How to lose weight without starving? Chicken diet from A to Z

Benefits of the chicken diet

• The large amount of protein contained in poultry meat is well digestible, helps strengthen muscles and make the body more prominent. Reducing fat in your diet allows you to quickly get rid of excess volume.

• Chicken meat is considered a dietary product and is often recommended for consumption by those who suffer from hypertension, coronary heart disease and many chronic diseases.

Chicken diet

• The presence of vitamins and microelements in addition to protein allows you to normalize metabolism.

Chicken fillet is considered the most useful, where the protein content is the highest and there is practically no fat.

Chicken diet for 7 days or more

In fact, the chicken diet is a protein diet, and therefore is ideal for those who train in the gym and want to quickly make their body sculpted, slim and toned. Due to the low carbohydrate content, the process of breaking down fat deposits begins and the results of weight loss become obvious very quickly.

The only thing I would like to advise is that any diet and restrictions in the diet lead to the fact that the diet becomes unbalanced. This is highly undesirable and you should not continue the diet for more than 7-10 days, so as not to harm the body.

The first 3 days are preparatory. In the morning of every day, cook 600-700 g of lean chicken meat (preferably fillet). Meat should be eaten throughout the day, divided into several servings. Be sure to drink clean water and unsweetened tea or herbal decoctions.

After 3 days, the main stage of weight loss begins. The total calorie content does not exceed 1500 kcal per day. Each meal should consist of half steamed chicken. You can also eat porridge cooked in water, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. Exclude confectionery, smoked meats, and fried foods from the diet.

Disadvantages of the diet

• Lack of fat, which can cause health problems with prolonged abstinence.

• Avoiding salt for a long time can also cause unwanted effects on the body in the form of brittle bones.

• Excess protein often affects the gastrointestinal tract, since protein is difficult to digest.

• Possible deterioration of hair, skin and nails.

Undoubtedly, the diet has many more advantages than disadvantages. However, both of them must be studied and analyzed at the preparation stage. This will help avoid disappointment.


  • excellent taste of dishes;
  • easy to carry;
  • absence of depression;
  • the body is saturated with a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • special value for athletes: chicken broth helps develop greater physical endurance;
  • normalization of pressure.


  • risk of allergy to chicken protein;
  • rapid return of lost kilograms;
  • increased load on the kidneys;
  • too long a period can lead to a lack of fat, which will negatively affect metabolism;
  • digestive problems as side effects: flatulence, constipation, bloating;
  • risk of protein intoxication.

Are you ready to face these shortcomings? Won't they scare you?

Among the disadvantages that are inherent in this fasting program is that it is very difficult for some people losing weight to get used to the specific taste of fresh chicken. But, if you get creative and season the chicken with spices or lemon juice, it turns out quite tasty. I tried it myself

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