before using it.

Step 5

Green onions don't just make your salad more beautiful.

It would be great if it were grown on your windowsill. But the one from the market will do. We trim the onion to your liking.

Step 6

Now let's talk about salad dressing. This could be olive oil with a couple of drops of lemon juice. It can be classic low-fat yogurt, kefir or sour cream. That is, to choose from, depending on your state of health.

You can add any greens to the salad, even dried ones. It's ideal to add garlic, but not everyone can do it. Now our task is to add all the products and mix everything carefully.

Oh, what a beautiful picture! Pour the dressing over everything, mix and leave for a minute.

Step 7

We put the salad on plates, on which there are already beautifully washed large leaves with drops of water, which we set aside at the very beginning.

Their emerald color will decorate the dish and whet your appetite. Don't forget to sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Salad “Red-beautiful”

Beetroot is very beneficial for the body and rich in microelements.
The vegetable is notable for the fact that it retains its beneficial properties even when cooked. Note to the housewife: when cooking beets, put them in cold water, and clean them after cooking. This is the best vitamin salad. The beetroot recipe has many variations. For 100 grams of beets you need to take two cloves of garlic and 3-5 walnut kernels. If desired, you can increase the amount of additives. Garlic and prunes improve the taste of beets. To prepare the salad, you need to grate the boiled beets on a medium grater and cut the prunes, pre-soaked in cold water, into strips. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise, salt, add crushed walnuts and garlic if desired.

How many calories are in seaweed?

Laminaria is a brown seaweed. It is also called seaweed for its external similarity to heat-treated shredded cabbage leaves. For several thousand years, people have been eating kelp, thanks to its nutritional value and the rich composition of microelements and vitamins.


For those who are trying to keep themselves in good shape or are at the stage of losing weight, it is necessary to know how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are contained in cabbage from the sea. The ratio of these indicators in the product is called KBJU.

It is also necessary for people to calculate KBZHU when gaining weight and maintaining it. Calorie content, protein, fat, carbohydrate content (BJU) in kelp are given in the following table:

IndexUnitQuantity per 100 grams of product% of standard value
Alimentary fiberG0,63

Calorie content per 100 grams

Algae are sold in fresh, dried, pickled and canned forms. But the calorie content of seaweed in any form remains low. The manufacturer indicates exact data on the energy value and ratio of BJU on the packaging or label. The calorie content of sea ginseng varies depending on the method of its preparation.

The table shows how many kcal are contained in 100 g of seaweed in its different states:

Product StatusEnergy value
Fresh25 kcal
In a canned or pickled product50 kcal
Dried350 kcal
Cooked in Korean style80 kcal
In mayonnaise filling176 kcal

Attention! Cabbage grown at sea, when vegetable oil is added to dishes with it, is higher in calories. People using algae for dietary nutrition need to remember this.

Is kelp a protein or a carbohydrate?

Approximately 59% of sea ginseng is carbohydrates, which turns it into a complete source of energy necessary for humans. Therefore, many people think that cabbage grown in the depths of the sea is high in calories. This is misleading because it contains very few calories.

Proteins make up 13% of brown algae. Cabbage from the sea contains well-balanced proteins that help normalize biological processes within the body.

The minimal fat content allows the use of marine ginseng in dietary nutrition.

What is the nutritional value of seaweed?

The nutritional value of kelp lies in its rich chemical composition. Despite the small amount of nutrients, algae contains numerous minerals and a whole complex of vitamins.

The product contains vitamins A, C, D, E and B vitamins.

The chemical composition of seaweed includes a wide range of micro- and macroelements. It is recommended for consumption due to its high content of iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus.

Eating approximately 50 g of brown algae per day can provide the body with the daily requirement of most of the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning.

For women

When consuming cabbage grown in the sea, women reduce the risk of the occurrence and further development of malignant tumors in the mammary glands. It is useful for women's health because it provides:

  • Bringing the menstrual cycle back to normal,
  • Preparing the body for pregnancy
  • Restoration of hormonal levels.

Attention! During pregnancy, sea ginseng should be used with caution, as an allergic reaction may occur. You need to consult a doctor.

Marine ginseng is actively used in the cosmetics industry. It is used for anti-cellulite wraps and is a component of masks and creams for hair and facial skin. Algae-based products have a tonic and rejuvenating effect.

For men

Since cabbage from the deep sea is a natural aphrodisiac, its consumption can increase sexual desire. It has the following effects on the male body:

  • Promotes testosterone production
  • Reduces the risk of prostate cancer,
  • Prevents erectile dysfunction,
  • Increases sperm motility.

The beneficial characteristics of the product appear in men even when consuming a small amount.

For those losing weight

Laminaria is a dietary product that promotes weight loss. Thanks to the preservation of beneficial microelements and vitamins, it is useful for the health of the entire body.

For those who decide to lose weight, the benefits of algae are as follows:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes,
  • Saturation of the body for a long time,
  • Removing excess fluid from the body,
  • Removal of toxic substances and waste.


When consuming kelp, it is important to adhere to the permissible dosage in order to avoid its negative effects on the body.

  • Algae are contraindicated for people with increased thyroid function, when the concentration of iodine in the body is excessive.
  • Cabbage grown in areas with poor ecology can cause heavy metal poisoning. This is due to the plant’s ability to absorb toxic substances.
  • It is worth avoiding the use of sea ginseng if you have existing kidney pathologies.
  • If you have acne on your skin, you should also avoid eating seaweed.
  • Algae are prohibited for tuberculosis, urticaria and furunculosis.
  • It is not recommended to use kelp if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! During lactation, kelp should be used with caution. First, it is eaten in small portions, observing how the child’s body reacts to the new product.

Does kelp contain Omega 3?

Seaweed contains large quantities of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Eating a small amount of brown algae every day can prevent heart attacks, strengthen blood vessels and reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Daily consumption helps fight hypertension.

The human body is not capable of producing polyunsaturated fatty acids, so it is necessary to obtain them through foods containing them. Therefore, if there is a shortage of these substances, it is recommended to include dishes with sea ginseng in your diet every day.


Eating seaweed in any form has benefits for human health. It is eaten raw, boiled, pickled or purchased as a canned product. It all depends on personal preference.

The best option for dinner is a combination of kelp and chicken eggs. It is good to use oil to fill them. This dish provides the human body with energy without overloading the stomach.

And for fans of spicy food, kelp cooked in Korean style will be to your taste.

In the absence of contraindications for consumption, cabbage collected from the sea has a positive effect on human health, maintaining beauty, youth and good physical shape.


Vitamins for little ones

A child’s growing body must receive sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements for good brain function, replenishment of energy costs, and bone growth. From early childhood, it is necessary to teach children to eat only healthy foods, and what could be healthier than fresh vegetables and fruits! They are sources of glucose and fructose, vitamins and microelements, which are easily and quickly absorbed by the child’s body and give it energy.

You can prepare a healthy vitamin salad from fruits, berries and vegetables. A recipe for children will differ from a recipe for adults in some rules. This is the absence of hot seasonings such as vinegar, mustard, pepper, and mayonnaise in salads for children. Vegetables for preparing a children's salad are cut smaller, and so that the little picky person does not refuse a healthy dish, it needs to be beautifully decorated.

Bon appetit!

To preserve and maintain health, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and eat a balanced diet. One of the principles of proper nutrition is to eat enough fresh vegetables. Cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes - each of these fruits is a real storehouse of health. Salads made from vegetables, fruits, and herbs are the best start to lunch. Their preparation does not take much time, but they are a “prelude” to a meal. Among the variety, it is easy to choose a vitamin salad, the recipe of which will suit your taste. Prepare for your health!

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